Hagbard Celine Multi-Entry Double GTD Live Sweat (Part 2)
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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 3

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6 Responses to “Hagbard Celine Multi-Entry Double GTD Live Sweat (Part 2)”

  1. chained_dragon

    you took several notes during the video. i would be very
    interested if you would either show them or told us what
    they were so i could see what kind of notes i should be

  2. black666

    way too much dead air in this video. you could talk about hands that the other guys at the table play .. what mistakes they are making in regards to stacksize play, betsizing etc. .. there were plenty of spots. you could also do “what if” scenarios.

    I found myself browsing the web during the video (I’m even writing this comment while “watching” the last 10 minutes) which is never a good sign for a coaching video.

  3. timo525

    I really think you need to explain what is going on in your videos. There is way too much dead air time. It is much more informative when the instructors narrate the videos. You seem to just start the video and we just watch. I don’t mean to be so critical but I fall asleep when I watch your videos.

  4. Hagbard Celine

    thanks for the input, guys.

    i recieved similar input on my last live sweat, so clearly this is a problem.

    next series i’ll make sure to to always be talking about a hand, whether i’m involved or not.

    at least i made an insomnia aid!

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