TPE Member Hand History Review – Riar with Chris Moon (Part 1)
MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Concepts In This Video: Early Stages • Member Spotlight • Mid Stages • mid stakes • Pokerstars • Post-flop • Power point • pre-flop • Single Table
hey , have a question @ 50:00 , don’t you think there’s more merit in raising flop rather then flatting? the reason being is because i think theirs a lot of value we can get from hands like AK/AQ especially with a diamond , also from hands like AA/KK.
forgot to add , great video, really enjoyed it and nice to see a TPE member to get involved
min 22: it was defenitely a HUGE mistake, and as you said that guy probably had legitimate hands all the times and i defo overreacted, unexcusable
25: again unexcusable, now (this tourney is almost 6 months old) i would just call even if with guy pointing a gun to my head yelling at me to shove…
39: i agree i should have checked, i was worrying too muh about the board getting drawing + getting all chips in…but as you said his range doesnt have that many fd + we wont get all stacks in often, should i agree checking back is best =)
I dont see any flop at 50min =(
Hi just started watching this series. Really liking it so far. just a few questions for Chris.
1: The AQo hand. This is a hand I defo find myself overplaying quite a bit and I’ve defo been caught out 4Betting too light in the past plenty of times (as I’m sure most people have
) Just wondering how you would recommend playing it differently? Would you flat and play fit-or-fold OTF or just fold to the 3B?
2: Just wondering why you skipped over the QTs EP open at 36mins. Seems like an open worthy of some analysis as I think alot of people might consider it a little too loose in a mid-stakes MTT.
3: How did the set of sevens hand pan out? I assume Villain just folded to the turn barrel?
Cheers for the good work!!! Looking forward to watching the next one tomorrow!!
I couldn’t see Riar’s bet amounts clearly.