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Going Pro in 2015!!!
High Stakes Shark
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January 1, 2015 - 3:40 pm
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Hey TPE!

In February of 2014 I deposited $200 on Bovada and started Grinding MTTs after a few months off from poker. I made a Goals thread here on TPE: …..e-and-roi/

Over the course of the year, I met some really great poker players here on TPE both amateur and professional. I started talking with some guys over Skype reviewing hands and studying together, and got professional coaching from several TPE pros. Most of the year I mainly played on Bovada, where I made around 30k over 1200 Tournaments at a 50% ROI. Near the end of the year I started branching out and playing on Merge and WPN, where I am down a bit over small samples. I also played 9 Live MTTs, most of which were played on a trip to Atlantic City in the summer. It has been difficult to get the amount of volume I would like to get while working 45-55 hours/wk at an engineering firm. It has also been hard to find enough time to study. I think about Poker constantly and I know it’s what I want to do, so tomorrow I am meeting with my boss to give my notice. I’m taking a shot at playing professionally!!

Starting today, I am playing fully backed and will be doing weekly coaching sessions with a couple top pros in the US online scene. My plan is to start playing full-time March 1. I will likely play backed until around June, but will have to see how things go. After losing some money live,investing a lot in coaching,software, and computer equipment, etc etc, my bankroll is currently sitting at around 18k. I plan to spend about 3 weeks in Vegas for WSOP and make 1 other live trip (thinking Punta Cana) this year. Very excited to focus fully on Poker and grind my way to the top! Last year I wasn’t great about updating my goals thread regularly and this year I want to be much more active in the forums.

Goals for 2015:

Avg. 500 MTT’s per month, 6000 MTTs for the year

-For the first 2 months of the year I will be playing MUCH less than this since I will be working, so I will need to put in mass volume to get back on pace once I go full time.

LOL @ Having profit goals. Seems like a good way to go insane. I just want to survive and pay the bills with poker.

Work out 4 days/week

Start eating more healthy!! I’m on the road a lot with my job and it’s sometimes hard to eat well. As soon as I am “unemployed” I would like to start preparing all my meals for the week ahead of time and have them ready (we US grinders have to deal with things like no synced breaks, there isn’t really time for luxuries like cooking dinner, peeing in a toilet, etc). I would also like to start Juicing.

I want to be really strict about doing some form of meditation before EVERY SINGLE SESSION. I think that combining this with regular exercise is the nuts and can generate a massive increase in productivity/expected ROI. Aside from that it’s just good for you!

-Have a good life balance, make time for family and friends (I’m really bad at this and need to work on it)
-Build a poker website to host a blog and other content, eventually would like to develop some sort of product
-I have a few ideas for products but don’t want to get into any detail until something actually forms.

Looking forward to meeting more great people in this journey and to meeting some of the guys I already know in person! Rungood in 2015!

January 2, 2015 - 12:13 pm
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Congrats on a great year! Best of luck to you in 2015!

High Stakes Shark
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January 2, 2015 - 1:22 pm
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Thanks Hawkeye!  Nice run today in the 2k earlier. 


I just got home from the big meeting with my boss. I just gave my 2 month notice at work! I was really nervous and it feels like a pretty big weight has been lifted. It went very well and some very kind words were said. I always have a great reference if needed from the company and the door is open if I ever want to return! Feels really good to know that I'm thought of highly enough to have that option.

Decided to hop on and grind the New Years Day events on Bovada yesterday. Lots of larger buy-in events and bigger fields, didn't have any big scores and just one small cash. The Main Event was pretty tough near the money and had some tough tables. Got a FT in a 1k 6max but ran gross and went from 1/5 to out 5th over a couple of hands ( AA<JJ on JJx, A2<KQ, A5<QJ ). Felt like I played well, confidence still high.

Coaching session tonight and then probably grind a late start session. Planning to get some studying in tomorrow and maybe grind cash for a while. Reeally looking forward to a full on grind this Sunday as my girlfriend will be working all day.


Small Stakes Grinder
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January 2, 2015 - 2:02 pm
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Hope u run good this year. GL

High Stakes Shark
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January 2, 2015 - 3:33 pm
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TY Jedi.  Sorry everyone for the strangely formatted post above.  I copy/pasted it from 2+2 and it came out really strange. 


EDIT: fixed the strange formatting

High Stakes Shark
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January 5, 2015 - 2:02 pm
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Singing while I Swing!!!

So to start off 2015 I am on a 2k downswing over 45 games. I have busted my account on Bovada and will need to redeposit. Felt pretty gross last night after firing the last money in my account in the Thousandaire maker, I went from 1/18 to out in 14th for $0 where 1-7th cash for 1k. Probably missing a few marginal spots and checking back one river would have allowed me to basically fold to the money. Oh well. 2k is nothing in the long run, and a very reasonable swing for what I'm playing. 

I'm feeling pretty great today after a good morning at work. Today I very successfully wrapped up a project that has been a work in progress for ~2 years. Heading out to grab some lunch with the girl, then a 4mi walk to clear the mind before starting tonight's grind!!

January 5, 2015 - 2:32 pm
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We all have those swings…no biggie. Take something down tonight. I am on the grind tonight as well so you might have to settle for 2nd place if we are in same tournies wink

High Stakes Shark
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January 5, 2015 - 10:17 pm
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are you a software engineer as well?

High Stakes Shark
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January 8, 2015 - 1:42 am
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@Hawkeye- Hope you ran better than me the other night!

@NeverAA- I am an industrial controls engineer. Work mostly in forest products (sawmills, pellet mills, etc)

High Stakes Shark
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January 8, 2015 - 1:52 am
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So after my fourth session of the year I was down over 3k. Yesterday I decided to cut out the 109’s,82’s, and most of the 55’s, and only played a few 55 and mostly 33 and under. I had several deep runs, including a 17th,18th in the 30k, 9th in a $22 10k, and 11th in a 4k turbo. It was a little frustrating getting all these deep runs in with no top 3 or even top 6 finishes, but it was nice to book a small profit. Tonight I added some bigger stuff back in and had a decent profit- shipping a 3k GTD and 8th in a 2k 6max.

Volume so far: 93 MTTs

I’m pretty happy with this volume since I’m still working full-time. This puts me on pace for over 360 tournaments this month, which is actually more than I had expected I would get in. So far we are down about 2.4k, but the last few nights it was nice to get some momentum back. I probably won’t be playing again until Sunday, and am excited to put in a hard grind.


Nervous Mike
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January 8, 2015 - 11:04 am
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I wish you the best of luck! Will be interesting to follow your road to the top!

High Stakes Shark
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January 8, 2015 - 5:51 pm
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Nervous Mike said:

I wish you the best of luck! Will be interesting to follow your road to the top!

Thanks Mike!  Really appreciate the support.

High Stakes Shark
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January 13, 2015 - 10:38 pm
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Currently continuing to downswing.  Down close to 4.5k YTD.  Still very confident and feel I've been playing fairly well, just gotta grind it out!  Probably going to take a few days off, possible I won't play again until Sunday.  Really excited to play Sunday and the extra games on Bovada Monday.  Hoping to get a coaching session in this week and spending some time going over HH's and forum posts. 


Life wise things are going pretty well, been eating quite well.  Haven't been exercizing quite as much as I want to, but did a few solid workouts in last week.  Meditation game has been a little weak, have done a short meditaton before every session but would really like to do 10 mins. before and after every session.  Going to work towards this going forward.  I'm reeally excited to be able to dedicate my full attention to poker when my day job ends, and am counting the days.


Rungood Everyone!!

High Stakes Shark
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January 21, 2015 - 3:20 am
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Continuing to downswing. Feel like overall I have played quite well so far this year and happy with my volume, but honestly really not happy with my pre and post game routines (or lack thereof) and mindset late in sessions. I think the downswing is finally starting to get to me a bit and near the end of the last few sessions I have felt fairly weak mentally. Whenever I get it in pre on a flip I find myself thinking like “OK he's obv gonna hit the A or Q but probably not until river” and crap like that, seems like a clear sign that I'm getting fatigued/frustrated. 

Had a deep run in the Sunday Major on Bovada but ended up busting 30th after losing a 3way AIPF with QQ vs TT and A9. It's kinda sick because that one pot could easily have made the difference between me being breakeven or up a few k and being down several thousand and continuing to downswing. That's variance!

I'm planning to not play for the rest of this week (have to travel to NY for work Thurs-Monday so can't play the weekend anyway). Gonna try to focus on work and also get a bunch of studying in. I think it's gonna be very productive to focus on specific goals for my away-from-table work, so I'm gonna start posting my study goals and how well I'm progressing toward them. 

Study Goals- Present-Mar.1: 

-Mental Game 
-Routine setting/productivity 
-under 20bb play and push/fold concepts 

I have been getting a little better about meditation and tonight purchased a post-session cooldown MP3 from Elliot Roe and used it after my session. I think it helps a lot with letting go of frustrations and relaxing, and should help me sleep better. I'm also gonna get some pre-session material and get to work on developing a consistent pre-session routine. I think it's gonna be really important for me to establish healthy routines NOW before going full time in March, so my main focus will be on that. 

Planning to get to Foxwoods on 1/30 for the CPPT Event #1 (100k GTD) $600 NLH re-entry. May try to sell some action at low or no MU, but haven't decided yet and may just end up taking the shot on my own dime. 


Grinding Micros
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January 21, 2015 - 10:11 am
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Hope the downswing turns around for you soon. Just wondering about your volume through this, how many MTT's do you play on an average day now? Will you be able to maintain enough volume to reach your initial goal? What do you do, if anything to reduce your variance?

Sending some rungood your way.

High Stakes Shark
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January 22, 2015 - 11:19 pm
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@Jimmy2tymz- Right now my volume is pretty light since I'm still working full-time.  I plan to play at least 500 tournaments every month starting in March.  So far in Jan. I've played around 225 tournaments or so.  I think I will be able to meet my goal.  Regarding variance, I haven't done anything to reduce variance until today.  I decided for now I am going to cut all Turbos out of my schedule for a while to try and have a little less variance. 


Thx for the rungood!

High Stakes Shark
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January 26, 2015 - 12:28 am
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Blahh Sunday today.  Didn't play a ton of tournaments and only had a few small cashes.  May try to take most of next week off, feeling a little burned out and staying balanced and making good decisions is going to be more important than getting volume in at this point.  Would be good to get some studying in and be a little more relaxed, especially if I'm gonna go play the $600 liveament next weekend. 

January 26, 2015 - 12:49 pm
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Hang in there man! I know you know this but these downswings happen to us all. It is more painful for you at the moment because you have committed to this being your source of income in the near future.  I think you are making good decisions not letting it spiral worse than some other people would.  Keep making good decisions.  I would be happy to do some HH reviews with you if you wanted.  Let me know.  I am djhahn82 on skype.

Grinding Micros
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January 26, 2015 - 3:50 pm
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“Yesterday I decided to cut out the 109's,82's, and most of the 55's, and only played a few 55 and mostly 33 and under.”


This is where satellites are good.  The conventional advice is if you don't have the bankroll to buy into the tournament directly then you shouldn't be playing a satellite for it.  I don't think this is 100% true.  Myself right now I only buy in directly into tournaments $33 and under (except Sundays I'll go up to $55), but I feel my BR is right on the tipping point of being safe to play every $55.  So what I do is play satellites to $55 and $44 whenever they run while I'm playing if I have room on my screen.  I think this strategy reduces BR fluctuations by a signifigant amount.


The only main exception is I'll play the $7 rebuy and $20 satellites into the $162 $100K on Sundays.  Even though it's way over my BR I think there is enough value in both the satellites and the tournament to justify it.  Then theres the “I'm feeling it” shots.  I have 2 $109 tickets I'm waiting for Sunday to use cause I was feeling it.

High Stakes Shark
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January 28, 2015 - 8:36 am
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@Hawkeye- Thanks for the support man, def appreciated.  I will for sure add you on Skype soon so we can chat.  I've been doing a lot of HH review and watching videos this week, and also reading non-poker books on productivity.  I am very confident I will come out of the DS and crush the games, but in the moment it does kind of suck.


@JD- agree with what you said.  Sattelites are great and I probably don't play enough of them.  Pretty much the only sattelite I play is the 100k special qualifier where 50 seats are GTD.  This sat is insane value and the field makes a ton of over-tight mistakes all the way through.  I will probably start adding in a few more sat's on Bovada.  Will definitely be firing a lot of sat's once the BDPO series starts. 


I'm really looking forward to March, as the BDPO championship series starts in mid-March on Bovada and I will be done with my job and playing/studying full time then.  I'm probably going to focus on playing Bovada exclusively for the month.  I'm also hoping that in February my job will transition to being mostly in-office work so I can have a good schedule of grinding 3-4 nights/wk.  


Rungood everyone!

High Stakes Shark
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January 28, 2015 - 11:43 am
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Douggy: I am thrilled to hear your stories brother. Like everybody said, downswing happens to all of us. You took a decision and from now on you should think how to make this process better, not think about turning back for a while until you absolutely cant hold on.

I am working full time and playing poker. I hit the gym almost everyday after work and then go home and grind when Im not too late for the tournaments.

its kind of though to do for me, but believe it or not, nothing gets to me any more and I am playing under control almost all the time. KK < AA, no problem, its just a game and we move on. Just because we know and play good doesnt mean we will win all the time and there is the varience factor. 

Everybody knows this, but the problem is to recall it during a bad beat. I realized, gym before my session helped me out a lot in terms of clearing my mind so I can really focus and make those recalls and remind me about the facts of poker.

One more thing is to eat healthy. Those things look like they are not game changers but they are and I recommend you put a schedule for your own body and live up to it.


Hawkeye:I need a study buddy, so if you want I can add you on skype and we can go over hand reviews etc. It would be an efficient study for both of us.

High Stakes Shark
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January 29, 2015 - 11:43 am
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@NeverAA- Thanks for the post! I agree that exercise before grinding is awesome for your game. I suck at dragging myself to the gym and need to get into a good routine. I do tend to do some sort of quick exercise before most sessions, but need to go harder for sure.

What you said about needing to find a way to make the process better- I agree with this and have been working on it, but also feel that time off and life balance are HUGE and honestly might be my biggest overall leaks right now. I suck at taking days off and regularly go back on my decisions to take a few days or a week off and grind anyway. Some people say that the top players don’t really have a balance and are all poker all the time and that’s something to consider for sure- but most humans need time off to relax otherwise our performance suffers. After reviewing some of my runs recently I’m pretty convinced I’m making some mistakes due to lack of focus caused by burnout. Just gotta keep refining the process and improving!

Thanks again and rungood!

High Stakes Shark
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January 29, 2015 - 1:56 pm
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I have been doing body building for 17 years now and recently figured out how to drag myself to the gym.

Its not an easy process, but it should feel like drinking water after some time. Whatever you do in life, you should enjoy it. And thats the very same reason you chose poker over your regular job. 


One more thing I realized when I was grinding a week straight is this:

A lot of laundry to be taken care of

Food to be cooked/prepared

cleaning of the environment you play in

grocery shopping

paying bills

researching something


adds up and actually creates problems in my head. My coach DannyN13 figured out this leak. Once I balanced my life and started playing poker only when I am comfortable with life and got my shit done, this immediately reflected to my game.

Think about an environment where when you play poker, you will be almost 100% focused. Turn off your cell, fire up your favorite music and let your brain take care of the rest. I wouldnt mind drinking a beer if absolutely needed, but alcohol in general does not go well when playing poker.

You got the idea, “help yourself to play your A game”.

hoping to hear your success stories…

January 29, 2015 - 10:04 pm
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NeverAA said:

Douggy: I am thrilled to hear your stories brother. Like everybody said, downswing happens to all of us. You took a decision and from now on you should think how to make this process better, not think about turning back for a while until you absolutely cant hold on.

I am working full time and playing poker. I hit the gym almost everyday after work and then go home and grind when Im not too late for the tournaments.

its kind of though to do for me, but believe it or not, nothing gets to me any more and I am playing under control almost all the time. KK < AA, no problem, its just a game and we move on. Just because we know and play good doesnt mean we will win all the time and there is the varience factor. 

Everybody knows this, but the problem is to recall it during a bad beat. I realized, gym before my session helped me out a lot in terms of clearing my mind so I can really focus and make those recalls and remind me about the facts of poker.

One more thing is to eat healthy. Those things look like they are not game changers but they are and I recommend you put a schedule for your own body and live up to it.


Hawkeye:I need a study buddy, so if you want I can add you on skype and we can go over hand reviews etc. It would be an efficient study for both of us.

Absolutely man. Add me. I am always looking for more study partners and people who love the game like myself. It is either djhahn82 or Hawkeyek9, cant remember which one is the one for adding contacts.

High Stakes Shark
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January 30, 2015 - 10:09 am
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Added you there brother. Catch you on skype.

High Stakes Shark
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January 30, 2015 - 10:55 am
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@NeverAA- Having a cluttered mind is a real detriment to our focus and makes it difficult to consistently play A-Game poker!  I will be making it a priority to get into a good daily routine and pre/post grind routine for all of February as I approach playing full-time in March.  


It's cool that Danny is your coach, I got lots of coaching from him last year too!  He's a great guy and it was a very good decision to hire him.  Made a huge difference in my game.  Feel free to add me on skype as well if you want to chat- Douglas Lyford.  I added Hawkeye, maybe we can group chat sometime about setting up routines and pre/post session stuff.  Also would be happy to review some hands. 



High Stakes Shark
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January 30, 2015 - 11:18 am
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Added you to as well Douglas. Seriously Im up for it. Lets do a chat in the first place then setup some schedule for studying together.

Nervous Mike
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January 31, 2015 - 8:11 am
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hit me up too, Stalpan on Skype

High Stakes Shark
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February 3, 2015 - 7:43 am
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Hey everyone! Had a very enjoyable week last week and a nice score this weekend. Decided to go play a Live event so I cruised down to Foxwoods to play CPPT Event #1. Sold some action on 2+2 and ended up taking 5th for just over 9k! It was a lot of fun and makes me really want to play some more live MTTs. Here are some links from coverage of the event:

Day 1 Chiplead: …..leads.html

5th Place finish: …..-9217.html

Didn't play much online volume last week, but did get a lot of studying done. Watched a few videos on short stacked late stage play and also finished reading Zach Ellwood's book “Reading Poker Tells” which I really liked. I think this is probably the best book out currently on the topic, and his other book on verbal tells is on the list of future titles to read.

I also started reading Haseeb “Dog Is Head” Qureshi's book “How to Be a Poker Player”. I didn't know this book existed and Amazon recommended it to me. I didn't recognize the author's name at first but decided to download a sample to look at. The sample was 2 chapters, and after reading it I snap purchased the book and am now 3 chapters in. So far it is incredibly good and probably one of the best poker books I have ever read. It is not a book on technical strategy and is more of a philosophical book on what it means to be a poker player. The analogies Haseeb presents to illustrate various ideas and concepts about poker are great and really helped me to think differently about the game. Can't wait to finish the rest of the book and will update with a full review when done.

Results/Graph or GTFO/Etc:

When I start playing full time in March, I plan to post a graph at end of each month. For now I think I am going to wait until the end of February to post a graph of the first 2 months this year. My volume has been low for January and I've got somewhere around 275 games in I think. February's volume is also going to be low. After discussing with my backers/coaches and thinking about it more myself, it has become clear that focusing on volume for now is a very bad idea. I am shifting my focus to studying as much as possible and getting into good daily routines until I get into full-time grind mode.

Now to grind out the day job!! Having lunch with my Girlfriend and her dad today and got a 90 minute massage booked for tonight! Life Balance FTW


High Stakes Shark
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February 3, 2015 - 12:51 pm
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Hey saw the coverages, fantastic. This will bring your confidence up right when you needed it as you are going through a transition. Keep it coming brother…

P-aire 146
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February 3, 2015 - 9:57 pm
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nice Job sir.

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February 8, 2015 - 7:29 am
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Looking forward to this, good luck!

Wilkes-Barre, Pa
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February 8, 2015 - 8:46 am
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Best of luck

High Stakes Shark
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February 9, 2015 - 5:22 pm
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Hey Guys, 


Thanks a lot for the well wishes!!  Still Riding the heater so far!  A few days ago I shipped the 15k on Bovada for about $4200, and over the weekend I shipped a live satellite at the local casino for a $250 ticket and $150 cash.  I also had a small amount of profit online Sunday.  Feeling really good about my game, and counting down the days until I go pro, 3 more weeks!! 


I have thought about going to Foxwoods in March for a series there, but am leaning towards staying home for the month and putting in a ton of volume online.  Bovada has an excellent series going on and it's basically impossible for live play to have a higher expected hourly than online.  I'm really excited to get into full grind mode and put in tons of volume in March, and also to get back to another live event ASAP.



High Stakes Shark
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February 16, 2015 - 10:19 pm
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Hey TPE!!  Just 2 more weeks until I am playing full time.  For those who may have missed it, I was featured in a recent TPE Article where Carlos Welch interviewed me!!  The response was great and I really appreciate it guys!


I had a very productive day off from grinding today.  I got home from work early and spent some time working on my new website/blog, and it's now live!!  I'm not sure what it will end up being, but tonight I did my first blog post on there, which ended up being a very detailed intro post about my job and going pro.  I'm actually gonna copy and paste it below this post itt.  A lot of it is rehashing from what I said in the TPE interview, but it also goes into more detail, gets more personal, and talks about this year's results more.  You can check out my website here.  FWIW, I will be cross posting all blog entries here on TPE in this thread as well.

High Stakes Shark
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February 16, 2015 - 10:21 pm
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The post below is cross-posted from my new blog.  A lot of the beginning is re-hashing of stuff I've already said itt and in my interview with Carlos in the TPE Meet The Nation article.  I do go into more detail here, and talk about my big downswing starting off this year and a smal degen story 🙂


This post is intended to be a full introduction to who I am, my poker history, and my hopes for the future.  It will likely end up being fairly TL;DR, but read it anyway.

Hello!  My name is Doug Lyford.  I live in New England and currently work as an industrial controls engineer for a small systems integration company.  I do a lot of work in the field and spend around 60% of my time at customer job sites.  We work in many sectors but most of my work is in forest products facilities, so I spend a lot of time in sawmills, chip mills, etc.  I have also worked in everything from large bakeries to wastewater treatment facilities.  Since we are a very small company, I wear a lot of hats and do everything from programming to wiring to project management and quoting.  The job has been really great in that I have learned an incredible amount of both professionalism and technical skills.  


Although the job has been a wonderful learning experience, I work a lot of hours and it can be very stressful.  Last year, I consistently worked 40-60 hours/week at my day job while grinding 20-30 hour weeks and studying on top of that.  For a lot of that time my girlfriend, who I live with, was in nursing school and so she was away most of the week.  This was griiiind time and it allowed me to put in a good amount of volume.  I got really burnt out last year running this insane schedule and it came to a point where I really had to choose between poker and my job.  I've always wanted to take a shot at being a professional poker player, so I chose poker.  On March 1, 2015, I will be done with my day job and playing poker full-time.  I'm extremely excited!

If I had to choose just a few words for what poker has been for me for most of my career, I would say “Sporadic Obsession”.  I started playing at 16 or 17 in home games with friends, and when I turned 18 I started grinding every freeroll I could find.  I probably never cashed one.  Throughout college I played both cash and MTTs and would occasionally deposit some money but never really ran up a bankroll.  In my final year at school I got some cash game coaching and developed solid NLHE fundamentals.  

Fast forward to 2013.  I have a solid full time job and disposable income to play with.  I deposited $200 on Bovada and after playing 6-max cash initially switched to MTTs and focused on them.  I ran a roll up to around 9k in 7-8 months, and then lost 2k on a live trip and came home to lose the rest playing High Stakes NLHE and PLO cash games online.  Oops!  

After this ill-advised shot taking I took a few months off and then in February 2014 I decided to get back on the horse and deposited another $200 on Bovada.  I focused almost exclusively on MTTs all year and had great results.  I made around 30k over 1200 games with a ~50% ROI.  I did lose some money late in the year on some other sites and on live trips, but overall it was a very successful year and by far my best year in poker.  Throughout the year I got professional coaching from Tournament Poker Edge pros Danny Noseworthy, Marc Alioto, and Ben Reason.  I met some great players/people through the forums on TPE and spent time studying with them as well.  Constantly reviewing hands,talking about the game, and getting outside opinions was the real difference for me, it allowed me to improve greatly.

I gave my notice at work on January 1, and in 2 weeks will start the full time grind.  In the first month after giving my notice, I was down nearly 10k.  This is the biggest downswing I have ever had by a good margin, and it's a pretty good mental test to see if I'm ready to grind out tournaments and can deal with the variance.  I'm ready.  Although It's not fun to start off like that, I feel as though I have been able to play through it pretty well and didn't let it get me down.  In the first week of February, I profited approximately 15k.  The majority of this profit came from a 5th place finish at the Cardplayer Poker Tour (CPPT) Foxwoods stop in a 100k GTD for just over 9k.  I won the 15k GTD on Bovada a few days later for over 4k.  The live score felt really good and was a very nice confidence boost at the right time.  If you're interested in reading more about that score, you can see my massive Day 1 Chiplead Here and my 5th place finish Here.  

With a small series on WPN right now and the Bovada series coming next month, I have plenty of stuff to grind and will be putting in lots of online volume in March.  Future blog posts here will include hand histories, general updates, graphs, and probably some random thoughts.  Thanks for reading, and Rungood!

High Stakes Shark
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March 16, 2015 - 4:07 pm
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So I've now been a professional poker player for two weeks.  The first week was a moderate downswing and week 2 was a solid week of grinding with some decent profit.  I absolutely love my new schedule and my new life.  My daily routine isn't quite where I want it to be yet, but it is constantly getting better and I'm sure I'll be there by May/June just in time for lots of live events!  I've been working out more, meditating more, and eating more healthy than I ever have before.  I've been meditating before about half of my sessions and want to do it before every single session, but constantly making positive steps feels really good. 

There is one really important thing I have started to realize in my first few weeks on the job: Setting a volume goal of x tournaments and then killing yourself trying to get in all the volume is NOT a great idea.  This is especially true for me personally.  If we can play 20 MTT per night at an ROI of 40-50%, or we can play 45 MTT per day but our ROI drops to say 30%  What should we rather do?  A simplistic calculation shows that 45*30 = 1350 where 20 * 50 = 1000, meaning that even at the lower ROI our “high volume” approach makes more money.  This simple look ignores a few key factors.  For one, our ABI is going to be significantly lower playing the extra volume since what we are adding is all the smallest games which we pass on when playing less volume.  Secondly, we are not considering Happiness EV at all.  Our Happiness EV is going to be much higher if we are playing a few less tables, maybe even an hour or two less time each day.  This is super important, and very underrated in my opinion.  

At the beginning of this year I set myself a goal to play 6000 online MTTs this year.  My first few days playing full time, I basically just fired every regular speed tournament from $11 to $109 and several turbos in that range as well.  I was 8 tabling most of the day.  I had done the math and figured out this is what I needed to do to reach my volume goal.  I was not able to fully focus. I timed out far too often.  I played something like 37 MTTs and had 2-3 min cashes.  I felt really burned out at the end of my session and didn't feel great about how I played.  After talking a bit with my coaches/backers, I followed their advice and started playing a maximum of 6 tables, which is what I had done all last year.  Shortly after that I decided to give up on my initial volume goal of 6000 MTTs.  Over the last week I 6-tabled and whenever I got really deep in a tournament I would stop registering.  Every time I got to a FT I had 4-5 tables up instead of 6.  As soon as the FT was finished I just fired up more games to get back to 6.  I profited 4 out of 5 nights, and broke even on Sunday.  Monday I only played 14 MTTs, and of those had 8 cashes with 4 Final Tables.  One was a win and two were second place finishes, with an 8th place as well.  Of course this is a small sample, but I really felt a difference in how well I was playing and at the end of every session I felt very confident and really happy about my play.  The low volume approach with an emphasis on focusing and playing A-Game as much as possible is a great way to go.  I believe it can both maximize ROI and how quickly you can learn/improve at the table.

This was a pretty long post, but I have been slacking on updating this and hopefully this was interesting/useful for someone.  I hope to update more frequently going forward. 

Rungood <3 

Cary, NC

TPE Management
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March 17, 2015 - 10:30 am
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Nice work man.  I'm finding less tables much more manageable (and profitable) as well.  Keep it up!

Midstakes Master
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March 17, 2015 - 8:23 pm
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Douggyfr3sh said:

So I've now been a professional poker player for two weeks.  The first week was a moderate downswing and week 2 was a solid week of grinding with some decent profit.  I absolutely love my new schedule and my new life.  My daily routine isn't quite where I want it to be yet, but it is constantly getting better and I'm sure I'll be there by May/June just in time for lots of live events!  I've been working out more, meditating more, and eating more healthy than I ever have before.  I've been meditating before about half of my sessions and want to do it before every single session, but constantly making positive steps feels really good. 

There is one really important thing I have started to realize in my first few weeks on the job: Setting a volume goal of x tournaments and then killing yourself trying to get in all the volume is NOT a great idea.  This is especially true for me personally.  If we can play 20 MTT per night at an ROI of 40-50%, or we can play 45 MTT per day but our ROI drops to say 30%  What should we rather do?  A simplistic calculation shows that 45*30 = 1350 where 20 * 50 = 1000, meaning that even at the lower ROI our “high volume” approach makes more money.  This simple look ignores a few key factors.  For one, our ABI is going to be significantly lower playing the extra volume since what we are adding is all the smallest games which we pass on when playing less volume.  Secondly, we are not considering Happiness EV at all.  Our Happiness EV is going to be much higher if we are playing a few less tables, maybe even an hour or two less time each day.  This is super important, and very underrated in my opinion.  

At the beginning of this year I set myself a goal to play 6000 online MTTs this year.  My first few days playing full time, I basically just fired every regular speed tournament from $11 to $109 and several turbos in that range as well.  I was 8 tabling most of the day.  I had done the math and figured out this is what I needed to do to reach my volume goal.  I was not able to fully focus. I timed out far too often.  I played something like 37 MTTs and had 2-3 min cashes.  I felt really burned out at the end of my session and didn't feel great about how I played.  After talking a bit with my coaches/backers, I followed their advice and started playing a maximum of 6 tables, which is what I had done all last year.  Shortly after that I decided to give up on my initial volume goal of 6000 MTTs.  Over the last week I 6-tabled and whenever I got really deep in a tournament I would stop registering.  Every time I got to a FT I had 4-5 tables up instead of 6.  As soon as the FT was finished I just fired up more games to get back to 6.  I profited 4 out of 5 nights, and broke even on Sunday.  Monday I only played 14 MTTs, and of those had 8 cashes with 4 Final Tables.  One was a win and two were second place finishes, with an 8th place as well.  Of course this is a small sample, but I really felt a difference in how well I was playing and at the end of every session I felt very confident and really happy about my play.  The low volume approach with an emphasis on focusing and playing A-Game as much as possible is a great way to go.  I believe it can both maximize ROI and how quickly you can learn/improve at the table.

This was a pretty long post, but I have been slacking on updating this and hopefully this was interesting/useful for someone.  I hope to update more frequently going forward. 

Rungood <3 

anything more than 8 tables and my brain is pretty much fried

greave doggy
Lighting Money On Fire
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August 15, 2015 - 4:31 am
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Subbed! Less tables is the way to go in my opinion. GL GL!

High Stakes Shark
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October 16, 2015 - 2:57 am
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Finishing The Year Strong


Hey TPE!  It’s been a long time since I have updated this thread.  This is mostly due to my starting a blog website and writing on there, and  also due to procrastination.  I have decided to update this thread with a little mini challenge to motivate myself to finish out the year strong.  I haven’t had the greatest year online, and would like to focus on improving my game and quality play for the end of the year.  I’m planning to update this thread daily with profit/loss for the day, notes, and sometimes a HH or 2.  I have compiled a list of main goals I want to focus on for the next few months, and they are as follows: 


1. Practice Meditation EVERY SINGLE DAY (including days off from poker)

2. Review my own hands at least 1 hour every day I am playing (not on days off) 

3. Take at least 1 real day off per week- this means no work! 

4. Play only when fully prepared (see below) 

5. Keep a personal journal and make en entry EVERY DAY (this will help me track the other goals) 


I have also set some criteria for what it means to be “fully prepared” to play a session.  Goal #4 requires that I only play when all of the following are true: 


1. Have Meditated 

2. Have eaten something 

3. Have had some form of exercise (running, gym, or kettle bell routine) 

4. Have done something to get in the “Poker Mindset”: e.x. go over a HH, watch a stop n go, elliot roe mp3

5. Am not Stoned


I had thought about making volume and profit goals part of this challenge, but kind of decided that is counterproductive and is not what we need to be focusing on.  Also, in at least my first sessions, I am going to be surprised 2-TABLING!!  My backers and I have discussed it and I feel it’s a good thing to do for a bit.  I like that I can mega focus on the tables and situations, take lots of notes, etc. and I believe that we can learn and improve faster while playing in this fashion.   


I’ve got one more live trip planned for the year in early November.  I won a package on ACR to go play the Punta Cana Main Event and will be spending 6 days there.  That should motivate me to work my ass off over the next couple of weeks.  


Profit/Loss for Today’s Session: 

Bovada: -$81 

ACR: +$118.50 

Total: +$37.50


Let’s Just Win.

High Stakes Shark
Forum Posts: 181
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October 16, 2015 - 3:39 pm
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Here’s a sort of interesting spot from last night’s session where I limp/call a 47bb jam HU at a final table with A6o:

High Stakes Shark
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October 17, 2015 - 5:14 pm
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Update from last night’s session 


Bovada: -$168

ACR: -$269


Total: -$437


Here’s a fun hand where we defend 72 pre because we’re getting near infinite odds and we are suited, and then get it in vs. a flop overbet shove.  I’m still not sure if I love the call, have asked around and so far the consensus is fold but gonna run it in flopzilla, I’m not convinced- but think it may lean towards a fold and that we can get in better 7x on this flop, since villain has better 7x in their range.  EX T7,Q7 etc. 


Winning Poker Network (Yatahay) – 300/600 NL – Holdem – 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN (BTN): 27.64 BB (VPIP: 22.99, PFR: 10.34, 3Bet Preflop: 3.03, Hands: 87)
SB (SB): 13.67 BB (VPIP: 28.57, PFR: 4.76, 3Bet Preflop: 10.00, Hands: 21)
Hero (BB): 22.19 BB
UTG (UTG): 28.78 BB (VPIP: 34.62, PFR: 12.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 26)
UTG+1 (UTG+1): 56.28 BB (VPIP: 24.00, PFR: 8.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 25)
MP (MP): 33.96 BB (VPIP: 36.17, PFR: 17.02, 3Bet Preflop: 7.69, Hands: 47)
MP+1 (MP+1): 59.57 BB (VPIP: 21.05, PFR: 5.26, 3Bet Preflop: 3.45, Hands: 76)
MP+2 (MP+2): 53.62 BB (VPIP: 100.00, PFR: 100.00, 3Bet Preflop: -, Hands: 1)
CO (CO): 15.61 BB (VPIP: 56.76, PFR: 33.33, 3Bet Preflop: 8.33, Hands: 37)

9 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Dealt to Hero: 7heart2heart

fold, fold, fold, MP+1 raises to 2.37 BB, fold, CO calls 2.37 BB, fold, fold, Hero calls 1.37 BB

Flop (8.73 BB, 3 players): 7club6diamondJdiamond
[Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]
Hero checks, MP+1 checks, CO bets 13.12 BB and is all-in, Hero raises to 19.7 BB and is all-in, fold


Villain had 86o and ran out the runner runner straight to crush our dreams.

High Stakes Shark
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October 18, 2015 - 1:21 pm
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Saturday Session: 




ACR- -$256

Total: -$338


was kind of a bleh session, played my b game despite playing 3 tables and prepping.  Had a shitty morning so maybe that is to blame.  Having a great start to Sunday, about to exercise and meditate just now before firing a 3-tabling session.  GL today nation!

High Stakes Shark
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October 20, 2015 - 2:53 am
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Sunday Grind Wrap Up: 


Bovada- -$127.50

ACR- -$168


Total: -$295.50 


Felt like I played really well today, A game most or all of session.  Put together some deep runs but lost a lot of huge key flips.  Lost around a 200bb pot in the ACR 25k getting in QJ vs 96o on Q9J in 3b pot.  Took Tonight (Monday) off from playing and studied instead.  Grind mode for Tuesday, lets go!

High Stakes Shark
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October 21, 2015 - 4:48 pm
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Tues. Grind:

Bovada – 70$

ACR – 265$ 

Total -335$ 


Had a pretty rough session, but I’m feeling really good today because instead of being too frustrated with myself to do anything productive after my session last night I stayed up until 5 AM reviewing marked hands in great detail using HRC and flopzilla.  I only got through 5 spots in about 3.5 hours of study, but I think this type of study is the most productive.  I also won a ticket to the $44 150 seats satty to the 500k on Sunday in a “Freebuy”, which was a freeroll with rebuys/addons.  Took a single $1 rebuy and skipped the addon (because it was unneccesary given my stack).  

Had a deep run in the 4k 8max on ACR but lost a pretty big flip and then shortly after got in AQ on Q74 rainbow vs an sb flat pre about 20bb effective to start the hand, villain had KK.  I don’t know for sure if we can ever get away on the flop here but I felt that its a spot we have to go with.  Busted that for basically a mincash.  Probably just grinding a couple small ACR birds tonight and then off until Sunday to go on a winter weather hike on Mt. Katahdin!

High Stakes Shark
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October 22, 2015 - 2:31 am
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Wed. Grind: 

ACR: +$751 


Played about 8 tournaments tonight 4-tabling.  Since I’ve been losing I moved way down in stakes for tonight and played very small tournaments.  Played a couple of $33’s with some $10’s and a $7,$5, and $3 rebuy.  Ended up shipping a $7 6max KO, a $3 rebuy, and took second in a $33 3k.  Felt really good during my session and played really well, which is probably because of the loads of studying I did in the last few days.  Off to run some ICM spots from tonight before bed.

High Stakes Shark
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October 23, 2015 - 12:38 am
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Thurs. Grind: 

ACR: +$320

Ended up firing a session a little later than normal today.  Played about 8 tournaments, shipped a $22 turbo on ACR.  Going on a hike Sat. and next session is the Sundayy grind. 

High Stakes Shark
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October 26, 2015 - 6:20 pm
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Yo Yoo!  Sunday Grind Update:


Bovy: -$70

ACR: -$135


Total: -$205 


Went on an epic hike Saturday and then had a really good grind on Sunday with 2 8th place finishes, one on Bovada in the $22 10k and another on ACR in the $33 5k.  Still 4-tabling.  Both my 8th place bustouts were huge pots where we got it in as a slight favorite, and if they go the other way we are looking at around chiplead in both spots.  Super happy w/ my play overall and ready for the next session!

High Stakes Shark
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October 28, 2015 - 5:42 pm
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Grind Update: 

So on Monday, which is usually a day off from grinding, I did some studying and 1-tabled a couple of tournaments, ended up getting one 4th place finish.  Last night I fired a full grind, and for the sake of simplicity I’m just gonna lump the results into a single update here and consider it a night of grinding, so: 


Tues. Results: 

Bovy: – $312

ACR: + $103

Total: – $209 

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