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Coaching sessions have the nasty habit of pointing out to you where your deficiencies lie. I suppose that would be the entire point of them, and thankfully last night I got my moneys worth. I think these activities are so crucial to keeping you successful or helping you become successful as a player. So what you ask was my great revelation last night. Oddly enough this one wasn't something I had come to, as a matter of fact I had been struggling in exactly the opposite direction for quite some time. Post Flop Aggression. If you have ever watched me play at a table you know a couple of key things about my game.

1. There is no fear to go to felt at anytime if I feel I am good.

2. My gun has a mimiumum of 3 bullets in it if I think you are weak.

3. Fear Equity is a cornerstone of my game.

That being said, I have found quite a bit lately that I have been exiting tourney's early and running into all sorts of spew problems and not really understanding why. Well last night I got some great insight into the Why and I can't thank Wein and FkCoolers enough for helping me see it. If you look at the above statements and the level of aggression they bring what is the resultant situation. With all that pressure applied what hands are going to stay involved in a hand with me and call bets or play back at me. Hands that beat me, that's who. The amount of lost value in that style of post flop play is incalculable at this point to me. How do you get opponents to continue to pay you off in a hand, you have to take lines and make plays that make them think they are good so that you get paid off. Rather than trying to constantly represent the nuts and force your card and chips down a villains throat, taking a step back, playing a little more pot control, avoid bloating pots with awkward stack sizes and multi way and taking the time to read the action, use the fold and check buttons more are something that absolutely need to find there way into my post flop play. You can't brow beat every opponent into submission, it doesn't work. Take my word for it. Pre-flop is a game of who has bigger balls at times, but post flop is a game of who has bigger brains. Time to put mine to work. So now it is going to be a matter of taking a little time to review some HH's and develop my understanding and what lines I should start to take rather than load up my automatic weapons and starting to spew bullets all over the table. Once again thanks guys for the lesson, I was glad to get my learning on with you and I think I am better for the experience. This is the Gman signing out. May all your flushes be Royal!

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