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Week 5 HH
August 15, 2010 - 12:31 am
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mistergj  HH on Pokerstars $8 buy in.  No notes to add at this time.



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August 16, 2010 - 11:16 pm
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Hand 17: I am not sure I am folding to a bet from the button on this board, I am having a hard time believing that I am going to be 3bet and a 3-4-9 with two spades connected on the flop. I am guessing he is drawing pretty hard here. I would have called the flop bet and re-evaluate the turn, if he checks and the turn is a brick I think I come out firing big, if it connects with board I shut it down.


Hand 20: I am starting to hate low PP's. I think I would have shut it down on the flop if I didn't hit my set. Try to get to the turn for free or get out when the action heats up.


Hand 29: I think I like the line, although I am not sure if you took it down less for what you represented and more for what he didn't want to see you have (if that makes sense).


Hand 30: Sucks…just sucks….


Hand 34: I like the fact that you recognize you have some significant showdown value and the information you gathered from the other two having to show is great. Do you think you may have missed out on some solid value by checking down?


Hand 36: Another sick spot…


Hand 46: I don't think I would have made the call here, it worked out for you, but with this guy shoving I don't think I am getting the right price to mine for my set and I am pretty sure I am behind. Good call and good hand though.


Hand 58: Not sure I c-bet this, it is pretty hard to represent holding an Ace from the small blind and if he is holding anything at all he is going to float and wait for any card bigger than a deuce to make you sweat your hand.


Hand 60: Is your 3bet a bit big here costing you some value? 1080 over a 240 bet seems to really push out everyone. I would repop to something in the 800-900 range in an attempt to get the big stack to come along and see if I can pound him for value.


Hand 66: The raise against a single UTG limper is kind of huge and risky. Blinds are 120, so I would have aimed more at a raise of 600 (3x + 1x for limper + 1x for position). Just saving yourself some chips.


Hand 85: You seem to have a similiar problem to the one I am working on with Preflop raise sizing, 3x gets you to 600, but you could safely scale it back to 500 and achieve the same thing pre-flop.


Hand 89: Not sure slowplaying the set of 9s on the turn is worth giving him a free card. If he has shut it down chances are you aren't getting called anyway. If you bet the turn it has the added benefit of making it look like you are stealing and not just that the card connected with you. Just a thought to bet out there when you hit and see what happens.


Hand 92: Why did you double barrel? Was this to compensate for the smallish c-bet to make it look like you were value betting him? Curious what you were thinking here?


Hand 93: That uncomfortable feeling there is the horseshoe in your shorts…. 🙂


Hand 101: Yeah that horseshoe seems to be lodged pretty far up there 🙂 Not sure if I am calling the shove there on the flop, I know the button can be pretty wide, but this is one of those way ahead/way behind type situations in my mind. I'm okay c-betting this, but the reshove makes me stop. Good thing you kept going.


Hand 107: Not sure I'm calling this, I am pretty sure the lead isn't holding anything I care about, but when there is a 60% c-bet and call and then third guy in the hand jams, I don't think I am in a position to look him up, if I had an overpair maybe, but I don't think I am calling this one.


Hand 120: Why do you give up the initiative on this one. You raised pre-flop so you can pretty easily represent the Ace or the King (or both perhaps). If he thinks you connected with this you aren't getting paid anymore anyhow, why let him take free cards.


Hand 124: Not sure I am defending with this one, just a real uncomfortable spot.


Hand 130: Not sure I am calling a 20bb shove here.


Hand 141: Not sure I am calling in the SB with this one, I would just chuck this in the muck


Hand 143: With a bet, 3bet and a 4bet shove, I am not sure I am calling with a drawing hand. Someone shoves from the SB with all that action in front of them I am thinking QQ is the bottom of his range, I gotta think I am drawing at least extremely thin so again, I am not sure I am making this call.


Hand 150: Not sure I am shoving this hand here, kind of an odd line to me.


Hand 158: What hands that you beat are going to call you on the river here?  


Hand 171: I would have chucked this one in the muck, not sure I am defending with this one.


Hand 195: Not sure I am floating the flop on this one, yeah you have 2 overs and I put him most likely on a FD on the flop I am not sure I double barrel when the board pairs again. If he is holding an Ace I don't think he is going to care what is happening and is just going to try to maximize his value by just shoving on me. If I do float the flop, I am not betting the turn.


Hand 231: Shoving the BB is a huge risk I think in this situation. A BB 3betting you is a pretty serious indication of strength, looking at my 88 I am not sure I make that move without a serious read. Good hand though.


Hand 244: What hand are you afraid of here if you are calling 2 streets of pretty significant bets?


Hand 269: Why not shove this?


Hand 285: What about open shoving this, could represent a low PP, get you called and grab some value?


Hand 295: Not sure I am calling the SB here.



Pre-flop raise sizing, you are like me early and a bit all over the map on this, pick a size and stick to it.


Shove calling: I have to imagine you experience quite a bit of variance with this one. It may just be that I am a little more conservative, but Hagbard Celine gave me some really good advice when it comes to this, you just have to ask yourself “Is this going to make me money” in these situations, it helps me at least pause and seriously look at the action and make a serious determination about what I would call with profitably.


Free Cards: Need to be a little more careful about giving away free cards to guys in situations where you are vulnerable and have the betting initiative and can easily represent the flop credibly.


Shoving: I think you experiencing a lot of chip stack variance by jamming. You may want to slow down the jamming a little, more betting and try to read the action and avoid getting caught up in big stack swings. Shoving with air/draws is going to get you in some trouble.

August 17, 2010 - 2:49 am
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hope to have my comments up in the next day or two.

August 18, 2010 - 2:48 am
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Here is my review, I didnt comment on hands that seemed standard. Overall well played you took some risks I wouldnt have but you did win. I will say that you caught a ton of cards when you need them so thats a big plus.  I hope I didnt come off too strong on my remarks and hopefully its food for thought.


Hand 29 (55)  Pretty interesting that you bet the river and got that guy to fold on such an ugly board. I doubt I pull the trigger there.

Hand30 (QQ)  I like the check back on the flop we can rep the AK and when he bets there would be no reason to raise on such a dry board.  I think you lost the minimum on the hand and I like how you played it.  Clearly that river bet was begging for a call.

Hand 33 (TT) I like to cbet that flop and if not the flop I certainly firing the turn after its checked round twice and we have position.

Hand 53 (ATs) well played I would have lost a lot more on that flop with the nut flush and overs Im check raising almost 100%.

Hand 56 (88) UTG…bet way too much preflop imo

Hand 60 (AA)  when you reraise you made it huge you had 1/3 of your chips in play saying Im not folding but I want action. I think shoving looks weaker or a smaller 3net or evn flatting in position with the intentions of jamming the flop.  I just think as playede we got the minimum we could get from the hand.

 Hand 66 (AQo)  when you jam into the 838 flop I will tell you if I have a PP I snap it off almost everytime because it just smells of AK/AQ so much…glad he folded.

Hand  89 (99) when you raise the utg and your utg +1 I dont think you raised it enough. Your giving him such great odds to call and your fortunate to get that board. But if he calls and it come AJT your hating life.

Hand 93 (88) Is just sick!!!

Hand 101 (99)  Quads…you sir run goot!

Hand 107 (88)  on the flop we are getting about 4 to 1 with second pair and a gutter….I like the call.

Hand 120 (99)  I understand that your repping QJ on the turn with the half pot bet but when none of the flush draws get there and you over bet the river it just seems like a missed draw.  Because if you had the straight you would value bet it. I think you get looked up here often by two pair or Ax often because of that bet sizing imo.

Hand 124 ( 87)   I dont like the min raise from BB you gonna get called and be playing a bloated pot OOP with 87o.  The flop is KK5, you bet half pot what are you repping? Would you have min-raised AK like that preflop probably not. If you had a K would you bet or check there I dont know? But against a thinking player I suspect you will get called often and will you be firing the turn?  Me personally with that flop and you fire I often call the bet and if you check turn I fire with air or if you bet I raise with air.

Hand  149 (97)  On the flop when the shorty shove and a bigger stack isolates I dont know if I like the call with TP 9 kicker forabout 1/3 of our stack. I expect to see AK/AQ sometimes and we are gambling but I often expect 88 or 99 who didnt want to bloat preflop. But as I have noticed so far in this tourney you have ran extremely well.

Hand 168 (2T)  hate this open you have a guy two spots to your left with a great 3bet shove stack and guy in the SB with like 3 bigs left which you would have to call and show that hand.

Hand 171 (6Ts)  fold preflop even to the minraise imo

Hand  188 (QT) you have the nuts on the flop and you IP, I would have checked back the flop and hope he stabs turn or gets  a little something he can call with.

 Hand 195 (KTo)  I dont like the flat on the button against a  EP 3x open late and the SB has a 3bet shove stack.

 Hand 209 ( AJo) A short stack 3x utg thats a warning. Then we flat with AJ in the SB, put him all in or fold and imo I think its a fold because often we are dominated.

 Hand 218 (66) I dont like flatting 1/4 of our stack here with 66 we ship or fold imo.

 Hand 244 (K3)  when he fires turn I think we can fold TP no kick BvB.

 Hand 269 (JJ)  Dont like the normal raise size utg with JJ with about 14 bigs.  We have been shoving junk and now we bet like this? Plus with that bet size we could get called by hand and have to play JJ OOP and face a flop we dont like. Just jam it pre.

Hand  303 (KQ)  he call the flop bet with no draw and overs then we check turn as we dont improve and are OOP, it seems like we didnt have a plan and are spewing chips.

 Hand 353 (A8s)  we are raising the utg 3x preflop raiser OOP with a dominated Ax hand…not sure I like this but it worked so nice hand.

 Hand 374 (KK)  cooler

Heads up way to battle back for the win.

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August 18, 2010 - 2:07 pm
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JDog, question on hand 107 (88): You would make the call there getting 3:1 on your money with really just the gutshot? Ignoring what the villain is actually holding here, do you put your 88 ahead or do you think you are behind an overpair (TT, JJ?)? These are situations I tend to have trouble with and tend to err more conservatively in this case, just curious if you can expand your thinking a little here, I am curious how you reason through the hand so I can learn a little more about how to get a little more effective with these types of hands. thanks!

August 19, 2010 - 6:17 pm
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To answer lespaulgmans question. Here is what Im looking at. Asumming we are behind we have probably 6 outs (887777) if we multiply tha by 4 with two cards to come we have about 24% equity.  The pot is 12735 and we have to call 4275 its about 3 to 1. So we would have to have about 33% equity to call, thats assuming we are behind and this guy didnt spaz with over cards. If we call and lose we still have 128 bigs.  So  I fudge the numbers a little bit for the fact that he could be bluffing and the fact that we are still very deep.  Its close I see an argument for a fold also.  If the other player was deep also I probably would consider the fold because we wouldnt be getting the best price and we are OOP and there is no guarantee that we would have the implied odds if we spike a 7.  Also if I had a smaller stack I would also be considering saving my chips.  I dont thin its grossly +EV or -EV.

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August 19, 2010 - 6:22 pm
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Thanks for the explain, I like your reasoning. Thanks for taking the time on this one. The stack side of this makes a lot of sense with your thinking.

August 19, 2010 - 9:07 pm
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Hi lespaulgman. Sorry for the delay in responding to this thread – I am on holiday in Vancouver at the moment taking a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of London! Thanks very much for your review. I have posted my comments to your questions and comments below. I really appreciate you taking the time to review this tournament and you have definitely highlighted some areas I need to look at, which is why I submitted the hand history. Good luck at the tables.


lespaulgman said:

Hand 17: I am not sure I am folding to a bet from the button on this board, I am having a hard time believing that I am going to be 3bet and a 3-4-9 with two spades connected on the flop. I am guessing he is drawing pretty hard here. I would have called the flop bet and re-evaluate the turn, if he checks and the turn is a brick I think I come out firing big, if it connects with board I shut it down.

 I guess he would be betting more with an overpair to protect his hand against a flush draw, but against just one person is he really worried about a flush draw here? I think I folded because his range for 3betting was pretty strong say QQ+,AK and therefore I don't beat anything and I'm playing the whole hand as a bluff, hoping he checks back turn so I can fire on river. I don't do this much (call flop, hoping to bet river when he checks back turn), but I can see why it would work against AQ+ that didn't connect.

Hand 20: I am starting to hate low PP's. I think I would have shut it down on the flop if I didn't hit my set. Try to get to the turn for free or get out when the action heats up.

 The board is so dry I thought it was perfect for a cbet vs two players, and thought I would check/fold on further streets if called. Plus I felt that is part of the value of raising PPs from all positions with more than 50BBs, as I can represent big pairs or TPTK type hands.

Hand 29: I think I like the line, although I am not sure if you took it down less for what you represented and more for what he didn't want to see you have (if that makes sense).

 When he checks back the turn and the fourth club hits I felt he was going to have a really hard time calling without a club so I turned my hand into a bluff. Yeah, what you said makes sense! 🙂

Hand 30: Sucks…just sucks….

 Yeah, no way he's betting two streets with a worse hand than mine.

Hand 34: I like the fact that you recognize you have some significant showdown value and the information you gathered from the other two having to show is great. Do you think you may have missed out on some solid value by checking down?

 (I think this is hand 33 – got a little confused) In hindsight the dude with KT probably calls one street so I could have definitely got value then, but then he could do exactly what you suggested in Hand 17 and bet the river when he misses because I'm likely to check back the turn. 

Hand 36: Another sick spot…

Hand 46: I don't think I would have made the call here, it worked out for you, but with this guy shoving I don't think I am getting the right price to mine for my set and I am pretty sure I am behind. Good call and good hand though.

 Villain was running at 62/0 over 21 hands and his 3bet shove looked like a desperation move. We only need 36.5% equity against his range to make this call so I thought I was good here. Against 88+,AJs+,KQ,AJo+ we're 38% so I think that makes this a call. Against a better player who recognises that with 12BBs he has no FE against my open then I might find a fold as he's likely to be shoving much tighter and have 77 crushed.

Hand 58: Not sure I c-bet this, it is pretty hard to represent holding an Ace from the small blind and if he is holding anything at all he is going to float and wait for any card bigger than a deuce to make you sweat your hand.

 Yeah against a thinking player he has to think I'm raising Ax preflop so I'm not really representing anything here at all by limping preflop. Good shout.

Hand 60: Is your 3bet a bit big here costing you some value? 1080 over a 240 bet seems to really push out everyone. I would repop to something in the 800-900 range in an attempt to get the big stack to come along and see if I can pound him for value.

 Yeah, I'm not sure of my raise-sizing here at all. I think you are right with a smaller reraise, for sure. No idea what I was thinking here.

Hand 66: The raise against a single UTG limper is kind of huge and risky. Blinds are 120, so I would have aimed more at a raise of 600 (3x + 1x for limper + 1x for position). Just saving yourself some chips.

 Usually I'd make it 4xBB OOP + 1BB per limper, but as you say it's scary for a 20BB stack to be limping here. I think I actually prefer a check – what do you think? Villain was running at 16/11 over 19 hands.

Hand 85: You seem to have a similiar problem to the one I am working on with Preflop raise sizing, 3x gets you to 600, but you could safely scale it back to 500 and achieve the same thing pre-flop.

 At 100/200 with antes I always make it 485 (not sure why – possibly based on one of BigDog's videos???) then +1BB per limper, which is why it's 685.

Hand 89: Not sure slowplaying the set of 9s on the turn is worth giving him a free card. If he has shut it down chances are you aren't getting called anyway. If you bet the turn it has the added benefit of making it look like you are stealing and not just that the card connected with you. Just a thought to bet out there when you hit and see what happens.

 I must have missed the utg limp when I opened to 585. As I said in the previous hand I should have made it 585 +1BB per limper, so 835. I definitely missed out on some value preflop with that lack of concentration. (This tournament was on at the same time as the World Cup final – no excuse………..) I think I should have cbet this flop and then maybe checked back the turn hoping he fires a bluff on the river thinking my turn check is weak.

Hand 92: Why did you double barrel? Was this to compensate for the smallish c-bet to make it look like you were value betting him? Curious what you were thinking here?

 Looking back on the hand I'm not sure why I double barreled. I guess I was hoping to get rid of any straight or flush draws that he might have, or perhaps if he floated the flop with 2x or a bigger pair, i.e. 33+.

Hand 93: That uncomfortable feeling there is the horseshoe in your shorts…. 🙂

 Yeah this hand was absolutely mental – never seen 3 sets before – crazy!

Hand 101: Yeah that horseshoe seems to be lodged pretty far up there 🙂 Not sure if I am calling the shove there on the flop, I know the button can be pretty wide, but this is one of those way ahead/way behind type situations in my mind. I'm okay c-betting this, but the reshove makes me stop. Good thing you kept going.

 I need 29% on the flop against his range, and while he could have A4, 22, 33 and 55 (to have me crushed) he could have 66,77,88, 4x, Ax, 5x, 54 which I'm doing pretty well against.

Hand 107: Not sure I'm calling this, I am pretty sure the lead isn't holding anything I care about, but when there is a 60% c-bet and call and then third guy in the hand jams, I don't think I am in a position to look him up, if I had an overpair maybe, but I don't think I am calling this one.

 Villain was running at 15/7 over 60 hands. When the SB flats I thought about a 3bet squeeze to get it in against the original raiser and fold if the SB shoves, but chickened out. With 23BBs he could definitely fold to a 3bet, but I'm not sure of the size to make it. Once I flat the lead and the original raiser shoves I need 25.1% equity to make the call. Against his strongest range here of 99+,77-55,87s I have 30% so it's a call.

Hand 120: Why do you give up the initiative on this one. You raised pre-flop so you can pretty easily represent the Ace or the King (or both perhaps). If he thinks you connected with this you aren't getting paid anymore anyhow, why let him take free cards.

 Yeah, you're absolutely right! I guess I just hate raising a PP pf and just to see 2 overs on the flop. The flop is quite draw heavy though, so he could easily flat my cbet and then fire river when I check back turn, putting me in a gross spot where I probably have to fold.

Hand 124: Not sure I am defending with this one, just a real uncomfortable spot.

 The replayer suggests that I made the raise preflop after the guy limped, although I'm sure I would have taken the free flop.

Hand 130: Not sure I am calling a 20bb shove here.

 Shover has 10BBs, which makes this a standard call – I need 32.7% against his range

Hand 141: Not sure I am calling in the SB with this one, I would just chuck this in the muck

 Yeah, I think you're right since I'm only 30BBs deep with the two other players, although I'm only calling a SB with a hand that could flop really well and stack someone. I'm not sure…

Hand 143: With a bet, 3bet and a 4bet shove, I am not sure I am calling with a drawing hand. Someone shoves from the SB with all that action in front of them I am thinking QQ is the bottom of his range, I gotta think I am drawing at least extremely thin so again, I am not sure I am making this call.

 I really struggle to fold AKs here for only 26BBs, but I think you're right with the call about his range. I guess I felt that I couldn't fold and I would have to win some flips along the way so I had to call. Plus we also only need 37.5% against his range, which means if he's shoving any wider than JJ+,AQs+,AKo then we're good.

Hand 150: Not sure I am shoving this hand here, kind of an odd line to me.

 I guess with TP and flush draw I was happy getting it in on the flop. His mindonk smells of weakness so I wanted to get it in. 

Hand 158: What hands that you beat are going to call you on the river here?  

 I bet the river as a complete bluff as he had shown weakness by checking the turn and river. I'm not betting in the hope that he calls me with a worse hand – I'm betting to get him off hands like the one he showed.

Hand 171: I would have chucked this one in the muck, not sure I am defending with this one.

 I'm not sure. I'm getting 4.5:1 preflop with a hand that I can either get in or get out with. I think this is just a cooler.

Hand 195: Not sure I am floating the flop on this one, yeah you have 2 overs and I put him most likely on a FD on the flop I am not sure I double barrel when the board pairs again. If he is holding an Ace I don't think he is going to care what is happening and is just going to try to maximize his value by just shoving on me. If I do float the flop, I am not betting the turn.

 I hate my call her preflop. Villain was 60/40 over 5 hands, but I'm really hoping to hit the flop with a semi-decent hand against a 3x EP open, which I think is just horrible. I floated the flop as I felt his opening range was pretty wide and then bet the turn as I thought I could get him some hands that beat me, like unpaired high cards, e.g. AK, AQ, KJ, KQ.

Hand 231: Shoving the BB is a huge risk I think in this situation. A BB 3betting you is a pretty serious indication of strength, looking at my 88 I am not sure I make that move without a serious read. Good hand though.

 BB only has 15BB at the start of the hand and I had decided that I wasn't folding to him. The only concern is the SB flatting, which is why I shoved to isolate the BB and get the SB out of the hand. Villain in BB was running 19/19 over 16 hands so I was pretty sure his range wasn't really tight.

Hand 244: What hand are you afraid of here if you are calling 2 streets of pretty significant bets?

 I felt that if he was raising the flop he must have a K or a J so when the J hits the river there's no way my hand is good. I have a a pair of Ks with rubbish kicker and he has bet into me on 3 streets.

Hand 269: Why not shove this?

 Yeah I should shove this. 

Hand 285: What about open shoving this, could represent a low PP, get you called and grab some value?

 At this point I think I had been opening quite a bit and the stacks behind me were perfect to either 3bet jam or just 3bet me. Plus I'm never open shoving 22BBs and definitely wouldn't want to do it with AA. If I had <20BBs then a shove looks more appealing to represent the low PP you are talking about.

Hand 295: Not sure I am calling the SB here.

 In the heat of the moment I thought I was getting 2:1 which makes it a call for me. I had already decided to call vs SB and fold to a BB raise as well.


Pre-flop raise sizing, you are like me early and a bit all over the map on this, pick a size and stick to it.

 I thought it was interesting you said this as I thought more preflop raise sizing was pretty good early, apart from the one hand where I missed the UTG limp and only did my standard raise to 585 (125/250 w/ antes). I'd like to hear what others think about raising only a bit more than a minraise pf – I got this from some of the pros' videos (BigDog again, perhaps). I start at 3x until I drop below 50BB and then make it 2.5BB and then add 85 to a minraise when antes come in say 485 at 100/200 and 585 at 125/250 etc. Once up to 250/500 I add 225 to a minraise.

Shove calling: I have to imagine you experience quite a bit of variance with this one. It may just be that I am a little more conservative, but Hagbard Celine gave me some really good advice when it comes to this, you just have to ask yourself “Is this going to make me money” in these situations, it helps me at least pause and seriously look at the action and make a serious determination about what I would call with profitably.

 This is one area that I feel I need a lot work on because even though I can work out how much equity I need, I'm not always good at working out villain's range. Sometimes when they flip something at the top of their range I question whether I made the right play, but then think about what other hands they could be shoving and work out my equity and think that my call is correct from a cEV point of view.

Free Cards: Need to be a little more careful about giving away free cards to guys in situations where you are vulnerable and have the betting initiative and can easily represent the flop credibly.

 Again I think you're right with this one – I guess I'm just not always sure if I'm cbetting to represent or for value and then don't know where I am in a hand. I hate seeing two overcards when I have a PP and don't know what to do. Grrr…

Shoving: I think you experiencing a lot of chip stack variance by jamming. You may want to slow down the jamming a little, more betting and try to read the action and avoid getting caught up in big stack swings. Shoving with air/draws is going to get you in some trouble.

Yeah I need to look at this, as it definitely affects my stack.

August 19, 2010 - 9:10 pm
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JDOG1645 said:

To answer lespaulgmans question. Here is what Im looking at. Asumming we are behind we have probably 6 outs (887777) if we multiply tha by 4 with two cards to come we have about 24% equity.  The pot is 12735 and we have to call 4275 its about 3 to 1. So we would have to have about 33% equity to call, thats assuming we are behind and this guy didnt spaz with over cards. If we call and lose we still have 128 bigs.  So  I fudge the numbers a little bit for the fact that he could be bluffing and the fact that we are still very deep.  Its close I see an argument for a fold also.  If the other player was deep also I probably would consider the fold because we wouldnt be getting the best price and we are OOP and there is no guarantee that we would have the implied odds if we spike a 7.  Also if I had a smaller stack I would also be considering saving my chips.  I dont thin its grossly +EV or -EV.

Hey, JDog – if we're getting 3:1 on a call then we only need 25% equity, don't we – or have I got that wrong???

August 19, 2010 - 9:18 pm
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JDOG1645 said:

To answer lespaulgmans question. Here is what Im looking at. Asumming we are behind we have probably 6 outs (887777) if we multiply tha by 4 with two cards to come we have about 24% equity.  The pot is 12735 and we have to call 4275 its about 3 to 1. So we would have to have about 33% equity to call, thats assuming we are behind and this guy didnt spaz with over cards. If we call and lose we still have 128 bigs.  So  I fudge the numbers a little bit for the fact that he could be bluffing and the fact that we are still very deep.  Its close I see an argument for a fold also.  If the other player was deep also I probably would consider the fold because we wouldnt be getting the best price and we are OOP and there is no guarantee that we would have the implied odds if we spike a 7.  Also if I had a smaller stack I would also be considering saving my chips.  I dont thin its grossly +EV or -EV.


Jdog….if we are 3:1 then we only need 25% equity….1 out 4 times (3 times lose, 1 times win).

Sorry for not doing a HH review yet. I'm running like shit the last 2 weeks and my confidence is super shot….Cry

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August 19, 2010 - 9:46 pm
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Hand 66: The raise against a single UTG limper is kind of huge and risky. Blinds are 120, so I would have aimed more at a raise of 600 (3x + 1x for limper + 1x for position). Just saving yourself some chips.

 Usually I'd make it 4xBB OOP + 1BB per limper, but as you say it's scary for a 20BB stack to be limping here. I think I actually prefer a check – what do you think? Villain was running at 16/11 over 19 hands.


— I think I like the check, 19 hands isn't a huge sampling, but it is getting close enough to be statistically significant. I don't like drawing conclusions until I get to 30 hands (sorry my engineer is showing 🙂 ), but at ~20 hands I don't see his numbers over the next 10 changing radically unless he hits a hot streak of hands or gets kind of crazy so I think I would credit him with probably being pretty standard at this point. Based on that I would go with the check and see what I could do with him post flop.


On the raise sizing you could make an argument that I was skewed by a few hands. Going back and looking at it, I think it actually looks pretty good, jsut those few I highlighted, but I think your reasoning is pretty solid so I don't have any complaints 🙂


Anyhow, enjoy your holiday in Canada!

August 20, 2010 - 2:42 am
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Hey JDog, thanks for your review. Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to go over it. You provide some really good insights and have given me lots of 'food for thought' so that's great! I've added my comments below and there's a few questions where I'm not exactly sure of your thoughts – could you take a look?


Thanks again and good luck at the tables




JDOG1645 said:

Here is my review, I didnt comment on hands that seemed standard. Overall well played you took some risks I wouldnt have but you did win. I will say that you caught a ton of cards when you need them so thats a big plus.  I hope I didnt come off too strong on my remarks and hopefully its food for thought.


Hand 29 (55)  Pretty interesting that you bet the river and got that guy to fold on such an ugly board. I doubt I pull the trigger there.

 When he checks back the turn and the fourth club hits I felt he was going to have a really hard time calling without a club so I turned my hand into a bluff.

Hand30 (QQ)  I like the check back on the flop we can rep the AK and when he bets there would be no reason to raise on such a dry board.  I think you lost the minimum on the hand and I like how you played it.  Clearly that river bet was begging for a call.

Hand 33 (TT) I like to cbet that flop and if not the flop I certainly firing the turn after its checked round twice and we have position.


Yeah I like the bet on the turn when checked to twice since we can probably check back the river if called.


Hand 53 (ATs) well played I would have lost a lot more on that flop with the nut flush and overs Im check raising almost 100%.


Yeah, looking back at this I'm unsure as to why I didn't check raise this flop. I guess I felt the cbet was so small that he was giving me a good price to call with. When he bets so big on the turn I just get out as I'm not getting the right odds even though I'm pretty sure he has a big pair.

Hand 56 (88) UTG…bet way too much preflop imo


Yeah, I have no memory of raising this much. I'd usually make it between 285-300 here so I'm not sure what I'm doing here! The replayer messed up one of the hands so I'm not sure if it does the same here – unless I was trying to make it 280 and misclicked. But yeah, you're right – waaaaaay too much!


Hand 60 (AA)  when you reraise you made it huge you had 1/3 of your chips in play saying Im not folding but I want action. I think shoving looks weaker or a smaller 3net or evn flatting in position with the intentions of jamming the flop.  I just think as playede we got the minimum we could get from the hand.


Yeah, absolutely. Again, I'm not sure why I'm raising so much here. Looking at it, it's 3x a 3xBB open so I think I must have misread the bet sizing :-/ I'm not sure with 41BBs if I like flatting preflop as it lets too many other people in as it's only a minraise. I'd prefer to flat at between 12-20BB even though this looks really strong to a thinking player. I like the smaller 3bet – how much would you suggest? Somewhere between 550 and 800?


 Hand 66 (AQo)  when you jam into the 838 flop I will tell you if I have a PP I snap it off almost everytime because it just smells of AK/AQ so much…glad he folded.


Yeah I think you're right. I mentioned in lespaul's post that I wondered about checking preflop here – what do you think? Do you think as played I should be bet/folding on the flop?


Hand  89 (99) when you raise the utg and your utg +1 I dont think you raised it enough. Your giving him such great odds to call and your fortunate to get that board. But if he calls and it come AJT your hating life.


Yeah I didn't see the UTG limp – should've (and would've normally) made it more like 835 here!


Hand 93 (88) Is just sick!!!

Hand 101 (99)  Quads…you sir run goot!

Hand 107 (88)  on the flop we are getting about 4 to 1 with second pair and a gutter….I like the call.

Hand 120 (99)  I understand that your repping QJ on the turn with the half pot bet but when none of the flush draws get there and you over bet the river it just seems like a missed draw.  Because if you had the straight you would value bet it. I think you get looked up here often by two pair or Ax often because of that bet sizing imo.


Again, I think this is a good shout. I bet so big on the river to put his tournament life on the line as he had shown weakness in checking the flop, just calling the turn and checking the river. Do you think I should cbet this flop?


Hand 124 ( 87)   I dont like the min raise from BB you gonna get called and be playing a bloated pot OOP with 87o.  The flop is KK5, you bet half pot what are you repping? Would you have min-raised AK like that preflop probably not. If you had a K would you bet or check there I dont know? But against a thinking player I suspect you will get called often and will you be firing the turn?  Me personally with that flop and you fire I often call the bet and if you check turn I fire with air or if you bet I raise with air.


Yeah, I'm not sure what I was doing here – this doesn't seem like a play I would normally make. If I was going to raise from the BB against a limper I'd make it 4x +1BB per limper. It looks to me like a misclick that I followed through on!

Hand  149 (97)  On the flop when the shorty shove and a bigger stack isolates I dont know if I like the call with TP 9 kicker forabout 1/3 of our stack. I expect to see AK/AQ sometimes and we are gambling but I often expect 88 or 99 who didnt want to bloat preflop. But as I have noticed so far in this tourney you have ran extremely well.


The Button is the only person to bet on the flop and whilst I need 43.6% equity against his range I think I should've been more worried about the other players yet to act. The shorty is already all-in preflop and I called the extra bit due to great odds. And if I called I knew I'd still have almost 100BB. Can you take a look at this one again and see if you agree that it's a call on the flop since the shorty is all-in pre? And that it's only 1/4-1/5th of our stack?


Hand 168 (2T)  hate this open you have a guy two spots to your left with a great 3bet shove stack and guy in the SB with like 3 bigs left which you would have to call and show that hand.


Yeah you're absolutely right. This is definitely something I need to look at – I need to look at stack sizes behind before opening. SB was 6/0 over 17 hands and I think this was quite close to the bubble so he was folding everything just trying to make the money.


Hand 171 (6Ts)  fold preflop even to the minraise imo


Hand  188 (QT) you have the nuts on the flop and you IP, I would have checked back the flop and hope he stabs turn or gets  a little something he can call with.


Yeah I think you're right. I hate these spots where you bet hoping for a call and they just fold! I like the check on the flop hoping he catches up on the turn. There's no flush draw so I shouldn't be worried about that either. 


 Hand 195 (KTo)  I dont like the flat on the button against a  EP 3x open late and the SB has a 3bet shove stack.


Yeah I hate this flat.


 Hand 209 ( AJo) A short stack 3x utg thats a warning. Then we flat with AJ in the SB, put him all in or fold and imo I think its a fold because often we are dominated.


I agree this is a shove/fold pre. Again, I'm not sure if this was a misclick call and then I made it worse by shoving the flop. Horrible hand.


 Hand 218 (66) I dont like flatting 1/4 of our stack here with 66 we ship or fold imo.


Yeah this is horrible as well! I guess I was flatting in the hope of just playing against the original raiser, but not wanting to risk it against the other players behind. Can I say it was a misclick again? Probably not… 🙂


 Hand 244 (K3)  when he fires turn I think we can fold TP no kick BvB.


Yeah I like the fold on the turn.


 Hand 269 (JJ)  Dont like the normal raise size utg with JJ with about 14 bigs.  We have been shoving junk and now we bet like this? Plus with that bet size we could get called by hand and have to play JJ OOP and face a flop we dont like. Just jam it pre.


Yeah, I should definitely be just shoving here. Not sure why I didn't – guess I wanted someone to come along, but you're definitely right that there could've been some really ugly flops! I'll shove next time.


Hand  303 (KQ)  he call the flop bet with no draw and overs then we check turn as we dont improve and are OOP, it seems like we didnt have a plan and are spewing chips.


Yeah, ultra-spew here! I guess folding preflop is probably the best plan!


 Hand 353 (A8s)  we are raising the utg 3x preflop raiser OOP with a dominated Ax hand…not sure I like this but it worked so nice hand.


Original raiser had been raising a tonne so I wanted to make sure he didn't run the table over. Not sure I really had a plan post flop though. He was also 90% (9/10) for folding to 3bets!


 Hand 374 (KK)  cooler

Heads up way to battle back for the win.


Thanks very much! 🙂

August 20, 2010 - 4:59 am
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pedactor said:

JDOG1645 said:

To answer lespaulgmans question. Here is what Im looking at. Asumming we are behind we have probably 6 outs (887777) if we multiply tha by 4 with two cards to come we have about 24% equity.  The pot is 12735 and we have to call 4275 its about 3 to 1. So we would have to have about 33% equity to call, thats assuming we are behind and this guy didnt spaz with over cards. If we call and lose we still have 128 bigs.  So  I fudge the numbers a little bit for the fact that he could be bluffing and the fact that we are still very deep.  Its close I see an argument for a fold also.  If the other player was deep also I probably would consider the fold because we wouldnt be getting the best price and we are OOP and there is no guarantee that we would have the implied odds if we spike a 7.  Also if I had a smaller stack I would also be considering saving my chips.  I dont thin its grossly +EV or -EV.

Jdog….if we are 3:1 then we only need 25% equity….1 out 4 times (3 times lose, 1 times win).

Sorry for not doing a HH review yet. I'm running like shit the last 2 weeks and my confidence is super shot….Cry


August 20, 2010 - 5:14 am
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Hand 60 (AA) when you reraise you made it huge you had 1/3 of your chips in play saying Im not folding but I want action. I think shoving looks weaker or a smaller 3net or evn flatting in position with the intentions of jamming the flop. I just think as playede we got the minimum we could get from the hand.

Yeah, absolutely. Again, I'm not sure why I'm raising so much here. Looking at it, it's 3x a 3xBB open so I think I must have misread the bet sizing :-/ I'm not sure with 41BBs if I like flatting preflop as it lets too many other people in as it's only a minraise. I'd prefer to flat at between 12-20BB even though this looks really strong to a thinking player. I like the smaller 3bet – how much would you suggest? Somewhere between 550 and 800?


Somewhere round 600 IM0


Hand 120 (99) I understand that your repping QJ on the turn with the half pot bet but when none of the flush draws get there and you over bet the river it just seems like a missed draw. Because if you had the straight you would value bet it. I think you get looked up here often by two pair or Ax often because of that bet sizing imo.


Again, I think this is a good shout. I bet so big on the river to put his tournament life on the line as he had shown weakness in checking the flop, just calling the turn and checking the river. Do you think I should cbet this flop?


Yes you were the prflop raiser from MP and its HU IP we can rep so much on that flop. Once we check we most certainly dont have that strong of a hand.


Hand 149 (97) On the flop when the shorty shove and a bigger stack isolates I dont know if I like the call with TP 9 kicker forabout 1/3 of our stack. I expect to see AK/AQ sometimes and we are gambling but I often expect 88 or 99 who didnt want to bloat preflop. But as I have noticed so far in this tourney you have ran extremely well.


The Button is the only person to bet on the flop and whilst I need 43.6% equity against his range I think I should've been more worried about the other players yet to act. The shorty is already all-in preflop and I called the extra bit due to great odds. And if I called I knew I'd still have almost 100BB. Can you take a look at this one again and see if you agree that it's a call on the flop since the shorty is all-in pre? And that it's only 1/4-1/5th of our stack?


Well we are getting just a little better than 2 to 1 to call. Its a gamble for certain, I dont hate it since we have a big stack but if we had say a 55K stack I would let it go.  




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