Hey guys, the big news this week is we two new guest pros joining TPE, Chris “MovesLikeDarvin” Moon, and someone who goes only by his online name “Looshle” (so far at least). Head over to the “introduce yourself” forum to say hi to these guys and we look forward to their videos coming soon.
Article– Advanced Poker Terminology: Merge, Polarized, Equity
For those that are leaping into online poker, or are new to forums specifically, this is an excellent article written by Daryl Jace about some of the more advanced lingo in use. Great read!
TPE Theory: Expert Level Hand History Analysis

After spending a whole hour completely dissecting a hand in part 2, Daryl takes another full hour to analyse another interesting hand. The key theme in this series is to plan ahead for future streets and how that can impact the decisions you make on the current street. The first hand is where Daryl opens 77 from EP and then cbets a 946hh board and gets check-raised. I love how Daryl asks you to pause occasionally and think about certain things before continuing on with his thoughts.
After a bit of Metallica from Daryl, it is time for part 4. This time we are 60bb deep and have AA utg, and get two callers to a KK4r board, and it is time again for the incredible depth of analysis that we have come to expect in the previous parts. This whole series needs to be watched at least twice to get the most out of it in my opinion.
Ben “KidCardiff6″ Warrington Euro Sites Live Sweat

This time we have something slightly different for TPE, and that’s a live sweat coming from the Euro sites. Except for some small exposure to Party Poker, this might be the first time since Black Friday that we significantly move away from Stars or Merge.
Ben is playing across Party Poker, Betfair (Ongame), poker848 (888 network), Betfred (iPoker), Ladbrokes (Microgaming), and lastly Pokerstars.fr. He goes through what is on offer in terms of tournament schedules on each site. For people outside the US, it shows that there are definitely some decent alternatives to Pokerstars, at least for some tournaments that you might want to pick and choose across each site. After loading up some of the majors across all of these sites in part 1, Ben gets into the nitty gritty in part 2. One of the key topics in this series is quickly identifying the regs compared to the recreational players, and adjusting your game for different players and different table dynamics.
The forum has been absolutely crazy lately, with lots of strategy talk going on, which is awesome.
“turbulence” posts an interesting hand where he runs a huge bluff in the Sunday warm-up
“kingten102” also posts a thread which starts lots of interesting discussion on good steal spots in live poker
Firstly, for people that are available to play in Aus/NZ evenings or UK mornings, Cycle III of the TPE league game on Pokerstars is due to start in the next week or so. This open to anyone, and after 8 weeks, the winner of the League gets to buy into a $1k live tournament of their choice with 50% of themselves and the other 50% going to the other league participants. Check out this thread if you are interested
For those that are interested in American Football, there is also a TPE fantasy league that is being organised right now, so if you want to be in on that, head to this thread now
Another fun thread started by “Liverpool015” asks what stupid shit have you don’t when tilted, and there are a few chuckles in there
Member Scores
The member scores were a bit down this week, with “Psellos” taking down a $5r on merge, and TPE pro ttwist getting his first win on the new Lock Poker, taking down a $3r. “chd17” also chimes in with a pretty worthy first post – since joining TPE he has managed to maintain a 105% ROI over 1600 games, great effort!
If you would like you see your achievements recognised let me know by posting in either the sweat thread or the BBV thread and let us know how you are going!
See you at the tables!
Twitter: @benny_macca