xandelas yeah pretty much unless I have a ton of history with them
LOL at the time bank. It’s a ticking time bomb ready to go off I swear 😉 + gotta time RNG right to win?! jk sorry I really did not realize I did it so much haha bad habit. I will try not to do this for future vids.
DannyN13. dude, the AJ. I was clicking the fold button the whole time. Is tork a reg that you played before. “It was fishy” and his line seemed to be proper and had me fooled. Good hero call on that allin.
Now, in my notes here as you were playing the hand. The triple sec was that he was representing either the Ax hand or repping he made his flush. Now, could you explain the thought process of how you determined the “fishy” line he gave or was it because you have history?
Also I wouldn’t have checked, checked, checked and I ain’t no pro (you are the master) but was it for pot control more than anything or did you check because you thought the whole time you had the hand nailed and wanted him to trap himself and you were looking for the jam earlier. It was a tricky spot though.
boom baby let’s go
nice clip. I hear you on that KK hand, when you have that many chips and you get outed like that its a crappy mental blow 🙁
Wow, sick call with the AJ – his line was super strong. Would you only make that call against good regs?
no need to click your time bank a million times xD
xandelas yeah pretty much unless I have a ton of history with them
LOL at the time bank. It’s a ticking time bomb ready to go off I swear 😉 + gotta time RNG right to win?! jk sorry I really did not realize I did it so much haha bad habit. I will try not to do this for future vids.
DannyN13. dude, the AJ. I was clicking the fold button the whole time. Is tork a reg that you played before. “It was fishy” and his line seemed to be proper and had me fooled. Good hero call on that allin.
Now, in my notes here as you were playing the hand. The triple sec was that he was representing either the Ax hand or repping he made his flush. Now, could you explain the thought process of how you determined the “fishy” line he gave or was it because you have history?
Also I wouldn’t have checked, checked, checked and I ain’t no pro (you are the master) but was it for pot control more than anything or did you check because you thought the whole time you had the hand nailed and wanted him to trap himself and you were looking for the jam earlier. It was a tricky spot though.
Good hero call there with the AJ
Danny, do you you use Sharkscope all the time when you play Mtts ? Is it a must have tool in your opinion ?