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If you are a member of a poker training site like Tournament Poker Edge, you already know the value of watching and learning from the best poker players.  The next question is, are you making the most of this opportunity? Here are 5 tips for making the most of every poker training video that you watch.

Take Notes

Obviously you can take in a lot of information simply by watching a training video.  But a site like Tournament Poker Edge puts out new videos almost every day, and that is a lot of information to take in.  When you take a class in college, you don’t  just sit there and listen and then move on to the next class.  You take notes.  And you should be doing this with training videos as well.  Write down interesting spots.  Note concepts that you want to try and implement in your own game. And, perhaps most importantly, review these notes at a later time to see if you fully understood the concept bring presented.  You might even want to go back and watch the video again, with notes in hand, to see if you missed anything.

Pause The Video

When interesting spots arise, pause the video and try to think about what you would do in the pros spot.  If UTG raises, a middle position player flats and the pro is sitting on the button with AQo, pause the video and ask yourself “what would I do here with AQo?”  Think though the situation fully, decide on a course of action, and then hit play and see how what you decided matches up to what the pro decides.

Ask Questions

There is a comment button at the bottom of every video posted on Tournament Poker Edge.  Pros might not get a chance to answer every single question, but I think you’ll find that they do answer most.  And even when they do not, many times a fellow member will chime in with thoughts on a question.  So if you are confused about a play, or would like further details, don’t be afraid to ask.

Watch Videos More Than Once

Repetition is a key part of learning.  Some videos cover literally dozens of concepts.  Don’t be afraid to watch a video more than once to make sure you are picking up on every subtle point.  At Tournament Poker Edge, you can watch videos on your computer, on your iPhone, and on your iPad…so there is really no time you CAN’T be watching videos.  Take advantage of long commutes, flights and other breaks in your day to review videos you found particularly helpful.

Watch Every Video

Even if you find that a pro plays a style you do not completely agree with, or plays a completely different style than you think you could ever play, watch it anyway.  If you pick up even ONE bit of information from a video, then it was worth it.  You’ve already paid for that video, so you might as well take advantage of it.  If you don’t get anything from it, fine.  But at least you gave yourself the opportunity.


Hopefully these tips will help you make the most of your poker training site subscription.  Trying utilizing one or two of them and see if you notice the difference.  And if you have tips and tricks that you use while watching training videos, post them in the comments.

2 Responses to “Tips For Watching Poker Training Videos”


    Hi, great video … congratulations

    But I did not understand, why to bet for value, AQo the spot, when the king appears on the river!
    It was practical to find the villain that you would have missed a draw and you pay with pockets or A?

    Hugs and thanks!

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