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Big Stack v Big Stack-Oversized 3bet -Final 2 Tables/WPN 10k
Grinding Micros
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August 8, 2013 - 2:14 pm
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I would really appreciate some advice on this. I was completely lost early in this hand.

Final two tables of the Winning Poker 27.50 10k. Blinds are 2k/4k and I have the 3rd place stack at 204k (51bbs) behind. In this tourney, that is more than enough chips to pick up blinds, flip with shorties, and cruise to the final table. 9 of the 17 left in the tourney at this point have under 10bb's and I'm in 3rd by a sizable margin.

My Image

I imagine the Big Stack Villian in the hand thinks I am pretty competent but can be looser preflop due to a couple previous pots. I won one pot earlier when I floated without a draw or pair and hit top pair on the turn for a big pot but that was a while ago. I was running pretty well and had recently showed down AA, QQ, & AK, 99, and one other hand that I will explain below.


10-20 Hands Prior to Weird Spot with Big Stack

A couple orbits before I 2x J10 clubs from the cutoff to 6k, and the bb 3bets to almost 15k. (Blinds were 1.5k/3k atm) The 3betting villian had just under 20bbs behind and I had over 40bbs, so I flatted wanting to see 3. The flop came 873, 2 clubs. Villian bets 18k into 34k and I jam because I'm a fish and love combo draws and he only has about 7bbs left after the cbet. Club on the turn, I suck out against AA. 


Hand I have a Question On: Big Stack v Big Stack

After the hand above, I didn't get involved in a hand besides stealing blinds here and there but not at a dramatic pace. I am UTG running VPIP 21/PFR 18/EP Opens 9, if the villian has the stat. Per above, I have 201k (51bbs) good for 3rd place, blinds are 2k/4k. I get dealt KK and 2x to 8k. Folds around to the SB Big Stack Villian who has 206k (52bbs) good for the 2nd Place. He is running 26/13, 3bet 11 (10 from SB), & 3bets Hero 6 over about 200 hands. Villian times down for about 10-15 seconds and raises to 48k (12bbs & 6x my open). The big blind is one of the shorties and has about 10bbs and auto-folds.


Questions and Thoughts

What would you suggest doing here? Do I 4bet somthing like 104k? 4bet something less to induce? Do I 4bet more to protect and let him know I'm ready to play for stacks? Do I jam 39bbs when he is going to mostly fold a ton of the top of his range, and probably only calling me when he is calling for a fair catch on my punt because he has AA.

What's his range to do this? Is AA in his range here? Is it more like 1010+, AK? Or is the villian just ICM screwing me big stack to big stack? With that said, do I fold and just cruise along? I dont think that I am ever just folding but would like to hear how everyone handles oversized 3bets.  Any thoughts are appreciated. confused

Thanks in advance.

I will post my actions, villains actions, flop etc below

Adelaide Australia
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August 8, 2013 - 6:51 pm
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i have to say this is an extremely weird spot, not one that i have encountered often. i doubt i could ever fold KK here, i think i just click it back, as this will mean he could possibly spazz with something. 


such a weird spot though. i mean what do we do here with QQ or AK? my head prolly explodes a little bit and i fold them, and then i get tilted for the rest of the tourney haha

Grinding Micros
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August 8, 2013 - 7:16 pm
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The reason I explained the hand from a couple of orbits before is he saw that I will take a flop in position to a 3 bet before; so I narrow it down to either he is protecting the top of his range (it smells like JJ/QQ) or he is just completely screwing with my head with a medium strength hand and isolating me to the top of my range rather than play a pot with me OOP. I perceive him to be a decent player and conclude that there is no way it is AA. I think the only way i could narrow it to AA is if I click it back and he shoves, then I can consider folding.

Home Game Champ
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August 8, 2013 - 7:37 pm
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Since he bombed it so hard it looks like he's never folding I'd just jam and try to look as weak as possible. Most of the time he's showing up with AK here but it could be as low as 10 10 therefore us shoving makes it look so much like AK he may dupe himself into calling. 

P-aire 146
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August 8, 2013 - 8:33 pm
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The guys who get to play online will prob answer this better then me, but I'm NEVER folding this pre.  My mind tells me lets get it in, but now how do you want it to happen.  I don't mind what Noc said, just ship it on him. If AA beats me, then it's a cooler.  But, I woudn't mind taking a chance and seeing a flop and if it's a small dry board, he's going to have to lead or spew some more I would think.  To me, it's player dependent on the villian.  Your read has to dictate this, but I'd be happy w/ KK vs villian.

Cambridge, Ma (Central Square)
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August 8, 2013 - 10:03 pm
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time bank down to the very end and jam

High Stakes Shark
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August 9, 2013 - 3:34 am
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I definitely shove here.  We already saw him 3bet to a normal size with AA, it seems unlikely he also makes this move.  To me, it looks like he is trying to ICM-screw you here, and you have a hand that can punish him for it.

South Australia
Grinding Micros
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August 9, 2013 - 7:36 am
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Shove. Even if he just folds, you’ll have taken such a massive chunk from his stack, you’ll find yourself comfortably in 2nd if not marginally in 1st. I suspect his bet sizing is designed to prevent you from being able to call with 90% of your early position opening range. If you don’t show up with a monster, he takes a small pot and consolidates his position in 2nd a little more.

Midstakes Master
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August 9, 2013 - 8:00 am
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i aggree with fk coolers time bank it and shove lol i can only speak from my experience in mtts but i have found that some players when quite deep stacked ARE making very big three bets with AA BUT some of these players are also making these huge three bets with 1010, JJ, QQ, AK and sometimes AQ although less likely. I really dont think i wanna fold though,

i would also be tempted to flat three bet and hope he spews off but this could cost you a lot of chips , what if he has jj/qq and ace hits flop? Sure it may work on 924 board so prob best just to ship  it in pre and hope hes calling off with jj qq ak.

Grinding Micros
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August 9, 2013 - 8:04 am
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Mark, Not the same villain in the two hands so I have not seen the big stacks 3bet sizing when he has AA.

I don’t think that he is just trying to steal the pot from me. Unless he is just absolutely terrible and I completely missed it. We are so deep that I don’t think I am ever just 4 bet jamming 40bbs here. Don’t you feel like pushing him off a hand may be missing a huge opportunity by just overshove ripping? I think we are then polarizing his range to AA, QQ, and making it really tough for Ak to want to move forward unless he is just awful. We both have 1/5 of the chips in play at this point, the payout is $90 to 17th and over $2500 to first

Midstakes Master
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August 9, 2013 - 8:29 am
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sprangle but dont u think also that playing it too tricky can cost you a lot of chips? true it is wrong to assume he has monster he may not have but if you click it back it looks way to strong imo and so i feel options are only flatting or shoving.

I saw really interesting hand at final table of pokerstars 2100$nlh button opened 45bb and sb who is v aggro 3 bets him ,

anyway button calls and just check calls all three streets on 22497 board, sb makes big river bet most of buttons chips and he calls off with aa and sb showed a10o and he went on to win tourny so by slow playing aa there he wins huge pot and if he clicks it back pre he wins only small pot.

Cambridge, Ma (Central Square)
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August 9, 2013 - 9:26 am
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I just can't imagine villain being good based on his 3 bet sizing. He's pushing you off a ton of hands, too. 

I also thinking making any raise that's less than all-in looks way stronger than shoving. 

I mean, 100k is 50% of your stack – i.e. you're never ever folding and what the hell would you raise to this size with that wasn't totally nutted? IMO, you're polarizing his range more by investing 50% of your stack pre and forcing him to only be able to jam with a nutted hand because he will have zero FE. 

However, time banking way down and jamming could look more like TT/JJ and some other middling stuff that's really confused and panic jams at the last second. 

Just my take. 

I don't know if ever get called here … I'm just saying I think it's more likely if we shove. 

High Stakes Shark
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August 9, 2013 - 10:39 am
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Sprangle said:

Mark, Not the same villain in the two hands so I have not seen the big stacks 3bet sizing when he has AA.

I don't think that he is just trying to steal the pot from me. Unless he is just absolutely terrible and I completely missed it. We are so deep that I don't think I am ever just 4 bet jamming 40bbs here. Don't you feel like pushing him off a hand may be missing a huge opportunity by just overshove ripping? I think we are then polarizing his range to AA, QQ, and making it really tough for Ak to want to move forward unless he is just awful. We both have 1/5 of the chips in play at this point, the payout is $90 to 17th and over $2500 to first

Oops.  Well, I'm less confident, but I still don't think he has AA.

Grinding Micros
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August 9, 2013 - 10:41 am
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Like I said, I didn’t have any real reads on the guy (I seem to ignore that tournament the most when multi tabling) but his bet sizing is so terrible IMO and he is risking 1/4 of his stack to take down a 10k pot?

Dan, I actually really like your reasoning here and don’t really like the line I took regardless of results. If I flat here, I can get away from it if an Ace flops and still be huge stacked. If I shove and he calls with AA then whatever it’s just a cooler, make a note on the player, how he plays AA and 4bet the hell out of him light when he makes a normal sized 3bet.

I actually decide to 4 bet the pot, so 10k (blinds and antes) + 9k (my raise) + 48k (his 3bet) = 67k in the pot. So I 4bet to 104k which leaves me 100k left behind. I definitely think I over thought it here and bet exactly half his stack. There is now 161k in the pot and its 56k for him to calI. In retrospect looking at the numbers, I definitely should have just jammed if I decided that I was going to raise and put pressure on him. Definitely a case of leveling myself and now I have given a big stack a chance to gamble with lesser hands and put my chip stack at risk by making a move just as poor as his 12x 3bet.

While I was tanking it reminded me of a spot back in 2003/2004 when I got to the FT of an FTP 24+2 20k GTD which was a pretty big prize pool at the time. I was such a dolt back then that may screen name was my actual name until security actually froze my account and made me change my name. I got to the FT with 60bbs, the guy directly to my left had 70bbs and everyone else was micro stacked. On the very first hand, I raised 3x utg with KK and the other big stack utg+1 insta jams. I didn’t have a HUD, didn’t understand ICM and just knew I had Kaaaaangs. I called, he had AK, ace on the flop, gg me and gg laptop. That baby flew across the room like a frisbee.

So the villain tanks and calls which puts me instantly on tilt. Flop come AQ8 rainbow and the villain waits for about 5 seconds and checks. I have 100k left, there is 218k in the pot. I think I have to give up here right? I can’t jam. Do I put out a feeler bet? The pot is so big that I don’t see a bet size that I can put out that doesn’t cripple me moving forward. If I jam, I’m only getting called by better and this is absolutely the worst flop for Kings.

So what do you do? Check/give up? Jam? Bet something like 40k? I thought about min betting just to see how he would react.

Grinding Micros
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August 9, 2013 - 10:57 am
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“I just can’t imagine villain being good based on his 3 bet sizing. He’s pushing you off a ton of hands, too. 

I also thinking making any raise that’s less than all-in looks way stronger than shoving. 

I mean, 100k is 50% of your stack – i.e. you’re never ever folding and what the hell would you raise to this size with that wasn’t totally nutted? IMO, you’re polarizing his range more by investing 50% of your stack pre and forcing him to only be able to jam with a nutted hand because he will have zero FE. 

However, time banking way down and jamming could look more like TT/JJ and some other middling stuff that’s really confused and panic jams at the last second. 

Just my take. 

I don’t know if ever get called here … I’m just saying I think it’s more likely if we shove.” 

Yea, if I jam and don’t get called then great. I won a nice pot and move on and I didn’t have to add any additional variance to the hand from taking a flop because I have now allowed AK maybe AQ in to gamble with a flop. I think I got greedy, definitely over thought it and suffered from a little bit of fancy play syndrome.

Midstakes Master
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August 10, 2013 - 4:59 am
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this is another way you come unstuck on this board he may have ace or c an get you to fold kk whereas the jam pre saves the aggro.

Grinding Micros
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August 11, 2013 - 8:23 pm
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danrose29 said:

this is another way you come unstuck on this board he may have ace or c an get you to fold kk whereas the jam pre saves the aggro.

I should have Jammed pre-flop. I checked the flop and the villain bet 104k on the turn to put me all in and showed AK. I've talked a lot about overbets lately and I think the consensus is to 4bet shove or flat with position and see if he spews on a safe board for KK and potentially get away from it if an Ace flops.

Playing The Prelims
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August 13, 2013 - 8:10 am
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with 67k in the middle and having about 200k behind this is “a – fist pump snap high5 all in shove, call all your friends to celebrate it – spot”


additionally. he is a complete fish. no one semi decent would actually 3bet to that size in a 27.5$ donkament. prob in a HSMTT with the biggest sickos playing against each other they may level at this stage. and i am not even sure of that


with an SPR of 0.5 or lower there is no way you can get away from this on the flop. not even if there are 5 aces on it.


one final statement:

MTTs, especially on alternative sites other then pokerstars are so profitable because people are donating you chips in every single pot you have monster hands. if i get it in with KK here and i am called by AK and loose i am happy. i ask villain in the chat box if he can provide me with a ticker to all the MTTs he is playing so that i can reg for them as well.

and again final two tables there is nothing like ICM in such a tournament. A price jump here is maybe 50$ at max. you need to win these to make a decent profit.


again get this in. he will call you with

AA-TT,AKo,AKs-AQs (disc AA to 50) and you have 70.4% vs that

Grinding Micros
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August 13, 2013 - 9:22 am
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Agreed. I royally screwed up this hand. I should have insta jammed and if he had AA then GG.

I'm a thinking player and can't reason around what hand someone would do this with logically. It happens in the Bovada bay more than anywhere else but on WPN at least I have HUD stats to give a quick picture. I should have said the actions of the hand, not revealed my starting cards, and asked questions about raising and flatting ranges.

What do you do here with QQ? JJ? 1010? AK? AQ?

Playing The Prelims
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August 13, 2013 - 9:31 am
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i am prlly gii QQ+,AK+ here and fold the rest out if the edge is big enough.

Atlanta, Ga
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August 13, 2013 - 10:01 am
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I edited a few comments to keep the tone in line with the spirit of TPE. I know it doesn't deter us old heads but it is very important that we dont scare off new players that may be lurking and thinking of asking us for help.


I like the new trend of thinking outside of the standards. Personally, I would just ship pre in game and then come back here to discuss an alternate line. If we determine that the alternate line is better, I would try it out in game next time and tweak going forward based on how well it works.


I haven't put much thought into this yet, but I think the best alternate line to the standard would be to flat the 3bet and get it in on non A high flops. Im not sure how the stacks would work out for this, but you may even be able to float the A high flops once to try and get to show down and fold if he bets the turn.

Playing The Prelims
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August 13, 2013 - 10:29 am
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loxxii said:

I edited a few comments to keep the tone in line with the spirit of TPE. I know it doesn't deter us old heads but it is very important that we dont scare off new players that may be lurking and thinking of asking us for help.


fine with that i keep the tone black and white from now on surprised

August 13, 2013 - 10:40 am
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Sprangle said:

While I was tanking it reminded me of a spot back in 2003/2004 when I got to the FT of an FTP 24+2 20k GTD which was a pretty big prize pool at the time. I was such a dolt back then that may screen name was my actual name until security actually froze my account and made me change my name. I got to the FT with 60bbs, the guy directly to my left had 70bbs and everyone else was micro stacked. On the very first hand, I raised 3x utg with KK and the other big stack utg+1 insta jams. I didn't have a HUD, didn't understand ICM and just knew I had Kaaaaangs. I called, he had AK, ace on the flop, gg me and gg laptop. That baby flew across the room like a frisbee.


Are you saying you played that bad?? Cause i dont think i could fold KK pre to a jam. I mean yea he can have AA but he can also have AK,QQ,JJ & slight chance of AQ and he shoves not worried about anyone else calling as there all short stacked. I think theres more combos of hands that your beating than beating you

Could anyone find a fold here?? Maybe im just to loose (well i no i am to loose) i need to find the areas of my game that need tightening up

Grinding Micros
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August 13, 2013 - 11:41 am
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I am not finding a fold there with KK. I'm not finding a fold here with KK. I think Florian is right that both situations are a fist pump shove all in.


I think the point I was trying to make was that it is more likely when a player makes this kind of absurd play that they don't have AA. No person in their right mind is going to play AA this way unless they hate money. I like money. I think it goes back to old saying weak means strong and strong means weak. The villain was strong but AK isn't a made hand which in this case his 3bet implies that he is weaker than AA. KK is only one pair and I needed to push that edge and shove rather than 4bet and have the villain tag along without putting him to a decision for his stacks life when I was 99% sure I had the edge. Like I said, if the villain flips up AA, I make a note of how horribly he played it and 4 bet him non stop when he makes regular sized three bets in the future.

Grinding Micros
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August 13, 2013 - 11:56 am
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Loxxii, on the spot with the edits. I agree with you on the alternative line. There is no need to get fancy and I should have shoved. If I decide to call, I may be able to get away from this particular hand facing a turn bet after floating the flop but I could also win a monster pot if he decides to shove the flop on a non A high flop so its something to definitely consider. I dont think its optimal with this big of a stack late though where I am more concerned about protect the viability of my stack when I am HU against the only guy who can stack me or damage my stack for that matter. His line is more alternative (terrible but alternative) than mine. The table was playing really tight because the stacks were so polarized. 2 big stacks (stack>50bbs) and everyone else was short (stack<15bbs). If I am making a normal PF 2x when I am the big stack (I'm about to do the range calculation) in this spot my range is so wiiiiiiiide. From early position (ie the new button) I can have 22+, 89s+, KQ+, and quite a bit of Ax and Kxs. My PF raising range may be my leak but I have all sorts of combos that I am typically stealing with that I am never calling here because the villains sizing has isolated me so far up the scale. Either way, I don't think I am going to copy his line. It's just so bad. I cant think of a viable hand to do this with and even a complete bluff is god awful. 3bet 1/4 of his stack OOP into the other big stack who just raised from EP as a bluff. Any way you break it down everything about it was terrible, except for the result, and I should have taken advantage of that.  

Grinding Micros
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August 13, 2013 - 12:15 pm
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florianm1 said:

i am prlly gii QQ+,AK+ here and fold the rest out if the edge is big enough.

Florian I agree with you on the shove range. His bet isolates me to the very top of my range which I just so happen to have. I should have pushed it and called it day. I understand that a pay jump with 17 left is nothing but with my stack, this late all I have to do is pick and choose spots to pressure, steal blinds, and pick off shorties on my way to a deep final table run so the difference is $50 here or cruise to $700+ later.

Give me 50bbs+ this late in this tournament and 90% of the time I am running to the top 3. If I win this pot preflop with a 4bet shove then that edge is intact. If i shove, he calls with less, and I hold, then I am super stacked and TID. If I get it in and lose to less, then so what. Chalk it up to variance.

Point is I made myself vulnerable by over thinking because of how late it was in the tourney big stack v big stack and his oversized 3ball is so non standard. It threw me off and my tank was more of a what the hell do I do as in is this a spot I should 4bet or shove to get max value. I wasn’t folding and was taking a moment to think through what he could possibly have and what I would ever do that with (answer: nothing). I wanted to discuss what kind of range players can do this with and I think we all agree that he could have 1010+, AQ+ which I am worlds ahead of and happy to get it in against.

This stuff happens all the time while swimming in the MTT sea of Bovada fishies and players show up with AA as much as 47s. In the mid stages when money isn’t in the equation, I’m 4bet shoving all day. Letting money factor into my thought process is definitely a leak regardless of stack size in this particular spot.  

Playing Freerolls
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August 13, 2013 - 11:37 pm
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I've seen this sizing a bit from players who play a 26/13 style. This is usually a hand that they are aware it's strong enough to raise, but because it's tough to play post they raise bigger with hopes of just ending the hand.  They wouldn't do this with AA or KK because there is less anxiety post flop with these hands.  So usually in this case I expect to see TT+, AQ+, and they never fold pre.

Grinding Micros
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August 14, 2013 - 12:26 am
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I couldn't agree more Drew. Thanks for putting my 1000 word essay into 4 sentences and nail it.

Midstakes Master
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August 14, 2013 - 8:21 am
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you could always just fold pre in case he does have aa:)

Playing Freerolls
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August 14, 2013 - 11:08 pm
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Sprangle said:

I couldn't agree more Drew. Thanks for putting my 1000 word essay into 4 sentences and nail it.

lol, I feel like I'm usually the 1000 word essay guy so this was a change 🙂

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