Sunday 500 – Hand History Review with Andrew Brokos (Part 3)
MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Concepts In This Video: 3+4 betting • hand History • High Stakes • Late Stages • Midstages • Popular MTTs: Sunday 500 • Single Table
Sunday 500 – Hand History Review with Andrew Brokos (Part 3)
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At 12.00 with 99, when you had on 21bb left, why you did choose to do a small 3 bet instead of shoving? Cause this stack size looks kinda tiny to me to make small 3 bets and play postflop.
At 23.00 isn’t shoving with Q9s against short stack opener too lite? And why do you think that folding is bad?
At 34.40 with 67o you said that you would have bluffed the river if you had missed the flush. How is that bluff different from having straight draw missed?
That’s a good question, and I don’t have a good answer. 7-high has got to be about the worst hand I could ever have here in terms of showdown value, it probably blocks less of his folding range than a busted flush draw would…. In retrospect, I probably should have bet the river. I think the turn bet is a bit large as well. Thanks for calling my attention to this!
It’s not so much about trying to play postflop as about giving myself room to have a raise-folding range. Basically I don’t want to try to have both a shoving range and a small 3-betting range, and I want to be able to make small 3-bets with some hands that won’t call a shove (AJ comes to mind) and hands like AA trying to induce, so I’m also doing it with the middle part of my range.
Because you’d be getting tremendous odds to call with a hand that can flop very well.
I did a little number crunching on this, and it looks like if he opens ~25% from the CO and calls a shove with a reasonable range, this is a very slight money loser. If he opens 30%, it’s +EV by about a SB. I’m not 100% sure which of these opening ranges to give him, but given that I also think calling is +EV, it’s very likely that calling would actually be better than shoving.
Mr Longhit
18 ish you call 77 from BTN.
You said that neither blinds should call. Why wouldnt BB call light?
Him being short should make it easier to realize more of hes Equity compaired to being deep OOP. Allso he doesnt lose risk loosing a big pot when dominated.
Sure he has a lot of hands that he would rather shove than call with a stack like that. But how about all the hands that he dont shove but still has enough equity to call given the better Price from BB?
Good point. I shouldn’t have said that they “can’t” call, because you’re right that the BB should have some profitable calls, but many players with these stack sizes will not call. They will incorrectly force themselves to play shove/or fold, which makes stealing for a min-raise from them an attractive proposition.