October 6, 2010

Hey guys,
Starting from now, the study group is now relaunched as a member video review group.
What is it?
The study group is intended to be run by the members of the forum to help us review each other's games and help us improve as a group.
How will it work?
Members will upload videos using the member blog funcitonality. To create your own member blog and to get instructions on how to upload videos, email RonFezBuddy at support@tournamentpokeredge.com and he will set it up for you and send you the instructions.
If you need help with the software to record your own video, see my blog post …..ker-video/
Note that is a very rough guide on how to record a video which i intend on improving.
Each week/fortnight, one person's video will be nominated and EVERYONE is welcome to have a look and comment on the video – you dont have to be a regular part of the group or have previously contributed to get involved. Once we have disgussed the video. Then we will move on to the next video.
I will choose whose video gets reviewed next – if you are regular contributor, you will get your video reviewed more quickly, although if there is a particularly nice run or interesting video it will get bumped up the list.
Hopefully the pros will comment on videos from time to time, but i don't think they will review or look at every video
What you need to do
1.Record a video!!!!
2. Email support@tournamentpokeredge.com to get member blog functionality
3. Upload your video – vids are limited to 150mb in size to be aware of this. Also, try not to make your video too long – i dont think any of us want to spend 90 minutes watching a video.
4. To put your video on the list, PM me and let me know that you have uploaded your video. Add as much detail as you can, like what type of tournament, where you finished, review or live sweat etc etc.
First Video Gets to Go first
The first person to upload their video and then PM me will have their video reviewed first – so get cracking!!!!
If you have any questions, feel free to post in this thread and either myself or our forum legends RFB and KB will be able to help.
This will only work if you guys all get involved, so it really is up to us as members of the forum to make this work.
hey benny
looking forward to this, very keen to get involved.
I have tried making a few sweat videos so far using the tutorial you made (thanks btw). Unfortunatley it appears if i film for longer than 20 mins then the recording fails when decoding audio at the end. im sure its some sort of glitch with camstudio or something. is anybody else getting this problem?
Are there any other audio settings that you could recommend for camstudio? … im starting to lose patience now lol just recorded a rush tourney that i made the final table but it failed 🙁
any suggestions welcome
My suggestion is to keep the videos short and just upload many files. The free software just doesn't handle long content very well. We have to play for some pretty expensive software to create our videos and part of that is not dealing with the issues you are having. It's a bit of a pain to keep stopping and saving but you should not have as may problems.
October 6, 2010

anyone else recorded something they might like to share?
for people in the US, this might be a good opportunity to record a hand history review and relive the good old times on stars/tilt/ub
October 6, 2010

since you are the next to upload, you can be number 2!
Is anyone interseted in still doing this?
I'm a newish member but tyring to make the most of the forum and wondered if people were still intersted in this or alternatively get 5 or 6 of us together to put a HH up for a week each week and have the group critique it and take it in turns so every 5 or 6 weeks you get another HH reviewed and we all get to learn from others plays?
October 6, 2010

yeah awesome idea, we should get this up and running again, i think this dropped off a little bit when it became a lot harder for our US friends to get involved.
i will put my name down as someone that is interested as well
Good news Benny and Mr running hot BadaBing, so that's 3 of us now – maybe get it to 4 people and we can then start putting the wheels in motion.
Maybe we could even be cheeky and have a guest pro/founder of the site take it it turns to chcuk their 2 cents in on the HH??? 🙂
What will be the best way to do this? do a video? attach a hand history that people can put into a hand replayer and put notes on hands etc… on here?
October 6, 2010

yeah either videos or HH attached would be ok.
if you want i can organise it, maybe ill start a new thread and we can maybe even get an email/skype list going as well
I have a HH that I can stick up this evening (UK time) guys if we want to start it today? can lave it up until next Wed and then someone else puts on up and we can run it Weds – Weds yeah?
Think it might be best to keep the group to 4/5 as then everyone gets to put there own HH up at decent intervals, if more people are intersted then we can just start 2nd and 3rd groups?
Shall I just save the HH into a word document and atach the file in the thread? or is there a better way?
October 6, 2010

each hand history should be in a separate text file – leave it in that file, and we should be able to get the hand history replayers working correctly
Ok guys I have a HH to put in here for you guys, it's not a massively deep run and it's not massively long but it will get us started as my HH are all over the place and I can't find the one I wanted – think there are a few spots we can get a discussion going about?
How do I attach the HH to this?
I've got a 4th place in a $33 10k all ready to get the HH attached however I have been playing about with the blog and I can't see where I can just attach a file to it for people to download and put through there replayer and then post discussion points on hands in here?
can someone give me a pointer please?
Hey there….you can't do that because most blogs don't allow attachments for security reasons but if you email it to me I'll post it in a place you all can download it. Send to ronfezbuddy@tournamentpokeredge.com.
Thanks Deigo, That's brilliant.
Lads, is this what we were thinking of to start the discussion group without the need to make a video as that can be a bit daunting/time consuming/difficult etc……
With the HH I thought we could stick it in our own HH reviewer and then post here something like below:
“hand 60: your UTG and raise and get 3bet and then 4bet call of like the donkey you are – I beleive the correct action would be………………” etc…
Then hopefully we can get a few days or a week of good discsussion points and then someione else can pop up a HH for a week and we can get through these on a weekly basis?
Buttmunch16 said:
Thanks Deigo, That's brilliant.
Lads, is this what we were thinking of to start the discussion group without the need to make a video as that can be a bit daunting/time consuming/difficult etc……
With the HH I thought we could stick it in our own HH reviewer and then post here something like below:
“hand 60: your UTG and raise and get 3bet and then 4bet call of like the donkey you are – I beleive the correct action would be………………” etc…
Then hopefully we can get a few days or a week of good discsussion points and then someione else can pop up a HH for a week and we can get through these on a weekly basis?
Im in. I might not be able to review it till Monday though
October 6, 2010

its not active at the moment, but there is no reason why you cant record a video and we can kick it off again
thanks for the quick response bennymacca
ok no problem, will try and give it a video a go at some stage
has the whole process of posting hand histories for others to review stopped as well?
i would be happy to look through other peoples, as well as doing it possibly over skype if a few other people were interested in a group session for 40-45mins or whatever suits, just to talk through hands??
October 6, 2010

yeah all of the hand history reviewing stopped, i think it was right around black friday time, so most people had better things to worry about
in terms of skype etc, maybe we can create a thread where if people want to share their skype handles they can, doing this in the TPE chat is also a good idea, although voice chat is definitely good too.
TPE chat would be a great place to start once its ok the rest of the admin?
I up for a skype group as well, so as you said bennymacca, starting a thread may be the best thing to see the interest.
but so far we would have 3 with bennymacca and chip chimp and myself? how many would be enough? 5 or 6?
mcgcanwin2 said:
TPE chat would be a great place to start once its ok the rest of the admin?
I up for a skype group as well, so as you said bennymacca, starting a thread may be the best thing to see the interest.
but so far we would have 3 with bennymacca and chip chimp and myself? how many would be enough? 5 or 6?
I belong to two different Skype groups and each offer something different. One MTT Skype group has a ton of people in it, so very strong regs too, but convo can sometimes be anything but strategy/theory/Hand Reivew. The other is set up so one room is only for posting hands and talking strategy, while the other split room is for general chatter.
I could easily start the Skype group if there is interest.
October 6, 2010

i think a skype group could work really well, so long as it doesn't detract from posting hands here, because that is the last thing we all want. but i think it could work really well for chatting whilst playing, in conjunction with the tpe chat
bennymacca said:
i think a skype group could work really well, so long as it doesn't detract from posting hands here, because that is the last thing we all want. but i think it could work really well for chatting whilst playing, in conjunction with the tpe chat
Hi ya all 🙂
Since I saw this thread some days ago, i have been thinking about it and that process is still going on …
I love the idea of group reviewing, as long as certain conditions are met indeed imo. Foremost it should be a TPE group using skype, teamviewer or other communication software, only accessible if you are a TPE member. Secondly and maybe as important, a good and working structure would have to be created. Remote web conference software is sometimes free, like Teamviewer and you need a code to get connected. Or else a software like mikogo could be used. The acces code can be posted each time at TPE.
Maybe it will take some time to get it running smoothly, but its worth the effort i think! These sessions could even be recorded and posted if the group decides the vid or part of it is worthwile to let other TPE members enjoy…
Each period (week, month, whatever works) one member of this group could open a (teamviewer, mikogo, skype.. whatever works after testing) connection and all others connect to him at a specific time posted on the TPE forum. Group audio could be created by skype if teamviewer, mikogo could not manage the bandwith.
A member could than volonteer or be requested to lead a session on a given day, if he has a mtt where he went real deep for instance and the group will be able to discuss the hands. For that, the volonteer member would fire up a replayer and walk through the tournament or significant part. All connected members would be able to discuss it together through the audio.
HH could be replayed in a first in first out order, putting the last session leader at bottom of the volonteer list to ensure the cycling idea. Another option could be an appointed session leader, who will have the HH of a selected member to be replayed that evening. (just not sure if the replayers are able to play foreign handhistories easily. Will test that.
Throughout january I will test some options if you agree and will post the results inhere. I intend to create a testing session at the end of january or sooner if possible, depending how much time I will have to dive into this.
To me, creating a good structure will be fundamental to the succes of this initiative as I am convinced that a lot of members will like the idea, if they 'd know how it would work. Downloading the free teamviewer and connecting to the sessionleader seems a good start. bennymacca could set it up maybe if he wants or else I would be willing to give a test a go too or maybe some other member 🙂
And, as a suggestion to TPE staff, maybe a group licence for teamviewer or mikogo (for 10? to start with), combined with free audio skype or the build in audio feature, might be a good idea to structure this for the benefit of TPE and its members, ensuring at the same time it will stay a part of TPE while broadening the service TPE creates for its members.
Just my 2cts on this guys
Of course a pre-recorded member video available for download at TPE forum or elsewhere, could be the basis for any particular session too instead or reviewing handhistories real time. This would get closer to the original idea of this thread.
I have a server and would be willing to put any member video up there and post the download link each time inhere.
October 6, 2010

you can do it using the TPE member blog functionality
some great ideas guys, i especially like the idea of chatting while playing, it can be helpful to discuss the hand just as it happened or whatever, posting it in a dedicated thread on TPE or in TPE chat!
i think the best thing is just to set a date and get it up and going if people really want to give it a go. we can change the structure as we go to see how it suits people, otherwise i think we will just be going back and fourth on here and it could just fall by the way side.
i have been busy dealing with other things the last 2 weeks so havent even played a hand of poker, but i can commit from the 28th January onwards most days once given a bit of notice.
Anyway, leave me know what ye think
mcgcork is my skype name, add away
my skypename is jjvandenburg1 add away too.
if we add each other, referring to the studygroup video review seems a good idea not to get refused as our skynames will often not ring a bell right..
Also the TPE nickname and maybe ur pokerroom name as well might be a good idea?
Lets setup a test meeting on skype within a few weeks ok?
Today running0uts, chip chimp71 and me had a short dry run with skype text plus speech, which worked rather nicely and we are anxious to get the study group up and running soon. (replaying HH, vids, theme night.. the sky is the limit..!)
i hope we are going to talk about the desired structure a lot more and here is a good place to put all of our ideas right :p
For instance chip chimp71 has experience with it and one of the possible humps can be people talking at the same time.. imagine 10 or more simultaneously hehe!
Some simple structures can solve these kind of things very well tho I think. For instance appointing a session leader who leads the convo. If some1 wants to comment, he can say his (TPE) name. The session leader will than appoint him to speak at appropiate time, after the current speaker has stopped.
The succes of this effort will depend partly on these kind of measures imo, so I would greatly appreciate all the ideas other future study group members have. I myself will create a list of suggestions coming week about this and we all can change things as we go and agree upon.
Again, it might take some time to get it running smoothly and effctive but I have high hopes that all participant members can greatly benefit from each others knowledge and insights. Lets get it rolling!!
Recording sessions and making it available to all TPE members if TPE agrees can be worthwile too if we think it was a great session etc.
Hi all,
In order to fasten the liftoff a bit I would like to ask all who are interested to put some important data inhere like I will do now: (you can also mail them to me and I will see to it that you will be added)
1. TPE name Bytie_nl
2. skypename: jjvandenburg1
3. screenname on stars: Bytie_nl
4. screenname on Lock (merge): zerobytie
5. TIMEZONE: CET, Netherlands (important to know the timezones we are living in for setting up the meetings)
6. email: j.j.vandenburg@hotmail.com
Audio will probably work fine with skype, and chip chimp71 pointed out a program “join.me”with which we can share a specific desktop with the member who will play the HH , vid or whatever is planned on a particular meeting
We also need to agree upon working procedures imo. I will explain this:
I think that a few simple “rules of engagement” will be rather important to make this a succes.
1. Announcing each meeting in the forum here at TPE
2. Appointing a sessionleader for a specific session or more. He will lead the discussion by giving the turn to speak to the next member after the current speaker has finished.
3. Before speaking every TPE member that wants to say something in the discussion states his TPE name and the sessionleader appoint this TPE member tp speak next.
4. Feedback after each meeting can be done in this thread or in a thread we will create specifically for this goal
Maybe the above seems much too strict and maybe it is… If the natural sponaneaous discussion works, all fine, we can start off with that for sure. If however 4 people (or more..lol!) are talking at the same time, my english, not being my motherlanguage, will defenitely fail to understand all that is said and i guess even english or american participants will loose the thread. Next to that and more importantly, the level of discussion will be much higher after getting used to this speaking rules after some time.
The group will decide on the proceedings so this is only a suggestion from me of which I hope you will agree upon.
bennymacca said something about the members blog function which could be used some way. I don't know how that works yet but will dive into it this week to get to know the possibillities and report back here.
Benny you might explain to me what your thoughts are on this?
Anyways, I think there will be more and more members who will get interested in this, specifically if the setup is thought through well and we can adjust and change as we go….
I am very stoked about the possibilities to exchange thoughts in real time with a group of dedicated members. It will benefit our pokerskills for sure if we do it right!
LIFT OFF: TEST RUN saturday, 11th febr I would like to invite you all to a half hour test run at 2:00 pm ET , 8:00 pm CET
I will be on skype (and maybe chip chimp71) and we will add everyone to the group meeting who sends me a mail and puts his data inhere
So lets make this a succes
chip chimp71 said:
swet1 said:
So is the study group active? How do I get involved?
Post your Skype name and I'll add you. It's still a work in progress, but slowly getting lift off.
TPE Name: swet1
Skype name: blackserac
Time Zone: Central (Canada)
I can PM the rest of my info when required.
October 6, 2010

i have created a new thread for the skype group, …..up/#p31078
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