Twas a glorious week at TPE. Of utmost importance is the fact that I finally shipped something and made enough money to get that oil change I’d been dreaming of. Oh and Cory Waaland just decided to go shopping for bling and added another ring to his collection in consecutive WSOP Circuit stops. Luckily for us, he continues his Maximus Main Event series this week as well. Merfinis proceeds with his review of OneTime1Time’s Sunday million run and Marc wraps up his KB beatdown. Plus the TPE Members Tourney returns this week. Details below.
Sticking it to the Man! Killingbird’s Nightly $11 with Marc Alioto
In part 5, we start at the final table and watch how KB navigates through the ICM minefield. The first thing I notice is how much better he is playing since he’s down to just this final table. He’s focusing more than when he had tons of tables in the early stages. We give him crap for his nitty style, but he proves he can get cray cray when he needs to.
TPE Member Hand History Review – OneTime1Time Sunday Million FT
In part 3, OneTime gets deeper and deeper into the Sunday Million. Merfinis points out a few spots where he may be getting it in a little too light and increasing his variance unnecessarily. In part 4, we start with about 100 players remaining. OneTime’s play seems to improve a bit in this part. He made a few questionable shoves with ace rag, but it’s probably better to err on the side of being too aggressive than too passive.
Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland Premiere Video – Main Event Win Mid Stages
Cory returns this week with one of my favorite video series of the past six months. He is now in the mid stages of his Poker Maximus Main Event win. I love how he takes interesting non standard lines and keeps us entertained with his hilarious commentary. He definitely breaks the rules and leaves a ton of us scratching our heads, but while we wonder, he just keeps proving himself both on the virtual felt and in your local card rooms from coast to coast.
Site Announcements
The TPE Member Tourney is back! This one will be held on March 16th at 2:00 PM EST. It is a $5.50 buy in on Poker Stars. Click this link to get the entry code. If you are interested in having us host one on a US site or as a free Poker Stars home game, let us know in the forum. It doesn’t matter that it’s play money if we all take it seriously. Maybe we can get a cards up hand history review out of it so that we all improve together. Steel sharpens resteals.
Member Scores
Marc Alioto took 2nd in the 50K on Merge for $10K
Ian Hummer took 2nd in the 15K on Bovada for $2800
Pierre took 4th in the 10K on for $1000
rivermen123 shipped the 5K 6-max on Merge for $1470
Sen took 5th in the 11 Turbo on Poker Stars for $580
jasonchr took 2nd in the 10K 6-max on Bovada for $1900
Special shoutout to…
AlPike who shipped the Hippodrome London Spring Classic for £11k

Cory Waaland who shipped Event 2 of the WSOP Circuit stop at the Bicycle for $46K
Carlos “loxxii” Welch who shipped the Contender Series Event 84 on Bovada for $3K

If you would like your name to be included next week, please make sure you post your score, IN DETAIL, in either the sweat or BBV threads, or use the hashtag #TPEdge on Twitter! You can also tweet them to @HipHop101Trivia directly.
Take one down for the good guys!
Loxxii Twitter: @HipHop101Trivia
lol carlos i about lost my shit when i saw your picture. please tell me you took that pic when you won. please please.congrats again. such a good week for tpe!
Yeah, tried to set it up like a real winner’s photo. Notice the pennies on top of the chips? Yeah…those are authentic US coins.
LOL loxxii! classic photo. And JESUS Cory you are gonna have more rings than MJ soon!
P-aire 146
LOL, love the pic Carlos. I want one lmao