Late Game Play WCOOP Deep Run Hand History Review with Andrew Brokos (Part 3)
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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

11 Responses to “Late Game Play WCOOP Deep Run Hand History Review with Andrew Brokos (Part 3)”

  1. jamo

    17:36 – you say you have 7 outs on the turn, which gives you 28% equity… is this right? Or is it more like 14% with only one card to come?

  2. jdogloves46

    why do you make funky bet sizes like 4444, 6666, 9999??? Just for shits & giggles or is there any valid poker reasons?

  3. Al29

    That last hand seems like an awkward spot, kinda surprised you bet flop which you said on the commentary – if you’d checked flop and then he’d bet the A turn are you calling? Any turn cards you are folding a bet to? One of those hands where you walk away from and think ‘well I got away with that one’, that’s the beauty of poker I guess, we can’t play 100% correct and have to expect to lose some hands where we make great decisions and win some hands where decisions are more suspect! Great video series BTW, enjoying the thinking poker podcasts too, hope you manage to run deep in the main event that’s happening right about now… =0)

  4. Foucault

    Mostly shits and giggles. It’s a habit I got into when I playing a lot of tables – it’s a little faster to bet 4444 than 4675 or something that requires hunting for a bunch of different numbers.

  5. Foucault

    Good questions. An Ace is probably the worst turn card in the deck for me, and I think that I ought to fold to a bet. Generally when your opponent bets a card that could easily have improved your hand, you should be worried. Other than that I can’t see folding many turns after checking flop. I guess a Q/J/T of hearts would be pretty bad ones also and I could call small bet but fold to a big one.

  6. rutramax

    Very interesting reasoning on the AKs hand UTG,

    But if teo96 had shoved on you instead of flatted would you have called (because it looks weaker)? I think that using the same argument of you having more than 100BB to play lot of poker would be valid there too. But very interesting hand bydeway, it changed the way i play a little bit


  7. Foucault

    No, I think it’s still a fold. As you say, most of the same arguments apply. Additionally, now we’re guaranteed a race for tourney life, whereas when Villain flats there’s still a chance he might fold a hand like TT.

  8. derSchwartz

    Nice hand there at the end with K2 .. you seem a bit surprised that you played it though. In retrospect would you call this a mistake that worked out for you or would you do this again if you could?

  9. Fergz

    Andrew around the 30 min mark with the 9Q suited hand after he checks the flop to you would it not be a better play to bet and rep that ace after you had 3bet him pre flop?

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