Before I begin this blog, just let me say that I have had a few beers, so I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors. With that out of the way, lets get to the heart of the matter…
Launching and managing Tournament Poker Edge has been one of the accomplishments I am most proud of in life. It has introduced me to some of my best friends in the world, and less importantly, made it so I really don’t have to work anymore. And lets face it, “retiring” in your 30s is cool. But most importantly, I get to talk and be around poker pretty much 24 hours a day, and that kind of ravages. There is, however, one downside…basically there are a fair number of douche bags out there. I don’t really know where they come from. I assume they are super unhappy in other aspects of their life (or in poker) or are just jealous of others who have found success (whatever that is) in the poker world. But they exist. And every once in a while they decide to puff out their chests.
So today I was hanging out at our house kind of just taking it easy. Around 2pm or so I got a little restless and thought it would be fun to go play the $235 Deepstack at the Rio. Plus my good friend Carlos, and the man himself Thesaurus, were playing it as well, so it seemed like good fun. At the last minute I decided to sell 10% on Pocket Fives via auction and donate the winning bid to the Triangle Beagle Rescue, a charity that I have worked with for several years. So we raised a little money for charity, that was cool. We get to play a little poker, that seems cool. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, I had not gotten through 2 levels when I got a Twitter Notification.

Now it goes without saying that I don’t know who this Jason Mirza dolt is, as I’m sure you don’t either. Apparently he won a poker tournament at some point in his life in like Alaska or something. He also does videos for Cardrunners I guess? Which from what people have told me over the last couple of hours are horrible. I’m not sure the best way to represent a training site you do vids for is to randomly talk shit to guys from other training sites, but it’s whatever. I’m sure they are super proud of him.
So at some point he starts hitting me up for tickets to EDC (i spent over a decade in the music biz and have a few hookups)…which is weird because he was just talking shit to me an hour earlier. He gets inpatient and hits be up again and I tell him I am sorry for the delay but I’m super focused on the tournament. He replies with this…

So now it is just getting weird. Some dude with like 8 followers is talking all kinds of shit to me for what I thought was just going to be a fun night out grinding a timby and having a few beers. We exchange a few more words at which point he comes with…

At this point he just seems angry. And frankly it’s kind of weird. The Daily Deepstacks are a super good value, and a pretty great way to spend an afternoon. And let’s face it, everyone has different bankrolls. Why would a Cardrunners instructor decide to insult literally thousands of people a night who are so “poor” that they cant buy in to the $3K WSOP. Just seems odd, And frankly, really petty,
He then got really mad and decided to call out Tournament Poker Edge directly…

Now it has just gotten sad. Keep in mind, I have said nothing derogatory to him at this point, Just grinding and having a good time. You are welcome to look at my Twitter here to see the full exchange.
I’ll just say this. I’m super proud of Tournament Poker Edge, and our members. Grind whatever tournaments you want. Poker should be fun, not some sort of odd high school clique fight. Jason, I’ll see you at the Rio, Should be fun.
I’m surprised that nobody brought this to my attention before, but it turns out Jason Mirza is also a confirmed scammer. He was eventually banned from TwoPlusTwo. Additionally he had an issue on Pocket Fives, which eventually led him to change his name from BobbyPossum to GrindMentality. Seems he does not like to pay his bets when he loses.
Well played.
gotta love trolls. to some people money, image, and ego is everything. gonna get the randoms who shout off their mouths for that reason, the only thing spewy on TPE is this guys comments, clearly never spent any time actually watching vids. you started a training site and wanted to spread the knowledge of how to better ones game. That’s why TPE has PROS, a humble way of stating your no pro (yet) and want to collaborate and expand on well seasoned and knowledgeable players, a community. That being said, Love this site and the insight i have gained from it, from both pros and members! keep up the good work