Plenty of different content on TPE this week – Mike Leah starts a highly anticipated series where he goes over a beginners guide to mixed games. Each vid in the series is a different vid, and this week he goes over 2-7 triple draw and Stud Hi. It’s back to the future as well, with an old school format making its return – the Sunday Million replay review is back, this time with BourbonFTW at the helm. We also have the conclusion of Hurricane Jeff’s mixed stakes live sweat.
Article – Selling Yourself Short: Why ChipEV is (Sometimes) Overrated, Part 2
This week MovesLikeDarvin continues his discussion of ChipEV, and how we really should be paying more attention to tournament EV that what we typically do.
Jeff “Hurricane Jeff” Romano Mixed Stakes Live Sweat

In part 4, Hurricane Jeff returns to his 4 table session on lock with a couple of tourneys close to the cash including the final table of both a $33 deepstack, and a $5 rebuy and deepish in a $162 tournament. Jeff shows how keeping up the aggression allows you to keep your stack afloat, which then allows you a little more time to pick up a value hand. Unfortunately he runs pretty bad late in most of the tournaments, but still dominates the $33 tournament and picks up a few good timing tells heads up before going on to ship the tourney!
Mike “goleafsgoeh” Leah Mixed Games Overview

Here it is folks, what you have been waiting for, a mixed games series on TPE! Here Mike Leah starts a five part series, and in each of the videos he goes through a different game. This week it is 2-7 triple draw. Mike goes through relative hand strengths, snowing, position and other general strategy by playing in a $77 WCOOP satellite.
In part 2 he focusses on 7 card stud and once again, he goes over the basic strategy from the perspective of someone who is new to the game
Sunday Million Replay Review with BourbonFTW

For those that have been at TPE for a while, this video marks the return of an old favourite format. This time it is BourbonFTW watching the live replay of the recent Sunday million final table and giving us his thoughts on the table. He does well at anticipating what people would do in certain spots, and also to give us a chance to estimate ranges in certain spots.
“duggs” posts an interesting hand where he is in the money in the Big 33 vs. a supernova villain who makes a pretty weird play
Member Scores
It was pretty quiet in the sweat and BBV threads this week, “woods” used his first post to start a sweat thread for the Big $5.50 on stars, but unfortunately he finished 8th. It is always nice to see other members doing well though, so if you have any score you would like to share, make sure you post it.
If you would like your name to be included, make sure you post in either the sweat or BBV threads.
See you at the tables!
Twitter: @benny_macca