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Greetings you tourney donk bastards....
Playing Freerolls
Forum Posts: 13
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September 26, 2013 - 10:24 am
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I will formally introduce myself soon in the “Introductions” forum, but right now I'm about to play in day two of a WSOP Cinci $580 live circuit event and I need help/critiqued asap.

I guess it's important to tell you why I decided to come here, though.


WSOP Cincinnati $365.00 donkament:

Hand 1:

Blinds are 100/200/25 ante.

I have around a 11k stack.

I am in MP and make it 550 with A6s

Folds around to the BB who literally just late registered.

Only read I have is that he is Pakistani.

(Read I gathered today when I saw him in Cinci's poker room is that he wears a purple scarf while playing PLO and if he had the purple scarf on in a hand against me I'd have called him out of spite.)

Anyway, pretend we don't know this guy wears a purple scarf into the poker room.

After some debating, this guy elects to call.

Flop is A Jd 3d

Flop A Jd 3d he leads 600. I call.

(Should I have raised or just called to keep bluffs in?)

Turn is Kc he checks. I bet 2k.

He fires all in. Didnt want to stack off here. I fold.

(How big of a ***** am I? Thoughts on this hand?)

Hand 2:

Table seems full of unsophisticated/bet when they have it villains.

Not much position raising or tricky play going on.

I have 8k stack..blinds 150/300/25.

Raise 650 w AhKs. BB calls.

Flop A 10s 2s.

He checks, I bet 800. Turn is a Jh.

I bet 2k. He calls.

River 9c he ships all in for his last 4k.

I have 4k left.

I fold.

(In small stakes cash the check/c, check/c, lead river big is usually a monster.

Usually same in these small donkaments?)

So, as you can see from the two hands from above, my tournament game definitely needs work.

On top of all that, what would you do if a purple scarf wearing Pakistani bastard bluffed you out of a pot?

Most would probably never speak of it again.

But, I believe we must learn to confront our failures and grow from out mistakes.

Therefore, I am now here to observe my prey and understand how all you Beats By Dre/hoodie wearing motherfuckers think. It is my intention to never let a man that wears a scarf or any toolbox wearing a Lock poker patch bluff me out of a pot again. I would say the only other thing that might be more humiliating is having your girlfriend cheat on you with a Big Boy dishwasher or some shit. (It happened to me and after years of therapy didn't work…I finally saw her on the TV show “Cops” getting the shit beat out of her in a domestic violence dispute and I started to feel good again.)

Anyway, the purple scarf sent me over the ****ing edge and if you'd all like I'll try to hunt down the guy so you can pay him an affiliate fee for me joining. If you don't want that swine to get paid, the first time I saw your site was when Chris Moon plugged it on his Twitter. I also heard good things in 2+2 poker forums. I have been known to make a thread or two over there in the Marketplace: Live Staking forum.

Now, onto the most important thing…improving.

I decided to chart most of my important hands from yesterday's live tournament and would love to see some TPE Live Tourney Pros do this so I can sponge in all of your thought processes and decide which ones work best for me and my game. I'm paying you bastards twenty nine ninety five fat ass dirty american dollars a month that should be going to an old over the hill stripper that needs to bronze the heels+thong because those are the only ones that will give me a blowjob on the cheap anymore.

As long as you continue to help me improve my game, you'll continue to get my hard earned dollars.

Maybe with all you bastards help I'll be able to piece off one of these donkaments, buy the 8-ball strong enough to explode Charlie Sheen's heart, and be able to take home some top level talent/a true a-liner/every beer drinking poker playing slob's dream.

What's with the influx of all these hipster, panzi-ass, veggie burrito eating douchebags anyway?

They probably all drive hybrids or cars with a ****ing 4 cylinder in it.

No doubt their girlfriends will leave them for a man that drives a Harley Davidson or a Dodge Ram with a hemi in it as soon as they're broke and busto. They won't care that he doesn't recycle and doesn't want to go to the Apple Orchard.

Swear to god in ten more years live poker tournaments are going to be like a Burning Man festival.

Daisy picking ****ing hippy fruitcakes who live in their parents basement are going to be handing out some anti-war literature while pakistanis wearing purple scarfs are going to be getting high on marijjjjuanna in the bathroom laughing about how they bluffed some old dude wearing a wolfshirt, American flag pants, and a “Back To Back World War Champions” hat with an eagle on it out of a pot. My young girlfriend will probably even be getting ****ed in the janitors closet by three smelly Dj fuckface dudes who can't spin vinyl and haven't took a shower in three days.. but they gave her good molly, fist pump well, and they spin deep house or dubstep so “they're so ****ing cool.”

Wow, what a god-damn nightmare.

Puts more fear in my heart than the times I dream about my long lost cat getting weed smoke blown in his face by some unemployed stoners with bridge cards and there's nothing I can do but watch because it's a dream and I wake up in a profuse sweat.

I'm basically here to save poker and I hope that an American Bad Ass Beer drinking swine like myself piecing off a few donkaments can inspire more men to tell their wives to “**** off” and get these guys down to the casino or down to the live tournaments to play what I consider to be America's greatest past time….


When I do, I hope you'll all be waiting with open arms and remember to make sure that each and every one of them feels welcomed and is having fun. I think sometimes we forget how incredible and exciting poker is when you only get to play it a couple times a month.

Sure, it's annoying when you see a guy buy in for $100 at $1/$2 NLHE or $200 at $2/$5 NLHE…but if you think about what the guy had to do to scrape together that money or the shit he's going to have to hear from his wife because he wanted to go gamble…you'll realize he's there for the same reason you were when you first started…

People still love this game.

I still love this game.

Where is the only place in the world a CEO, a line cook, a professional athlete, a model, a retired auto worker, a marine, a drug dealer, a police officer, a racist, and a black man could sit to together, drink, talk, and have some fun?

That's right. A poker table.

Never forget how lucky you are to be sitting at one.


Anyway, onto the hands I charted from the tournament I played in yesterday…


Please critique one thing, two things, three things, or everything. smile


WSOP CINCI $580 Buy In

Level 1: 25/50

Get to work early with opening 89s+, all broadways, pps and premiums as long as an unsophisticated/fit or fold villain has limped in or it's been folded to me.

My goal was definitely to be more active today and look for spots to bluff/be more creative with my lines/be more aggressive.

In fact, I'll admit….

All the videos I watched on Tournament Poker Edge had me fukking amped.

I was ready to get after it today.

First interesting spot is when I raise AK from utg2 to 300 and am called by a smart/sophisticated villain OTB.

Stack sizes are 12k and flop comes 3 3 7.

I feel as though if I cbet he will know this flop has missed my range and will flat/try to take it away on the turn or will check/raise right here and put me to a test.

So, I decide to check to him and he bets 325, I r/r to 725 and he folds pretty quickly.

I just felt that taking this line was better than a double or triple barrel and saves us chips in the long run.

Shortly after we move into…

Level 2: 50/75

It's folded around to a thinking/tourney player in the HJ and he raises to 225. I elect to flat out of the BB/play him heads up with Q9s.

Flop comes Q/x/x and this tourney player proceeds to double barrel 325, 625, but then gives up on the river and we scoop the pot.

We make our first mistake of the day when an active player to our right opens to 225 and we call OTB with 6h2h/the intentions to outplay him.

Pot is heads up and flop comes…

Ah As 7s

He checks, I want to rep an ace here, so I check and the turn comes a 2c.

He bets 250. I call 250.

River is an off 8. He checks. I bet 525. He calls with 3/3 and we lose the pot.

Definitely think I should have put a raise in on the turn. That's more powerful and the villain in the hand has to think about how big our river bet is going to be….meh…I fukked up. Oh well, onto the next hand!!!

Oh yeah, btw… I actually double barreled twice in this level and it worked!!

Level 3: 50/100

We have K/Q utg and we raise to 325, we get 2 competent villains who make the call and one fish. 1 competent villain is OTB, other is in the bb, fish is in the sb.

So, the pot goes 4 ways, 1300 in the middle.

Flop is Kh Jc 9c

It checks to me and I check to villain otb again with intentions to get a c/r on him. I figure the pot is pretty big/he is going to take a stab at it.

My plan fails, villain checks and a 3h falls OTT.

Fish in SB donks out 600. Competent villain in bb calls 600. I call 600.

OTB folds.

River is another brick and it checks through to me, I decide to check behind because as it is I've butchered the hand so bad/don't want to chance losing a big amount of chips here.

We end up winning the hand,though.

Level 4: 75/150

I had been giving up my OTB and CO a lot to the aggro on the right of me in the last level. So, I decided that I was going to start making sure I 3-bet in the right spots. After a 3bet with J9d and a 3bet with A9s, the aggro starts to lay off his aggressiveness towards our BB and SB. He also is folding more and giving us a chance to open light when folded around to us….

Level 5: 100/200

One limper when it gets to us, we are OTB and the BB has 4k left.

We raise to 425 with Q10s.

Both players call.

Flop comes 238, and both villains check. I bet 500.

Unsophisticated villain in bb calls quickly. Other guy folds.

Turn is a Q. I decide I want to check here in hopes that he'll shove all rivers.

River is a 6 and the villain ships like I want him to, but he's got 4/5.

Probably shouldn't have called here. Idk, maybe being results oriented?

Villain had showed no signs of ability to bluff, but I thought he would be shoving any piece of that flop that he caught, villain was definitely type to “PUT ME ON AK.”

Anyway, oh well, onto the next hand.

We're sitting with 16k in chips.

Level 6: 100/200/25 ante

Level 7: 150/300/25 ante

Level 8: 200/400/50 ante

We go card dead in the above 3 levels and I almost feel as though I need to force something to happen/make something happen.

However, there's just no good spots being presented and I am folding hand after hand.

I manage to get in a few position raises/c-bets and 1 successful 3-bet, but other than that there isn't much action.

We manage to head into the next level with 15k in chips.

Level 9: 250/500/50 ante

Obviously, since we've been card dead for around 2 hours, we have developed a tight image.

We decide to raise 1100 utg with QJs.

Best player at the table/the young competent tourney kid otb makes it 3k.

Judging by his previous 3bets this sizing is huge.

I feel he wants a fold.

I decide to stop being a ***** and man up for my first light 4 bet ship here.

He tanks for a min and calls with pocket 9s.

We spike a Q on flop and are now sitting with 30k.

This was huge for my confidence. I was able to correctly put him on a medium strength hand/pair and I really think he should have found a fold given my tight image, UTG raising range, and the fact that was my first 4-bet all day. I think he made a mistake calling there as this was the first time I ever tried a play like this. Under normal circumstances I am 4-bet shipping AK and QQ+ there.

Like I said, though…today I was fukking amped. Ship it.

Level 10: 300/600/75

Action is all pretty standard in this level. We attempt three 3bets…2 of which work… the other we fold to a 4-bet ship.

I'm 3betting any villains I feel have a light opening range as long as I have an ace blocker. So, I'm most likely 3-betting the best hand…but in the past I would have been folding in these spots/playing too nitty.

So, this is a step forward for me.

Level 11: 400/800/100

We're around 50k when we get into this hand…

I raise AQ utg to 2k.

Asian aggro calls in BB.

Flop 9c 5c 3s

He checks..I bet 2200…he calls.

Turn Ac he bets out 6k.

I call.

River 5d…He ships for 25k.

I tank and think if he had a club draw he check/raises me otf.

If he has A9, set of 3s, or 5x lucky him. He gets paid off.

He had 9/6 offsuit.

As you seen from the hand history in my past two tournaments, I would normally fold in a spot like this.

But, I read it for what it was…a desperate attempt to steal the pot after he let an ace fall on the turn…he must have been burning up inside when that A hit and for some reason thought he could bluff me out of the pot.

Level 12: 500/1000/100

This level is not good to us….

We lose two 10k coin flips all in.

One with 77, the other with 1010.

We were in the BB on one of them when an MP guy goes all in.

We were in the SB with the other one of them when a guy OTB goes all in.

So, this gets us down to around 55k.

Level 13: 600/1200/100

This is where we make the biggest mistake of tournament.

Super nitty guy who was holding onto his 15k SS for AS LONG as he could. Just letting it wither and wither away finally decides to ship from MP when we are in the BB with A/8 suited.

I call him and he has QQ. MEH.

Horrible to give away 25% of our chip stack there with A/8s…idk what got into me.

So, we're down to 40k and we get A/Q otb and a 22k stack has shipped all in from mp.

We call here and villain has K/Q, we hold.

We're back up to 65k and starting to feel better.

Level 14: 700/1400/200

We are in HJ with Kc10c and raise to 3k.

WSOP ring winner calls OTB.

He has 30k chips left.

BB calls and SB calls. Both of them have 80k+.

Flop is 5h5d2d

BB and Sb checks. I check with intention to raise OTB because he is a ring winner/competent and this is the same line I would take with ANY premium pair.

12k in pot, he bets 4.8k.

SB and BB fold.

I min raise to 9.6k.

He tanks for a minute then ships all in and we have to fold our king high.

Great read by him. Idk how bad of a play it is by me. I swear on everything I love I take the same line with 88+, AQ, AK.

He showed A/J offsuit.

After that hand we're back to around 50k.

Then over the course of the next couple hours it's all position raising, 3-betting, or 4betting all in with AK.

Ended up bagging around 64k and as of yet I haven't got AA, KK, QQ, or JJ in this tournament.

So, hopefully I get some monsters today when I go back to play at 3pm.

26 players left, 18 get paid.

Our 64k stack is around tourney average.

What's my plan now?

Thanks for reading.

Grinding Micros
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September 26, 2013 - 11:24 am
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Nice first post laugh


(will read and answer later)

Playing Freerolls
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September 26, 2013 - 2:21 pm
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To anyone who plays live events…

It would be cool if you could chart all hands you played/explain your thought processes throughout the hands/levels/spots/etc….

As far as video selections go on this site, I was only able to find one video series that explained live tournament strategy, table dynamics, etc…

Heading out to start day two now and I wish there was more live tourney strat available here.

Please feel free to link me to anything you think I'd find beneficial.

St. Louis
Grinding Micros
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September 26, 2013 - 4:03 pm
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Nice post.  GL sir!laugh

Small Stakes Grinder
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September 26, 2013 - 8:18 pm
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yea. i dont know if there is a specific question to answer there but just keep improving…we are all here for that and is why we pay big dollars to see these pros bink mtts. you seem well on your way though, GL.

Sunday Major
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September 26, 2013 - 10:27 pm
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Lotgrinder, have personally very must enjoyed your thread on PocketFives and was deligthed to see you mention in that thread that you were a TPE member. Best of luck in the Circuit event!

Nose Bleed Member
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September 26, 2013 - 11:02 pm
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I dont even wanna reply to help you with your strategy, however I will say something.


I do like the format you have posted with lots of information, bolded questions and loads of hands but your whole intro post here is very bitterly crass. Attacking stereotypes, people's fashion and the posting language involved above is something I'd expect from a venter on 2+2 or P5's, not here at TPE. I think it'd be wise to clean up your attitude in posts in the future as I see this as an appreciative community that brings together people from all walks of life that have a love for the game. If you need to vent, start a poker-lifestyle blog so you can attack people that don't conform to your high held regard of a poker player/person.


For now, take a look at your mental game if you are never going to let a Pakistani scarf-wearing 'swine' bluff you out of a pot again. Its poker, getting bluffed is the nature of the beast sometimes.

Playing Freerolls
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September 27, 2013 - 2:03 am
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Ever hear of Gonzo journalism?

Consider myself a Gonzo poster.

There's going to be lots of satire in my posts hoss.

If you read over what I wrote again you'll even find a playful jab at myself that I included since this is my look when I play a live tourney…

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September 27, 2013 - 2:05 am
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mikewebb68 said:

Lotgrinder, have personally very must enjoyed your thread on PocketFives and was deligthed to see you mention in that thread that you were a TPE member. Best of luck in the Circuit event!

Thanks for the compliment.

I've been known to hammer the keyboard better than most and in due time I'm sure the TPE community will learn to deal with my online persona.

I'm planning on staying here a while.

I am a young grasshopper and have much to learn.

Playing Freerolls
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September 27, 2013 - 2:12 am
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So, today I went on to final table Event #7 of the WSOP Circuit Events in Cincinnati.

I finished 9th.

This is the hand I went out on and it's probably standard to all of you, but I'm trying to learn from it.


Blinds are 2500/5000/500 (We have a 65k stack.)

Folds around to us in the HJ, we have 99, a tight image, and we raise to 12k.

Villain in the SB with 100k in chips raises to 20k.

I decided to ship all in, he calls with QQ and I am felted from the tournament.


So, here's what I want to know…

1. If we make it to 8th place, we make $500 more in winnings. Given the fact that villain was also on a small stack and min raised me back, should I have folded because at best I was probably a coin flip against this villain?

2. Is a competent tourney villain ever min raising 22-88 right here?

3. Is this spot just a standard ship/the 12k raise on my part was bad?

Playing Freerolls
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September 27, 2013 - 2:27 am
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Another question…

When the chip leader at your table has decided to abuse your BB and SB like a white trash housewife that ****ed up the latest batch of fishsticks, what's your plan with hands like 10/9o, A/2o, K2s, etc….?

Basically, the chip leader was making my life miserable out of the BB and SB and I wasn't getting much to play back at him.

He would specifically open each time I was in BB or SB.

His chip stack was around 250k, mine was consistently around 65k-90k.

Blinds would be 2k/4k/500 ante, live tournament.

What's our plan/shoving range against a guy like that?

Do we have a flatting range?

Playing Freerolls
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September 27, 2013 - 3:31 am
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Also, in exchange for your poker advice….

I offer life advice in trade.

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Small Stakes Grinder
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September 27, 2013 - 4:03 pm
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99 hand is close between an open stuff or r/c a shove….but when a SS clicks it back live lol i cant ever see us being ahead. How awful it wud feel, its a fold and just dont tell anyone.

Small Stakes Grinder
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September 27, 2013 - 4:11 pm
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Against the stack abusing us, our 3b stuff range shud consist of one face card. If the first card Dealt looks like one of those picture cards I would tell the dealer to not even bother dealing me a second card.

Playing Freerolls
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September 27, 2013 - 4:58 pm
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Thank you.

Another question…

I have been told “Kill Everyone” is a must read for someone like me who has only played in 10-15 live NLHE tournaments…

Is this true?

Any other books you guys suggest that I read?


Since it doesn't look like there's much live poker tournament strat advice in here, I'm going to be sure to chart every hand I play in these $365-$580 donkaments and then post my thought processes behind them.

Then you can all tell me how smart or dumb I am in each particular hand.

I'll be asking for no mercy, so feel free to shred away on my HH's.

Would be awesome if some of the pros on this site would do the same for their live events.

Small Stakes Grinder
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September 27, 2013 - 5:34 pm
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Something else you can do is if you know he cbets close to 100% IP but also likes to make hero AI calls against 3b pre. We can flat Super wide against his btn open in the BB with the attention of check shoving pretty much every flop. Rare exception is ace high flops because if he’s competent he knows that we would’ve shove pre with any Ace. So say he has KQ pre and wud call our shove, instead we flat with T8. Flop: J63. He cbets, we jam. He cant call. We pick up the raise pre and his cbet so its more chips too than 3b AI pre. It will suck when he checks back flop and it ruins our plan but if hes cbet a ton ill take the chance. And yea sometimes he will have T7 and would of folded to our shove, instead we flat 98 and check shove 742 flop, he calls. Not saying this play is perfect but it deff is something ive started to include in my SS arsenal.

Small Stakes Grinder
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September 27, 2013 - 5:38 pm
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KE is a must read for any decent mtt player looking to improve. I try to re read it now and then especially when im struggling with my aggro game, when i feel like nothing is working. But yea, thats a good book deff get that chit on ur phone or whatvr and read it before bedtime lol.

Small Stakes Grinder
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September 27, 2013 - 5:50 pm
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I got KE confused with Raisers Edge. I like KE as an introduction to Raisers Edge though so deff check out KE and then read RE.

Grinding Micros
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September 28, 2013 - 1:11 am
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Get to work early with opening 89s+, all broadways, pps and premiums as long as an unsophisticated/fit or fold villain has limped in or it's been folded to me.


I play a lot of these live low level MTTs.  I think this is too loose for the early stages in these.  A large amount of the players in these are loose passive calling stations.  The best way to tear these guys up is TAG early.  Check out some of bigdogpckt5s early game vids.  His is the best way IMO to approach early game play in these.  Granted I think I play a Tad looser than he suggests, but it works well for me.    

Then when then antes kick in is when I pick up the aggression.  Look for spots to pick up some extra chips that you don't deserve to win.  Isolate the limpers, steal the blinds of the tight players, 3 bet the loose aggresive hoodie wearing wanna-bes, and get MAX value from the loos passive calling stations.  

Playing Freerolls
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September 28, 2013 - 4:16 pm
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Thanks for all that advice so far guys…

I'll definitely pick up those two books and watch the videos from the one guy you suggested.

I've got a few weeks to eat addarall like it's my job and study up for Horseshoe Hammond so I can felt all these backpack wearing pussies.

I hope they remember to stuff some kleenex in there.

Small Stakes Grinder
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September 28, 2013 - 5:06 pm
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I wear a backpack…it carries tissues, deodorant, body spray, chapstick, gum, and an extra pair of briefs in case i chit myself.

Playing Freerolls
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September 29, 2013 - 1:03 am
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Ha ha ha…

Just ordered the paperback editions of the two books on Amazon.

Going to dive into those videos you suggested right now.



TPE Management
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September 29, 2013 - 1:06 am
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alot of good stuff here guys great post!

Playing Freerolls
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September 29, 2013 - 3:37 am
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Oh I'll be making more…

You know how some people just like to hear themselves talk?

I just like to watch myself post.

Grinding Micros
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September 29, 2013 - 11:40 am
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Yeah, Kill Everyone and Raisers Edge are both good and I would recommend both.

Playing Freerolls
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October 4, 2013 - 2:44 am
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I've watched a lot of Ben Warrington videos so far and I can definitely take his thought processes and apply it to live tournament format.

About to dive into some bigdogpckt5s vids tonight and I'll be bringing my mallet with me to Horseshoe Hammond since I plan to beat the games like a god-damn gong.

I also plan to play a live $300 megastack tournament this Sunday and I will be charting every hand I play/posting it here for critiquing so you're all welcome to tee off on me.


Playing Freerolls
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October 18, 2013 - 3:11 am
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Charted every hand I played on Day 1A of the $365 Wsop Horseshoe Hammond Circuit Event….


Please offer any advice/thoughts that you think would be helpful.


Feel free to flame away!!!


Full $365 Day 1A Tourney Report

Level 1: 25/50

Ks7s utg (+1200)

Had been at the table for 15 minutes, not played a hand, and I chose this hand to open with due to the fact I was UTG and UTG raisers usually get more respect than HJ, CO, or OTB raisers.

Raise sizing was 125, there were two callers. One of them had position, the other was in BB

Flop was 2s 2 3

Bb checks to me, I bet 250, player IP folds, and BB calls.

Turn is a 9s. Bb checks. I check behind. (Just feel like he might put in a C/R on me here.)

River is a 7. Bb checks. I value bet 750 because I am pretty sure he has a 3 or small pair.

He calls, then mucks in disgust once I show a 7.

A7 hj raised one limper to 175, all fold. (+125)

Level 2: 50/100

5s6s hj called raise of 250, otb called as well.

Flop 10s 5h 3s flop, folded to a 450 bet from original raiser. (-250)

(Should I be peeling  or raising here with runner/runner draws?)

KQs bb (-250)

I was in Sb with KQ.

Called the raise and flop went to 4 way action.

Qs 6c 8c

I check. Original raiser bets out 650. Solid/tight kid calls. The splashy gambooler dude at the table calls.

I decided I was either shipping or folding.

Opted to fold.

Turn came an 9s. Original raiser fired 1350 here. Tight/solid kid flats. Gambooler ships all in for 5k.

Original raiser fold. Kid calls and he has KQ. Gambooler guy 7/5 for a straight.

Perhaps I could have considered calling flop/then bombing all brick turns…but just felt a fold was better. (This will be the line I take the next time in this situation. I like it better now that I have time to think about it.)

109s hj raise to 250, all fold. (150)

Level 3: 75/150

Kq mp called 300 utg raise. 3 to flop. Brick/fold. (-300)

42s hj raised 350, 1 caller in bb, cbet 5c 3s 8d board and win. (+425)

Level 4: 100/200

99 mp raise 450, all fold. (+350)

Aj utg raise to 450, competent button on 2k short stack flats. He has JJ+ for sure in my opinion. BB flats as well. Insta check fold 9 high flop. Short stack takes down pot. (-450)

AQ fold to raise in sb instead of calling or 3bettintg.

Super nit from utg limps in, another player limps in, solid/thinking/aggressive tourney player makes it 550. I think about 3betting, but I just have this sick feeling that UTG limper super nit is strong. I opt to just fold me AQ in the SB.

Super nit who was down to a 6k stack obviously ships here. Unfortunately for him other guy has KK and super nit gets felted on A/K.

end up Sitting at just above 10k chips when first break hits.

Will post more details about some hands later.

I get to the table 10 minutes late and it's playing 6 handed.

Level 5: 100/200/25

A10 utg, raise to 500, all fold. (+500)
109s mp, raise to 500, all fold. (+500)
Ac6c hj, raise to 550 since one competent limper is in.

Flop is 8h Jh J. Checks to me and I bet 650.

Turn is Qd and I get lead into for 1300. I fold. (-1200)

Level 5: 150/300/25

99 mp (-3000)

1 limp before me and I limp in with 99 mp, guy who had been playing solid/tight just lost a big pot and was down to 3000. Looked upset/ready to punt off his stack. He raises to 800. The other guy folds. I decide to take a look at a flop and it's J 6 6 rainbow.

I check. He ships 2200. I call. He shows 1010.

Thought there was a chance he could have been on Ax, KQ, any PP, or two random/tilt cards. Was wrong. Pocket nines are ruining my life this trip.

Towards the end of the level is where the felting occurs…

Stack got down to 6.5k…

2nd most active opener makes it 750 when it folds to him in mp. I am in hj and I ship for 6.5k.

BB tank calls after a minute. Original raiser folds.

Our AJ runs into an AK monster in bb and we are out.

Thoughts/advice always appreciated…..

Playing The Prelims
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October 18, 2013 - 3:58 am
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Lotgrinder said:

Charted every hand I played on Day 1A of the $365 Wsop Horseshoe Hammond Circuit Event….


Please offer any advice/thoughts that you think would be helpful.


Feel free to flame away!!!


Full $365 Day 1A Tourney Report

Level 1: 25/50

Ks7s utg (+1200)

Had been at the table for 15 minutes, not played a hand, and I chose this hand to open with due to the fact I was UTG and UTG raisers usually get more respect than HJ, CO, or OTB raisers.

Raise sizing was 125, there were two callers. One of them had position, the other was in BB

Flop was 2s 2 3

Bb checks to me, I bet 250, player IP folds, and BB calls.

Turn is a 9s. Bb checks. I check behind. (Just feel like he might put in a C/R on me here.)

River is a 7. Bb checks. I value bet 750 because I am pretty sure he has a 3 or small pair.

He calls, then mucks in disgust once I show a 7.

A7 hj raised one limper to 175, all fold. (+125)


even if i have not played a hand for 15min i am not raising K7s utg in a low/mid stakes live mtt as people have no fold btns.  postflop i think its wp


Level 2: 50/100

5s6s hj called raise of 250, otb called as well.

Flop 10s 5h 3s flop, folded to a 450 bet from original raiser. (-250)

(Should I be peeling  or raising here with runner/runner draws?)


confused with 6s5s you have mid pair and a flushdraw and might raise here or at least call

KQs bb (-250)

I was in Sb with KQ.

Called the raise and flop went to 4 way action.

Qs 6c 8c

I check. Original raiser bets out 650. Solid/tight kid calls. The splashy gambooler dude at the table calls.

I decided I was either shipping or folding.

Opted to fold.

Turn came an 9s. Original raiser fired 1350 here. Tight/solid kid flats. Gambooler ships all in for 5k.

Original raiser fold. Kid calls and he has KQ. Gambooler guy 7/5 for a straight.


call with KQs seems fine we can actually make an argument for raising flop and gii or just ship depending on stack sizes


Perhaps I could have considered calling flop/then bombing all brick turns…but just felt a fold was better. (This will be the line I take the next time in this situation. I like it better now that I have time to think about it.)

109s hj raise to 250, all fold. (150)

Level 3: 75/150

Kq mp called 300 utg raise. 3 to flop. Brick/fold. (-300)

42s hj raised 350, 1 caller in bb, cbet 5c 3s 8d board and win. (+425)

not raising this for the same reason as K7s utg. 

Level 4: 100/200

99 mp raise 450, all fold. (+350)

Aj utg raise to 450, competent button on 2k short stack flats. He has JJ+ for sure in my opinion. BB flats as well. Insta check fold 9 high flop. Short stack takes down pot. (-450)

AQ fold to raise in sb instead of calling or 3bettintg.

Super nit from utg limps in, another player limps in, solid/thinking/aggressive tourney player makes it 550. I think about 3betting, but I just have this sick feeling that UTG limper super nit is strong. I opt to just fold me AQ in the SB.

Super nit who was down to a 6k stack obviously ships here. Unfortunately for him other guy has KK and super nit gets felted on A/K.

end up Sitting at just above 10k chips when first break hits.

Will post more details about some hands later.

I get to the table 10 minutes late and it's playing 6 handed.

Level 5: 100/200/25

A10 utg, raise to 500, all fold. (+500)
109s mp, raise to 500, all fold. (+500)
Ac6c hj, raise to 550 since one competent limper is in.

Flop is 8h Jh J. Checks to me and I bet 650.

Turn is Qd and I get lead into for 1300. I fold. (-1200)

Level 5: 150/300/25

99 mp (-3000)

1 limp before me and I limp in with 99 mp, guy who had been playing solid/tight just lost a big pot and was down to 3000. Looked upset/ready to punt off his stack. He raises to 800. The other guy folds. I decide to take a look at a flop and it's J 6 6 rainbow.

I check. He ships 2200. I call. He shows 1010.

Thought there was a chance he could have been on Ax, KQ, any PP, or two random/tilt cards. Was wrong. Pocket nines are ruining my life this trip.

Towards the end of the level is where the felting occurs…

Stack got down to 6.5k…

2nd most active opener makes it 750 when it folds to him in mp. I am in hj and I ship for 6.5k.

BB tank calls after a minute. Original raiser folds.

Our AJ runs into an AK monster in bb and we are out.

Thoughts/advice always appreciated…..

i am prob isoing with 99 as the bottom of my iso range. postflop with the read its hard to say if he really would take the same line with AK or AT. really strange played by him but i guess thats live poker 

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