Hey everyone…we are about to start our next round of advertising TPE and we are working on some ideas for a campaign. We recently were running the theme of “We MTTs” because I think that's a good way to sum up what this site is all about. You can see an example of that on our homepage in the rotating flash promo area. It's been a good theme, but it has been running for a while and we want to shift gears.
What we would like to know, from you, our members is what brought you to TPE. Was it an print ad, banner, word of mouth, some other promotion? What caught your eye in the communication. Was it the price? Our pros? The features? Any information on how you found TPE and what made you sign up would be helpful!
As a token of our appreciation, we'll select two random winners from this thread (assuming you actually post information ) and ship that person a free TPE shirt.
I can tell you for me the initial draw was the Ask the Pro's Forum and the Live Sweat vids. It really impressed me that the pro's are as involved with the community as they are. The Live Sweats were really a nice draw as I am always really interested in how people actually play in the heat of the moment so that was a real big plus for me. Having been a member now for a while, I think something that could be a good highlight is the community itself. It is very different from any other poker community that I know of out there. This is one of the most open and supportive groups I have known and had been a part of. I think that is something that could be a really nice differentiating factor.
lespaulgman said:
I can tell you for me the initial draw was the Ask the Pro's Forum and the Live Sweat vids. It really impressed me that the pro's are as involved with the community as they are. The Live Sweats were really a nice draw as I am always really interested in how people actually play in the heat of the moment so that was a real big plus for me. Having been a member now for a while, I think something that could be a good highlight is the community itself. It is very different from any other poker community that I know of out there. This is one of the most open and supportive groups I have known and had been a part of. I think that is something that could be a really nice differentiating factor.
ty, i feel the same way about the community! You guys are great…we are very lucky to have such a supportive group of members.
LPG, how did you find our site?
I googled “top poker training” sites and went through a few of them then checked your site. The format was great and easy to navigate. I checked the blogs, the pro bios, then searched some stats on them (for me they were impressive). I then checked the video library to make sure there was some low stakes stuff and then checked out the “ask the pros” section and everyone sounded very upbeat and positive. I usually research shit to death before paying but everything here looked great. no negatives at all. I pulled the trigger quite fast on signing up. The price was the bomb but not a factor in the decision. I think mostly I was impressed with the “online” pros you have onboard and how responsive they are.
The internet is full of shitty training forums where a handful of frequent posters think their way is the only way and everyone else’s opinions or ideas suck. I think you have a total winning site here, and for me as a newish player, I really like how the members are very positive when commenting on posts even if they sound half a$$ed goofy to a seasoned player. Everyone needs to learn how to walk before they run and it’s nice to know I am not going to be berated or belittled on a semi-open forum when I have a question. It keeps me positive and on here improving my game.
Perhaps a member testimonials page for the world to see might help. It could be open to the public like the “ask the pros” page is. They go a long way in my business and I am sure most the members wouldn’t mind posting something in it to give back a little.
RonFezBuddy said:
brentd22 said:
podcast advertisement got me to check out the site and I decided to subscribe.
Maybe a member survey of how results have improved since joining site?
How did you find our podcast? (i assume it's our podcast you are referring to)
no not ur podcast. I believe pokerroad had those spots.
The respectful community is one of the best, features of the site.
I found the site when I searched tournament training sites, evaluated them and the deciding factor for me was no signup fees.
The interaction with the pros/coaches is great feature as well.
TBH I think the slogan of 'we love mtt's' is a little general and could be improved…I don't have any specific suggestions atm.
I think offering some full length free trail videos (maybe one high/mid stakes, one low stakes, and a theory vid) could help demonstrate your content and help increase conversions.
October 6, 2010

the ads from the pokerroad radio and two jacks in the hole podcasts were what first got me interested in the site, then i came here and checked out the sample videos and thought they were great, so i signed up

June 22, 2010

I too first discovered TPE through Poker Road podcast. I tried training sites that had more then one area and found them lacking. I would rather choose two different trainng sites that specialize in cash and MTT then just one. The month to month low price was a huge selling point for me because it allowed me to try it out without dropping the bomb on signup fees. The newness of TPE was also a selling point it made it easier to come into the community as someone who was brand new to poker. To be honest, I was so new to poker I didn't even know who BigDog was before I joined. I think something TPE should market is the community and the fact that the Pros interact. I truly feel like a friend to the regular posters in the forums and pros; except Killingbird sometimes when he sucks out on me in Words with Friends on the last couple of moves.
I was thinking a bounty tournament with all the Pros would be an interesting marketening idea. You could place a $50-100 bounty on all the pros plus offer membership subscriptions to the overall winners but open it up to everyone, advertising it on the podcast magazines, etc. People will be directed to a special part of the website where they will have a couple of free training videos to watch plus the password to get into the tournament. Of course current memebers will be eligible as well. Pros and members would interact with people in the tournament to show the strength of our community. Perhaps, maybe even allow the chat room to be open that day for to non-members as well. Just a thought.
"Your either in Sheen's Korner or your with the trolls."
October 6, 2010

the price, and the fact that i could site transfer were big selling points for me
the vids and just as importantly, the forum community, have kept me here. forum is sicknuts for strategy, i dont even bother posting on 2p2 anymore, its so hard to wade through the bs to find the good stuff
For me I was looking for alot of help which I found here. I liked the price most def, and the fact I could site tranfer. I was here before the you guys added the chat menu, and when that was added it made it even better. To be able to chat with the site pros is so valueable. I feel it is more like a poker family instead of a poker forum. Some of us have been here a long time together. As strange as it may feel for a that new member to come in the chat everyone Is like yo what up etc like they have been there for ever hense family. The advice you get here is easier to take in. The vids are top notch. And then the addition of the low to micro stakes pros really changed my game for the better. I discovered your site through p5s, and never once regretted joining. I think the slogan should be TPE come play, chat, and make final tables…..
I initially became interested after hearing an advert on pokerroad. Watching the sample videos gave me an idea of the quality, but what sealed the deal for me was listening to the 1st podcast. I think that that will be an invaluable advertising tool.. I can already tell after just a few weeks that I am really loosening up my range and making moves that I would not have likely thought about before joining the site. More importantly, I think I am becoming more comfortable with the variance that playing this way creates, and I have taken down a few low stakes turbos that I wouldn't likely have won with my more tag/nitty style which has been my normal play. Testimonials might be helpful, but if you use them, please select your people more carefully than dueces cracked did- that ad on the pokercast is just annoying, and I forward through it everytime. If you want testimonials I would be happy to do one for free, and I am sure that you have members who have been here longer that have more impressive stories. I feel that I am getting very good value for my investment in the site. Keep up the good work!
I learned of TPE reading an article on bigdogpckt5s in Card Player mag. I think you should also focus on more media coverage-especially on the TPE pros. There is so much online with banners, slogans, jumping art, etc. that I rarely if ever pay any attention to any of it. A direct email campaign could also be effective if you can obtain specific lists of poker players. Also work on getting linked through sympathetic web sites.
I think that TPE should take great pride in the community that has been formed in these past few months. Being a regular in the chat room, I can honestly say that I have made some super nice friends! I think that members of this site don't feel alone, there is always someone you can talk to whether on chat, on the forums, or private messages, and everyone is more than willing to help out with regards to an inquiries that are made. TPE is not just your average training site, it is a poker community, with full access to the pros, and endless tools to help improve a person's poker knowledge and skill.
I strongly believe that anyone is resourceful enough to gain the knowledge one seeks, but without the sense of community and support, you lack confidence in achieving your goals.
When I think TPE, I think….Community, Support, Friends, Fun, Educational Tools, Family!

it's pretty amazing how a community of helpful, nice, respectful, great poker players can improve anyones game then you throw in interaction with the pros on the same level as other members and great videos you really can't go wrong. The price is nothing basically compared to what it will do for your game.
I was first attracted to TPE by checking out a sample video and I heard about TPE from Pocket 5's. For me if the videos suck and the pros cant TEACH and only narrate then I look elsewhere but watching BigDogs sample video had me hooked from the start. I REALLY FEEL THAT HAVING A SAMPLE VIDEO FROM EACH PRO AVAILABLE TO VIEW IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THE SITE CAN DO TO ATTRACT NEW MEMBERS.
I also loved the price which is an incredible value and ofcourse the pros are AMAZING. I would not trade the TPE pros for ANY other PRO on ANY other training site.
I also liked that the site was small and at the time was just getting started so I felt like I could get in on the ground floor and help the site grow and prosper.
Another great aspect of TPE is the incredible community we have here. Everyone is friendly, helpfull and have been nothing but supportive!
As for your ad campaigns I actually really liked the “Want to crush MTT's? That's what we do” line. It's a very bold and confident statement but the PROs and our members do exactly that, CRUSH MTT's.
I think you guys should really mention what spearates TPE from ALL THE OTHER TRAINING SITES. Perhaps creating some sort of banner add / email campaign that lists WHY TPE is new and innovative such as
$22.95 or whatever the price is w/out any sign up fees was also VERY big for me when deciding where to spend my money on a poker training site.
1. Theory Videos (3-betting, floating, playing top pair and overpairs, c-betting, Having a plan etc..) – I think if I heard,read,saw that TPE was offering THEORY videos that may be enough for me to join right there!
2. MEMBER hand history reviews
3. Podcasts dedicated to MTT poker
4. Team Reviews (2 players review a HH and bounce ideas off eachother)
5. Live Sweats
6. Bankroll Builders
7. Pro Articles and Blogs/Twitter (even though I feel the blogs/Twitter) are not kept up to date as often as they should.
8. Interaction with the pros (blogs, twitter, forum, TPE CHAT ROOM)
9. TPE Poker League
10. TPE Study Group
11. TPE Store
12. TPE Member Tournaments
13. Sticking it to the Man series (perhaps coming up with a different name when promoting this concept)
14. Super Active TPE Forum (promote it was a way to stay ahead of the curve, and mention that you are kept aware of the latest trends, lines etc..)
15. Member Blogs (coming soon Weeeeeeeeeeeee)
all of this for less then $25 a month is a STEAL!!!!
hope this helps
July 3, 2010

obv the price was a huge point for me. and no sign-up fee. no other training site can beat that. plus you got the bigdog!!!! I heard about this site from thepokerdb u had an ad there, which i think is a great place. as a player i think all poker players should use the db. I also love that there are regular vids coming out and we dont have to wait. no other site is specific about what they teach and i think there are more tournament players overall. another slogan could be “ask and you shall receive”. I'm very proud to be a TPE member and i have received alot from your site. ty for putting together this site you guys should be very proud, GJ!!!! keep up the good work. run good to all in poker and in life.
I was watching Bigdog one day and heard him mention it to someone else.. No sign up fee and no commitments are key. The interactive forums are great. Being able to post a HH and have five replies the same day is pretty sick. Also loving live sweats.. The pros here are not only proven winners but they are great teachers. In order to improve, we must be willing to make change. It's like a Einstein quote:
'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'
I don't want to be insane 🙂

June 22, 2010

I still think TPE's biggest asset is the family feeling. Other training training sites market videos and pros in the extreme. We should be marketing the “family” aspect, I would go so far as using “joing the TPE family”. In every hand review we have at least one pro comment, you just don't get that at other sites. Like FK mentioned we don't have assholes like 2+2. Even though we may disagree on things we are all very civilized. The three biggest things TPE has to offer: Family, Price and niche training.
"Your either in Sheen's Korner or your with the trolls."
TPE is fantastic. What brought me to the site was affordable training. Lets face it, when your a micro stakes grinder it is tought to justify $100-300 sign up fees plus $30-60 a month. Hard work has always been a quality I have, and when I play but look at the stats of pros or semi-pros, I think I need to add something to my learning pool along with hard work. The site realed me in with no sign up fee and affordable monthly price……BUT what made me stay and keep on staying is what it really has to offer and the great experience it is giving me. THANKS TPE!
I'm a huge pokerroad fan and listen to all their podcasts .. and this is where I've found out about TPE. I've heard the ad over and over and thought one day that this would be the perfect training site for me as a MTT player. I've been a member to almost all big training sites out there at least once .. but I always canceled my subscription because 3-4 MTT vids a month just wasn't enough for me (I tried multiple times to switch to cash games, but in the end I always get bored and come back to MTTs).
Seeing that this is the only MTT only training site out there is a huge selling point. The second big selling point (which made me actually sign up) is that it has no signup fee. That's one thing I've always hated about training sites .. that you have to pay $200 or so just to be allowed to pay another monthly fee lol.
I was browsing for a poker training site and I like playing tournaments more than cash games. I did some research and watched some of the free videos to get a feel for TPE. I also looked at the forums and noticed that the pro's on this site seem to respond and interact more than on other sites. The price is very very good compared to others and not having a sign up fee was a big plus for me. The biggest draw for me was that I could go to the casino and spend $50 to play in a tournament out here and consider playing it training, or I could spend that buy in ($50) on this training site for a couple months and listen to winning players explain what they do and why they do it then try to implement certain things into my play. What a great way to improve my game and for a great price.
You guys wanting to share your of MTT's with us while helping us improve is the biggest reason I am a member of this site and I see myself here for a long time.
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