I know my post is long but this hand is worth reading and will drum up some pretty good conversations once it is all said and done.
To set up the dynamic with the villain, earlier in the FT with 6 left the villian put me all in on the river after 3 betting me pre, cbetting the flop, checking the 3rd heart on the turn and then jamming the on the river. I called with AhJ for third pair on a JQ36K board with 3 hearts. Over 800 hands the guy had 3bet me 18% of the time. He had Cbet 80% of the time, so I’m never really giving his cbets credit (I actually believed I was trapping with 2nd pair) and based on past hands and notes (next paragraph) I was almost certain that my third pair was good or else he would be value betting me based on the following.
I had three notes on him, one that when he has had a made hand (flush, str, set, boat or at the very least top pair/top kicker) he always river value bets it and does not shove. I had a x5 (meaning i had seen it 5x) on the back end of the note, so I felt it was pretty accurate. The other two notes were times when he put river shove pressure on me or another player, he ended up showing down an under pair to the board such as 88 on a K high board or A high without a pair when the opponent showed weakness on the turn or river. I had a x6 attached to that.
I was really confident that my Jack was good (I had the Ah blocker) and that he either had an underpair or air. He had A7o. The guy went nuts for the next hour, calling me anything from a regfish to an idiot, to telling me he was porkin my mom (My mother is a handful, so god bless him. He probably did her a favor).
So enter this hand, I am almost a 3 to 2 Chip Leader with 3 to go. 1st takes home 6337, 2nd is 4267 and 3rd is 2971. I have over 60 bbs (517k at 2/4k), Chirping Villian is in 2nd with 42bbs (335k), and the 3rd Place stack has 12 bbs (99k).
I get dealt 9c9d in the bb. The villian 2x's from the button and the shorty folds. So this is most definitely my most critical error imo as the hand plays out. I started typing out a 3bet and thought to myself about:
1. How deep both we both are
2. How short the short stack is and the difference in payouts
3. The fact that he is tilted towards me, has a table image of me as a fish and I feel like (from the previous paragraph) he is cBetting far too much.
4. I also feel like if I 3bet, he has an extremely wide 4 bet range because he is in position and knows that I don't want to jam it all in pre with such a short stack at the table. If he does jam it in pre, I am most likely snap folding and lose the chance to outplay him post flop.
5. Even though I am confident I can outplay him postflop, I am positive that he will make life tough on me no matter what the flop is when he is in position if I show weakness on any street.
So I decided to flat, not to set mine but I actually was planning on a check raise on most non A high flops. If I do happen to hit my set, I feel like I can get him to spazz out his stack since he is so tilted against me. I just feel like I didnt want to put a ton of chips in the middle and maintain my advantage for heads up with him. I know if he is as tilted as sounds, it will be a walk in the park.
Merge No Limit Hold'em Tournament – t/t Blinds – 3 players –
Player1 (BTN): t335356 1 BBs – VPIP: 23, PFR: 21, 3B: 12, AF: 1.9, Hands: 881
Player7 (SB): t99323 1 BBs – VPIP: 23, PFR: 17, 3B: 10, AF: 0.0, Hands: 238
Hero (BB): t517821 1 BBs – VPIP: 21, PFR: 16, 3B: 10, AF: 1.7, Hands: 83115
Pre Flop: (t0) Hero is BB with 9 9
Player1 raises to t16000, 1 fold, Hero calls t16000
Flop: (t32000) 2 5
(2 players)
Hero checks, Player1 checks
So flopped gin right? I thought for my standard 5 count and checked OOP to the villian. He has been C-betting 80% of the time, so I feel like he most definitely is c-betting here, but he checks.
1. He has a draw
a. Would he really raise 34, 36, 67, 78 etc here with a shove stack in the sb? Based on the way he has played thus far, no. A2 or A4 is more likely for an over and a gutter
b. He has a flush draw and doesnt want to see a check raise and me push him off of a potentially big draw. Something like A10d/AJd/AQd/Axd/KQd/KJd etc.
2. He has an overpair and is trying to make me feel confident in a weak holding like 910, 98, 65 etc (doesnt make sense because of the flush draw, and I think he is cbetting)
3. He has a set and thinks he is trapping
4. I dont think he ever has air here or he is definitely cBetting and he is also cBetting one pair, mid pairs, etc
Turn: (t32000) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets t18978, Player1 calls t18978
Thoughts when 3rd Diamond hits the turn:
1. I stop and think for a good 10-15 seconds and decide that he may have the flush here due to his non-standard check. I obviously want to see a river and see if I can boat up, so I throw a blocking bet out there thats a little under half pot.
2. I have a 9 of diamonds too and if he is calling with one diamond here, obviously I dont want to let him get there free.
3. Regardless, I am throwing the blocking bet as a both a pot builder and trying to control the cost to get to the river in case he did just turn the frrrrrrush.
River: (t69956) 5 (2 players)
Hero bets t54897, Player1 raises to t125888,
Thoughts on when 5 comes on the river completing my top boat:
1. I pause to price out a bet a little on the bigger side of 2/3 of the pot. If he has a high flush, I still expect him to come over the top and at least give me some additional value. I also make it a little larger so that it looks fishy from my standard line of getting paid off and I am hoping to induce. Strength means weakness, right?
2. If he has 33, then I expect him to come over the top and I am good and if he has 55 then nice hand, sucks for me. (I dont think he ever has 55)
3. Villian raises 2.2x my river bet (he would flat overpair, mid pair here imo)….so he is value betting. Same read from before, and I am now convinced he has a flush and is trying to get the most value out of it but doesnt want to overcommit himself if I do have a boat.
4. I think he is probably folding to a jam if he has the flush, but because he is tilted against me and perceives that I am the worst player ever because he supposedly sleeps with my mom, I realize that there may be a distinct possibility to get all his chips in the middle with even a mid flush. At this point I have ruled out top pair, A5 for trips, an overpair or even a gutter that may have hit on the turn.
My questions:
1. Preflop:
a. Would you have 3 bet a little big, like 2.8-3.2x+?
b. Would you have 3 bet a little small as in a clickback-2.2x and called a 4 bet jam?
c. Would you have 3 bet piled knowing that he is not calling without the nuts?
d. Tried to keep the pot small OOP and see if you can stack him due to him spazzing?
2. Based on the dynamic and my HUD Stats (cbet 80%) on the flop should I have:
a. Donk bet or even min bet something really small?
b. Led with 1/2-2/3 the pot or maybe less?
c. Continue my line and check raise considering he is c-betting 80%?
3. He just raised to 120k on the river. He has now put almost half his stack into this pot over the course of the hand. To get the most value, are you?
a. 3bet reraise shoving your boat over the raise all the time?
b. Clicking it back and try to get more value?
c. Just calling the river raise in case the rare chance that the villain has me beat?
Thank you and I will post the results later.
May 30, 2012

I don't mind flatting pre with the stack sizes…due to the fact your hand is under repped, and 99s don't have to play for set value imo. You are going to let an aggro villain put money in the middle for you more than likely post. 3 betting oop will bloat the pot pre and make it more difficult to play post with overs on board. ON the flop, I actually like donking here to start building the pot. In many cases I see the villain raising your donk bet putting you on a draw or air. If the villain raises flop then obviosly 3 bet getting it. With the way played though, I think that he definitely has something possibly with sd value or ace high. I personally see him c betting a flush draw imo to both try to take the pot down on the flop as well as hit his draw on the turn. The turn card, I like the bet because it is now time to try to build the pot and reevalute depending on the villains action. River the 5 is gin so, I actually like betting 1/3 pot to give the villain tool equity to shove over you. Once the raise comes, then I am jamming (trying to get max value) and hoping he calls with the flush, smaller boat, or trips.
I look forward to hearing how the hand played out. Best of luck at the tables.
April 8, 2013

Given the way you described the villain I think 3 bet inducing pre is a fine play. Flatting seems fine especially if you arent thrilled about getting 4 bet shoved on.
I am absolutely never leading on this flop. Given the way you describe villain I can see so many situations where you check raise him and he spazzes for all his chips.
I think jamming the river is the only real play. 3 bet clicking it just looks way too strong. I think he shows up with alot more flushes when you jam.
terbet11 said:
I don’t mind flatting pre with the stack sizes…due to the fact your hand is under repped, and 99s don’t have to play for set value imo. You are going to let an aggro villain put money in the middle for you more than likely post. 3 betting oop will bloat the pot pre and make it more difficult to play post with overs on board. ON the flop, I actually like donking here to start building the pot. In many cases I see the villain raising your donk bet putting you on a draw or air. If the villain raises flop then obviosly 3 bet getting it. With the way played though, I think that he definitely has something possibly with sd value or ace high. I personally see him c betting a flush draw imo to both try to take the pot down on the flop as well as hit his draw on the turn. The turn card, I like the bet because it is now time to try to build the pot and reevalute depending on the villains action. River the 5 is gin so, I actually like betting 1/3 pot to give the villain tool equity to shove over you. Once the raise comes, then I am jamming (trying to get max value) and hoping he calls with the flush, smaller boat, or trips.
I look forward to hearing how the hand played out. Best of luck at the tables.
TY & you too. Just wait until you hear what he had….it will start a whole new conversation.
Based on the way I played it, with just a flat PF and the nature of the flop of a low unconnected board, imo a donk bet would have looked like I had complete air or a draw and betting on the fact that I think he has overs. All the guy needed was a hope and a prayer to raise me based on his spite and anger. I like that line a lot and it was non-standard for me considering I had not donk bet once since he took such a liking to me. So yea, playing Tuesday Morning QB, I probably should have done that. Great suggestion.
I completely agree with you that he has some SD value when he just flats the turn or at least Ad. So although he was a Moneymaker-era spaz, he pegged me as a station and I'm assuming he thought he needed to have at least top pair or close to it to play back at me.
As far as you thinking he made have made a raise on the river with a flush or just A high air, that goes back to my note. If he was bluffing, he is shoving. I looked at it as him not only having SD value but being pretty strong here. So a lot more flushes, boats here than A highs. Typical overly aggressive when he doesnt have it or misses and just wants value when he does. So I'm thinking he does have something here that he feels is good.
August 23, 2012

3betting here all day around 2.65x or so. 5b shoving over a click back and snapping off a jam. You thought he was tilted so why not let him tilt off his entire stack with underpairs and suited aces or click it back and fold. With the CL and a very short stack, I would be 3betting a very wide range to put pressure on villain and that should include value hands as well. If we flat and show down 99, then our 3bs will likely get less credit and he will play back at them more.
Definitely checking flop because he has a high CB frequency. Donking has merit if you have a read that he will attack it. I dislike it in this scenario because he is less likely to go crazy postflop with a short stack. If you donk and he calls continue on most turns and x/r some turns like Ax. If he raises, just call hope he continues to barrel because you have the board crushed (block top pair combos) and there is almost nothing to protect from on such a dry flop.
Turn and river leads are good. Just shoving over river raise for max value and so he doesn't hero fold flushes to a click back. I doubt you would ever click it back on the river as a bluff instead of shoving so you shouldn't click it back with top boat here. He most likely has ace or king high with a diamond that he is turning into a bluff. I doubt he checks back flush draws on the flop and I think he shows up with 5x more often than a flush.
Looking back, I completely agree with the three bet and one of my friends just asked me about over shoving 40 bbs considering I think this guy is tilted off his normal gameplan and just wants to beat me. Whenever someone would call my three bet he would start chatting during the hand encouraging the person to kill me and shove over me. I don’t think I like the overshove though. 99 is too strong to just push him out but I think I have to three bet here and I can make it a little bigger considering his image.
Pack, thanks for your input. You have played with me enough to know that I am never just clicking the river back. You are completely right in saying that if I show down 99 my 3bet won’t get much credit anymore since I am narrowing my 3b range so much. However, if I stack this guy I now have a 9:1 chip lead going heads up. So I am not as worried about that if we get it in. The donk bet really only makes sense if I had not flopped a set on a low board and 99 is an overpair to the board, but considering his cbet % I still like my check raise thought process. If I check raise, I think he is much likely to try to muscle me out of the pot.
Which brings up the 3rd note I didn’t share (I only shared 2 above). When he is the PF raiser and someone Check raise clicks back his c-bet he insta-shoves. He did it non stop and I had a x8 behind that. So that’s what I am hoping for but I could have even 3bet, checked oop considering his “bet IP when cbet missed” is 100% but that usually ends the action as my hand is now playing face up.
This guy is a low limit donk and this will easily be his biggest payday ever. So I think I need to consider fishy lines. If he is cbeting 80% of the time and all of a sudden checks on that low flop, then I no doubt think he has a flush draw and wants a free card.
Let me take one hand out of his range too. No, he did not have 55 for a one out river cooler.
Awesome points Florian. I am definitely going to use that 3bet with 4-5 bet pricing line in the future in this dynamic. I believe that I am better player than him and with how high variance it is when we get short handed so I hate having to call a 4 bet pile, going 50/50 with him and giving him more odds than he would have in a typical hand or heads up where I am chipping away at him.
To answer your questions, he is not a winning reg. Ironically after he started berating me, calling me a regfish, and telling me I was doomed to micro limits, I sharkscoped him. He was listed on 7 different sites and had a negative profit on all of them except one where he had won like 100 bucks. He definitely satt into the high roller and didn't see a buy in over 10 bucks (his avg stake was around $4). He had a large amount of tourneys but he obviously was a losing player and the type I am willing to get very sneaky with.
I think he checks back draws for a couple reasons. I think he might have enough sense to realize I am usually not just flatting OOP three handed light, especially with a short stack shoving every third hand, and that I more than likely am going to pop him if he bets. I also got the feeling that after my hero call, he was unwilling to play back at me unless he had a made hand and thinks that I am calling him down light everytime. I also just think he isn't good enough to understand betting his FD. I did say I think if he makes a pair, has a small pair or completely missed that I think he is cbetting 100% of the time and with the dynamic that exists, I think will donk off to get it in with me if he even has one pair. I think that he is also betting overpairs and that's why I said checking back a premium (especially a premium without a diamond) wouldn't make sense because the board is so disjointed there especially since we are so deep and there is a flush draw on the board.
Basically, he is your typical “strong means weak and weak means strong” player IMO. So when he checks back the flop and doesn't follow his standard line, I assume he does have something with value. So I guess A5, A9, K9, Q9 are possibilities but I don't think this guy is ever checking back top pair.
August 23, 2012

1.While getting it in flipping is not the ideal with these stack sizes, it will only happen so often. 3betting just sets up so many better spot than flatting: We get a fold most of the time which is great. He clicks it back and folds gifting us even more chips (may not happen too often vs described villain). He calls and we play a 3b pot with the betting lead and a great hand. We GII vs TT+ and end up short stacked, but still ahead of player 3. We GII flipping: great for the shortstack, terrible for villain, and slightly bad for us. We GII dominating vs 88-, A7s-, best case scenario.
2.I don't understand when you said that you are not flatting OOP three handed light. It is the exact time that you should be calling a very wide range: at least 50% of hands (22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J4s+, T6s+, 96s+, 86s+, 76s, 65s, A2o+, K5o+, Q7o+, J7o+, T8o+, 98o). You could probably add more because you have the CL and any bets you make postflop have ICM pressure.
3.Also, that may have been his logic for checking back the flop with a flushdraw, but it's bad. If he thinks you are likely to play back light on a board like this, then he should be happy to bet/3b jam flop with a lot of fold equity.
packallama said:
I don't understand when you said that you are not flatting OOP three handed light. It is the exact time that you should be calling a very wide range: at least 50% of hands. You could probably add more because you have the CL and any bets you make postflop have ICM pressure. Also, that may have been his logic for checking back the flop with a flushdraw, but it's bad. If he thinks you are likely to play back light on a board like this, then he should be happy to bet/3b jam flop with a lot of fold equity.
I completely agree and am calling light here a ton especially with the chip lead and with a very wide range. I am 3betting here a ton too with an extremely wide range. In fact, I think it is more likely that I am three betting him than just flatting him with the short stack and the ICM pressure I can and will apply. So, thats what I was saying. That calling is probably more irregular here then not 3 betting him.
I agree with what you are saying about the flush draw and if I am him, I am betting a flush draw all day. He's not a typical reg though. I also just went and looked in my HEM Note Caddy and what I would have seeing during this hand was “When holding flush draw played aggressively 0/5.” So that sheds a little as to why I was thinking the way I was.
July 3, 2010

My decision to 3 bet pre would probably be based around his 4 bet frequencies. Even tilted fish don't 4 bet too much in a spot like this – they tend to flat every hand instead.
99 is probably well ahead of his range but I'd rather not build a pot pre and very likely need to play 3 streets OOP vs. this type of fish when we have a reverse implied odds sort of hand when we don't hit a set.
As played we have 4th nuts vs a fish so I don't see how it doesn't get into the middle when he's tilted. If it was a super cooler then so be it but I think you'd see him do this with flushes like KJdd as well so flatting feels very weak and folding is out of the question.
I think some of these other replies are fine but they're based on a villain other than who we're actually playing here so they look good on paper but I'm not sure how often you actually see it play out that way in practice. Nearly everyone 3 bets these days. Still not enough people 4 bet.
Sorry for not responding sooner with the result. Death in the family and I had to catch up on grinds to make up for lost time. Florian, I am not trying to subtly brag about my notes. I take a lot of notes and was just trying to paint the picture of the villain.
So here is my thinking. I think this is a super standard pot by the end of the hand and why would I even post it? Well, I’m not concerned with the result of the hand and if we win or lose here but I am more interested into people’s opinion about playing small ball to reduce variance, chip away, and not putting ourself in tough spots or playing big pot poker with the villain and try to get him to pile preflop where even a naked A has a 33% chance of beating us.
A lot of times we speak of the villain in a box. As in, “the villain is never checking a flush draw IP in this spot” but the truth of it is there are still a lot of players who play sub-optimal lines. This deep in a tourney they can really throw me a loop because I am leveling myself above the fishier players rather than trying to think at their level and find an appropriate course of action. I just want to know if there are more optimal ways to play this type of hand, in this type of spot, when I am playing short handed. If you go look at my results, I have several 2nds and 3rds in big tournaments and am just trying to improve considering I have left about 20k on the table 3 handed or better when I was in a great position to win.
So in this spot, I jammed the river in what I think is an obvious spot and IS an ideal jam spot and was insta called by the steel wheel A4d. The guy then berated me for the next hour about how I don’t understand ICM (funny considering he checked a combo nut draw in position) how he would have just called his jam rather than reshove. I liked my line in the hand and in retrospect I don’t think I am getting him off this hand with a three bet unless it is huge or an over jam pf. In similar spots, I wanted to know if people are always 3betting here or if hiding my hand strength is ok, if people are leading on the flop, are slowing down on the turn and then how they are playing the river as in leading smaller or just flatting here in fear of the cooler. So, thank you for your input. I feel like I have a couple more plays to jam in the play book.
February 3, 2013

Wow I read the first post and few answers and just cant get the point, why the discussion is so big about such a hand 😉
b. Would you have 3 bet a little small as in a clickback-2.2x and called a 4 bet jam?
I would love to get it in pre with 99 vs aggr Player and 3 players at table. I also dont mind to take the conservative way and call & pot control etc.
I just prefer the more aggr way. And 99 is far above his range imo. If he just like 2x 4bet, i still would be shoving this every day with these stacks (because you told, that he might 4bet very wide range)
Im sure at the end ull tell us, he had 64
/ A
😉 If he just had a flush, u wouldnt start such a huge discussion about the hand. Cant imagine u started the discussion, if ur boat was good here. But still, very easy hand imo. GL
edit: Just read your last post. Like ive told, I would love to bring it in preflop. Just dont like the conservative way with 3ppl at table and such a hand like 99 vs aggr villain. I mean, if payouts are like 1 million for first, and 400k for 3rd, i would take conservative way, because it would be such a lifechanging event. But since its a standart scheduled tourney, i would be shoving it preflop

September 28, 2012

1. Preflop:
a. Would you have 3 bet a little big, like 2.8-3.2x+?
I am 3 betting here 100%.The stacks are too deep for him to 4 bet shove. AS he is risking tooo mcuh to win too little ina critcal part of the tourney. Bascially playing back over the top of your 3 bet is an ICM mistake for him no matter how you cut it. I am 3 betting mys tandard amount given game flow.
b. Would you have 3 bet a little small as in a clickback-2.2x and called a 4 bet jam?
I think you are overestimating your opponents desire to shove. He is risking 42 BBs in order to win effectively 8BBs. And that isnt even factoring in the fact that there is a short stack.
c. Would you have 3 bet piled knowing that he is not calling without the nuts?
3 bet piling is interesting, but not something I would advise unless you know how to do it, and can do it in more spots other than the middle value range(aka willing to do it with AA).
d. Tried to keep the pot small OOP and see if you can stack him due to him spazzing?
Calling definitely isnt bad here, especailyl cause you have a great psot flop read on your villain, the problem is that you are OOP, and villain has shown to be very aggro, so you are going to get into a lot of marginal spots in big pots(much more so than preflop) and constantly win small pots.
2. Based on the dynamic and my HUD Stats (cbet 80%) on the flop should I have:
a. Donk bet or even min bet something really small?
Donk minning is something that is really fun and can work wonders on people. I dont actualyl think minning is smart, but mroe so 1.5BB. These can induce a spaz raise(which we obviosuly flat and eitehr donk again on turn or cehck depending on turn)
b. Led with 1/2-2/3 the pot or maybe less?
I dont think leading big ehre is good at all agaisnt a villain with a high c bet. We are taking away free money a lot of the time and we have blocekrs to a lot of the good hands that we can get 3 streets with, if the board was 852 or wahtever I would liek your bigger donklead better.
c. Continue my line and check raise considering he is c-betting 80%?
Check/raising is good here, but another approach is check/call donk turn. This is a great spot because of the number of draws. Now you might say, but wait, wouldnt c/r make mroe sense if he has a lot of draws? I am not realy talking about hsi range as much as I am talking about both of our ranges. It is unlikely that you would c/r here without a made hand. You obviously want to avoid playing large pots agasint him with marginal holdings, so calling is what you are going to do with majority of your drawing range. So when you c/c then lead you do a couple things:
1. On blank turns, you come off weak, which can induce raises or at least light floats.
2. When it hits you can come off as trying to either scare him or blocker him with a marginal hand. However since the draws did hit, its unlikely we will see him raise you on the turn.
3. He just raised to 120k on the river. He has now put almost half his stack into this pot over the course of the hand. To get the most value, are you?
a. 3bet reraise shoving your boat over the raise all the time?
Anything other than shoving is leaking money here.
b. Clicking it back and try to get more value?
No, the spots where you click it back(effectively) instead of shoving need to be WAY deeper than we are on the river.
c. Just calling the river raise in case the rare chance that the villain has me beat?
No, mosnters under the bed, etc.
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