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Merge 100k Major Win Hand History Review with Daryl “aaaaaaaa” Jace (Part 5)
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I went from six to midnight when you 5 bet qjo
Can you explain value range?
You use it a bit with regards to isolated villians, but I have never heard someones range being defined as a value range.
Thanks for this series, it’s insightful and good level thinking.
at 13min, when you ship 20bb effective with Q9s, isn’t that pretty much screaming you don’t have a monster? since you will never be just open jamming there with a big hand… sick value bet at 20minutes…nice video
this video is so good it makes me want to cry…it’s like omg.
@n0b0dy123: value range just means the hands someone is value betting in a given spot. bluff range is the hands they’re betting as a bluff. i’m sure someone like daryl can expand on that.
lol thx.
What does that mean ?
No need, that’s it in a nutshell.
Ya pretty much but I still think its the best play given how much equity we have. I could be wrong though especially if they are the type to just flat my open and not reshove or fold pre.
Hey Daryl one of the best videos I’ve seen. Questiuon, around 40.29 you fold A4off from EP after the guy 3rd in chips min raises. I assume it is becasue you have the loose players behind you still? Im asking because you mentioned 3betting him wide and this seems a godo hand to do so
it’s ok to flat auntjulie and play postflop. he sucks postflop. perhaps you had that read in game.
I like the ship with q9s why wouldn’t u do the same thing with ak there its a play I have started to use and seems to work really well, even just opening shoving ak aq from any position with 30 bb