WSOP has finally started, with the casino employee’s event underway as I write this. The TPE rungood has already started, with DannyN13 finishing 4th in a $600 Venetian Deepstack, and was unlucky not to win! I’m sure we will hear all about it on a TPE live episode soon. Make sure you head over to twitter to see how the boys are doing. First place to check out the action is the TPE Twitter feed, but most of the TPE pros are also updating their feeds. The TPE twitter is at!/TournPokerEdge, and there is also a rather large thread with a bunch of TPE twitter handles in it if you want to follow anyone else
Podcast:TPE Live – Marc Alioto Chip leader After Day 1A of Venetian Deepstack Opening Event (29:21)
This week’s TPE live features Mark Alioto as he speaks about finishing Day 1A of the first Venetian deepstack with a commanding chiplead!
Ben “KidCardiff6″ Warrington SCOOP Live Sweat
Part 2
This week marks the return of Ben Warrington, and it is day one of SCOOP. He has some high stakes tourneys in the schedule, with the Sunday 500, the Sunday 2nd chance, the SCOOP Event 2 High which is a 2.1k buyin, and also the medium which is a $215. Earlier in the day he was playing as many as 20 tables but now that he had busted a few he decided to fire up the recorder. There is some good discussion on river bet sizing – sometimes there are times where someone will call a huge bet just as often as a smaller bet and Ben goes through those options.
In part 2 he continues to build some really nice stacks in tournaments that have good structures so there is some deepstack play. He gets moved onto a tough table in the SCOOP high, including Patrik Antonius and several other good players. There is a massive pot in the Sunday 500 where Ben induces a shove when he has QQ and he is soon over 100bb in that tournament, but shortly after he get 3 outered in the SCOOP medium. There is also a sick hand in the SCOOP high when he just 5bets Antonius like a boss. After busting out of the scoop medium he brings the 200k gtd torney across into the video too, which he is fairly deep in.
Cougars4444 $1 Rebuy Frenzy Win and More Micros

In part 5, Cougars has finished shipped the dollar frenzy already, and now he is on the bubble of the $5r. Unfortunately he loses a key pot on the stone bubble and he is knocked back down to 15bb and its time to grind the shorter stack. Soon after the bubble bursts but he is now down to 10bb so it is shove/fold time, and its not long until it is the final table bubble , and two quick doubleups gives him a decent stack to attack to the final table, and miraculously he goes in as 2/8! When it gets down to 5 handed, cougars really opens up his range a lot and puts pressure on the tighter players left in the tournament. Unfortunately he runs into a few cold deck spots and finishes 5th but what a great series from the low stakes games!
TPE Theory: Pre-Flop Play

Personally, my favourite videos on the whole site are the theory vids – they can really get down into an incredible amount of detail about a very specific topic. This week it is BourbonFTW’s turn, and he examines preflop play.
The first topic he goes through is general 3bet spots and whether we should 3bet in a certain spot or not. He then moves into one of the most important stages of the tournament, when we have 14-24bb, and how the structure affects your play here. He explains how sometimes a min raise to induce with 17bb is better than just shoving ourselves and the pros and cons of min raising vs open shoving.
He then moves on to talk about flatting preflop to set up a wider range postflop in the early stages, button ranges and raise sizing, and flatting 3bets deep with big hands.
“Harby33” posts an extremely interesting hand in a live tournament where he flops a double gutter and turns second pair
“sammyboy” flats pre with 99 in the late stages of an $8 tourney and faces an interesting decision
“shawnivey” posts an interesting hand from the SCOOP medium main event
If you are after a game with your fellow TPEers, “moizt” has created a weekly game on 888 which starts this Thursday and is a very affordable $5, so if you are interested, check this thread out
Member Scores
It was a little light on this week, but the big news was TPEer Ned Weizenegger final tabling a MSPT event. Unfortunately he finished 9th for a little over 4k but still a great run nonetheless. “Jludeobv” was also involved, as he was commentating on the live stream of the event! Online, “fredhand19” managed a great run, shipping a $27.50 big ante tournament on stars. “jay_gridley” also had his first “real” final table, final tabling a huge $1 event on stars. It is a great feeling to run that deep, well done!
See you at the tables!
Twitter: @benny_macca