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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Concepts In This Video: 3-Betting • 4-Betting • Aggression • Popular MTTs: FTOPS • Rebuy • Single Table
very nice your commentary .
thanks and welcome
Thanks for the sesh… I truly wish peeps at the micro levels reacted to PFRs, Cbets, etc. like they do at higher buy-in levels.
I’d really like to see a micro vid or a few where someone isn’t running like god (not at all to say you were Dan), and isn’t playing a rebuy where they can play loose-spewy in the rebuy & stack off before the rebuy period ends.
Great vid welcome on board
Great debut Dan, I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.
the hand u= Ad9c> Ah6d7d>7d> nut flush draw? 3.1 pot odds, and you didnt raise????
sick thought process when you flat 33’s in the BB against Badgerpro’s open. You check raise the A high board. I would normally check-fold in that spot, but he folds alot of the hands you mentioned. Def a profitable play on that board texture with his supposed opening range from the button. Thanks for another tool to add to the arsenal.
at the 3 min mark, benvos sizing when he ck/r the KK42 turn looks like hes either trying to buy the pot right there, or fold to anymore action, then rebuy. considering he left himself with exactly 1500 chips…unless you think that he thinks you would think the same as I just stated and jam over his raise, which seems unlikely since you didnt mention it.