October 6, 2010

Hey guys, back with another review, this time of loxxii's deep run
October 6, 2010

I just finished part 1.
I was cracking up at the mouse thing towards the end. Early on, I play very tight when the blinds are low because the pots are much worth stealing at that point vs the attention you have to pay will mulitabling. This is something I picked up from big dog and Chris Moon. I ues that time to tag players on this and other tables. I think this is just an issue of style and both have strengths and weaknesses.
My first cringe moment was not 3betting the QQ. I believe the guy had been tight and was surprised he had ATo there. Either way, you are right about the need to raise the manaics behind out and the fact that he could set mind a smallish 3bet. I think I was worried about folding to a 4bet. That sucks. I will 3bet JJ+ there from now on. What do you do with TT?
Three betting the 75s on the button with 50bb. This is around the stack depth where I start to open up more. By not playing marginal hands earlier, I noticed that this guy had opened a ton. It felt like a good spot, but I do get your point about it being pre ante. At what size stack would you start making moves like this pre ante?
Set mining with 22. I think the standard for set mining is 20x the raise size so to call the 300 I would need to have an effective stack of 6000. What formula do you use for set mining? Since I had a little less, I felt like I should make a move at a decent board like big small small where I am would be top pair would be way ahead or way behind. I flat the cbet and planned to stab the turn (this is also the guy who raised ATo from there earlier). I probably should have abandoned the plan now that I think about what you said about his cbet size. After the turn, he has top pair top kicker or better there every time. This whole idea of turning a missed set mine into a bluff is one I got from big dog where he says he is not flop dependent. I definitely could be applying it incorrectly. This was my second cring moment when I say his cbet sizing. Ughh.
Looks good so far. Im about to fire up part two now.
Part 2
1st hand: KJs I would rather bet 1/3 flop and 1/2 turn and then give up river on second look.
8:00 QTo This guy called with 67s and didnt raise a flush draw last time. I raise more expecting to get paid off with a decent pair. I cbet slightly more too. (1/2 is my standard) I was surprised he raised the flop and this looked like a K to me.I expected him to bet the turn and I planned to check raise him enough to leave a pot sized bet on the river. I like what you said about him not raising flop then folding then turn to a smallish bet. This would have set up a decent size river bet for me instead.
14:20 T7s. I raise there because the BB has to 3bet or fold. I like 1/2 cbets regardless of post flop hand strength but this time I went a little higher because 1025 looks scarier than 9xx to them. I disagree slightly on their range and thought process. I think they call with all kinds of non A trash to float because they put you on AK most time. I bet A high flops like i have it regardless of my hand.
15:30 65o & J8s. At this point I have a big stack and am looking to open up my range. I agree that this is not the table for it and especially not into a regs BB. If the table was more passive, I'd open suited semi connectors there every time. I prefer them to Axo from any position.
16:25 A5o. This was an interesting hand. Because he is a reg, I expect him to open here with pairs, SCs, Aces and broadways. After the 3bet, I expect him to flat only suited hands because he doesnt have odds to set mine. I give him a few Kings and spades once he flats the cbet. After the river, he's either betting the few Kings or he is bluffing the spades. I call just based on the number of combos available. Shocked to see hearts. Now that I know he expects me to give up on river, I've noted his bluff sizing and will call with A high there in the future.
24:00 K8s. His range is never going to be weaker than it is right now so I think this is the best time to take him out since I dont want him doubling through one of the fish later. I put him on roughly 40-50% of hands. I think the call is worth it. If he doubles through me at least it would be in a razor thin spot and not a donation from one of them. He shows up with the top of his range here.
I liked the last bit about blocked stats. I rarely use scope any more because of it. I just go to OPR.
Part 3
1st hand. 98s. I hate isoing here. No idea why I did that. I normally fold pre flop. I hate playing draws oop. Worst hand so far in my opinion. It would be ok to iso if the stations were not to my left.
6:00 33. I dont think many people slow check an A on that flop with the K out there in a multiway pot. There are no draws and no chances to turn an over. I think small pairs fold and nobody has an A. This was just a stab. I like it because nobody expects me to be bluffing there. It would work with 32o also.
12:30 55. This table has been pretty flatty so Im shoving any +EV hand that does not play well post flop multiway. I probably shove 55-QQ, AJs+, AQo+.
16:30 97s. I dont mind the open, but I hate the flat on the flop. The 55 hand from before is +EV to shove and plays bad post flop. This hand is -EV to shove and play well post flop. The problem is I think people are getting short and are ready to put it in with top pair weak kicker on a flop like this so the cbet FE is decreasing. With that in mind, it's probably a fold pre flop. The cbet is def. bad here because they put you on big cards all the time. The is the second worst played hand of the tourney imo.
20: Q4s. I dont like the hand, but I like the spot. I would rather do this with something like J9s because I need to double or bust. brad2323 binked something for $5K last month and was marginally profitable up until then. (also, eaterx is not a reg and is taking a shot above his normal stakes). Having more here is a good reason to not open or at least not cbet the 97s hand.
23:00 A7o. This is a fold. I would open A7s here in hind sight.
24:00 T9o. Same thing. I should fold these off suit hands. COuld open or even shove T9s here.
27:00 J5o. We have 2 regs in the blinds so I think we can refer to the M Charts here. It says to shove J9o, but not J5o. If they were not calling correctly, then it could be a decent spot though.
28:30 K7s. Mogo raised in the same spot with K7s last orbit. This would be an easy shove if he folded according to the M Charts. I feel like im ok vs his range so I like the spot.
29:00 K7o. I like this as a 3bet spot since he is opening wide and often. Im not as desperate now and it wouldnt be a decent shove other wise so I would like a slightly better hand. Maybe with KTo I would feel ahead of his range.
32:30 A2o. This is a fold using the charts. Possibly we could go wider on the bubble though.
33:30 87o. I agonized over this one. 98o is a shove based on the chart but 87o is a fold. These are regs and this is the bubble so idk how we should deviate. I tanked to check the spot which probably would have made it look weaker had I shoved. I am clueless on this one.
34:00 Q7s. I didnt want to tank again so I just shoved this one because I knew it was close. Turns out it's a fold, but Q8s is a shove. I wish we could get Chris Moon (he posted the chart) to explain why Q6s is good from the HJ when 87o is not from the BTN. My guess is we would expect regs to call but shoves more correctly than fish would call MP shoves?
37:00 A3s. I think it is close there with him being so wide from utg. I like a call with a suited A here.
37:30 KTo. Here is where I got myself into trouble with the chart which says this is a fold and KJo is a shove. Before I got the chart I would have shoved this because I only have 15 bbs. I didnt know hoe to reconcile the two at the time, but I knew I wasnt folding so my plan was to play a flop. I would say that this is probably the worst hand of the tourney, but I am still not sure how to play it better between shoving pre in spite of the chart or shoving the flop. I am going to request that Chris Moon do a video or an article on how to deviate from the chart.
I agree with pretty much everything in the summary. I would suggest noting at what time those hands come up though. I am having a hard time finding the one duggs mentioned where there was a A clubs on the turn and I barreled without thinking about their ranges.
Good work guys. Thanks for the review.
October 6, 2010

glad to see you liked it!
prolly the one thing i will comment on with deviating away from shove charts around the bubble.
shove charts are the nash equilibrium with no icm involved, so are a great starting point.
when people have a tighter than nash calling range, the adjustment is to shove wider, because obviously the chances of us getting called are less.
incidentally, the adjustment for someone that is calling really wide is also to widen your shoving range, but add hands that have equity against a calling range and drop hands that dont. i.e something like 44 and 56s might actually be a fold but shoving K2s becomes good because you get value out of QJ and JT etc.
i digressed a little, but yeah the adjustment is to shove wider, which is why i thin you can shove A2 and J2 even if the chart says it is a (closeish) fold
I like the 55 hand in lower stakes. I agree with what benny said about it takes the play away from anyone that would resteal us light with two overs. However, I’d expect to get flatted multiway more than 3bet light at lower stakes which is terrible for a hand like 55. I probably shove 55-QQ, AJs+, AQo+ for balance.
That being said, this is midstakes so I like a r/f a little more, especially with regs left to act here besides the BB who is bad and likely to flat wide. I was autopiloting I guess.
K8s. I think as a reg, the guy should be shoving pretty wide which means the spot is not that marginal.
October 22, 2012

props to benny&duggs you do a great job with those hh reviews guys, i really enjoy watchin them!
just finished pt1, here are some thoughts on 2 hands where i have a different train of thoughts:
Hand 49 min14: QQ i like a 3b pre, but i wouldnt 3b fold QQ is too strong imo (eg JJ i could see an argument for just calling or 3b fold sometime ), either call or shove depending on the opponent
as played i would reraise flop to “see where we stand”
hand 68 min 21: i actually like the cbet size cause we are 3way and the flop is very draw heavy and its likely one of em connects in some way with the flop so we should get a caller anyway
turn: i'd also like to bet bigger even around 1500 to put villain to the test, i think theres no use setting up a rivershove cause there are so many bad rivercards for us out there which makes it hard to shove for value on the river i guess.
I want to make him shove the turn with any high spade hand and dont price him in to buy his card or let him make a mistake with top pair or 2pair
ok now by seeing the river and his hand, he has to pay us off, but with many other rivercards we wont get paid off with TPTK, dont you think?!
Hand 72 min 24: here i totally agree, cbet smaller and dbl barrel sounds optimal
badabing78 said:
props to benny&duggs you do a great job with those hh reviews guys, i really enjoy watchin them!
just finished pt1, here are some thoughts on 2 hands where i have a different train of thoughts:
Hand 49 min14: QQ i like a 3b pre, but i wouldnt 3b fold QQ is too strong imo (eg JJ i could see an argument for just calling or 3b fold sometime ), either call or shove depending on the opponent
as played i would reraise flop to “see where we stand”
hand 68 min 21: i actually like the cbet size cause we are 3way and the flop is very draw heavy and its likely one of em connects in some way with the flop so we should get a caller anyway
turn: i'd also like to bet bigger even around 1500 to put villain to the test, i think theres no use setting up a rivershove cause there are so many bad rivercards for us out there which makes it hard to shove for value on the river i guess.
I want to make him shove the turn with any high spade hand and dont price him in to buy his card or let him make a mistake with top pair or 2pair
ok now by seeing the river and his hand, he has to pay us off, but with many other rivercards we wont get paid off with TPTK, dont you think?!
Hand 72 min 24: here i totally agree, cbet smaller and dbl barrel sounds optimal
QQ I wouldnt ever call or shove a 4bet from utg with QQ because I would put them on QQ+, AK. If they were really out there and would 4bet wider than this, then shoving QQ could be good but I'd want to know what range you are giving them. Also, I'd float the cbet because he will tell you where you stand on the turn for cheaper. They never barrel unless they have it.
77 I like your thinking but if we are gonna bet huge, I would rather bet like 950 on the flop and shove the turn. I may even prefer this line. They are not folding an A or spades on the flop regardless.
Something is going on with my account so I cant watch vids to prepare for my sunday toruneys so I decided to go over this again instead.
Im not really asking anybody to read all this again. It's mainly for me or for anyone that wants to read my old leaks and compare them to my new thoughts.
I have gotten a lot better since I played this so I will put *** next to the points where my views are somewhat different if it is something I commented on the first time.
Part 1
Generally, I was way tighter in the early game back then. I like some of the spots you guys mentioned now.
8:00 AKo I still like a fold here because I am OOP. He is unlikely to be bluffing and if he is, it is probably with spades so my back door outs could be dirty. Being OOP makes it an easy fold for me though.
12:00 64o I like leading now. If I dont improve, im shutting down. OOP with a straight draw on a flushing board is not that important to play to me.
***13:00 QQ I like 3betting. Benny nails it here. When in position, 80% of the time the correct play is to take the lead preflop and continue it on the flop. Easy game.
Alt line: If UTG is LAG, then I like duggs line to keep all the air in his range. Most fish here are just calling stations though. He would have called that 3bet and at least 2 streets with ATo.
***19:00 22 Set mine is fine. Im not concerned about most turn cards. Im floating to set up a bluff later because I know this guy raises ATo utg. I dont like the play here because it's pre ante and the board is not dry enough. K84 rainbow would be perfect for this play. He could fold 99-QQ,AQ,AJ,AT to double barrels. Maybe we can just fold pairs smaller than 66 instead of floating with them.
It's also important to note bet sizing tells. 2/3 is his standard post flop bet size so it's not as scary here as it would be if 1/2 was his normal size.
23:00 Duggs comment about bet sizing based on what stack you leave them afterwards is good in most cases, but I dont think it applies to Axx boards vs fish. If this guy has A2o and I cbet pot, he's calling so I think we should get more in. I think they consider their remaining stack on other boards like 7xx where they may put you on AK and want to float, but not for too much.
Part 2
3:00 AJs I agree with duggs on betting like 2700 on this river. It leaves more than half my stack behind and he can call without breaking the 16K mark (per duggs earlier comment). I think hands like 99-QQ call 2700 and fold to 3000. Crazy.
5:00 I agree with the discussion on timing tells. Im starting to pay attention to that more. We really need an article on that.
***8:00 QTo I agree with leading turn now instead of going for a check raise. I would prefer 3200 on the river (per duggs earlier comment)
12:00 AJs This is a fold. His range is slighlty too strong. I'd 3bet with antes.
***14:00 T7s I agree that the cbet should be smaller here. I think it should be bigger (and scarier) on a flop like 9xx to discourage floating.
14:30 65o This is what I mean. Now, I would bet bigger like maybe 800 to discourage floats.
16:00 I disagree with avoiding the regs from EP. Until he notices I am opening a lot on him, he is actually the best guy to open on because he is not flatting loosely. I'll slow down once he does something to stop me. I know that a lot of regs are multitabling nits because I used to be one myself.
***16:30 A5o It's a perfect spot and I like the sizing. However, I do like duggs thought on doing this with 76s over A5o if he will flat. He will be more likely to flat if he hasnt been active. I will consider this going forward.
On the river, I think he's bluffing a lot with that sizing when I check back the turn, so I would call with AJo and any pair. (not 3betting AJs or AQ to begin with) He has to have a lot of air in his range to play it that passively with a draw on the board.
27:30 99 If BTN is a fish. I like a flat and possibly call one street. They usually only 3bet monsters regardless of position. They love to call so it would take a pretty big hand for them not to. Im only flatting to set mine or beat AK on non A or K flops.
If BTN is good, then I like a 4bet but if he flats, I am not cbetting A or K high flops. I would put a flat on maybe QQ+, AK. As a matter of fact, almost all boards suck to cbet against that range.
28:30 Duggs makes a good point about flatting to keep air in their ranges. I would just add that I dont like this approach OOP with a hand that does not flop well. Otherwise, I think it's the way to go.
29:30 A7s I like a fold only because it's SB and multiway. I would like it in the BB because it's a better price and I will have position on the SB.
35:00 Benny brought up a nice alternate line of bombing the T5T5 board with AQs+. We only lose to Tx and JJ. Tx is unlikely and JJ would have a hard time calling. QQ+ would have raised pre flop. The play is virtually risk free and is likely to scare off all lower pairs which we are behind and all Ax which we are chopping with. I like it.
Part 3
***5:30 33 I still like this one. I think everything folds except Ax, some Kx, and 99. Ax is rare because a good bit of the few combos left would raise pre flop. I would say maybe KT+ calls. A half pot bluff only needs to work 33% of the time. Way less than 33% of the remaining combos are calling here and we even have like 5% equity vs some of the ones that do when a 3 comes. For these reasons, I disagree with duggs statement that we have to fire two barrels for this to be profitable. I think firing two barrels is very unprofitable.
***10:00 55 I raise here now. This is a question of how badly do I need these blinds. In a turbo, I shove. Here, I dont. BTN is looking for a spot, so I'd have to call and flip with him sometime. Not good, but not worth risking my stack. SB is not 3betting light because I dont think its in his game. It'd fold to him. Same for BB who is very likely to flat. Again, it sucks but it's not worth risking my stack. In a turbo getting these blinds and avoiding the flat or flip is worth risking my stack so I would shove in that case.
***27:10 J5o I shove this now. I shove wider than the M Charts now in some spots because even most regs dont call correctly.
***27:30 K7s I agree that brad and mog are running over the table because nobody is fighting back which is why I took this spot. It is marginal and I wouldnt have to do it if I had played better in the last 10 minutes of the video.
***36:00 A3s Were flipping if he is shoving 50% of hands. I like the fold due to ICM and average stack sizes at the table.
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