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Dear Zeus,

Can we please cut out hitting me with all the lightning bolts, it is really starting to hurt.




So you ever have just one of those weekends. This was one for me. For starters I am really glad that it didn't happen next week as this was the way wrong foot to get started on for the Mini UBOC. Friday night started off benign, which was very much not the way the rest of the weekend would be. Had a meeting at the firehouse which was boring and uneventful, also a terrible trick of nature. Saturday came and I got up feeling like dirt, and most importantly I got up to the request of going to the gym. With a mighty headache I managed to convince my wife I was not going to the gym (she would now be pissed at me for this, thank you very much vengeful gods). So I crawl to the couch and there I sit for most of the rest of the day feeling a great amount of pity for myself. So sometime later in the evening I decide to end my pity party, suck it up and start playing for the evening. First rule of good poker, if your brain isn't clear, don't play. I fired up 4 MTTs and bricked 3 so fast I wasn't sure what had really happened. Number 4 was to treat me nice and then dump me like a used kleenex when it was over. It was the 9.5k KO. Slow and steady as I usually play and I was making some headway. Constantly chipping up. Moving through the field nicely. Then it happens. The big hand. There we 300ish players left and I vaulted to #6 in chips. A huge stack. Then the hair on my arm starts to stand up. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP…. once the smoke clears and the burnt skin smell disappates I am out in 85th with $20 to show for my effort and a long string of coolers that I am still not sure I believe happened (I went and checked the HH and wow, it was brutal). I lost KK<AA, AK<AJ, QQ<77 and the finish AA<9Ts. It was the most insane 20 minutes of my poker life. So that was over and I called it a night. Content to take a step back, take a deep breath and try again Sunday. I had to get up Sunday to help my wife move some things from her studio and then we were headed to my parents where we were going to relax and then watch some football and I was planning on playing. I get to my car and turn the key…nada. So fast forward 6 hours and what did I do, changed the dead battery on my car and just about everything in it to attach the battery to the electrical system since none of it seemed to fit right all in 20 degree weather and I am in my happy place.

Now it is Monday. My soul seems to have suffered a series of 2nd degree burns over the weekend and I am still looking over my shoulder like a paranoid maniac waiting for the next strike. This week is the final week of prep for Mini UBOC and I certainly hope I got the pain out of my system. Well I am going to go and rub some virtual aloe on my soul burns. I'll be back tonight and ready to rock. This is the Gman signing out. May all your flushes be royal!

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