SCOOP Shootout Hand History Review with Andrew Brokos (Part 5)
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SCOOP Shootout Hand History Review with Andrew Brokos (Part 5)
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Mr Longhit
51:00 with 77 on the BTN
When you check back the flop, what are your value hands and yours bluffs on turn when raising?
AA, 77 and A7 as value i would guess. In play I probably would “forget” to bluff enough here. And i think most of my bluff hands would have Cbet the flop.
Good questions. I think you’re right about the value range, and you’re also right that it’s easy to miss your bluffs here. This is why it’s so important always to ask yourself “what should my bluffing range be?” rather than try to play based on “feel”. I’d say bluffing candidates might be something that was an airball on the flop but turned some equity and also blocks some of V’s nut range, something like 8d 7d or even Jx. These aren’t even necessarily bluffs as V will sometimes be betting draws that you’re somewhat ahead of, so I can see a case for raising hands like that. It’s definitely not obvious, though, great illustration of why you need to think through the entire spot rather than just saying “I have showdown value, I call.”
At the 34:05 mark you have an aggressive dynamic going with a very aggressive, overly bluff happy opponent. In this spot you 3 bet him from the sb with ajhh. You say he 4 bet or folds a lot and I wonder what you would have done with your hand had he 4 bet. It seems better to flat aj there rather than 3 bet given the dynamic unless you are prepared to go with aj.
Post flop this opponent has already shown he will flat 3 bets pre then bet/3bet draws on the flop. His 3 bet calling range is incredibly wide and given the flop texture I wonder if bet/3 bet jamming or possibly check raise jamming could be an option. Perhaps a different board texture which gave us more back door equity would be better for those moves than the board we got with only a back door flush draw and two overs.
I also wonder, if we had position post flop would it be better to check back instead of cbet.
Pretty clear shove over a 4b. And yes, checking back is definitely better IP.
As for check-raise or bet-shove, do the work! What would be the advantages of these lines over check-calling? What would be the disadvantages?