This might be a good thread to start for new nuggets of info that we get from TPE.
Getting AK in preflop
I was watching KB's stick to the man and Wein mentioned something I haven't thought about. You want to get AK in preflop vs a 3better because you're flipping vs their range if it includes AQ (40% if it's just JJ+, AK).
The alternative is flatting where 2/3 of the time you will whiff and the 1/3 of the time that you do hit, he gets away from JJ-KK or stacks you when it comes A high with a set for him. So you turn a hand with 40-50% equity into
1. a hand with 25% equity that you cant even realize (when you whiff) or
2. a hand with 90% equity that the guy is gonna get away from (when it comes A high with no set for him) or
3. a hand with 3% equity that you cant get away from (when it comes A high with a set for him)
Not to mention the fact that a lot of people will 3bet fold JJ-QQ, AQ+ if you 4bet instead of just shoving. If they flat, you can bet like 75% of your stack on any flop for a tad more FE vs some villains.
I play it this way instinctly with less than 50bbs, but it's good to spell out the reasons why.
I have been over looking the SITTM series because of the overlapping conversations, but I think these might be some of the most valuable and entertaining vids on the site.
Cards dont matter vs weak villains in LP
In addition to getting it in with AK, bigdog also talked about raising in LP regardless of your hand if the blinds are just folding to cbets and barrels. I would usually wait for something marginally playable like 64s or 98o, but until they start playing back at you, 72o is the same thing as KJs. I will get to that point eventually, but thanks to the vid, I can see myself opening 74s in spots where I wouldnt have before.
October 6, 2010

i dont necessarily agree with that last point – there are still cases where you make a hand, and they also make a hand – in these spots its better to have something that can flop well such as T8s instead of 72o, just becasue you can flop equity in the times when they actually have a hand too, and not just rely on them folding. so there are significant added implied odds if you have a hand that flops well that dont apply when you have complete air
July 3, 2010

Here are a couple of those moments for me:
1. It's ok to flat weaker hands in LP vs a fishy opener because you can outplay IP without a hand (stack sizes need to be correct, of course, which brings me to…)
2. Your opening range is also dictated by your stack size, not just the position you're opening from – this still seems like a concept lost on a lot of people
3. Check/jamming turns with pretty good draws is often better than bet/bet/bet lines
I'll think of some more. This has the potential to be a really good ongoing topic.
October 6, 2010

check jamming when you turn a combo draw is so sexy, i do it all the time. like when you flop a gutter and backdoor flush and then the turn is one of that suit.
July 3, 2010

Yeah – I like it much better when we turn the extra outs and it's not a board where we flopped a draw and the turn is a brick card.
Here's another aha moment courtesy of one David Emmons:
– Set your bet sizing for a pot sized shove on the river with your entire betting range whenever possible
Good one Coolers. That makes me think of one where you bet like 70-80% pot on the river after setting it up instead of shoving to (a.) balance your bluffing and value bet sizing if the villain is an astute player and (b.) leave yourself with 10-20 bbs to come back with if your bluff is called.
Thin Value vs Checking Back
If you can get thin value, then you have to go for it. But if it's a spot where you're not sure you can get it, there is value in checking back vs some villains because you get to see what they show down on the river whereas you dont see this if they fold to your thin value bet.
October 6, 2010

Couple of points on that last one
First, you don’t HAVE to go for thin value. The value if that thin bet has to be weighed up against the decrease in tournament equity if you are called and lose. So your comment is valid for cash games but slightly more nuanced for tournaments.
Here is another tip that is related.
Think about how many streets if betting your hand can handle before you start betting. If you have top pair med kicker for instance the answer might be 2. In my experience, flop and river bets get called much more often than flop and turn when you are only wanting two streets of value from a hand, and it has the added benefit of you not having to possibly bluff catch on the river, thus also making the hand easier to play
Guess that does depend on your definition of thin doesn't it. I cant remember the last time I have been bluff raised or called by better on a river bet.
I guess I should say dont under estimate the value of checking back to see the guy's cards. There have been times I 3bet light, cbet the flop, turn goes check check, and I am praying the guy bets on the river so I can fold my trash quietly. In position, I have even thrown out a river bluff in hopes that he has nothing as well. Didn't work, lol.
October 6, 2010

If you have never been called by better on the river then it is not a thin value bet. By definition really. Prolly means you are not betting enough on the river. I think people check back rivers way too often when bet folding is so much better
Use the current HM2 stats
It seemed like a guy was stealing my blind too often from the CO so I checked his stats. He had raised 17% of the time from there. This was not too high, but when I double clicked his box to view only the stats from the current game (it will turn red), I saw that he had raised my BB in this game from the CO 40% of the time. After that, he was shittin nines after I shoved so many seven deuces down his throat. (Not literally, but you get the point)
Managing FE
The purpose of open shoving when you are around 10bb is because you need to use and preserve your FE. Sometimes you have to push ATC with 10bb, but not always. If the players to your left have short enough stacks where you still have FE with under 10bb, then you can afford to wait another orbit before sticking your last few chips in.
In rare cases, the same can apply to restealing. There are some guys that open fold 12-15bb stacks in order to still blinds from late position. If you have 10bb, that is not considered a resteal stack, but you may have some FE vs these guys. I would suggest having some sort of hand in case they feel committed and decide to call with the K5o they raised with. I hand like Q8s would play well vs that.
Maintain your stack
When reviewing your game, look down at the color coded hands where red means you lost and green means you won. You want to have a lot of light green because that means you won a lot of hands by raising and cbetting people that would fold. More importantly, if you see a long gap of uncolored blocks, that means you were card dead for too long, which means you missed a spot or two where you could have targeted a weak villain regardless of your cards. If you are constantly picking up a pot or two on average every orbit, then you will maintain your stack and get the action necessary to double it when you do pick up a hand.
January 1, 2013

loxxii said:
Maintain your stack
When reviewing your game, look down at the color coded hands where red means you lost and green means you won. You want to have a lot of light green because that means you won a lot of hands by raising and cbetting people that would fold. More importantly, if you see a long gap of uncolored blocks, that means you were card dead for too long, which means you missed a spot or two where you could have targeted a weak villain regardless of your cards. If you are constantly picking up a pot or two on average every orbit, then you will maintain your stack and get the action necessary to double it when you do pick up a hand.
I really like this idea and just loaded up an entire MTT from my last session in the HM2 replayer. After a serious WTF moment I worked out that I hadn't folded 50 hands in a row in mid stages, but HM2 is coding my my blind steals as grey (ie the same as when I fold)…..
Anyone know if you can the HM2 settings to fix this?
October 6, 2010

Universal replayed is soooo much easier to use. Main problem is you don’t have access to your HUD stats right there, which could be a prime decision in some of your plays
When they raise on the flop
While reviewing my hands, I found a few spots where I unexpectedly got raised on the flop while holding a hand with decent equity and I shoved in order to either a. get value from whatever bluff they were on or b. suck out on them to realize that equity.
1. Early levels AdAh on K97 clubs board. I cbet and the guy raises, so I shove for a lot of bbs to get value from Kx and club draws
2. Effectively 23bbs deep with antes AQ clubs on 865 two clubs board. I cbet and the guy raises, so I shove because I am flipping vs his over pairs and top pairs.
I think getting it in these two spots was pretty bad.
The lesson I learned is, once a guy unexpectedly raises on the flop you are either way behind or flipping at best in most cases on wet boards and probably way ahead or way behind on dry boards.
Here is the new line I am going to try…
If they unexpectedly raise you on the flop when you have TPTK or an over pair, make a standard size re-raise (maybe even smaller).
If they raise again, fold because you are crushed or flipping 90% of the time and it’s ok to get bluffed the other 10% of the time.
If they call the flop, bet big on safe turns to get value from draws vs which you have much better equity than on the flop.
If they call the turn, make a smallish blocking/value bet on the river.
If you improve to anything less than the nuts or if your stack is short enough, you may be able to call but proceed with caution.

July 13, 2012

Here's a great older article series that still rings oh so true and is great to re-read over periodically…
your welcome …later
January 1, 2013

loxxii said:
I meant this one …..player.net
It has it's bugs, but I like it better than the HM2 one.
Got it, thanks.
Review your HHs…to study regs
We all know to review our own play, but it just occurred to me that if I have thousands of hands on a guy in my HUD and he keeps raining on my final table parades, then I probably have a small dossier on him in my hand histories. This is the perfect time to look for bet sizing tells. If you can record your sessions occassionally, you can even look for timing tells.
July 3, 2010

October 6, 2010

rivermen123 said:
Don't miss value with decent one-pair hands by checking turn. Thank you Daryl Jace's two plus two well.
this is interesting, because i think i do this a TON in certain spots. especially when their range is air weighted and they will most likely bluff river.
on wetter board textures i definitely agree with you though, but i think on dry boards, where you are not likely to get 3 streets out of top pair worse kicker, then checking turn to induce bluffs on the river can be good.
Player Chat
One of the best things I have done recently is block player chat. Once you get better, you will be making plays that will piss the other players off. They will say things to try and piss you off. Personally, I try to avoid reading it or not letting it get to me, but that requires some level of attention and energy that I dont want to waste.
Some people think they get reads from chat. If you like it, at least turn off the emoticons if your site has them like Carbon does. I dont know about you, but if a guy hits a 3 outer on me and then says “come at me bro”, I have to spend conscious energy to not want to rip his head off. Why even listen to it in the first place?
October 6, 2010

I like to have it clicked on the info screen. on both stars and 888 they have chat bubbles, which are pretty unobtrusive, and easy to ignore. but you can see if someone is flipping out in chat, and then you can flick it over to that if required
January 1, 2013

loxxii said:
Player Chat
One of the best things I have done recently is block player chat. Once you get better, you will be making plays that will piss the other players off. They will say things to try and piss you off. Personally, I try to avoid reading it or not letting it get to me, but that requires some level of attention and energy that I dont want to waste.
Some people think they get reads from chat. If you like it, at least turn off the emoticons if your site has them like Carbon does. I dont know about you, but if a guy hits a 3 outer on me and then says “come at me bro”, I have to spend conscious energy to not want to rip his head off. Why even listen to it in the first place?
When I was grinding cash games I e-mailed stars and asked them to block me from chatting. I could see what others were saying but it stopped me from getting involved. As an added bonus, some get even more tilted at you if you don't (or can't) answer back 🙂
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