Hello, I am fairly new to TPE and need advice/encouragement from those who have been there in terms of playing MTT's. I have been playing poker recreationally for about 4 years. Because I have a full time job and a family I cannot play a ton but try and get time every week. I spend a lot of time studying and trying to learn more about the game from many different sources, forums, videos from different sites, reading books on strategy, podcasts, etc. and have been doing so for a long time. I have probably played more cash than anything (both PLO and NLHE) over this time but have played a decent share of online MTTS/SnG's as well. Currently, I mostly play low stake ($11 Freezeouts) with decent blind levels (10mins or greater) and deepstacked when offered.
I have had some limited success (won a few low BI 180's on PokerStars when legal in the US and a couple final tables on Merge in decent sized fields but nothing overwhelming). I should make it clear that I understand there is a huge amount of variance in MTT's and can be in poker in general. But it is hard not to get frustrated when consistently losing when I am getting it in way ahead after being patient and trying to play skillful, thought out poker. Is losing this often, this far ahead to be expected as a MTT player? It's hard for doubt not to creep in and to worry about whether the card generator/site are legitimate when this happens so often. Yet, at the same time I know variance is a part of the game and everyone suffers bad beats, it's the frequency I am losing as a significant favorite I can't wrap my head around. I would be thrilled even to be winning hands 50% of the time where I am a heavy favorite but it just seems like I keep losing all-ins deep in tournaments where I am a very solid favorite with rare exception. I know its a very small statistical sample but the last three sessions alone and over the course of 50+ tournaments I got my money in as a heavy favorite 70/30 or better and got busted in 85% of them this way after making a pretty deep run. It's hard not to want to punch through the monitor when the 3 or 4 cards that help your opponent keep hitting and sending you packing .
Is this just a regular part of playing MTT's? I don't pretend to not make mistakes and constantly review my play as well as keep track of wins to make sure I am accounting for the times I win as a favorite as part of poker is bad beats but it just seems I am losing WAY more as a favorite than winning. Would love to hear thoughts for PRO's and those that have more experience than me on what should be expected as well as what helped others through this frustration. Thank you to those that respond in advance.
Hey, welcome to the site!
Unfortunately, the swing you are experience is very normal in MTTs. 50 tourney bad luck runs are really not a big sample for someone who puts in a ton of volume. It's going to happen and the only thing to do is just battle through it, and keep working on your game/making good decisions. The ultimate key is to practice proper BR management so that a swing such as this does not affect your roll or your psyche.
If you do the above you will be ok and things will eventually turn around. I'd argue it's those who can handle this part of the game that are best equipped for MTT poker because it's the true test of your capabilities and devotion when your not running good.
Good luck turning it around!
vballfanatic1 said:
Is this just a regular part of playing MTT's?.
yes thats the madness of the game, and up to a certain point u get used to it, but when you are on a real bad downswing it somehow affects everyone somehow.trust me everyone, even the best.
its just a matter how much you get affected, and with experience and like rfb mentioned a proper br management you get through these swings.
and the next heater will come for sure 😉

June 22, 2010

It could also be the stakes you play at. People tend to gamble more with buyins less than $100 the lower the buyin the bigger chances they will take. It just makes it more frustrating because you understand the game and mechanics. Even though it all balances out over time, sometimes it feels like the negative side of it comes all at once. I think a big part of MTT is the mental game, which a lot of people do not think about. My tilt is one thing I have been working on for the past few months because I have been right there with you, last night was was quite horrible, but I know in the end my plays were correct and I will be rewarded.
"Your either in Sheen's Korner or your with the trolls."
Agree with the others. Unfortunately it is part of random type games, and cards coming out of a deck is random and subject to variance, means, and deviations.
For those that have studied or know about Statistics, there are various ways to describe deviations from the mean (average)
If for example as you say you’ve lost 85% of your last 70% as a favorite, you are playing 1 or 2 standard deviations to the left (hard to know without the proper charts and stats). 2 standard deviations is about as bad as it can get. After that you get into the realms of impossibility. It works both ways, playing 2 standard deviations to the right means you are winning way more than you should (who are these people?? not me that’s for sure)
Now the majority of the time you should be somewhere around the mean and then there are times you will deviate from the mean, and it looks like you’re one of the unfortunate ones, deviating to the left by a fair margin.
But be of good cheer, the further away you get from the mean, the more dramatic the pull back to mean will be. Sometimes like an elastic band.
We live in the here and now. we live by what we see and hear NOW!!!. It's hard to do, very hard to do, but you need to get “expectation eyes” and not “here and now eyes”.
The “here and now eyes” look at all the 70% hands you lost and says “I've just lost a huge pot, I could've got to the final table as chip leader and now I'm out”…. “how much money has that cost me…”””” etc etc
The “expectation eyes” look at those same hands and beats and says “I got my chips in good, got them in as a huge favorite, the chips were turned over with postive expection (+ev), all I need to do is keep playing and someway, somehow the money owed to me will come to me”
Good luck hang in there. Variance is a bitch
Not a pro and just a suggestion. Mix in some sng’s when time is an issue or just to work on your push fold game.
Pull up 2 or 3 low stakes sng’s and you will probably get some rungood in at least one.
Play solid, pick your spots and have some fun away from the long grind.
I do this alot when I am on a downswing. One of my probs with mtts is they just take so long.
Then when I go back to mtts I feel a little fresher and hopefully the rungood will come.
The vids and advice you get here is spot on! If you continue to play solid and use what you learn here,
then late in an mtt your AK shove will hold and boom your in the top 3! GL!
Thanks so much to all who responded. Your insight is much appreciated. It’s nice to have forums where you can discuss things without getting railed on or seeing a bunch of smart ass replies like some of the other popular poker forums.
I know variance is a huge part of MTTs and poker in general, I guess I was expecting it more often with coin flips vs. so consistently with huge favorites, i.e. I think it would be easier to stomach a long string of losing coin flips vs. losing as a significant favorite many, many times sequentially over multiple sessions.
I really am enjoying the site and there is a great community feel here. Look forward to the coming months as a newer member.
hey here's an article i wrote on how to accept variance. Others have found this helpful to set their mind up for MTT variance:
In addition to the other advice…
You should focus on the things that are within your control, the decisions you make at the table and how you handle the downswings. If you get it in as a favorite and lose, focus on the fact that you correctly assessed the situation and made the right decision rather than focusing on the outcome.
Another thing to put in perspective about your situation, which is very similar to mine is that you are a part time player so these swings can last for a longer period compared to a full time player. If you play 10 MTT's per week and you go on a 50 game downswing that's 5 weeks to fight through. But for a pro who plays 10-20 MTT's per day a 50 game downswing is over in a few days. These extended periods can be hard on you mindset but you will get through it by focusing on the right things.
Totally agree with what swet1 says above, if your a recreational player [as i am] the swings can seem to last a lot longer and you begin to question not only how bad your running but also your ability. Keep studying, try and make the correct decsions and do not be too results orientated — if you work hard you will eventually hit an uspwing and be rewarded.
October 6, 2010

Donskey said:
If for example as you say you’ve lost 85% of your last 70% as a favorite, you are playing 1 or 2 standard deviations to the left (hard to know without the proper charts and stats). 2 standard deviations is about as bad as it can get. After that you get into the realms of impossibility. It works both ways, playing 2 standard deviations to the right means you are winning way more than you should (who are these people?? not me that’s for sure)
just a comment on this – 2 standard deviations is for the 95% confidence interval, given that your variance would be a normal distribution about the mean, you can definitely run better or worse than 2 standard deviations.
this means that 1 in 20 sessions you will fall outside 2 standard deviations, and because the sd for a single session is extremely high, this basically covers the whole range of possible scenarios.
obviously as we play more and more, the sd decreases but the 5% chance of us being outside this range doesnt' change
But are we talking about variance as far as coin flips or do good players also have long streaks of losing as significant favorites? I know its been said that winning or making a really deep run in any tourney will take winning some flips but what I’m not as clear about is the losses as a significant favorite, not the coin flips. It stands to reason that solid players are often getting it in as solid favorites or they probably wouldn’t be good, lol, but extended streaks seem to defy the very logic of percentages. For example, I would think the odds of losing as a 85% favorite on average 25 times in a row, while certainly possible highly “improbable”. So where I struggle is not the coin flips but scenarios where if you are to win 85 out of every 100 times and lose 15 times (on average) doesn’t losing 50 straight as that much of a favorite seem statistically nearly impossible, even if not improbable? Thanks again , everyone’s insight is very much welcome and appreciated. Really glad to be a member! Run well!
October 6, 2010

ok, we can easily do some maths (ask me a bit more about it if you dont understand, or please check it for me if you do)
the probability of winning x hands in a row when we are a p% favourite is 1- (p)^n.
lets start with the easiest example of AA into KK which is an 82% favourite
therefore, to win 2 in a row, we need 1-(0.82)^2 = 67.2% favourite
The chances of losing 2 in a row are 1-(1-(0.18)^2) = 1-(96.7%)=3.4%
Chances of losing 3 are 0.583%
so the chances get pretty small pretty quickly, BUT how many times, in say 20k hands, would you get it in as a 80% favourite? im not sure, but i could be 1 in 200 hands possibly, maybe more or less thats just a guess. so therefore in a 20k hand stretch, there could be 100 opportunities to get it in as an 80% favourite, or at least 98 different 3 hand streaks that you could count as “in a row”. as you can see, in that 20k hands, you should lose aces twice in a row probably 3 times, and three times in a row 0.5 times. another guess, but the standard deviation would be MASSIVE, it could be as high as +/- 10 or more in that sort of sample size. also this number would increase significantly if you made it 3 in 4 instead of 3 in a row etc. on bad nights i know i can get 3 outered 10+ times, and i only play for 5 hours or so in a session with 8 tables. i dont consider that especially unlucky either.
i would love to know what the actual number is of 80-20s per 100 hands
sorry if that is too hand wavy, if i sat down and worked it out i could do it properly, and even work out the standard deviation correctly but i cant be bothered
I do it this way. Benny seems to be a bit of a whiz in this sort of stuff so if it's wrong, I'm sure he'll point it out.
Let's see how probable losing 25 85% in a row is. I would say it's impossible. Let's just do 8 in row and look at that number, it's about the maximum my calculator can handle.
(15/85) x (15/85) x (15/85) x (15/85) x (15/85) x (15/85) x (15/85) x (15/85) = 2562890625 / 2724905250390625
So to lose 8 85% in a row the probability of that is a 1 in 1,063,215 chance. Hmm 25 in a row, don't think so, but then again, nothing surprises me anymore in this game.
Saying that, I have had a 1 in 30K, was mind boggling, but it happened.
Okay, so maybe I’m looking at it wrong. What I am saying is # in a row I have lost as a huge favorite in “all in” pots. Of course I am not including pots in between that I win where villain folds to me before stacks go in. But I have repeatedly had scenarios where I lose as a heavy favorite 75/25 or better 10+ times successively. And while I don’t know if it’s ever reached 25 per se I am sure the odds of losing as a 75% favorite 12, 13, or more times in a row on all-in pots should be an exceedingly rare percentage as you guys have pointed out with your probability calculations. And this is where you bang your head against the wall and say how can this be, even with variance?? So again, not coin flips but losing a lot as heavy favorites successfully which statistically would get more and more improbable with every time. Like trying to win a bet 20 times in a row where you are a 20:80 dog. Of course these streaks can be interrupted with times where you have 60:40’s but even then I would think the odds of losing as a favorite sequentially grow exponentially unlikely. Appreciate the replies as this is something I know a lot of us struggle with. One thing to run bad with coin flips and certainly expect that we can have huge streaks finishing out of the money in MTTs as we are dogs to win in big fields, even where we may have a skill edge but losing as a heavy favorite sequentially doesn’t add up to me purely based on math alone.
October 6, 2010

vball, chances are, when you play hundreds of thousands of hands, then 1 in a hundred thousand type event will come along on average once. so yes, it could be a ridiculously bad run, but that doesn't mean it cant happen.
how do you get 15/85 donskey?
I ain’t smart… And don’t do well in math but fwiw, I am a part time player. And don’t put in a sick ton of volume as the pros. I am not even close to a pro. I understand the variance and unfortunately it is a but different tote psychie when you are using real money to play these games. It isnt a huge deal in losing to a game of word with friends or Zynga poker. It is your money that tends to suffer in the downswing.
Diego “RonFezzBuddy” is on spot when it comes to your bankroll. If you stay inside a good management of your bankroll, it is easy to just shake the beat off, take a walk, and fire up another session. On merge network, I call it being “merged” when I am 70% favor In a hand and lose to a runner runner.
Unfortunately, the 70% scenario is when you are preflop and that stat goes down as each card peels. I have a sticky on my monitor where I play that says “Not the nuts until the river”. Yeah there are times you got to push the chips to the middle especially when your deep. You always got to think, I made a good decision and took a good line to stick it. You aren’t in control of the flop so you got to just go and hope the best.
Hope this helps. No need to be gun shy for if you make the right decisions in your game, it will turn around. You aren’t the only one that gets “merged”. Keep it up, stay in your bankroll limits, but mosT of all have fun playing. That is the key.
Good Thad that you started. s you can tell you aren’t alone. If you look at other sharkscopes, you will tell just about everyone has gone through the downswing. I have started poker over a year ago and I don’t even know what an upswing looks like. It doesn’t matter to me for I love the game and because of this site, I am getting better at it. I still have a roll this year on merge. Ha ha ha. Good luck.
Hi, not a Pro either yet, but still want to respond as I too have struggled with it and at times it pops its ugly head up again. So here goes:
In nov 2010 I was rolled a bit better bankrollwise and decided to finally try and crush cashgames where I in fact am a tournamentplayer pur sang, but wanted to try as I had a plan to just pick on bad players bigtime. Thought that could not fail. In the course of 2 to 3 days I targeted some guys i figured to be real bad players at 100NL. Creating big pots whenever I was convinced I had the best of it, the money went allin at flop or turn holding 2p, sets, str8's etc. Each and every time when the villain called (or i called) I was the favourite bigtime, sets vs 1p, str8 vs flushdraw on the turn etc etc. I did not win A SINGLE ONE of those allins 14 in a row and lost about $1200. (15th was a frustration allin and ofc i did not suckout when i was the one with a trashhand)
That was huge as my normal bankroll would be between 200 and 400. I wanted to go for it and got beat up severely, so i quit the cashgames alltogether again for the time being. Since then i made a few small retries with the same technique but lower rolled and sadly experienced the same “bad luck” 8 outta 10 I guess, so it does not seem to be a one time event but rather standard for me.
I had severe discussions with my bro about this and i insisted that the rng was simply reversed expectationwise somehow. Discussions got real heated (lol) before i made clear that I have no problem with loosing with best hands regularily, but I defenitely do if the math says i should win majority of times. So in the end I apparently had problems seeing longer runs and series of good hands loosing from bad hands.
Lets take dominating hands as another example: Sometimes I think Ax seems to win from AK a lot more than mathematically would be correct. Why?
Is our mind playing tricks with us and we only see the times this occurs? Well, we sure tend to forget the better hand that won versus the times it looses. A good way to get a real answer to this is diving into your hem or pt database and see how these hands perform.
What other explanation might there be?
Its somewhat a nono I feel to talk about rigged poker rooms at serious sites. And most often it is ridiculised. But for the sake of argument:
What advantage would a pokerroom have to willingly skew the RNG towards letting better hands win (somewhat..) less?
1. Good playing regs will loose more often and the money stays at the room where it can be pumped around from A to B to C. Which is good for the rooms rake right. I guess we can't deny that.
2. More Bad players who would get crushed by pros time and time over when they get it in with their measly 3 outers would get frustrated within a week or so and look for another hobby that won't eat their fun budget that fast. By getting “lucky” more often they don't even realise they are playing awfull poker. BUT they will stay around and play, generating more rake again
3. Poker rooms are being accused of this anyway constantly so why not do it…
So is this really happening?
There are some BIG arguments against the above theory.
Pokerrooms do make vast profits on the regular rake, independant of what player wins. Would they jeopardise all of this to maximimise their winning even more by skewing the RNG?
I have to admit, there was a time when i figured the answer to be positive as human greed and stupidity is infinite at times…
But same human nature dictates that a scheme like this would be impossible to hide year after year without some personnel coming out with the truth or being discovered some other way. So I think its unlikely though still not impossible. I have my doubts sometimes to be honest but i feel its best to push it away..I am still winning at poker.. (little note at my monitor says mountains and canyons in poker but you are still ahead in the game..!)
That leaves me with some thoughts I had about mtt's lately:
If I have gotten chips in at numerous spots in a mtt and managed to create a big stack and now we are late stage and its a lot of push/fold from than onwards, I seems that my good hands DID hold up alot of times. (Same must happen to you i guess) So when i finally get donkraised with my AK on a A82 flop by a superaggro and he spikes a 4 at the turn or river holding A4o. Do I need to get upset? The 70/30 or better is due to loose at some point.. 30! times out of 100 to be exact.
Any time i get chips in, i am in fact part of some russian roulette..if I pull the trigger often enough, the darn thing will fire for sure at some point. Maybe I used up my 70% and it got time for the 30%.
So what about series of bad luck?
Cards have no memory and if all is well you should get your rewards for playing well in the long run any which way nevertheless. It's the sign of a good pokerplayer to get kicked out of mtt's holding the best hand often or getting it in correctly with lesser hand counting on fold equity. So if decisions are right, can we still loose that often?
My guess is that we can indeed. The hidden part that luck plays into our game might be much more extended than we realise at times.
The cat spilled the milk somewhere in a kitchen in Peru and I fail to win the Sunday Million again! Impossible? Weird?
Well follow this sceario: the cat spilled the milk, man and wife get into a quarrel (happens with spouses at times), he leaves the house for the bar and does not play the sun mil that night. Because of that he is not at my table and does not loose an extremely BIG pot to me with KK vs my AA. I do not survive a suckout later and I am out of the tournament.
The kind of hidden luck/bad luck that must unknowingly play a role in our (poker)lives intreagues me at times and i can come to only one conclusion:
I try to make the best decisions possible in my games and count on the goddesses of karma to create equilibrium at some point in time, swinging back the pendulum of fate in my favour and let me suckout numerous times. I than win three Sun Mils in 3 consecutive weeks to make a point and keep laughing all the way to the bank with the echoes of acquisations humming in my head being the worst luckbox they ever saw 😀
vball, chances are, when you play hundreds of thousands of hands, then 1 in a hundred thousand type event will come along on average once. so yes, it could be a ridiculously bad run, but that doesn’t mean it cant happen.
how do you get 15/85 donskey?
Don’t disagree with the above sentiment. Definitely not “impossible” but also highly “improbable”. I guess all I can do is try and keep track and maybe post some results to see if I’m extremely unlucky or just looking at typical variance. Thanks for everyone’s insight. We all love the game and want to believe everything is in the up and up on the sites we play on but it’s not like the history of our game and online sites haven’t been filled with scams and cheating in numerous ways, hence you start to question, “am I terribly unlucky” or “am I getting cheated in some way so I keep depositing money and pay out rake, and enough varying fish get enough wins to not give up on playing with mistaking getting lucky for solid play. Not that I am sold the latter occurs, just that it’s understandable in my humble opinion for doubts to creep in.
Quote from vballfanatic1 “For example, I would think the odds of losing as a 85% favorite on average 25 times in a row, while certainly possible highly “improbable”.”
if you have an 85% chance of winning then you have a 15% chance of losing. So that's where I got the 15/85
October 6, 2010

Not sure you can just do it like that, the way I have calculated it is “standard” in statistics texts anyway, but when I have a bit of time I’ll run through how you did it just to make sure it’s not a weird way f coming to the same answer
Yea, thanks it might be wrong, don’t know, it’s been a long time since I did statistics. I remembered it was a simpler way of working probabilities out, but maybe i’ve missed something and doing it wrong.
In regards to the 2 standard deviations, might be different in general, but all the graphs for Blackjack, the worse or best it could get was 2 standard deviations from the mean, saying that, my graph did just break 2 standard deviations to the left, I remember it well, (lost 65% of my bankroll) use to go home literally crying and broken, ready to give up, but I don’t know why I persevered, but I did, and lo and behold within a couple of months had a dramatic rise back to the mean. (Got my losses back and doubled my bankroll, and never looked back after that) The line was literally 90% back to the mean. It was a whirlwind, and it was fun that’s for sure.
Incidentally, the main reason the UB scandal was exposed, was because the poker players that started to keep track of the cheaters, saw how many standard deviations to the right they were playing and realised this is mathematically impossible, which began their investigation.
Can I step out on a ledge here and say this is about 20x more time spent thinking/talking about bad luck than is useful for a poker player. No analysis is going to change the past or your luck for the future. Just focus on good decisions and bankroll management and you will be delivered some results which are within the range of your true skills expectation. The size of that range has to do with your volume. How far up the profit curve that range is has to do with your skills.
You can't control the size of the range though. Once you recognize it exists spending time on it detracts from other learning you could be doing.
Hey Bytie… I went through similar grumblings during my FullTilt days… I wrote an article about it, thought it might interest you. It’s on my blog, which I’ve neglected for about 12 months. …..pot.com.au
“WTF! All in with cowboys and got smashed by Ace rags again!”, “Ace lovers beat my 5%’er every freaking time!”, “FullTilt’s gotta be rigged!”… these are just some of the pained comments I frequently hear when talking to regular online players. It astounds me that their losses are blamed squarely on the online poker room, as if the sole purpose of the host is to destroy their ability to build a bankroll. Aces do appear to regularly pop up on the board and cause havoc, but do they appear more frequently than say a 2, or a 6? Aces are typically noticed and remembered more than most other ‘bland’ cards as they are highly revered by poker players and do the most damage. It’s just like your dodgy mate trying to pick up at a classy nightclub. He gets rejected at the same frequency by a series of regular women, but it’s the ‘smokin hot chick’ that rips his heart out and leaves a lasting impression.
Deal out any 5 cards from a shuffled deck and the chances of an Ace appearing is 34.1%, this is also the same for a K, Q, 3, or any of the other cards.
i.e. ([1-((52-4)/52)*((51-4)/51)*((50-4)/50)*((49-4)/49)*((48-4)/49)]).
To pair a pocket ace on the board your chances drop to 27.6%, and to make trips on a pocket pair your chances drop a further 8.5% to 19.1%. So for our whinging punter holding cowboys against Ace rags he is a 72.4% favourite.
But what if FullTilt, or any other online poker room, is perceived to be rigged or Ace happy? How can you tell? Well you can do a simple ‘first-cut’ check by analysing the relative frequency of cards that are dealt on the board and investigate whether it significantly deviates from the expected 34.1% probability. This can be done using a chi-square (X^2) statistical test which is frequently used by biological scientists and geneticists. Prior to running this analysis, however, you need to only include those hands where you have seen all 5 streets and you need to have considerable replication. There is no point running the analysis on 25 hands as the data wouldn’t have had sufficient time to converge and your output will be meaningless. So aim for a couple of thousand hands. Also assume that you cannot see your pocket holdings, just the 5 street cards.
I investigated the observed frequencies of each dealt card over 6,731 ‘full’ hands and plotted them against their expected frequency of 34.1%. The data indicated that, on FullTilt at least, the cards dealt aren’t significantly different from their expected frequency (X^2 = 0.23, df = 12, p = 0.99). This indicates that the cards are dealt randomly and anyone who whinges about getting “smashed by an Ace every time” is clearly bringing too much emotional baggage to the felt!

June 22, 2010

RonFezBuddy said:
Can I step out on a ledge here and say this is about 20x more time spent thinking/talking about bad luck than is useful for a poker player. No analysis is going to change the past or your luck for the future. Just focus on good decisions and bankroll management and you will be delivered some results which are within the range of your true skills expectation. The size of that range has to do with your volume. How far up the profit curve that range is has to do with your skills.
You can’t control the size of the range though. Once you recognize it exists spending time on it detracts from other learning you could be doing.
To add to this, it is in our nature only to remember the bad. Just think about how many bad customer service experiences we remember compared to the good. Same applies to poker I remember every suckout for weeks but surprised when reviewing HH and see the flops of quads, full-houses, etc. that I totally forgot about.
"Your either in Sheen's Korner or your with the trolls."
Ron, totally get your point, I truly do. That is why I tried to state in my earlier posts I know everyone gets bad beats and everyone has bad runs in poker, it’s part of the game. And, you also need to look at the wins and make sure you are bringing those into the equation as of course, when you’re a favorite and win its expected but when you’re a heavy favorite and lose it stands out. This wasn’t mean to be a bad beat thread which in some ways I know is kind of taboo since all players deal with it.
I was more trying to get at successive runs of losing as a big favorite and how, on the surface, based on my limited understanding of odds and probabilities, seems exponentially unlikely the longer it goes. I was interested in 1) hearing thoughts from those better versed in statistics and 2) from solid winning players if they regularly or at least occasionally experience runs like this where they are losing consistently, not on coin flips, but as heavy favorites.
It truly was not meant as a “look how unlucky I am thread”, just something to improve my understanding. Hope that clears things up.
The bottom line vballfanatic is that you’re not alone in what you’re going through. We all go through it. It’s the nature of the beast when it comes to random probability games. The way you beat probability games is to get an edge. It's a long term expection and not a short term expectation.
All casino games are random probability games, but they make sure they weigh the edge in their favour. They also go through huge swings, but they minimise the swings by not having 1 Blackjack table or one slot machine, they have hundreds. 10 Blackjack tables might be losing plenty in one given night, but the other 30 are cleaning up. Unfortunately, if you're like me, you're on your own, so you have to suffer all the swings on your own.
Poker is a random probability game, so how do you get an edge? Well you’re in the right place. TPE will give you the edge you need. It’s not called Tournament Poker EDGE for nothing. How big will that edge be? Well obviously some of that will be up to you. How much work and commitment you put in. Personally I think one of the biggest edges you can have is not violating your game when you’re tilted. Feel tilted, feel angry but don’t act on it. Play each hand they way you would play it when you’re not tilted. Not easy I know, but something worth training yourself in.
From your initial post, looks like you’ve already got that edge. If most of the time your chips are in the middle as a huge favourite, then what more can you do? In the long run, you will and must make money. It’s as simple as that.
Good luck, hope you snap back to the mean soon.
the one thing I have worked on in my game to have an EDGE which seems to be working and getting alot in the videos and podcasts on TPE is that you want to try and be ahead of your villians. You want to eliminate a possibility to get to that spot where you are coin flipping a lot. We know that sometimes you have to but there are times in spots that you can play your game and elimate the showdown and apply some aggression and make them tank. Make it hard for them to continue the street.
Exploit those tendencies. The game of poker is not the online site's fault or your local dealers fault. You got to make good play in your hands to prevent them from seeing the flop, turn and river. Remember, you may think you are 70% but a lot of times, your opponent is thinking the same thing. The EDGE is make him guess that he may be wrong 70% and then you can take it down before the river card passes.
more of those spots you need to take and less coin flips. If you want a coin flip go to blackjack. lol…just kidding. Look at your loses and wins and determine the best strategy to make them tank. Put it through pokerstove and see where you were really at, flip the turn and see villians line. You would be surprise that you could have most likely take him down on a turn with a simple c/r and or shove being 70% than the line you took.
work on cbetting flops when oppropriate. Play your position well and postflop play is imperative in MTT's to make it hard for your villians.
hope that helps.
Some great advice ITT already, but from my perspective the number one way to overcome running bad is very simple – play more poker. I'm currently playing over 200,000 hands/month and have played around 25,000 tournaments of various kinds over the last 3-4 years, around half of those since I started playing full time around 2.5months ago. Without a doubt, once you've played a certain amount you stop being even the slightest bit surprised by individual hands. That's not to say that a bad downswing doesn't hurt, but it's absolutely the case that each individual bad beat hurts less than the one before it, and each downswing hurts less than the last one of that size. The only way to overcome variance is to train yourself to really understand it, and the only way to do that is to play a hell of a lot of poker!
cousteer said:
Hey Bytie… I went through similar grumblings during my FullTilt days… I wrote an article about it, thought it might interest you. It's on my blog, which I've neglected for about 12 months. …..pot.com.au
yooo guys, I think my message was a bit scrambled by the first part where I only wanted to show I understand vballfanatic1 feelings as we all might go through them at some point. The end of my text was intended to show that i decided to hold on to my playing skills (did not make that clear enough maybe, sorry) and that I kinda jokingly stated that I won't mind some funny suckouts to make up for my hurt in the past..
The basic fact though is, that I nowadays trust on my skills and it needs a very rude series to get me tilted again generally. Addressing this issue must not lead to indulge into the bad luck indeed like Ronfez indicated and I fully agree with him on that. Hope this clears up what my real attitude towards this subject is nowadays. I feel i have come a long way since the days that almost every worse hand that beat me let me explode few years ago hehe!
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