Matthew “theginger45” Hunt Reviews Bennymacca’s Live Sweat Recording (Part 2)
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Matthew “theginger45” Hunt Reviews Bennymacca’s Live Sweat Recording (Part 2)
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6 mins in: AJ – you mention that it is a super wet board and it is possible to just check instead of cbet – but i think in this case i like a cbet just because we have the nut no pair hand (and draw), and we can kind of bet for value against other worse draws. does that make sense?
18 mins: QJ. I open QJ from early position, into some players with shove stacks. I think it was in part 1 that you said that this can be good at a 6max table just because you are leveraging their whole stack just by opening an small amount. What is different in this part? Just too early a position?
26 mins – AKh. yep spot on, my cbet here was horrible, and even without my commentary you can tell that i didnt like it afterwards haha.
33 mins. J3 might have been too wide, but the reason i folded A2 the next hand was i just thought with one person more to get through, and given this was the second time in a row that i would have been shoving, that they might call a little lighter.
36 mins: Q8 – yeah 100% agree with you in this case, i think i didnt read stack sizes properly because i shove here all day if i am aware he has 4bb.
52 mins: 66 hand.
this is probably the most interesting hand i think. I really dont agree that a tightish 15/12 reg is shoving 21% there, especially hands like A2s which have pretty bad equity when i call. Maybe its a mistake of mine, but i weight a hand like KJs or even KJo much more highly than A2s in these spots, just because i think you have better equity when your opponent calls. In your slice calculation these along with the pocket pairs are the only ones i crush.
i just had a play around with ranges then, and it seems like he needs to be as tight as about 13% to make this a fold, so i think i agree that it is a fold, but i dont think it is as wide as you make it. certainly not on 888 anyway.
thanks again, looking forward to the next part
Hey benny, let me feedback:
6 mins – we don’t have the nut no pair hand and draw, AKdd would be the nut no pair. AJo with no diamond is significantly weaker than that, and there are only certain very specific worse draws in his range for calling the 3bet. Not to mention a lot of those worse draws he’s going to raise and force us to fold, so when we get called it’s really unlikely we have the best hand.
18 mins – you’re right, I think that open is fine. My mistake.
52 mins – I think you might be surprised by how wide he is able to shove profitably here. He’s a competent player and if you play around with the numbers in ICM you may find that if we’re raise-folding upwards of 66% of the time there he can shove virtually any two cards, and even if it’s only 50% he can still shove extremely wide. Since we’re thinking of folding 66 this would imply we’re planning to call roughly the top 10% of hands, so this means even if we were only opening the top 20%, we’re still folding half the time, and in reality we’re probably opening more than that from his perspective, so the likelihood of him shoving wider increases. Obviously he’s not aware of all of these specifics, but I’m just trying to convey that if he thinks we’re raise-folding a decent portion of the time, shoving a hand like A2s is virtually mandatory, so the better the player he is, the wider his shoving range gets. At the very least I think shove raise/call > shove > raise/fold, since we can be certain a preflop shove is profitable.
Thanks for all the feedback, glad it’s been useful for you!
3:15 min — I’m a little fuzzy on this concept:
“what we risk doing if we 3b too small here is give him the chance to call profitably not just with hands that he otherwise would’ve folded (we don’t mind when he calls with hands that he would’ve folded because AJ does pretty decently against those hands) but the problem is we give him a chance with hands he otherwise would’ve shoved.”
I am not understanding what it is that he’s going to shove here that we are ahead of that is calling the smaller 3b? Also – are the majority of those hands that shove to our polarized 3b here are those that beat us or those that we beat?
thanks again!
Matthew, and anyone else with the same issue, here are some tips for…
Reducing unwanted popups in Hold ’Em Manager
If you get unwanted popups because you’re cursor often hovers over the HUD’s graphic then just go to HUD Settings->General Settings->Advanced Settings and check “Click for stat popup” – now hovering won’t bring up any popups, but all are still available to you with a click instead.
If you get unwanted popups because you actually click on the HUD’s graphic then keep “Click for stat popup” checked as above. Now make sure you have the HUD you are using selected from the big drop down on the top left of the HUD Settings dialog. Then you can disable each stat’s associated popup via HUD Options->Stat Appearance->Popup. This drop down list has an entry right at the top which appears blank (not the one called ”Blank”, which should really be called ”Template”), choose this entry for each stat that appears in the “Selected Stats” list (by clicking the “Selected Stats” entries in turn and selecting this blank, disabling, popup each time). Now only a tiny portion of the HUD’s graphic should produce the Main Popup when clicked (the part that exists but contains no stats or separators).
If you actually want to reliably cause a Main Popup to display whilst also minimising* unwanted, click induced, popups you can assign whatever popup is the first tab in your Main Popup (the first entry in the “visible list” for “Main Popup Tabs” in HUD Settings->Main Popup / Table HUD) to just one of your stats – now clicking that stat on the HUD’s graphic will produce the Main Popup too, but none of the others will produce a popup when clicked.
Note that you can add other popups to the main popup too (including any popups you have created yourself) back in HUD Settings->Main Popup / Table HUD. So if you want the Main Popup to take up less screen space when it is created then move the smallest popup to the top of the list of visible popups for the Main Popup, and if you want it to be as small as possible then create a popup called, say, “Shim” which is extremely minimal: in HUD Settings->Popup Designer click “New popup”, type “Shim”, click “OK” then click “No”; now click any of the cells in the representation of the popup, on the right hand side of the dialog and then click the remove row button (the fourth button from the left in the set of buttons under that representation) until only one row remains. Finally add it to the top of the “visible list” for “Main Popup Tabs” in HUD Settings->Main Popup / Table HUD.
Finally you can remove the note caddy icon and the autorate icon if you don’t use them by unchecking “Show note icon” and “Show autorate icon” respectively from HUD Settings->General Settings->Common Settings.
Whew, that took longer than anticipated! I hope it helps.
* Yes, I am British too!
Jon that is awesome, thanks so much for that. I really need to get the popups right, I basically dont use them so its an area that i can improve