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Links Mentioned on this Podcast
Peter Mavro – Strategic Health and Fitness, based in Las Vegas, caters to poker players (basically all hours of the day/night training)
Peak performance snack kits delivered to you at Rio $15/day – gluten-free, protein-packed, etc.
Hand Histories from this Podcast
Hand 1 – AA
Hand 2 – 89o
[Total: 5 Average: 10/5]
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Long overdue to have Jamie on; she is extremely personable and her hand analysis is spot on! Was also wonderful to hear thoughts re: the online poker landscape in the great state of NJ, since I live there as well. As an aside I finished 8th in that very 10K that Jamie was playing during the podcast (I believe she finished 6th).
man, im glad that im part of TPE. Watta great atmosphere. Definitely need some TPE friends and sometime we should throw a TPE party so we could meet and hang with everyone. It’s like a family here and if you think about it, instead of renting hotels etc, if we get enough TPE members, if anyone is ever travelling to some live events, there might be a TPE member who would let ya crash there for a smaller cost than a hotel (or free)