October 6, 2010

Ok guys, the first person to successfully upload a video was goliath.
he has filmed a live sweat of a rush tourney
everyone download and comment. goliath, feel free to upload the second part as well, i think for vids less than 1 hour we can review both.
mavman has also PM'd me but unfortunately he hasn't got his vid working yet so if he can get that done he will be next week.
when you comment on the vid, make sure you include a description of the hand AND what time in the video that it occurs so we can all reference easily.
comment here rather than in the blog comments, i think it makes it easier that way.
hopefully we can get multiple people to comment.
October 6, 2010

Ok, i have had a look at your first video – well done, your voice is nice and clear and you speak well.
First point to note is that i like your raise sizing in general – just over min is great.
3:22 you 3bet with AJ and state that you are 3bet folding. imo if that is the case, i would rather flat with AJ in this spot, as you are wasting the value of your hand by 3bet folding. by 3betting, it also puts you in a tough spot if you get flatted and flop an ace. I would much rather flat in position here. you mention that there are some good squeeze stacks behind you, but imo i think that is a good thing because i think you can actually induce a squeeze and then call a lot of the time. either way though, i dont think its a huge mistake.
5:41 A9o open UTG is very marginal, and as you saw, it put you in a really tough spot. OOP, you are just guessing about whether villain has a J or not. Later on in the vid, you look at this HH again and you mention that there isn't too many J in villains range, but imo it is nearly all J here. QT is about the only straight draw, and AT and AQ are about the only flush draws you beat, but there is a bunch of J type hands like AJ, QJ, KJ, TJ. but this all stems back to your original open utg.
this is about the only big mistake i see you make imo.
7:40 AJ blind vs blind. i prefer 3betting slightly smaller – like 13.5k, as your raise to 18k nearly commits you. i would be trying to induce villain to spazz over you.
9.30 TJ hand on ace high board with FD – i like your bet sizing although anything up to 12k would be ok.
10.14 love raise with T3o after the sb flats – great spot to steal.
11.25 99 on the TJx – firstly LOL at both short stacks flatting, but on the flop i like your bet sizing.
13.33 – you mention something about a QQ hand but i cant remember you having QQ at all. maybe that was in an earlier part of the video that didnt' work properly. maybe you can post the hand history, either here or in the strat forum.
15.17 – i noticed that when you are sb and raising into the bb you seemed to make it 2.5x instead of your standard just-over-min raise size. imo this isn't required, as i think the bb flats us just as often regardless of our sizing. so if thats the case, smaller is better.
16.4 – 78o on the button, BB flats and then donk leads. i agree its just a fold – even though this lead is usually weak, i dont think you can do much about it. if you had KQ then you could peel one because you have a 6 out pair draw, and KQ could be good, but with 78 i think its just a fold. well played.
in summary, well done, this is a really good first part of our first video. i am looking forward to you posting the second part so we can see how you did at the final table.
bennymacca said:
Ok, i have had a look at your first video – well done, your voice is nice and clear and you speak well.
First point to note is that i like your raise sizing in general – just over min is great.
3:22 you 3bet with AJ and state that you are 3bet folding. imo if that is the case, i would rather flat with AJ in this spot, as you are wasting the value of your hand by 3bet folding. by 3betting, it also puts you in a tough spot if you get flatted and flop an ace. I would much rather flat in position here. you mention that there are some good squeeze stacks behind you, but imo i think that is a good thing because i think you can actually induce a squeeze and then call a lot of the time. either way though, i dont think its a huge mistake.
5:41 A9o open UTG is very marginal, and as you saw, it put you in a really tough spot. OOP, you are just guessing about whether villain has a J or not. Later on in the vid, you look at this HH again and you mention that there isn't too many J in villains range, but imo it is nearly all J here. QT is about the only straight draw, and AT and AQ are about the only flush draws you beat, but there is a bunch of J type hands like AJ, QJ, KJ, TJ. but this all stems back to your original open utg.
this is about the only big mistake i see you make imo.
7:40 AJ blind vs blind. i prefer 3betting slightly smaller – like 13.5k, as your raise to 18k nearly commits you. i would be trying to induce villain to spazz over you.
9.30 TJ hand on ace high board with FD – i like your bet sizing although anything up to 12k would be ok.
10.14 love raise with T3o after the sb flats – great spot to steal.
11.25 99 on the TJx – firstly LOL at both short stacks flatting, but on the flop i like your bet sizing.
13.33 – you mention something about a QQ hand but i cant remember you having QQ at all. maybe that was in an earlier part of the video that didnt' work properly. maybe you can post the hand history, either here or in the strat forum.
15.17 – i noticed that when you are sb and raising into the bb you seemed to make it 2.5x instead of your standard just-over-min raise size. imo this isn't required, as i think the bb flats us just as often regardless of our sizing. so if thats the case, smaller is better.
16.4 – 78o on the button, BB flats and then donk leads. i agree its just a fold – even though this lead is usually weak, i dont think you can do much about it. if you had KQ then you could peel one because you have a 6 out pair draw, and KQ could be good, but with 78 i think its just a fold. well played.
in summary, well done, this is a really good first part of our first video. i am looking forward to you posting the second part so we can see how you did at the final table.
thanks for the feedback benny, much appreciated. have put in all the hand histories you mentioned just for quick reference if anybody would like to discuss them. The QQ hand was just a brainfart on my part and was from an earlier vid that failed. I have a few comments about some other hands you brought up but i will post them soon im a tad busy with breastfeeding atm
part 2 is being uploaded currently.
October 6, 2010

slimb0 said:
anyone else just getting audio?
October 6, 2010

hey. im not sure, but i think you should still be able to edit your own posts. i can certainly edit my own without having to go into any moderator tools. i can also edit the post for you, but im pretty sure you can do it yourself
October 6, 2010

just watched your second vid
10:00 AQ on the button with the 2 shorties behind – not really sure whether shoving is better than opening when they have 8 and 6bb respectively. if they have like 15bb then i think opening is better but i think shoving actually looks weaker when they are that short. not a big deal however.
18.5 AJ utg and you open it – this is fine with your stack, because everyone else is in the same position – if you are the short stack with 17bb or whatever it was, then i think shoving is better.
21.5 – KQ in the bb and you get walked – you mention whether you would call this or not – i think i would be snapping off with KQ there.
23:00 – 88 on the JTX board – i like the way you played it but the turn is a sucky spot, definitely a fold but it kinda sucks.
for the next few hands, you constantly jam on the shortie, tuomboy, i think this is excellent play.
28.14 – your shove with Q8 from the sb is definitely correct, especially given how tight the other guy was, bl that he woke up with 77 and you didn't win the flip.
noticed a coupe of -EV plays though
first one was the wife -EV – as soon as you got the hurry up, you busted LOL.
second one was checking the lobby all the time. imo i used to do this all the time but i found that if i looked at it once and only once just after the late registration period is over, then i have played much better, because my ONLY goal is to win.
im not saying you were playing for the pay bumps because you certainly weren't doing that, the difference between 7th and 6th should be of no concern to us, we already know that the money is all in the top 3.
overall though, i have to say that your game is pretty solid, and if you keep grinding when you get the chance, you won't be playing $1 games for very long thats for sure. well done.
bennymacca said:
just watched your second vid
10:00 AQ on the button with the 2 shorties behind – not really sure whether shoving is better than opening when they have 8 and 6bb respectively. if they have like 15bb then i think opening is better but i think shoving actually looks weaker when they are that short. not a big deal however.
18.5 AJ utg and you open it – this is fine with your stack, because everyone else is in the same position – if you are the short stack with 17bb or whatever it was, then i think shoving is better.
21.5 – KQ in the bb and you get walked – you mention whether you would call this or not – i think i would be snapping off with KQ there.
23:00 – 88 on the JTX board – i like the way you played it but the turn is a sucky spot, definitely a fold but it kinda sucks.
for the next few hands, you constantly jam on the shortie, tuomboy, i think this is excellent play.
28.14 – your shove with Q8 from the sb is definitely correct, especially given how tight the other guy was, bl that he woke up with 77 and you didn't win the flip.
noticed a coupe of -EV plays though
first one was the wife -EV – as soon as you got the hurry up, you busted LOL.
second one was checking the lobby all the time. imo i used to do this all the time but i found that if i looked at it once and only once just after the late registration period is over, then i have played much better, because my ONLY goal is to win.
im not saying you were playing for the pay bumps because you certainly weren't doing that, the difference between 7th and 6th should be of no concern to us, we already know that the money is all in the top 3.
overall though, i have to say that your game is pretty solid, and if you keep grinding when you get the chance, you won't be playing $1 games for very long thats for sure. well done.
Thanks again for the feedback benny, i will let you know what i think soon. for now ive posted the hands youve talked about here for quick review.
On the lobby checking, i usually wouldnt check half as often, but i was trying to keep the viewing audience entertained. I agree though, the 'KB' lobby check is definatley -EV
The wife is -EV LOL! i agree, allthough i am lucky to have such an understanding wife so she is definatley +EV in the long run allthough she does have her short term -EV spots
my usual ABI is $4 and i mainly play on stars under G0liath username. I am over-rolled for these $1 Rush tourneys, i had started grinding them to increase my FT bankroll and figure out my Rush ME OD Turbo strategy before moving up to the $4. Have had an awesome month for April considering we had a new addition, i ended up +$670 in tourneys which is over 160+ ABI's. Nice to get some run good on the felt as well as in real life
Ok so in reply to some of Benny's comments
Vid 1
3:22 you 3bet with AJ and state that you are 3bet folding. imo if
that is the case, i would rather flat with AJ in this spot, as you are
wasting the value of your hand by 3bet folding. by 3betting, it also
puts you in a tough spot if you get flatted and flop an ace. I would
much rather flat in position here. you mention that there are some good
squeeze stacks behind you, but imo i think that is a good thing because i
think you can actually induce a squeeze and then call a lot of the
time. either way though, i dont think its a huge mistake.
I definatley prefer the raise to take initiative away preflop, it makes the flop so much easier to play. I might not take it down post flop so easy if i just flat pre and whiff the flop. I agree flatting is an option, but in a turbo tournament i prefer to take down as many pots as i can early in the hand. If im 4 bet here i know my AJ is no good so it also saves me a potential tricky decision on a later street. If i get flatted and flop an ace im not firing more than one bullet anyhow and i can excercise pot control in position to get to showdown cheap.
5:41 A9o open UTG is very marginal, and as you saw, it put you in a
really tough spot. OOP, you are just guessing about whether villain has a
J or not. Later on in the vid, you look at this HH again and you
mention that there isn't too many J in villains range, but imo it is
nearly all J here. QT is about the only straight draw, and AT and AQ are
about the only flush draws you beat, but there is a bunch of J type
hands like AJ, QJ, KJ, TJ. but this all stems back to your original open
utg.this is about the only big mistake i see you make imo.
My UTG raise, i maybe agree that its marginal but in my defence it is only 7 handed and i have 40bb. At this stage in the tournament people are usually playing pretty tight and i want to exploit that and open as much as possible to steal blinds. I would probably even open weaker than A9 UTG at this stage because im folding to a 3 bet anyways, A9 open UTG is definatly in line with my gameplan.
I do think i should have checked the turn though looking back. The reason i was confused was that this guy played the hand pretty well considering my perceived range. I would normally expect top pair to be raised on the flop or turn by these monkeys which is why i didnt put him on too many jacks. They ususally fit or fold there with a made hand so i gave him too many draws. But considering the donk lead, my raise and him flatting me on the flop I did make a mistake betting turn here
Vid 2
21.5 – KQ in the bb and you get walked – you mention whether you
would call this or not – i think i would be snapping off with KQ there.
I wasnt sure because his range would be super tight here given his previous play. My stack was looking good and my thoughts were for perserving it rather than what would be, best case scenareo, taking a flip for almost half my stack. I should run some ranges through pokerstove. ICM wise i think i need a decent edge to call if i think his range is very tight.
Other than that i agree with a lot of your points and certainly appreciate the input
October 6, 2010

firstly, what is the easiest way to multiquote on this site? the quoting system sucks on here – we need quote tags so its easy to know what you are doing. (edit: actually i think they might be there already, ill investigate a bit more)
Re: lobby checking – yeah fair enough, you didn't check it that often.
Re: wife – yeah just kidding. my wife is pretty understanding too
Re: ABI – yeah you definitely look much better than the average $1 MTT player 😀
Re: AJ hand where you 3bet.
your reasoning is fair enough, but it means you are basically turning AJ into a bluff – i doubt villain flats with a worse ace which is why it puts you in a tough position postflop imo.
Re: A9 open utg – to be honest i would much rather open KQs or TJs or even 56s than i would A9 – you can basically never win a big pot with A9s unless you flop 2 pair, and you are out of position so you have no idea how to get value from other people because they could be pot controlling with top pair or could be on other random stuff.
October 6, 2010

anyone else watched it? you dont need to go into as much detail as i did but some general comments would be good.
October 6, 2010

hmm, might be due to the codec used
ill look into it
GaryLQ said:
I'm only getting audio, installing VLC player hasn't helped.
…..fdshow.htm try downloading this video codec, im pretty sure this will work
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