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Cbet QQ on AK board OOP?
Forum Posts: 9
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February 3, 2013
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February 11, 2013 - 6:06 pm
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Hey all, we are well into the money already on this hand and have just moved to a new table, I have seen villan open a few times but no real reads. I just wanted to get opinions from people if we absolutly have to cbet in this spot 100%, as well as if my sizing is appropriate. thanks
Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament – t800/t1600 Blinds + t200 – 9 players – View hand 2098504 Hand History Converter

UTG+1: BB = 44.8, t71707
UTG+2: BB = 67.1, t107282
MP1: BB = 14.0, t22363
MP2: BB = 9.5, t15194
CO: BB = 26.6, t42497
BTN: BB = 1.5, t2372
SB: BB = 79.5, t127133
Hero (BB): BB = 29.5, t47237
UTG: BB = 17.3, t27676

Pre Flop: (t4200) Hero is BB with Q of hearts Q of clubs
5 folds, CO raises to t3200, 2 folds, Hero raises to t11200, CO calls t8000

Flop: (t25000) K of hearts A of spades 8 of diamonds (2 players)
Hero bets t9600

Midstakes Master
Forum Posts: 116
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February 14, 2013
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February 14, 2013 - 8:48 pm
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I guess ck/c or ck/f would make more sense. its tough since you don't really know how often he's bluffing etc. but seems a little bit better. Idk no matter what u do it sucks, just caught like the worst possible flop so not a lot you can do.


Forum Posts: 2067
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February 15, 2013 - 9:59 am
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What would c-betting accomplish? (That's not a rhetorical question, and I don't mean to express an opinion for or against just yet. I think it will help you to try to spell it out.)

Grinding Micros
Forum Posts: 63
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February 15, 2013 - 6:58 pm
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^ yup, that exactly, you will never get a worse hand to call you, maybe a non believer TT or JJ but most of the time those are folding to your cbet (2overs already on board) and no hand better than yours will ever fold.

I would x/c , depending on villain's sizing, but most of the time I think I x/f.. yes it sucks, but that's just the board you got.

Think about it this way, if you check and he bets, he's betting a range a little more wide than if you cbet and he calls. If you cbet and he calls, he's range has you crushed 95% or the time I think, if he has a worse hand, he's folding.

If you check and he checks back, you can then reevaluate his range on the turn. That's what I would do.

Forum Posts: 1
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February 17, 2013
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February 18, 2013 - 8:44 am
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Yeh I would definitely cbet this. Your 3 bet pre shows more aggression as he flatted you pre. If you check the flop what do you do when he bets? You have no real idea where you are. Cbet the flop and you have a good chance of folding A9,A10,KQ,KJ. If they call, then reevaluate after the turn.

Cambridge, Ma (Central Square)
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February 18, 2013 - 11:48 am
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That 3 bet sizing looks way too big.

Also, the fact you made it this large and he called you makes his range really narrow in my mind. Without having reads on the villain, a cbet seems like flushing chips down the toilet.

I'd just try to get to showdown as cheaply as possible. Even if medium pairs made a terrible call preflop, you're not getting bets called by them so in my mind c-betting accomplishes nothing here. 

Lighting Money On Fire
Forum Posts: 22
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February 19, 2013 - 11:46 am
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Agree with FkCoolers that the 3 bet was to big… Even OOP I make it 3x at the max, depends on how often the villain is opening and how he plays post to what size i make it.


As played I also check the flop and most likely fold if he bets.  As stated above Im trying to get showdown cheap.  His range is very narrow here and smashes this flop. At this point he is never folding an Ace he called with pre(assumption yes, but dont think its a stretch).  We can make the case he could fold a King, but what Kings are in his range besides AK or KK? Some very loose players may call with KQ, but we have blockers to this hand. 


Im guessing we are betting here so we dont check and get bluffed out by worse hands.  If I'm in villains shoes and I have lets say 1010, am I ever betting this board based on the pre flop action if checked to?  A hero check looks very trappy and I'm checking back every time.


I'm c/f this flop almost every time unless I have some serious history with the villain.  If we bet we never get called by worse, and almost never get better to fold.

marc alioto
February 20, 2013 - 4:08 am
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Playing this hand readless with no HUD….
I have gone back and forth on this spot a million times. My 3 bet sizing would have been smaller fwiw, but I’m cbetting a 100% here. This may be some huge leak but I feel like checking is basically giving up. A smaller 3 bet and a 1/3 pot cbet still leaves us with over 20bbs when we don’t win. We don’t need worse hands to call to make this c bet profitable. I feel by checking we aren’t winning the pot enough when we have the best hand. maybe I’m crazy

marc alioto
February 20, 2013 - 4:12 am
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1010 would never be in ur flatting range, 4 ball all day. What range should villain have? Aa, kk, or he is bad. With no read should we assume he has the nuts fckcoolers? If he is a fish he is def gonna bet checked to twice with air and maybe bets on flop checked too.
To answer Andrew I am betting to win the pot.
I’m looking for more input on this hand as I’ve lost hrs of sleep about this exact spot with exAct stacks.
Am I crazy?

Lighting Money On Fire
Forum Posts: 24
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January 16, 2013
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February 20, 2013 - 5:35 am
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I bet flop and check down or fold to any aggression.
I think it is too soon to just give up on this hand. I would prefer for you to flip flop the three bet and c bet sizes. You’re still out the same amt, but betting half pot vs <39% feels stronger. In the ten dollar games I play the opener never folds to the three bet. They open in late pos because they are supposed to and then feel weak folding nines or tens, AJ-A9s. I bet out hoping to take it down. A bad player that flats you with nines or a middle ace or strong king can't feel great with this flop, but will happily steal this pot if checked to. We three bet pre, so we are supposed to love this flop. We are the only one that knows we missed, why let him know too by checking?

Playing The Prelims
Forum Posts: 588
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February 20, 2013 - 6:14 am
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this is a really interesting spot which can lead to a lots of discussions about general strategy and the hand itself


first some general thoughts:


1.) importance of a good HUD

this and many other hands are a prime example why a HUD at all and a good HUD can prevent you from putting money in bad.

what i mean with this is the following:

if we have VPIP/PFR we have a first classifier for villain. even if its over a small sample size we can use bayesian inference to perform the right actions. additionally to VPIP/PFR we should also have stats that look at steal % or as i have it in my HUD the pop up grouped based on position. this allows as to draw a very clear picture from which seats a villian is stealing or raising light. I have seen nits who are running 13/10 but raising 18-20% UTG and stuff like this. Furthermore, we need to have villains fold to 3bet stat and best also with different position combinations in the pop up. If villain has a high fold to 3bet(ft3b short) stat combined with high PFR we can basically make our 3bets small and profit everytime we do so. Additionally, we can 3bet him very wide and only 5bet(or in this hand 3bet/call) with a very narrow strong range. If ft3b is low we have to adapt in two ways. first, we have to tighten up our 3betting range and second we have to make our 3bets bigger. the reason for the second is to get as much money into the pot when we are ahead. This especially OOP allows us to lower the SPR and therefore reduce the positional disadvantage.

for postflop play our HUD should also be very well prepared to get most of it. It should at least contain fold to Cbet %. Again best with pop up that shows the stat for different scenarios such as fold to Cbet in 3bet pot. On my HUD i also have the stat included in the pop up which gives me the information how often villain bets vs missed Cbet. To further get a clearer picture we should have the fold to Cbet split into flop and turn. Same for villains Cbet stat in general. This allows us to plan ahead on the flop. We can basically already on the flop make the decision if we call one or two barrel. 

for example: MP raise, we have 99 OTB and flat, flop comes Q4T. Villain Cbets 1/2PSB. What to do? Well, without HUD we are basically flying blind and do not know how often he Cbets. So we make a call without knowing how often we are good. Now lets put the Cbet% on to the HUD. We have that stat and it says Cbet 100%. Now, we clearly have to call to make villain indiferent of Cbetting any2 on that flop. You see the logics? same for turn. we need to have turn cbetting FQ for much the same reason. 

in the example if villain has fCbet 100% and tCbet 20% (stats you see very often) then we can safely fold 99 if he bets again. 


to summarize my very long first point: In poker a game of incomplete information we need to take every advantage we have to get as much information as possible. Clearly, not using a HUD is prevents us from getting the most information and is therefore loosing money.


2.) know your opponents.

this goes a bit in a similar direction as the point 1. Whenever we sit down at a table we should try to get as much information as possible. there is plenty out ther (ofpr, p5s,…) to see if a villain is a reg or not. I basically use the color code on the sides to color regs(winning/loosing), fishes, 1time luckboxes with huge winnings (1SM ship). I also try to do this everytime i sit down at a table. This really helps me to adjust my style to the table as quick as possible. Like one day i sat down at the Big55 table when i was multitabling. The first hand i get dealt and i have to focus on the table i see 5 red circles to my left. GG me all good regs. i better tighten up my game on this table vs them OOP. Without my color code i would prolly miss that and play my normal LAG style.


3.) putting it all together off the table

most people in here really like the game of poker and are here because they want to get better and seek advice how to play a hand. what lots of them do not understand that actually by combining nr1 and nr2 together with all the tools available they can get a much clearer answer. But, the main problem that most people have is that they do play to much because they like to play and do not study the game enough. I know studying and sitting infront of a computer to run calculations is boring. But, i helps you to get better faster then just learning by trial and error. You can run so many situations with different variables in a very short time period and gain knowledge you can then apply.

Therefore to all serious grinder i would advise a very balanced palying to study ratio. For me at the moment it is 70:30.

If i am studying it try to use as many tools as possible. propokertools, flopzilla,cardrunners ev, pokerstove, ICM trainer and so on. All these tools are of tremendous help and every serious grinder should get them


now lets face the actual hand:

as others said i like the 3bet sizing smaller here. If i have no information i would generally make it 2.8-3.2x the open raise OOP and 2.2-2.5IP depending on deepness.

In this hand we also have no information about villain. The only thing we know is that we are playing a 10$ tournament on stars with shallow stacks. CO min raises post ante. Combining this information it is likely that villain knows a bit about poker and raise size. So i would prob classify him as an above average 10$ player.

hero 3bets rather big with the expectation to not get flatted i guess. Heros perceived 3betting range might be something like TT+,ATs+,AJo and some random bluff combos. I would prob discount AA,KK because with that hero would make the 3bet slightly smaller to induce or keep worse hands in.

surprisingly, villain flats our big 3bet. so this either means he is good and has the nuts here or he is just bad. i tend to assign people being bad unless they prooved me wrong. Therefore, vs a general 10$ player i dont really give a f… because they do it with all kind of hands.


the flop comes AK8r

this flop smashes our perceived 3betting range. Without any ready i would almost always bet about 1/3 here and give up if we are called without information.


but again actions might completley change if we have other and more information available


hope you didnt get to borred about the longest post i have ever written 



Lighting Money On Fire
Forum Posts: 22
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February 20, 2013 - 10:30 am
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what are we thinking is in his flatting range if a hand like 1010 isn't and he should only have AA or KK? 


It's been mentioned before, but I haven't seen a clear answer to why we are cbetting.


Value: what worse hands are calling?

Protection: if we are ahead he has to hit a two outer or some miracle, is this worth a bet?

Bluff: what better hands are we folding out?


Obviously we would like to cBet here and win the pot.  But I would like to hear (within the context of this hand), why we are betting beyond that?


Also, what is our turn plan if he calls?

Small Stakes Grinder
Forum Posts: 96
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February 23, 2013 - 4:12 am
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Cant imagine ever not cbetting here.

marc alioto
February 24, 2013 - 9:17 pm
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MNPuck said:



what are we thinking is in his flatting range if a hand like 1010 isn't and he should only have AA or KK? 


It's been mentioned before, but I haven't seen a clear answer to why we are cbetting.


Value: what worse hands are calling?

Protection: if we are ahead he has to hit a two outer or some miracle, is this worth a bet?

Bluff: what better hands are we folding out?


Obviously we would like to cBet here and win the pot.  But I would like to hear (within the context of this hand), why we are betting beyond that?


Also, what is our turn plan if he calls?

Villain is in the Cutoff with 26bbs, im never giving him 1010 as he should be 4 bet piling this hand every time vs a BB 3 bet. 1010 has great value in all in showdowns and very little value postflop with these stacks.  If you arent 4 bet shoving or 4 bet calling with 1010 here, you are making a huge mistake. The reason i say AA or kk is because many players will hood in position here just in case the bb is 3 bet folding. The answer why we are c betting is simple, to win the hand.  We arent always betting for value and don't need worse hands to call in order for a play to be profitable.  Say we assumed this player was a reg, i would give him aa and kk like 90% of the time and random broadway hands(mostly suited) the rest of the 10%.  Personally, i would only be flatting aa or kk with the cutoffs stack as I am very strict on how i play a 15-25 bb stack.  I do know some very good players that would flat hands like kq and qj here, but thats just not my style.

 All of this usually depends on the BB's 3 bet tendencies, but readless I am cbetting 100% of the time as poker is still very profitable and there are still many fish.  Now lets say a top notch reg flatted us here, i would snap check fold.  This isn't the case, we are readless and cannot assume that everyone is a top notch reg so his range isn't the nizzles.  When he flats are cbet, its a simple cfold spot on the turn and we move on.

marc alioto
February 24, 2013 - 9:19 pm
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florianm1 said:

this is a really interesting spot which can lead to a lots of discussions about general strategy and the hand itself


first some general thoughts:


1.) importance of a good HUD

this and many other hands are a prime example why a HUD at all and a good HUD can prevent you from putting money in bad.

what i mean with this is the following:

if we have VPIP/PFR we have a first classifier for villain. even if its over a small sample size we can use bayesian inference to perform the right actions. additionally to VPIP/PFR we should also have stats that look at steal % or as i have it in my HUD the pop up grouped based on position. this allows as to draw a very clear picture from which seats a villian is stealing or raising light. I have seen nits who are running 13/10 but raising 18-20% UTG and stuff like this. Furthermore, we need to have villains fold to 3bet stat and best also with different position combinations in the pop up. If villain has a high fold to 3bet(ft3b short) stat combined with high PFR we can basically make our 3bets small and profit everytime we do so. Additionally, we can 3bet him very wide and only 5bet(or in this hand 3bet/call) with a very narrow strong range. If ft3b is low we have to adapt in two ways. first, we have to tighten up our 3betting range and second we have to make our 3bets bigger. the reason for the second is to get as much money into the pot when we are ahead. This especially OOP allows us to lower the SPR and therefore reduce the positional disadvantage.

for postflop play our HUD should also be very well prepared to get most of it. It should at least contain fold to Cbet %. Again best with pop up that shows the stat for different scenarios such as fold to Cbet in 3bet pot. On my HUD i also have the stat included in the pop up which gives me the information how often villain bets vs missed Cbet. To further get a clearer picture we should have the fold to Cbet split into flop and turn. Same for villains Cbet stat in general. This allows us to plan ahead on the flop. We can basically already on the flop make the decision if we call one or two barrel. 

for example: MP raise, we have 99 OTB and flat, flop comes Q4T. Villain Cbets 1/2PSB. What to do? Well, without HUD we are basically flying blind and do not know how often he Cbets. So we make a call without knowing how often we are good. Now lets put the Cbet% on to the HUD. We have that stat and it says Cbet 100%. Now, we clearly have to call to make villain indiferent of Cbetting any2 on that flop. You see the logics? same for turn. we need to have turn cbetting FQ for much the same reason. 

in the example if villain has fCbet 100% and tCbet 20% (stats you see very often) then we can safely fold 99 if he bets again. 


to summarize my very long first point: In poker a game of incomplete information we need to take every advantage we have to get as much information as possible. Clearly, not using a HUD is prevents us from getting the most information and is therefore loosing money.


2.) know your opponents.

this goes a bit in a similar direction as the point 1. Whenever we sit down at a table we should try to get as much information as possible. there is plenty out ther (ofpr, p5s,…) to see if a villain is a reg or not. I basically use the color code on the sides to color regs(winning/loosing), fishes, 1time luckboxes with huge winnings (1SM ship). I also try to do this everytime i sit down at a table. This really helps me to adjust my style to the table as quick as possible. Like one day i sat down at the Big55 table when i was multitabling. The first hand i get dealt and i have to focus on the table i see 5 red circles to my left. GG me all good regs. i better tighten up my game on this table vs them OOP. Without my color code i would prolly miss that and play my normal LAG style.


3.) putting it all together off the table

most people in here really like the game of poker and are here because they want to get better and seek advice how to play a hand. what lots of them do not understand that actually by combining nr1 and nr2 together with all the tools available they can get a much clearer answer. But, the main problem that most people have is that they do play to much because they like to play and do not study the game enough. I know studying and sitting infront of a computer to run calculations is boring. But, i helps you to get better faster then just learning by trial and error. You can run so many situations with different variables in a very short time period and gain knowledge you can then apply.

Therefore to all serious grinder i would advise a very balanced palying to study ratio. For me at the moment it is 70:30.

If i am studying it try to use as many tools as possible. propokertools, flopzilla,cardrunners ev, pokerstove, ICM trainer and so on. All these tools are of tremendous help and every serious grinder should get them


now lets face the actual hand:

as others said i like the 3bet sizing smaller here. If i have no information i would generally make it 2.8-3.2x the open raise OOP and 2.2-2.5IP depending on deepness.

In this hand we also have no information about villain. The only thing we know is that we are playing a 10$ tournament on stars with shallow stacks. CO min raises post ante. Combining this information it is likely that villain knows a bit about poker and raise size. So i would prob classify him as an above average 10$ player.

hero 3bets rather big with the expectation to not get flatted i guess. Heros perceived 3betting range might be something like TT+,ATs+,AJo and some random bluff combos. I would prob discount AA,KK because with that hero would make the 3bet slightly smaller to induce or keep worse hands in.

surprisingly, villain flats our big 3bet. so this either means he is good and has the nuts here or he is just bad. i tend to assign people being bad unless they prooved me wrong. Therefore, vs a general 10$ player i dont really give a f… because they do it with all kind of hands.


the flop comes AK8r

this flop smashes our perceived 3betting range. Without any ready i would almost always bet about 1/3 here and give up if we are called without information.


but again actions might completley change if we have other and more information available


hope you didnt get to borred about the longest post i have ever written 



you should write some articles for TPE, I appreciate posts like this as I feel I just got better at mtts after this read.

so tytyty


Playing The Prelims
Forum Posts: 588
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February 25, 2013 - 1:48 am
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thanks appreciate the kind works.

cheers and gl

Lighting Money On Fire
Forum Posts: 22
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February 25, 2013 - 11:00 am
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marc alioto said:

Villain is in the Cutoff with 26bbs, im never giving him 1010 as he should be 4 bet piling this hand every time vs a BB 3 bet. 1010 has great value in all in showdowns and very little value postflop with these stacks.  If you arent 4 bet shoving or 4 bet calling with 1010 here, you are making a huge mistake. The reason i say AA or kk is because many players will hood in position here just in case the bb is 3 bet folding. The answer why we are c betting is simple, to win the hand.  We arent always betting for value and don't need worse hands to call in order for a play to be profitable.  Say we assumed this player was a reg, i would give him aa and kk like 90% of the time and random broadway hands(mostly suited) the rest of the 10%.  Personally, i would only be flatting aa or kk with the cutoffs stack as I am very strict on how i play a 15-25 bb stack.  I do know some very good players that would flat hands like kq and qj here, but thats just not my style.

 All of this usually depends on the BB's 3 bet tendencies, but readless I am cbetting 100% of the time as poker is still very profitable and there are still many fish.  Now lets say a top notch reg flatted us here, i would snap check fold.  This isn't the case, we are readless and cannot assume that everyone is a top notch reg so his range isn't the nizzles.  When he flats are cbet, its a simple cfold spot on the turn and we move on.

Cool, thanks for the response.  Def feel I'm learning some things on this hand.

Playing The Prelims
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February 27, 2013 - 8:02 am
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more generally regarding QQ/KK/JJ in WA/WB spots, i think its super dependent on whether our opponent can hand read/value bet thinly/bluff credibly. 


if someone cant hand read im generally trying to get to show down and might bet 1 or 2 streets for value.

if they cant bluff credibly then it becomes very easy to check/gii and bet if he also doesnt bet and we can get 1 street of value.

if someone cant vbet thinly in spots where they will often have a weak Ax rather than a strong one and wont vbet it, i dont vbet but i do pick off more bluffs and still check it back.


v good opponents i almost always bet because turning our hand face up is a disaster v them. by the same notion checking back top set and AK in similair spots can also be good v decent opponents.

Doctor Orange
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October 8, 2012
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February 27, 2013 - 4:12 pm
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I Cbet here and here's why:

1. I am betting my range here, not my hand. My range is loaded with aces, and by not betting we are basically turning our hand face up. The only way a check is acceptable is if we are also doing this with hands like AK, AQ, etc. By only seeing this hand by itself, we lose a lot of leverage.

2.When we Cbet/give up it allows us to get more value from value Cbets in later hands. This type of strategy must be callibrated based on level of skill of the table and how deep we are in the tournament (affects how much attention opponents are paying to table dynamics). All of our plays are affected by previous hands and affect future hands.

3. It is far less likely for him to attempt to steal the pot once we have Cbet here. By checking his bluff percentage increases dramatically. So by Cbetting we almost always know when we have the best hand, by checking we are always guessing.

4. It's better to err on the side of aggression. Aggressive play, not passive play, especially late, is what wins tournaments.

-The Doctor

Cambridge, Ma (Central Square)
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February 27, 2013 - 8:35 pm
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Something to consider …

People saying we turn our hand face up by checking this flop probably play too unbalanced. 

Anyways, we have blockers to AQ and KQ. People saying c-bet: What hand range are you putting him on here? How does our range perform against it?

Also, my answer as to what to do post-flop would be different had our 3 bet size been different. 

I feel like when we 3 bet so large, for him to still call on this stack size probably removes the entire lower part of his range. 

Forum Posts: 3
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January 27, 2013
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February 28, 2013 - 6:14 pm
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florianm1 said:

this is a really interesting spot which can lead to a lots of discussions about general strategy and the hand itself


first some general thoughts:


1.) importance of a good HUD

this and many other hands are a prime example why a HUD at all and a good HUD can prevent you from putting money in bad.

what i mean with this is the following:

if we have VPIP/PFR we have a first classifier for villain. even if its over a small sample size we can use bayesian inference to perform the right actions. additionally to VPIP/PFR we should also have stats that look at steal % or as i have it in my HUD the pop up grouped based on position. this allows as to draw a very clear picture from which seats a villian is stealing or raising light. I have seen nits who are running 13/10 but raising 18-20% UTG and stuff like this. Furthermore, we need to have villains fold to 3bet stat and best also with different position combinations in the pop up. If villain has a high fold to 3bet(ft3b short) stat combined with high PFR we can basically make our 3bets small and profit everytime we do so. Additionally, we can 3bet him very wide and only 5bet(or in this hand 3bet/call) with a very narrow strong range. If ft3b is low we have to adapt in two ways. first, we have to tighten up our 3betting range and second we have to make our 3bets bigger. the reason for the second is to get as much money into the pot when we are ahead. This especially OOP allows us to lower the SPR and therefore reduce the positional disadvantage.

for postflop play our HUD should also be very well prepared to get most of it. It should at least contain fold to Cbet %. Again best with pop up that shows the stat for different scenarios such as fold to Cbet in 3bet pot. On my HUD i also have the stat included in the pop up which gives me the information how often villain bets vs missed Cbet. To further get a clearer picture we should have the fold to Cbet split into flop and turn. Same for villains Cbet stat in general. This allows us to plan ahead on the flop. We can basically already on the flop make the decision if we call one or two barrel. 

for example: MP raise, we have 99 OTB and flat, flop comes Q4T. Villain Cbets 1/2PSB. What to do? Well, without HUD we are basically flying blind and do not know how often he Cbets. So we make a call without knowing how often we are good. Now lets put the Cbet% on to the HUD. We have that stat and it says Cbet 100%. Now, we clearly have to call to make villain indiferent of Cbetting any2 on that flop. You see the logics? same for turn. we need to have turn cbetting FQ for much the same reason. 

in the example if villain has fCbet 100% and tCbet 20% (stats you see very often) then we can safely fold 99 if he bets again. 


to summarize my very long first point: In poker a game of incomplete information we need to take every advantage we have to get as much information as possible. Clearly, not using a HUD is prevents us from getting the most information and is therefore loosing money.


2.) know your opponents.

this goes a bit in a similar direction as the point 1. Whenever we sit down at a table we should try to get as much information as possible. there is plenty out ther (ofpr, p5s,…) to see if a villain is a reg or not. I basically use the color code on the sides to color regs(winning/loosing), fishes, 1time luckboxes with huge winnings (1SM ship). I also try to do this everytime i sit down at a table. This really helps me to adjust my style to the table as quick as possible. Like one day i sat down at the Big55 table when i was multitabling. The first hand i get dealt and i have to focus on the table i see 5 red circles to my left. GG me all good regs. i better tighten up my game on this table vs them OOP. Without my color code i would prolly miss that and play my normal LAG style.


3.) putting it all together off the table

most people in here really like the game of poker and are here because they want to get better and seek advice how to play a hand. what lots of them do not understand that actually by combining nr1 and nr2 together with all the tools available they can get a much clearer answer. But, the main problem that most people have is that they do play to much because they like to play and do not study the game enough. I know studying and sitting infront of a computer to run calculations is boring. But, i helps you to get better faster then just learning by trial and error. You can run so many situations with different variables in a very short time period and gain knowledge you can then apply.

Therefore to all serious grinder i would advise a very balanced palying to study ratio. For me at the moment it is 70:30.

If i am studying it try to use as many tools as possible. propokertools, flopzilla,cardrunners ev, pokerstove, ICM trainer and so on. All these tools are of tremendous help and every serious grinder should get them


now lets face the actual hand:

as others said i like the 3bet sizing smaller here. If i have no information i would generally make it 2.8-3.2x the open raise OOP and 2.2-2.5IP depending on deepness.

In this hand we also have no information about villain. The only thing we know is that we are playing a 10$ tournament on stars with shallow stacks. CO min raises post ante. Combining this information it is likely that villain knows a bit about poker and raise size. So i would prob classify him as an above average 10$ player.

hero 3bets rather big with the expectation to not get flatted i guess. Heros perceived 3betting range might be something like TT+,ATs+,AJo and some random bluff combos. I would prob discount AA,KK because with that hero would make the 3bet slightly smaller to induce or keep worse hands in.

surprisingly, villain flats our big 3bet. so this either means he is good and has the nuts here or he is just bad. i tend to assign people being bad unless they prooved me wrong. Therefore, vs a general 10$ player i dont really give a f… because they do it with all kind of hands.


the flop comes AK8r

this flop smashes our perceived 3betting range. Without any ready i would almost always bet about 1/3 here and give up if we are called without information.


but again actions might completley change if we have other and more information available


hope you didnt get to borred about the longest post i have ever written 



Awesome post, really got me thinking about putting in a lot more effort to improve my game. I agree you should definitely be writing articles for TPE. smile
Playing The Prelims
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February 28, 2013 - 7:27 pm
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FkCoolers said:

Something to consider …

People saying we turn our hand face up by checking this flop probably play too unbalanced. 


without history, even tho we may be checking back AK/AA here sometimes unless we have shown this down with that villain we will just be assumed to be face up


Cambridge, Ma (Central Square)
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February 28, 2013 - 9:25 pm
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Good point, Duggs.

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