I have been playing poker for a little over a year and with pretty good success for me anyway. I started my poker journey learning on PokerSchoolOnline at Pokerstars before Black Friday and made final table during their freerolls. I am now a Merge / LockPoker player now since blackfriday and I am a yo yo on my bankroll management. I really enjoy the strategy of poker but have issues dealing with getting deeper than I need to be.
My challenge is to take the last $50.00 and grind it up instead of down with proper bankroll management. I play mainly MTT's and SitNGos and cash. My challenge for me is the casino which I have contacted support at Lock to disable it. I also tend to go WAY above my means in SitNGo head's up and with the high variance, I win and lose, the problem is I lose the games that I shouldn't be in.
I would be curious what others have used $50 deposit and good proper BR.
If I look online, I am seeing that I should stick with $1 SitNGos probably the DONs. The cash games at .01/.02 cents. I usually one table the .10/.15 which my winrate typically win and get pretty good VIP numbers on Merge.
Now the MTT's which I enjoy playing, I am not sure what I should be entering and seeking the help of my fellow TPE community to help me.
Thanks in advance,
Day 2 of my bankroll management. I will be fine with putting my $'s on here so I can help those that are following. I don't mind but started with $50 and now up to $70. It will take awhile to get to high stakes but my goal isn't to go high stakes, my goal is to enjoy the game, the competition and not sweat so much when I lose. I win enough to counter act. I mean, does anyone on here win every single game they play? That is what br managment is. I believe a skilled player moves on when they lose. I mean. I have lost a couple but won enough to give me +ev. I am happy.
Thanks TPE for giving me some skills to play tourney poker and feel satisfied when I play things right. The problem with most of the micro stakes, you will have some jams late in tourneys or even early in tourneys that will suck you out pretty quick. Now, I have been sucked out on a 7 4 suited to a KK due to the suited flush that hit the river. I have been rivered three times today to my pocket pairs. I am not sweating it because I am well in my br so I just fire another one up and go for it.
I will be grinding some more today and see how I fair. I will try and update daily so you can see where I fall. This helps me be accountable for my br management. I like to see myself in a month to at least triple this br for as I go up, I can slowly move up. I will need your help though. Thanks for those that are following this.
Today, I will say that my BR got a boost thanks to TPE. I played about 10 sitNGos and stayed withen the $1 / $2 sitngos. I also entered some bounty tourneys 6 handed and 10 handed that were $2 and then shipped one of them taking away 6 bounties in the 10 handed one. I also took a couple of bounties in the 6 handed one but came in 2nd just to cash it. The big cash today was the $1 dazzle rebuy. I planned on only 5 units and only used up 4 units along with my 1 addon. I came in 2nd and now my bank went from $70 to $169. Not too shabby. I hope to see some more deep tourneys to come.
With my br step up, I am going to continue to stay put in my original setup. I am not going to head up the ladder yet. I am going to stick to my $1 and $2 and then enter a couple of MTT's but not throw it all there. I hope to run some more MTT's deep to get some more funds. Now, I need to work on the HU play. I give a shout out to @bigdogpckt5s for his video when he shipped the Sunday Warmup. Now need to revisit the HU play and step the game up.
If anyone wants to chime in, I would gladly post the HH up of the Heads up and see what I did wrong, I would love the coach.
Today was another + day. I have gotten my bankroll up to 200 now. I didn't do well in my MTT's at all. I ran terrible. Card dead. I did make up on my DON's and Bounty SitNGos. I was pretty profitable. I ran a heater on three Bounty SitNGo's. I played a little above my BR today on those SitNGo's and DON's. I ran up to $20 and $10 DONs and played too high in MTT's hitting the $11 ones. I'd say I was fortunate today at the tables.
I am going to take my gas off the petal tomorrow and start with the same stakes as I need to be with my BR. It will need to be no more than $5 SnG and no more than the 4 freezeouts and 1 MTT's. I like the DON's so I will stick with 10 DONs, what do you think?
good times.
Ok, i guess I need to post when I lost as well. I went from $250 down to 100 real quick. Now… Here is how I did it. I hope I am not the only one that does this donk move but when moving up in Bankroll, you feel you need to move up in stakes WRONG. DON'T do it. It will bite ya. It did me. It wasn't pleasant.
With that said, this is a training site and I feel like I am at confession. Anyone have a “chart” or some sort of thought of bankroll managment? I am a good poker player that sucks at choosing games.
Thanks all!
October 6, 2010

RonFezBuddy said:
Check out this article: …..tion-tips/
Awesome, exactly what I need. I am going to soar through the HITTHEPANDAs series and read some poker books on my break. I have the Annie Duke's “Decide to Play Great Poker”. I am going to study the game and then really evaluate what I am going to do for the first of the year. I really enjoy poker and I am there, I just need to apply myself to really continue the journey.
I haven't been playing long and felt I have come a long way. I enjoy playing tourneys and Merge network is a great start. It is well within the bankroll I am working. It seems the field are very small compared to PokerStars and hopefully when the bubble bursts back to the US Market, I will be ready to bring a roll up to the US market and be ready and prepared and confident.
My poker play in the MTT's aggressive and playing in the stakes that allows me to play with aggression, I tend to bring them down. I also like the ability to see that there is time where I can occasionally get away with spiking to keep things interesting.
I really needed that. Thanks RonFez!
i have a smooth weekend with my new BR Management skills thanks to RonFezBuddy. I have a plan and wrote it down, even told a couple of my poker buddies and now am sticking to it. My roll isn't all on Lock, I do a small amount of live games and plan on in March to play in my first “major” tourney at Hollywood that is below scale of WSOP Circuit or WPT but will be good experience for me.
I have my bankroll set aside that is mixed with my live play and online play. I have opted not to put all my eggs into one basket at one time. I have a certain amount placed aside but the roll I have on LOCK currently is no where close to my “reserves” but it will give me some play on the micro level to begin with. I do plan on moving up in levels but I have my limits and don't go up in those limits. It gives me some levels of higher levels at one time.
I also am not a volume player for the balance of my time with my family, my job and poker. I have that in my mind, my daily play will be just maybe 4 tourneys tops, a couple of DON's and 2-3 HUSitNGo's (very micro but to build the br up). I also follow this with cash to raise the BR up so I can play more higher buyin tourneys. I will play 1 11 and up game.
Anyways, thanks to RonFezBuddy. Anyone who is having difficulty with BR Management, the best thing is get connected with other poker players with similar issues and let them know your goals so they can sweat your BR and be on the right track to move up.
Shaka laka,
I wanted to update this post so that if you were following, I will share a bit and have in chat. Anywhoos… As of last night, I turned my ROI around in the micros. I am back to playing poker for fun. Most of all, I feel that my game is improving. I am less multitabling and more thinking. I am playing with HEM2 for the purpose of getting table dynamics. I see how helpful it is when I get deep in the tourneys. I especially like HEM2 for the purpose of re-evaluating my game after I get done with the session.
My bankroll is easing up slowely but I want it to remain easing up. My bankroll on Merge is increasing this month and the break was very invaluable to me. Talking with my TPE friends and getting a sense of where I need to be is great. I have been honest and have been frank with myself and realize that I love playing poker and want to play in fields that my friends are playing so I am going to earn the spot with blood sweat and tears. No more “crying myself to sleep” at night a.k.a. aznAllin007 and really grind it up properly so that when I am in the stakes, I will be in like “Glenn” and not play in fear and really play the same game that crushes the micros.
Now with that said, unfortunately, this post in this forum is on a couple of good sessions of poker. I will have some downswing and managing that will need to be successful on dealing with that but I think this is a good community for me to keep my head up. If there are downswings, if I have good bankroll managemnet, it should be minimul and NOT busto. Right?
My total goal is to head to Vegas in 2013 and hang with my TPE online friends to meet them in person. A reunion of sorts with some cash to ship.
thanks all….
Update again….
I am still climbing up slowly but climbing. I am running DoN's mostly and continuing the Micro MTTs. I have not busted my roll for the year so I am very happy about that. I have the DoN's down pat. Marc Alioto is great at DoN's. They are so messed up boring but great bankroll builder. I am really working at getting to 500.00 and hitting some of the bigger buyins in MTT's. I have gotten better at my micro MTT's. The turbos are great on Merge, just trying to crush them.
I want to thank the TPEnation on assisting on me getting deeper and ITM and FT the Micros more consistantly. This a great site! Thx!
i am 50 away from my first goal. let's get this thing going. I have actually lowered my volume a little bit running some MTT turbos after watching some DannyN13 vidz. Shout this out to my chat friends for helping me figure this thing out. I still have 50.00 to make it over the ledge. Rivermen123 and DaNTa5tic are my inspiration. thanks ye ALL!
Over the weekend…I was able to hit the goal. Weeee!!!! Now let's see if I can get over the 1K range AND got a 109 ticket and have decided to use it in the Maximus series. I am digging the MTT's. This site is nutso great with this. I am sticking my bankroll management and hit the 1K hopefully by month's end. Let's see….
October 6, 2010

great work! It feels so rewarding when you stick to bankroll management and still continue to build your roll. As soon as i had a plan as to what games i would play, the downswings don't seem to hurt anymore, im sure you feel the same way
yesterday was a low volume and only entered 3 tournaments. My roll is up considerably but still staying in the same games on the Merge network. It feels good to play in the BRM techniques. I have adjusted quite a bit to the micros and really starting to really study on the TPE site more and just focusing on the two or three games I play lowering volume. I am definately getting deeper in these tourneys and feels really good overall. My goal is to maintain focus on my sessions. Poker is fun again. I can work through the variance.
My next challenge is to run the roll up to 1K. I hope to get this by the end of the month and feel confident that this will happen. I am entering some of the Maximus series but definately not all of them. I can still maintain good BRM and still enter those juicy events.
Last night, I took some deep shots and no go. Ran pretty well in the new monster series but played a little too nitty. My roll has gone down a little so now it is a visit to the micros as I apply my BRM skills. It sucks having to drop but it seperates the good poker player to the bad. I am all good. No tilt in me. I will bink the 3k and a 1k and will be alright.
Well today stayed inside my BR so I am happy about it overall. Grinded out some DoN's on Merge to build the bankroll and get myself back to pay my shots from yesterday off and turned a profit due to the DoN's. Thanks Marc “aznAllin007” Alioto for that tip.
I am breaking from poker and from TPE until Monday so cudos and glgl to everyone playing this weekend. I will be hitting it hard on Monday and actually going the Marc Allioto route and grind out some DoN's all of next week to stay true to my BRM. I have a hard time doing DoN's but to support the higher buyins on Merge Network, gotta do what I gotta do. I figure that in order to support this MTT deal…I got to earn the grind to play you know to stay proper in BRM?
one thing that is important in Bankroll management when you are starting low in the BR is to watch the volume you are playing. I have been talking to badabing. When Multitabling SitNGo's, you still need to factor the variance. It is important to what you are doing when Multitabling. If you like Multi, it's best to lower your BuyIns based on the amount of multi tabling. I have lowered and doing good. Thanks for the tips.
This week, doing soomething a bit different in my management of my bankroll. I am going to try it out. I am going to be hitting the SNG tables and stay within 100 BI. If I double the profit daily, I will hit a MTT equivilant. For example. I profit my SitNgo +50 then I will play one 25.00 buyin in MTT still with the profit for the 25 for that day. Start over the next day. Basically earn the MTT buyins for that day. I was wondering what you guys think of this as a strategy?
I am all for building bankroll but lately, I haven't been doing that great on MTT's. I have had a downshift in games lately and need some boost in confidence.
That strategy just bombed on me. I am glad that I did stick with the 100 buyins. I actually found myself with a losing session big time. I don't know if I was playing SitNGos like an MTT which when looking back at it, I was. I found myself minraising where I should have shoved and should have called shoves when I folded so that may have been the issue. I don't know but it was crazy nasty. I was 5 for 25 games. EEEkk…
I thought it was just the day. Decided to play two DoN's today and it was the same result so I lost 4 bucks in two sessions. So I guess I need to stick to MTT in 100 buyins and crush them. Oh well. The 100 buyin was proper. I only lost 20.00 yesterday along with my rakeback stuff so I am all good. No tilting. Back to my regular grind.
See you at the micros MTT tables.
When i grinded sngs i had +20 buy in downsings — i found if i tried to move up a level, and was not properly rolled for it, when i started to hit a bit of a downswing, it started to affect my play, i was not making the correct push/fold plays, as it affected my roll much more then when i was playing the correct level.
If u r going to grind SNGs and mix in MTTs then it woudl b better to play TURBO MTTs as u get into the push/fold stage pretty quickly.
I have managed over the past couple of days to play some micro MTTs and was able to get ITM and a final table. I have also bee playing a fair amount of cash games and got my BM to my milestone 1K. What a great feeling to be able to make shots at 11.00 freeze outs now and to grind those 25nl games.
I even had to make lil withdrawal for some life roll challenges and still got it there. This isn’t including some satties for the Maximus series on Sunday. I will manage to be in the 11.00 33.00 and the 109. It will be fun and looking forward to some good runs.
I want to put a shout out to my buddies that hang in chat during the day siuranger, The_Dude and Bytie for railing and pretty much keep me company. Also DannyN13 for your videos of recent TCOOP and I can’t remember who sent me the push/fold chart but man thanks TPE. I am pumped.
I had a good run in a Deepstack last night and felt really good. It was fun to play the Maximus series and see TiltedEV take a deep run in the 109. Good job Tilted. I am really satisfied with my work on my Bankroll. I looked from the first thread down and the improvement in my game is my Bankroll Managment. I really enjoy playiing poker and finding some similar stories and coming along side together to keep each other in check with Bankroll. It is soooo key to stay proper in the bankroll. It makes you a better player to crush the games you are in.
If any of you are upset or down because you want to play with the 'bigdogs' or the players you admire and respect that are in higher stakes than you, don't. Come find the ones that are in your BR spot and we can push through together. It is a matter of the will. It is a hard road but those that take the road of staying inside properly in bankroll management and crush through micros properly will be much better poker players with a lot of skill and heart as we move up in the higher stakes so we can crush those too. No harm in the 2 buck or the dollar dazzle. Its all good.
Well it wasn't 20 minutes after this post, I had a liferoll challenge that hit our family. I had to withdrawal all of my roll. I will be starting my bankroll challenge again starting at 50.00. I will be postiing for folks who are meeting the same sort of challenges that are as me. I am down about it, but not out.
The thing that has got me through is this community. My wife has been sick and had surgery and doctor bills are piling up quicker than I can blink. This community of Poker players are awesome. I thank all of you of your support. What gets me through is that I have poker to get me through the messes as a winning player. It was because of proper bankroll management that I can afford withdrawing and afford to provide for my family. It makes having good bankroll management.
thanks RonFezzBuddy for this link for it is a world of difference not only to my game but to my family as well. THANKS. It is much deeper than just a “tip”. It makes a poker player the real deal.
so I will start by saying. I am now
cash games to build a little.
Will be hitting micro stakes freezeouts. The dollar dazzle daily. I will also hit some low volume DoN's. Mostly will hit the turbo Deepstacks MAJOR. GLGL
Alright, time to update this post to you TPE'ers. I have been somewhat silent on my March stint because basically there hasn't been anything to report for my liferoll challenges took the best of me until this weekend. I got a very very small roll back and I want to report where I am. I managed to put a 25.00 deposit down on Lock on Monday. I will say that I will back in my normal liferoll and challenges are behind me by next weekend.
Anyways. I am not going to report to you that I now have 1K again. I wish but still happy to report to you that I am up to 48.00. Today, I played some 1.00 micro games and stuck mainly doing Marc Alioto's favorite DoN's and SitNGo's. As of today, finished my session with 19 games of a mix of MTT's, SitNGos and DoN's and happy to say that I managed a 24.1% ROI, 47.4%. I am excited for this is volume that I used to do a long time ago. It is a great feeling to be back again.
Now, I want to give a shout out to my partner that I grind with, siuranger…Yo yo yo. Also, give a shout out to this site for giving me some basic tools to get deep in these games I am playing. I also have changed my play dramatically. Over the past three weeks of not playing on LOCK, i have been really studying it up. It was a great help to have a HH done from the great Dan “BourbonFTW” Hitchner. I have been working online in subscription sites and also been playiing a little live set on Thursday. I am opening a ton more and definately not a 'nit' as all have seen on the video.
You know, I am thinking….I may not even have to deposit at the end of the month. If I stick with the game, maybe just maybe I can just run it up from here. What do you guys think TPE?

This week has been a great week with poker. I am playing much more confident and more aggressive this week. I know it isn't much but started this week with $25.00 minimum deposit and as of tonight, I am up to $68.00. 4 days straight, according to my HEM2 stats, I have had a +ROI. I was planning on deposting this weekend but I don't think I am going to do that. I think I am just sticking with this and see how this goes with good proper bankroll management.
I would love to see what the TPE Nation would think what games I should stay in.Here is where I have been sticking with during the weekday.
1.10 Turbo Deepstack
1.10 Dollar Dazzle
3.00 DoNs
3.00 Bounty
1.00 SitNGos
2 to 5 HUSitNGos
I will continue to update this Bankroll sweat thread as I continue this journey. Here is my sharkscope since I started with TPE.
[Image Can Not Be Found]
After final tabling the 4K rebuy over the weekend, I decided to take two more shots to the 4K rebuy and mincashed yesterday and didn't cash it out today. I have decided to drop in stakes for a little bit and hit some lower stakes and grind some sitngos to keep my ROI up. I have consistantly over the past week, I have consistantly working on sticking close to a +ROI which I am happy with.
What I am happy with is stevenutz v.2 after BourbonFTW and constently studying. I am running deeper in my tourneys and will eventually be moving exclusively to MTT's but to supplement the bankroll, got to stick with SitNGoe's as my main source for now.
I really like reading this ‘story’ of your struggles and how you have dealt with them. I can very much relate to what you say about doing good at the lowest stakes and then moving up too early. This is how I started and later stopped playing poker for a while. I went up from $50 to about $110 in a few weeks and was having a good time. I then lost that $110 in about 2 days and I actually was a bit shocked how fast I had lost and decided not to play for a while.
Anyway, I’m back and like you decided to try a new approach. Keeping to the low stakes and really trying to research and get good at the game! I’ve spent hours watching TPE movies, reading the forums and books and ofcourse playing.
I’m still on a -ROI at this point but after reading Marc Alioto’s post I’ve decided to focus on the fifty50’s on pokerstars for now. I’ve been in the money a couple of times, but shot down about 2/3 of the time so far. Lots of room for improvement still, but I like the format.
I find your story inspiring to keep at it and keep improving. I like reading how your efforts have helped you to get better at the game and I hope I too will improve and start winning enough to at least break even and be able to enter more MTT’s.
Big thanks to you for sharing your story and all the pros for the effort they put into this site and the videos!
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