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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Concepts In This Video: 3-Betting • Bet Sizing • Blind vs Blind • Bluffing • Board Texture • C-Betting • Deep Stacks • exploiting tendencies • Flatting • Fold Equity • Hand Reading • High Stakes • Implied Odds • Large Fields • Late Stages • Math • Poker Stars • Popular Online Series • Position • Pot Building • pre-flop • Ranges • Reads • Restealing • Showdown Value • Single Table • Table Dynamics • Theory • WCOOP
The A 6 hand at the end do you play it the same way oop ? Ex: You open mid BTN call with same stack size, blinds fold , do you check flop for same reason (i never make him fold a better hand etc …) or you cbet ?
I really like the flop fold facing the pot sized donk, it just seems that his range is pretty unbalanced in that spot and we can make an exploitative fold and only continue with hands that have better equity there.
how do you react v a half pot donk lead?
how would you react to donks in general assuming BB is defending optimally his range will be somewhat stronger than your button opening range?
assuming BB ISNT defending*
It’s obviously pretty situational but I’d say generally I float donk bets a lot more than I raise them when I don’t fold. Often I find that my opponent’s turn action will give me a lot more information about what he has, and then I can proceed accordingly.That’s what I’d do here if he’d half-potted it: call and evaluate turn.
Good question. I’d bet OOP against all but the most straightforward opponents. It’s way harder to pot control/bluff-catch out of position, so I’d generally think that I’d be better off turning my hand into a bluff.
Andrew, you are the best teacher of poker, in my opinion, on any of the sites I frequent. Absolutely thorough and superb reasoning and explanations. You’re awesome! Keep up the good work. Good luck at WSOP.
Thanks very much!
Thank you very much. You have a very clear way to explain certain situations which are pretty difficult and make them seem so obvious. Keep up the good work!
your videos are clear and easy to follow…thank you for that.