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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
At 1.55 do you notice every time you get AAs is the only time everyone folds. I was playing yesterday got AAs twice in 10 hands once on the the button one on the big blind. First time i collect the blnds even though i had habitually been blind stealing and second time i got a walk which was the only time. I was playing a VPIP of 35% so you cant say to me that’s what you get for being a nit.
More videos with both of you guys together would be great.
eesh, really card dead Chris, not much you could do there. any thought to a stop and go that last hand with Q10? obviously he hit the flop and would have called but he might have mucked KQ. great vid guys
yeah i have actually given a lot of thought to a stop and go after the fact, but also i thought theres a fair chance that since hes opening so wide i can get it in with him behind or in some cased dominated (Q9, JT, J9, T9 or worse all are possibilities in his range).
sometimes theres not much you can do
yeah has a lot to do with the fact that when u have AA you block a lot of combos of good hands ppl could have behind you. (im sure you know that already tho)
Really enjoyed the vids guys, great analysis between you.
Daryl:- you have a sick and creative mind – love it, trying to work some of your short stack play into my game – lets see how it goes.
Chris:- I have no idea where you got that idea for +ev coaching from but its pure genius 😉
amazing series, team up again and do moons 500 ft imo. the two of you work really well together and hands v good regs will be super interesting.
Thx guys! Had a rly fun time shooting this vid with chris . Ill be answering Q’s about hands in a lil bit
Yeah i know. Just me venting.
Have no idea how to figure out whether a stop n go or jam is better . Might be good tho cuz survival is so impt this deep in a mtt
great series!! really nice!
darryl, just curious on what is your sizing in and out of position in your 12 to 15 bbs 3bets?
it was ronfez’s idea! i was like, “okay, youre gonna pay to me to get coaching from daryl? sure!”
Actually I was referring to the video series I did with you lol
between 3.8 – 4.2 IP and 4 – 4.4 OOP
fucking sweet series guys
mini bomber
Great video series guys! Love the dynamic you two have, was very entertaining as well as informative.
Great series , you guy’s made me “lol” many times in the video , you sure do make poker more “fun” then it already is 🙂