Well I guess it happens to everybody. I pride myself on my ability to take the beats and walk away. I have been crushed by all sorts of obscure hands and have been coolered more times than I care to remember, but for some reason today was different. I was running in the Mini-FTOPs Event #9 (the Rush Rebuy) and was making excellent progress. I had managed to solidly chip up and then it happened. I got busted out AJs<J7o. It threw me in a way I didn't really appreciate until $22 later I was out of Event #10 and royally miffed. Moral of the story, it happens to everybody. So tonight I am letting the tilt blow over and spending some time with the wife. Watching TV, surfing the internet, just doing whatever. Tomorrow is a new day, a big day and I will be ready. I will arrive at the tables, fresh, renewed, invigorated. Prepared to do battle with the wisest and dimmest the poker world has to offer and to etch my name into the annals of history as the player I am. Too bad some idiot donked me out today… 🙂