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So Friday night was my first real solid tourney session in a while. I played 6 or 7 tourneys and ended up cashing two of them, one of them a decent run to a final two table. I was thinking to myself yesterday if this was a successful session or not. As I spent time thinking about it, i wonder what success for me now would be. A year ago I was pushing into new stakes on Stars and Tilt and was starting to really grow a BR. I was beginning to hit my stride and positive ROI sessions were the definition of success for me. Fast forward to now and how in the hell do I define if I have had a successful session, month, etc. It is plaguing me to say the least. I know that I am not using ROI and the BR to define my success as it would be disappointing to say the least right now. So how do I know if I am moving in the direction that I need to. I have started looking over hands in my HM2 and I am finding a lot of spots that I don't like. Not sure how to define success yet, but I know I'm not achieving it. I suppose while I am getting back to learning this is one of those things that I will know when I see it. Until then, i guess I should keep my eye on what I am doing and making sure that I am recognizing and minimizing my mistakes. 

We'll see how tonight goes. Going to jump in an play a handful of tourneys again and see what I can do. I'll write tomorrow on how things go. Gl to all on the felt!

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