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Eesh. Painful to watch.
Your patience is unreal. I would have went on “bored tilt” or “cold deck tilt”
And I support the single tabling vids.
very much prefer replayers to single table live sweats
humm—hate the vids that start at the end… did you get ther?
>BDwest: I couldn’t have said it better myself! I also agree with 19jmip67. We wanna see how you got through the minefield of bad players.
To be fair to ttwist, he wasn’t scheduled to record but i saw him deep in this tourney and thought it would be interesting to capture the deep run. That said, an “early stages with ttwist” should be really interesting and we’ll slot it.
Was this a single bullet buy-in, or did you start off with multiple entries?
i love the one table vids, love all the strategy, stack size, BB’s math etc that gets passed along
time bank explanations really slow things down. makes it tough to watch
Slim Shady
Love the single table vids. Easy to see, listen, understand, when I’m on my laptop. (Just my Opinion).
I also like to see the live sweats as just showing the “big hands” seem easy to play. (I have AA here and a guy shoves on me…”) Very real, people actually get bad cards for a long time! THANKS!
This video is a joke and the best example of why 1 table live sweats are such a bad idea. I’m 30 minutes in and you have played 3 hands with no flops seen. The highlight was watching a guy being disconnected for 30 seconds. There is like no educational value in this video.
Please guys, play at least 2 tables in live sweat videos if not 4. But 1 table is a joke .. I’m constantly browsing the web on the side, rail some people in tournaments, etc. .. that’s not the sign of a good coaching video.
I’m gonna step in here and take the bullet on this one because ttwist was deep in one of these double GTDs and I asked him to fire up the recorder.
I know one table is not the optimal video but I thought it would still be interesting to the audience since double GTD week was so popular, even if one table. You live and learn.
I will say that some people do actually enjoy one table vids so it might be a preference thing. There are a few in the comments here that state that preference. They are probably best done as replayers though.
We do appreciate how much commentary you provide so keep it coming. It helps us understand what we are doing right and wrong.
I actually liked it. lets leave the mutlitabling for playing not learning. One suggestion though, comment more on the other players when you are off the hand. you missed a few that seemed interesting (like the one where your wright went all in w AJo and snapped the EP K5 raiser