February 5, 2015
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
9 Players
Blinds 150/300 9
UTG Ahurazor 2,277
UTG+1 eugenevv 6,628
MP1 Yolo19 7,191
MP2 Hero 8,782
MP3 simekjak 9,154
D marore78 40,943
SB jakl&haid 3,653
BB mauro_abi 10,273
9 810 Hero is MP2 6 6
3 folds, Hero raises to 600, 4 folds, mauro_abi calls 300
2 1,710 7 8 8
mauro_abi checks, Hero bets 855, mauro_abi raises to 1,983, Hero calls 1,128
2 5,676 9
mauro_abi bets 2,724, Hero calls 2,724
2 11,124 4
mauro_abi goes all-in 4,926, Hero goes all-in 3,435
mauro_abi shows two pair, Nines and Eights 9 J
Hero shows two pair, Eights and Sixes 6 6
mauro_abi wins 19,485 (net +9,212)
Hero lost 8,782
Ok so this a Progressive KO…there were antes of 40 not sure why the HH doesn’t show them.
Man I got pissed off after this hand…a little history…
I was back late after a sync. break; this is a theme with me…I cruise when I’m in my flow undisturbed, no distractions. Then the break comes and I dash out to try to make a coffee. The kitchen’s busy, I get back late, now I’m out of my rhythm, and do something stupid. I was cruising in this T prior to the break. My wife refusing to let me use the microwave in time led to a huge row a while back after I got knocked out.
Whatever, its kind of a strange hand, the dynamic in these PKO’s is different. We were a while before the bubble, not yet ITM.
My thinking ran like this: Raise the 6 6. Half expecting a call from the BB., with nearly ATC. When he 3bets my c-bet, I have to say I was kind of stumped. I suppose he may re-raise 9/9 or 10/10 on this flop, but pocket pairs higher than these I would’ve figured him for 3-betting pre. I doubt he would be 3-betting trip 8’s here. He may have called with 7/7 pre, but why would he pressure me out of the hand with a boat?
So I guess he is most likely on a draw, especially with the two clubs on board. This is where my thinking breaks down. At least, I’m not sure. I become more concerned with pot odds and my own hand. I don’t even think I thought much more about V’s hand from this point in, except to note that the clubs don’t get there.
When V bets the 9s turn, he is giving me about 3-1 to call. As it stands, I am not getting immediate odds to call, but the implied odds are there, and I was also considering the bounty. All things considered, I went for it and called. However, I was beginning to get that sinking feeling. Maybe my thought process is flawed, but whilst I figured I was probably beat OTR, I was getting 4.7-1, and I called mainly due to pot odds. I thought there was at least a 25% chance he was barrelling with a busted flush draw.
Well, this forum is like some kind of therapy. Now I have rationalised it all, I can see I did at least have some kind of thought process occur.
Please guys, shoot as many holes as you can into my thinking here!
Thanks in advance as always.
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
December 30, 2015
Flop: I don’t mind the c-bet but I’m probably folding to the c/r. Aside from a very aggressively played draw, what are you beating? What other hands do you put in your calling range here? I’m thinking mostly hands that can improve such as A9+, 9T/J(same hands with spades for back-door flush perhaps), and some over-pairs.
Turn: I’m not sure how you can call here. I think this is a shove or fold decision and shoving seems thin.
When V bets the 9s turn, he is giving me about 3-1 to call. As it stands, I am not getting immediate odds to call, but the implied odds are there, and I was also considering the bounty.
I don’t know….you are probably drawing to 6 outs (2*6, 4*5) at best, possibly only 2. Since you can’t win more than you have left in your stack I don’t think you have the odds to draw.
February 5, 2015
Thanks FX…hope you are ok!
Can’t get into it too much now as I am off to bed, but with regards to your comment on the flop…”what are you beating except a very aggressively played draw”…this is actually the one bit of the hand I was proud about…he did indeed have a draw…played very aggressivley. I don’t like how V played his hand, but that is another matter.
It is true that even had the 10 fallen, this was not an out for me. As I said, at this stage I neglected to consider V much…if at all.
I did get that desperate sinking feeling as I ventured further into the hand.
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
You know, I thought I knew a little about poker. I have studied it for years, and it has been pretty much my main focus in my spare time…then after losing for years I began to win in 180 man MTT SNG’s. I felt good, like my hard work was being rewarded. Little did I realise that those 180’s really only teach you shorter stack push-fold, with minimal post flop exposure.
As I move into MTT’s the scope of this whole thing is really beginning to come into perspective.
I am beginning to wonder whether some folk just have a natural ability to “see” the maths…I am not even talking about the few savant geniuses out there to whom poker comes naturally. I am talking about winning poker players whose brains work in such a way that this stuff comes easier to them.
I won’t ever give up on poker…it is a passion for me, and I really do work hard. Possibly it’s just a case of putting in the time with HRC and Equilab. Well I am doing this now.
But often-times I am just lost in a hand. Honestly I have no idea whatsoever what you mean when you say 2*6 and 4*5. Can you explain?
I read pat Dittmar’s Practical Poker Math…(it wasn’t well received but I loved it), and we worked through factorials and combinatorials…I fear you refer to these? Or am I over-complicating it? (I pretty much remember not much about the book…I was just so glad I got through it – it was like a torture!).
December 30, 2015
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
May 19, 2016
Poker is ever evolving and what works today may or may not work tomorrow.
what kind of read did you have for the V.
Let us define the term V:
- Villain
- Vodka
- the mighty V (vagina)
All these words at times are interchangeable! (I say this because one time I drank 3/4 bottle of vodka and asked my girl friend if I could have some vodka, she said yes and so I got naked)
All these things can make you happy and other times not so much!
When they make you happy, keep doing whatever it is your doing.
When they make you angry, aggravated or in anyway affect your thinking process in a negative fashion,
Do not sit down to continue your game yet. Click on the sit out button
In this instance ya had almost 30 BB, plenty of time.
Don’t use # 2 to help with #’s 1 or 3 it doesn’t work… I know I’ve tried, many times.
This is what I do (keep in mind I play live so I get some odd looks):
For every event that makes a negative impact on your game gets a mark. So by reading your first post I get the following marks:
- In a hurry (never hurry, it somehow gets integrated into your game for a few hands)
- Wife not cooperating (Talk with her well before the game and try to come to an arrangement, maybe she’ll bring you that coffee, compromise and take her for some bangers and mash or something. If you tell her your going to do something do it when you tell her you’ll do it, don’t make excuses)
- Microwave not available (get a small coffee maker in the room ya play in, if she allows it)
- late after break (look at it like this, with 30 BB early to mid game isn’t going to make or break your tournament life)
So for every mark I take a half a minute to sit out, During this time (at first it will seem like an eternity) I do breathing exercises and meditate for half the time, then 5 push ups for each mark to rid me of the bad Adrenalin (I believe this step is important, something physical), finally breathing exercises till time is up. Don’t watch the cards or the game as that can make things worse.
online levels are what ….6 mins. so that’s a 1/3 of a level you’ll miss, but you’ll have peace of mind, a clear head to continue your grove on.
This is what works for me, everybody’s different, find what works for you.
February 5, 2015
May 19, 2016
I have not read that but will look into it.
As far as poker and martial arts goes a good poker player/Martial artist is able to control his/her emotions, keep calm under pressure, and see weakness that he/she can exploit in the Villain/enemy.
When you left for break you were in a hurry, scampered to the kitchen to make tea and crumpets, releasing adrenaline. (know it was coffee just throwing a little bad humor in). The lovely little lady decided to use the micro at the exact time (no that wasn’t planed or anything), and brain releases more adrenaline along with a little thing called peptides (more on that in a minute). Being late more adrenaline and different type of peptides. Running back so as not to miss anything and then really feeling like ya messed up.
Lots of adrenaline and a couple different types of peptides are released. The adrenaline magnifies the effects of the peptide emotional response. Each type of peptide has it’s own little receptor in your brain. The more each type of peptide is used the more receptors it has. So if somebody gets angry a lot, lots of anger peptide receptacles he/she has, same for fear, love, and so on.
These emotional responses stay with us for some time whether we know it or not, and the Adrenaline magnifies and keeps the peptides in place longer (hence people snap for no reason, unless their just wack jobs anyway).
With that said guess what your emotional state was when you sat back down to play poker.
The physical exercises I mentioned burns off the adrenaline allowing the peptides to be released while doing the mediation and breathing exercises (allows us to go to our happy place, if you will).
Yes folks there is science behind this.
Now all I need to do is take my own advice more often, as I don’t always do as I should!
Talk at ya later,
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
Hey Ray and all,
Got a few minutes to talk. At my sons birthday party.
In Waitzkin’s book he outlines a system whereby the accomplished martial artist is able to slow down his perception of time when fighting a lesser opponent.
A complete mastery of the basics is the key. By having an intuitive mastery in the foundations of his art, the master frees up his conscious mind to be able to concentrate on details and themes his lesser opponent has no capacity for…the lesser opponent needs all his conscious capacity to process the basics.
Thus, the master is able to slow down his perception of time when compared to his lesser experienced adversary.
Most higher principles are derived from basic principles or relationships between basic principles.
Intuition is the bridge between the conscious and subconscious minds.
February 5, 2015
February 5, 2015
Pain in my assignment? Predictive texting. I meant pain in my ass.
Although also a pain in my assignment.
Hey Smallcat thanks for that pearl of wisdom.
I take full responsibility for the misfortunes I bestow upon myself…believe you me I have more experience than most in my life with coming to terms and taking responsibility for mistakes I have made…
But trying to play profitable poker when surrounded by 3 kids and a wife with legitimate demands whilst making sure I am rested up and prepared to perform a hugely responsible day job is tough…
My wife understands sync. breaks. She claims to understand the focus I need at the tables. Being a dick consciously when I am pushed for time by using BOTH microwaves simultaneously after I pleaded with her to be able to use one of them is bloody ignorant.
And she had this related to her in no uncertain terms.
February 5, 2015
However I do concede it was myself who made the play.
Ahhh how I envy the single young guy who has no responsibilities other than cutting his parents’ lawn and making sure he does the washing up. Hours upon undisturbed hours of distraction free play…parents are out today so I can make coffees at will in the occupant free kitchen…
Actually you are right Smallcat thinking about it…maybe you have a point. In the short term I do always blame someone else it’s true.
February 5, 2015
Yes Ray I like that exercise and routine you outlined for dealing with negatives.
I just hurry back because I worry I’m missing out on huge opportunities. How many times have I sat out only to sit back in having missed kings or aces…OK not that many but that’s always my ? fear!
May 19, 2016
Fear leads to the dark side! Which in a round about way is true. We all have the fight or flight thingy kicking, but need to recognize that they both produce the same emotional response with in us.
In early to mid game (when BB is below say 500 chips) unless we’re being tricky, most of the time, I’ve found, we only collect the blinds when we 3 or 4 bet our AA and KK maybe a little more. The chance of getting them after we come back off break is in fact slim, coupled with the fact that early to mid blinds are low we loose more coming back tilted than we would win when we get them. Later in the game, or if short stacked at any point in the game is a different tale altogether.
Also early in the game the wack jobs are still in it that will call your 3 bet holding next to nothing and then suck out on ya. I have come back from a break (back when online was legal in Florida, before Governor DipS_ _t made it not okay to play), and would have that exact thing happen. Dude gets his favorite hand (J4s) or something just as offensive and suck out on me. Got tired of it and that’s when I started the exercise thing then later incorporated the breathing exercises.
Off to TPE university to watch more vids.
August 25, 2012
Well, this thread quickly became about something other than the hand in question!
Riceman (and anyone else finding outside distractions getting in the way of poker), I would advise that if you can’t play poker in an environment that allows you to play your best, you shouldn’t be playing. Having a tough job and raising a family is enough as it is – you’re more or less constantly going to be multi-tasking because you can never tell what issue is going to crop up at any point. Adding poker into the mix there is pretty much a nightmare scenario.
I would advise you to make a specific effort to create time and/or space in your routine for poker. That time should not be interrupted, and should be dedicated towards allowing you to play your best poker and get the most out of that time. While you’re playing poker, you’re just playing poker, you’re not multi-tasking.
If this is simply unfeasible given your current situation, I think you should think very carefully about the role poker plays in your life, because until you can create an environment where poker is the only thing you’re focused on (or at the very least, the number one thing you’re focused on) during the time where you’re actually playing, you will always be playing at probably 80% capacity at best, more likely somewhere from 40-60% capacity. You might get more out of life if you used that time to do something that you can do at 100% capacity, even if that thing is watching a movie with your kids. Being half-focused on everything is never going to lead to more than being half-successful at everything.
February 5, 2015
Thanks Matt,
Actually my wife is usually pretty understanding…
She was a non-believer for a long time…
But I made her watch Bet Raise Fold and she related to dmoongirl and saw how poker was different to other forms of gambling.
So I got a pass…
So long as I’m winning and buying the food and things which need getting done get done she is sweet. But when I am downswinging, like now, she is less understanding.
I get 3 days off a week. So I get alot of time to play, it’s usually on the sync. breaks I get in trouble. I have started doing what Ray suggested and just sit out on my breaks.
(Seriously man, can you really imagine giving up poker?).
February 5, 2015
May 19, 2016
I’ve been watching and reading through the TPEU, and in coarse 1 the section for Articles to my pleasant surprise in a couple of the articles it is mentioned that meditation before a game is good and should improve ones game. In yet another it states that poker should not be played 7 days a week as it degrades ones game.
Being you work 4 days a week and are off 3 (which incidentally is my schedule as well) If you’re playing all 3 of your days off and working the other 4 I believe its the same as playing all 7. It may be possible to improve your win rate by playing 2 days a week and taking the other day for your children (if you have them) and or your loving wife.
Not that you don’t already do this but thought I’d throw it out there.
In the forums I wrote a topic in “off topic” titled “More in life than poker” check it out.
February 5, 2015
May 19, 2016
Riceman isn’t the WSOPE close enough to you for you to go?
I play in the WSOP at the Palm Beach Kennel club. Last year I played in 3 of the events and place 18th in the first one I played. Told myself if I place well enough I’d play the main circuit game there. Alas I failed on the next two attempts. But the first paid for all of them, and feed me for the next 5 days I was there. Of coarse I only live 40 miles (64.3 km) away. So that’s an easy commute. Playing against and winning, knocking out and getting correct reads on the pros was very enlightening and exasperating. I Prepped by watching WSOP streams from previous games and watched the pros. Once I got there and I recognized them I recalled their play style and was able to keep up. Fantastic time.
I didn’t play again until November at the SHRPO which you can see me here:
that pic was taken at the end of day 1A and I placed 2nd for the day, by the end of Day 1E, I had the 6th largest chip stack. If I can do this so can you!
I played a total of 6 major tournaments last year, here are my stats:
Don’t fool yourself, If you can do well at online, just slow down and play live. you can do it man!
I just Googled it and they have WSOPE satellites on like 3 or 4 online sites.
Honestly it’s like online poker except much slower.
I believe a couple of the TPE Pros were at WPB kennel club
February 5, 2015
Hey! Surely you do not mean the Palm Beach Casino in Mayfair? I deliver there in my truck every Saturday!
I shall let you into a secret…my buddy Mick, he had this job on his weekday route.
He is light fingered.
He used to deliver the food, let the chef check it off, then as he left, he would take back some of the order and sell it to another place!
If you ever go into their kitchens, take a look in the stock room…
They have placed a huge great camera in there now!
August 25, 2012
The Riceman said
(Seriously man, can you really imagine giving up poker?).
Actually, yeah. If something isn’t a positive influence on my life (i.e. it’s a net gain in happiness for me) then I can imagine giving it up very easily. There have been several times where I have felt like poker has not been a net positive for me, but it’s always been a short-term thing rather than long-term, so I’ve stuck with it. The minute poker is no longer a long-term net positive for me in terms of happiness, I’ll drop it in a second.
I would encourage you, and pretty much everyone else, to adopt a similar mentality towards life. If what you’re doing doesn’t make you happy in some way, what’s the point? A lot of people play poker just because they’re on a desperate scramble to make a big pile of money and they haven’t given themselves permission to be happy until they do that. Don’t fall into that trap.
May 19, 2016
This is the reason I only play in two series a year, the two mentioned above. When I played lots I was miserable and found when I quit I was starting to feel happy again. Then 6 yrs after I quit I had to start taking care of me mum and eventually had to move in with her as she couldn’t take care of her self, but that is all i did and again became unhappy.
My mom was a very understanding person and wanted me to be happy and asked it I still played poker. I told her I quit a number of years back because i was a miserable F_ _ K because I wasn’t winning.
A week later, She told me that when we went to Barnes and Noble (without my knowledge) purchased a poker book for me, she proceeded to tell me if I read the book, and practiced with her she buy me into a tournament once a month. I placed 6th in a black chip bounty 235 player field, with 9 bounties.
Then my britches got big and couldn’t understand why I wasn’t winning, She told me I changed the way I played against her, so she knew I change when I played others. Once again I stopped and we got more books.
Unfortunately and sadly, she passed 3 yrs ago and was not able to see me place in a WSOPC in WPB. I now only play in those as I promised I wouldn’t play regular until I was good enough to place on a regular basis. (much like a bowel movement she said).
What you said hit home,
Thank you!
February 5, 2015
Sorry guys,
can’t give up my beloved poker.
It may sound melodramatic, but poker really helped me get over a massive long-term life threatening problem I had when I was younger.
I don’t really wish to expand, but poker plays a very special role in my life.
Some guys find NA or AA. Some guys find Jesus. Some guys find exercise. Well I found online poker, and it has helped keep me on the rails ever since…years now. I went crazy into the thing.
February 5, 2015
Of course, it really is true that my wife and Mum and children played a much more important role, I am not disputing that ever.
And of course they come first, 100%.
But poker gives me a space to myself and something to focus on. I love that feeling when time has no meaning, hours passing unnoticed.
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