October 6, 2010

and go…..
ok i have watched it and made some notes how i would have played hands different, which in no way means that it would be a better way, just another way. for example with some hands you won big pots where i would have folded pre.
hand 14 99 in the bb late pos raise you have 26 bb i'd just shove
hand 19 i'd 3b pre a lil bigger to around 600 (but i guess it wouldnt change the outcome)
hand 45 under 10bb maybe i'd openshove here again
hand 52 i think theres not much fe and we are flipping or are dominated so i guess i'd fold and wait for a better spot
hand 91 i'd 3b shove pre
hand 102 3b shovespot
hand 125 nh but i'd have folded pre
hand 166 i'd consider a shove pre especially cause i think villain is an active player against a tighter player i'd also call, as played i'd bet the turn
hand 173 i'd shove or fold pre, think its a good 3b shovespot
hand 188 i'd fold pre or 3b, i'd rather 3b here in the bb with that hand than in the sb with a9 (hand 181) or did you have a read on villains betsize? (hand 181 2x, 188 3x)
hand 199 i'd 4b shove,villain has only 20bb, only time i just call is when villain is an extremely tight player
hand 219 i'd fold or 3b, this guy opens really every orbit when we are in the blinds
hand 222 i'd fold to the cbet, ofcourse if the guy cbets 100% i'd also float 1
hand 223 nh
hand 226 b limp, sb limp, i would raise here, as played i would bet out on the flop
hand 229 i would not open here against this stacksizes in the blinds
hand 234 again jogon, i'd either fold or 3b him pre
hand 235 wow i was really surprised when i saw that riveraction, i think this is not a good spot to bluff, i know jogon seems to be a really bad player but there is nothing you can represent and as played he definetly has something. If a diamond would have hit the river this move would have been much more legit,
hand 264 i'd bet the turn, if villain doesnt fold we build a pot to win some more when we hit one of our many outs
hand 269 i have no problem folding aj pre here, especially if villain has a tight opening range in ep
hand 306 hmm most of the time i'd fold pre
hand 325 possible 3bshove
hand 358 i'd just fold pre, especially cause villain only showed down Ax or pairs.
Hand 369 i think the rivercall was not necessary/pokerpolice 😉
all in all i'd say wp ul to lose the flip in the end and grats to the nice result!!!
the biggest difference in our game is that i take more 3bshovesspots pre when i'm under 30bb and and i fold more of those small Ax hands (in the blinds)
your cbet got my attention, it seems a lil automatic and when villain calls, you shut down, but often it needs 2 barrels especially when the board develops in your favor. I also try to mix it up with delayed cbets on the turn for potcontrol reasons.
1 more thing: about your bluffs, i mean there are only a couple in this tourney, but they were very risky especially when you have literally no outs. I prefer more looking for semibluffspots. and on the river i'd only make stone cold bluffs just when the board has developed in a direction villain could not have liked.
Thanks for the review bada excellent points and analysis.
The 3bet shove spots funnily enough were somehting I was trying to reign in as you may have seen from my “help me control aggression” post, I felt like I was trying to take every single available spot and ending up blowing up a nice 20 – 30 BB stack.
I have tightened up my calling range from the blinds considerably but looks like the ax hands are a leak.
When you say the cbet is automatic? do you mean I should be taking the board texture into account more often? I need to get my 2 barrelling better as I had been trying to do it alot but felt I was bleeding chips more than taking pots down.
Bluffs I def have to work on the story telling part of the bluff as opposed to trying to just blow people off a pot with a big bet I think.
hey dude, made quite a lot of notes I think. Often they are just different ways to play the hand and often I am wrong. But here they are none the less. Congratulations by the way.
hand 13 – can't tell from the video if you always go to a minraise at this level, if so then it's obviously fine.
hand 14 – nice hand by the way! I think having check raised the turn I would lead the river, there is too much chance he will check behind with a top pair kind of hand, he can only bet with the J or on a bluff.
hand 19 – I like your sizing throughout the hand, unlucky though.
hand 40 – it's a close spot but you could be open shoving this I think, though folding is fine too.
hand 48 – I prefer an open shove here, the min raise is too suspect and you will get called by AJ/AQ anyway by shoving.
hand 50 – I think it should either be a fold or chove preflop here. I don't really like a stop and go against 3 players.
hand 52 – I like the 3bet here, aggressive but I like it.
hand 70 – your image is good at this table so I think an open here would also be fine.
hand 91 – you are at about 22bbs here so I think a re-stael shove would be fine. It seems that you were flop dependent here and I'm not sure you are deep enough to set mine even at that price. I'm not sure about this one but I like fold/shove.
hands 108, 114, 115, 116, 117 – I like the shove in all these spots.
hand 125 – I prefer a fold/3bet to calling oop. I would bet the turn for value, though check calling is fine, maybe better as he can't 3 bet you. I would definitely bet the river for value, any pair, small flush etc. will just check behind.
hand 166 – I was tempted to say I would 3bet/call pre here but with your awkward stack size and that he 3x'd it I think a flat is OK.
hand 171 – a tough spot here, I think you played it perfectly, it is clear he is beating you by the river but the price is too good for a fold.
hand 173 – I don't really like the donk lead as it seems transparent, also you will lose his cbet if he has missed as he can just fold now. I do like that having taken this line you continue on the turn, cooler for him.
hand 181 – good aggression and good sizing
hand 188 – I think it's fine to defend here but also seems a good spot to 3bet the same villain as before. Hand 191 would be another possible spot, though obviously the fold there is fine.
hand 199 – I think calling the 3bet in position is fine, though 4betting is also an agg option. I would have liked to float the flop but his sizing is horrible so I prefer the fold.
hand 200 – you could open here I think
hand 206 – calling in position is fine though again a 3bet is an option against such an active player. Scary flop but I like the float. Great turn, and I think you probably got max value in the end.
hand 207 – i like the isolation with the stacks behind as you don't have to worry too much about a big hand from them.
hand 218 – I like this fold
hand 219 – not a fan of defending oop with this hand, I would prefer a 3bet/fold
hand 220 – I'm fine with the re-steal but I think your cbet can be smaller in a 3bet pot.
hand 223 – great flop, I like the call, gives him a chance to keep bluffing (which I think he would have done if he hadn't caught the turn) and then betting for value on turn and river.
hand 227 – nice!
hand 234 – again I don't like the donk lead.
hand 235 – calling the button is fine and obv calling the flop is right. After that I think your play doesn't make sense, if you had a monster you would bet the turn, your raise on the river looks like exactly what it is. Having said that his play also looked weak and I guess either the river helped him or he was slowplaying.
hand 241 – there aren't many flops you're going to love with this hand and you aren't deep enough to setmine so I prefer a 3bet pre.
hand 242 – others may disagree but I like to check behind here for pot control if they have the bigger ace, or to allow them to bluff if they don't. You only really have to worrry about a 3 hitting, and that may even help you.
hand 247 – what a horrible raise from hochhaus1!
hand 248 – I don't really like completing here, just raise/fold I think.
hand 250 – It's kind of a scary baord by the river but when he checks to you I think you have to bet for value and fold if he check-raises, which I don't think he's ever doing without at least a 4 in his hand.
hand 264 – I like that you change your sizing bvb, interesting you don't cbet, though the turn is a perfect card for a delayed cbet.
hand 269 – I'm never sure in this spot, I've heard bigdogs talk about 3betting it. If you do then you can get away if he 4bets and maybe get him to fold AQ and lower. But calling allows him to continue with hands you have dominated so like I said I am unsure. I think you played it fine though and probably lost the minimum.
hand 271 – you are less than 30bbs and I prefer folding, or 3betting if you are feeling uber-agg, though I'd be interested to hear what others have to say.
hand 275 – I think I am giving up on this flop vs 3 opponents and if I did cbet it would be smaller with a paired board. Nice takedown though.
hand 293 and 295 – good calls in both spots.
hand 297 – again you can get away with a smaller cbet.
hand 301 – nice
hand 302 – think this is a definite cbet for me, nice hand
hand 306 – folding pre is better I think, you are looking to hit the ace to continue and when you do you don't know if it is good so can't get value or have to fold to 2 barrel.
hand 315 – same thing with 99, i prefer to 3 bet pre.
hand 316 – I never believe the donk lead to will often put in a good raise here, though folding is fine too.
hand 318 – the 3bet sizing is good but i think you can make the cbet smaller as it is a 3bet pot.
hand 325 – I'm not a fan of playing small pps oop so a 3bet or fold I think. post flop you played it perfectly though I think.
hand 331 – you had the odds to flop and turn bets I think, he obviously played that hand terribly with aces.
hand 333 – I think a cbet would work here, I assume you were pot controlling with the best hand but obviously you are giving away a free card. Calling turn seems fine. hero call on river is a judgement call but you could well be good.
hand 339 – his donk lead would have fooled me, I am definitely raising here and getting it in, though your call is obviously better for pot control. I guess you would have to fold to a bet on a blank turn though, which would suck.
hand 343 – could be a spot for a double barrel, I like the stab on the river, good sizing.
hand 348 – same thing with the small pp, I like that you took a stab, though I would make it a check-raise as it seems more believable to me.
hand 377 – taking a stab is fine though it seems that he has some showdown value by checking each street so I think the bluff will work better on the turn as he doesn't then know if he will have to call twice.
hand 358 – your cbet seems like a better sizing here.
hand 360 – calling the small pp on the button seems much more OK, though I think you have to be prepared to call at least one bet with it rather than just set mining.
hand 367 – same as above, most flops are missing him. I think your hand is too strong to fold to a cbet.
hand 376 – suddenly you make it 3x here, which seems suspicious, even for bvb.
hand 377 – getting it in here is definitely right, ul.
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