So here I am 9 months after signing up for TPE for the first time. After having been signed up for a
month I started grinding(somewhat) the $1 OD rush tourneys on …..p://FTP. I had some fairly
decent success making over 20 FT's and winning 4-5 tourneys out of 200ish games. Obv this is just
$1 sit-n-gos essentially but I was loving Rush Poker and felt I truelly found my spot. So in 24 days
I went from being a losing microstakes player to being a winning player. Yes 200 games isn't
enough to judge your play but I doubt someone could get 20 fts and 4-5 wins on luck alone. I
studied for hundreds of hours…litterally. Watched every video on this site. Absorbed the info and
went with it. Then Black Friday hits…Now I'm not going to complain as I dont feel I have a right to…
I was just getting started and I didn't lose much…($300) obv people lost tens of thousands. So here
I was in my lil cabin in the middle of winter in Alaska going WTF… Then I saw an add for carbon
poker and was like wth…it can't hurt. So I dl'd carbon, deposited $50 played like 30 micro games
until I had $17. It was l8 and I saw a $10 2r1a was a bout to start and I just had a feeling and
compulsion to play it. I was getting paid the next day and was just like **** it..If I lose I will just
deposit another $50. So I reg'd even though it was stupid. I played one of my better MTTs up do
that date, got lucky a couple times such as AK>AA I flopped the str8. And ended up binking 5th
place for a woaping $250. So I started playing regularly. I didn't multi table as I was playing
$10-$20 games with $3 and $5r's I figured I was still learning the game and single tabling higher
buyins was better then multi tabling small buy ins (it worked out but now I obv know that was stupid
) So I played 300 games over a 6 mo period. About 80% of that was May-June. I didn't play much during summer as I live in Alaska and its so hard to be indoors in Alaska during the summer as snow is on the ground here 6-8 mos a year. Out
of those 300 games I won 2, got 1 second, 1 third, and 13 4-10ths. Built my roll up to $1,400, with
drew $800 and slowly donked the rest off. Either way I stopped playing regularly and so lost the
edge I had and kinda just coasted along. I was playing $10 games with $200 and so I was playing
scared which is the WORST thing to do.
So here I am. I am going to dedicate my self this winter to really applying my self to this game and
am going to crush. I believe very strongly that I can do very well in this game with some practice.
I have just been lazy about poker…ive talked like I know what im doing and have the credentials to
do so…I'm tired of feeling like I'm just talking shit. I am going to prove to my self that I CAN do
this..and then will decide weither or not grinding poker is something I WANT to do. I have a perfect
job for poker. I work about 50 hours Fri-Sun and have Mon-Thurs off. I have about 10 hours broke
n throughout that Fri-Sun period that I can dedicate to study and vids. So thats what imma do.
Imma work/study Fri-Sun and grind Mon-Thurs. I will take a 1/2 day off here or there, expecially if
Dallas is playing on Monday/Thurs night. My min goal is 50 tourneys a week. I believe I can def
pull this off expecially when i build my roll enough to start throwing some $10 games in there.
As of right now I got $259 in my account. I deposited $250 and after 60 games I got 2 10ths
(although 1 of those the entire state of AK had an internet black out for about 2 hrs and blinded to
10th in a $5 FO SS Turbo.) and a second. I am playing most of the micro stuff $1-$5 stuff.
I know $250 isnt technically enough for $5 but w/o them I just couldn't put in the volume.
Also, if I get unlucky and hit a bad string of variance im fine redepositing. I am not playing scared
in the $5 games so that is whats important to me. Once I get to $500 total roll I will start throwing
$10 games in there. I am also multi tabling. I have been 4 tabling and after 3 days of that im getting pretty comfortable. I believe after another few days I will be comfortable enough to throw in 4 more and will prolly cap at that. Although until I can play $10 games I dont think I could even 8 table if I wanted to.
My Goals-
-Play very aggressive and play to win 100% of time
-Play within my bankroll(NEVER play scared)
-Study atleast 10 hrs a week( Vids, posting hands, and HH reviews)
-Play a minimum of 50 mtts a week
-Become more active in forums, chat, and post hands for review(This is def a weak spot so far for me I NEED to post more hands)
-Stay confident and positive
-Post in this Blog/Journal atleast 1x a week with a progress report.
-Listen to and accept any and all feedback given (a strong point for me I love to learn and WANT feedback. I got a tough skin)
-Strive to be greater each and every day (NEVER get complacent or content)
-CRUSH Merge
So ya, this is my Blog/Journal. I am posting this now because summer is over, i'm moved into my
new apartment, work has steadied its self so should have my 4 days off w/o being called in from now on. I am posting this because I believe I can do this. I will do this. I don't see merge going anywhere soon…If there was a risk of them being shut down I doubt they would still be allowing us players. Lock has US pros so it seems they got it figured out. I will follow through on
this and I truelly believe that come may I will be playing the higher stakes stuff on merge (granted
there isn't another big us site by then) I belive that another poker boom is on its way. One that
will be MUCH bigger then 06-07. There is to much money to be made and if theres one thing the
US is gr8 at is capatilizing on money making oppertunities. I believe there will be sites twice as big
as Poker stars and Full tilt were in there prime. Bold statement? well its what I Feel so we will see.
Either way for those of you who read through all of this (I don't blame you if you just skim through it lol) Thank you and I hope yall comment and give advice whenever yall deem it necessary.
So I have given yall a breakdown of the last 8 months of poker for me and SAID what im GOING to
do. Now I am going to SHOW you what im going to do =)
Pce fellaz and god bless
Full Tilt UN= Phoenix390
Lock Poker UN= XCRUSHEQULTYX (Gay mistake on L instead of I…bah)
Good luck man, sounds like your motivated. One piece of advice i would give you is with regards to the multi-tabling. I play 3-5 tables, most often 4 but i do make stupid mistakes playing 4 and feel i play my best at 3, but i would like to be able to play more. I know some people will be better at it than others, but going from 4-8 in a few days seems like a lot. Jared Tendler wrote a really good article about it, 'Training your brain for multi-tabling'. I would post the link but i'm not sure if you are allowed. I can just email you it if you can't find it but it is definately worth a read.
October 6, 2010

October 6, 2010

with regards to the multi tabling, maybe you can post in the mental game forum on here (does that still get monitored?)
Hey guys, i am posting the link. Hopefully it will be ok but just incase it isn't, apologies to the TPE team in advance. I'm new to posting so i don't really know what is allowed but noone said either way i'm guessing it's fine. Just trying to share some good poker info with the TPE nation and it is an excellent article on multi-tabling. …..i-tabling/
Sup yall, thx all for your encouragment and advice.
Mickman thx a mil for that article, it really helped alot and is a great article.
I didn't get 50 tourneys in this week as I had to work wed/thurs. However, I
still got 40 tourneys in and I will just make sure I play 60 tourneys next week.
No deep runs just a few min cashes. Which is fine as I only care about wins and
thats how im playing. I definitly had gotten away from that attitude the last
few months on carbon and will not allow that to happen anymore. I am pretty
much comfortable with 4 tables now, but with my limit thats pretty much all I can
have up at one time. I am only playing on merge so I am limited to there game
selection. However, it wont be to long till I am throwing in some $10 games which
will allow me to up my volume. By the time I get my roll to $500 and can add the $10 games
I should be more then ready to play 4-8 tables. So ya, thats where I stand now.
Sup TPE!? Yall have a good thx giving? I know I did! Lots of gr8 food and really enjoyed
watching my boys beat the Dolphins for a gr8 game.
I didn't get in 50 tourneys this week
only 41 but im very happy with how I played. I took a 3rd in a $3 All in or fold tourney,
Shipped the $3 bounty all in or fold tourney and shipped a $1 turbo with 300 runners all
while multi tabling. I am really happy, not because I won a couple dinky tourneys but
because I took that 3rd and shipped the other two all while having 4+ tables up!! This may
seem a minor accomplishment to most but for me its a huge milestone!! I am really proud with
how I played and even though I had 6 tables going at one point I was running str8 on auto
pilot and made some great plays. Now there is no doubt in my mind I can multi table and still
win tourneys. I was starting to doubt my self as Every session was coming down to the last
few tourneys and it felt like I was just blowing through my earlier tourneys when multi tabling.
LESSON for this week: DON'T PLAY SCARED!!!
I believe this is the single most important thing when playing tourneys. Obviously there are
alot of things that can be argued to be the most important, however If you are playing scared
everything else is going to fail…if you are afraid to bust out and just try to get deep you have
already lost. I will happily sacrifice a high cash % for a high FT to cash %. Yes you will bust
earlier and more frequently but when actually making it ITM you are going to have a stack
and a much better chance and winning the tourney. So ya, Bankroll management is a HUGE
thing and definitly something I have FINALLY hammered into my thick skull!!!
My goal regarding this issue is, after 1k tournys I want to have a 5% FT and a 2% win rate. I am
Not sure how realistic this is but This is what I am going to shoot for.
That being said, I am very happy with how I am doing so far. Even though I am still -20% ROI after 140
tourneys It's only a matter of time before I win a $5FO or $3r instead of a dinker.
Thx guys and Happy Holidays!
Stats= Tourneys Played =139 10% ITM w/ 2 1sts 1 2nd 1 3rd and 2 4-10ths.
Bankroll = $213
Sup TPE!? Hope yall are making some FT's. Quick update, I didn't do my usual update last friday
because internet was down so couldn't update till monday but have been busy so just now getting
to it. Anyhow, I played 62 tourneys last week and am very pleased with how I did. I won anothe
little dinker $1 FO 93 runners, nothing special but still a nice confidence booster. I FT'd a $2.20
bounty for 9th and made a deep run in the $3r 5k getting 14th (Sigh..lost 93bb pot w/ QQ<AT O
well) Made back to back top 20 finishes in the $5 cubed 2k and a couple other deep runs. I am very
excited because although im -28%ROI on OPR over 219 tourneys
Ive been one flip away from a decent cash quite a few times…It will happen soon and had one of my
wins been a $5 FOinstead of a $1 I would be up 28% ROI lol. Thats prolly the coolest thing in all
this is I am seeing variance at its best. Streaks that seemed to last weeks last a day now.
I am SUPER excited about my future in this game and really feel I amgoing to Crush.
Definitly a big difference between playing 20ish tourneys a day and playing 1-5. I am continuing to
dowell multi tabling. I almost think I play better sometimes because it enables me to play on pure
auto pilot as when I have4-6 tables up I dont have much time to OVER think my self, which as I rely
on my subconcious and instincts to make 99% of my plays I felt alot of my mistakes were coming
from me over analyzing shit and talking my self into doing the opposite of
what my gut was telling me to do.
Anyways time to watch a couple vids before i start my session.
Sigh……… I was just looking at my stats on OPR and realized that somehow while making my
account on lock somehow I used an L instead of an I…. so its XCRUSHEQULTYX which sucks
because thats why I used the X's lol….ya I know it doesn't make much diff but is irritating to me.
I didn't even realize it so should have just done CRUSHEQULTY as I can't tell the diff. O well.
So ya.. Lock UN=XCRUSHEQULTYX so gay
Sup TPE! Just a quick update. I played 39 tourneys last week. I didn't
have any special cashes, only two 2nds. One in the $3 100 max FO turbo
and another $3 that had 109 runners. Nothing special, but nice to be
making FT's. Obv I wanna win every time I get heads up but when theres
less then 40bb between the two players its a crap shoot. Really takes away
from the heads up game I like to play. I am continuing to watch 2-3 vids
daily. I am not to worried about not getting 50 tournies a week as I am at
the mercy of Merge's Tourney schedule. they have a good 5-6 hour period
where they have a good selection of microstakes but not much other then that
time period. Imma continue to study and improve aswell as play. I am really
enjoying the mini grinds I am doing and have developed a big respect for
those who grind 30-50 tourneys a day lol which is crazy. The most ive played
in a day so far is about 25. I think I would go mad grinding 40ish tourneys 6x
week as some do (did)
Sigh… Decided to play a lil $3 banger before hitting the sack while watching
a show on TV. Got another 2nd.. Can't complain though, I went out with
KK < 99 just unlucky, but thats 3 2nds in a row ~.~ Only $70 as there was
only 103 runners. So lets see if I can win one this week wtf!…
Sup yall, just a quick update. Last week I played 40 tournies. Didn't get any top FT's
I got a 10th in a $2 dinker bounty and a had a deep run in the $3r 5k gtd again
13th….(SIGH)… other then that just a couple min cashes. I'm spending the week
with family so am not playing this week. I may play some thurs but not sure. It
bums me out I keep getting deep in the $3r but can't close it out. I know its only
a matter of time but still…im hungry for a decent cash (decent for me anyways)
I am not deterred and am happy with how I am playing. I will just be glad when
I have enough in my BR to play $5+ and stop playing the dinky $1 and $2 games.
I am glad I am doing it this way however as I am getting gr8 experience in multi
tableing and it really helps me play to win. So ya thats my update. I will post
another after next weeks grind.
Until then,
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