December 30, 2013
I'm rededicating myself to learning HEM2. I've started again with the tutorials, and everything I used to think I knew about HEM2 + HUDs is subject to critical examination. I want to discuss: What's in your HUD for MTTs? Tell me everything…
What's the thought process behind your design? What IS your design? Did you change any of the default pop ups? What stats do you use? What filters do you use, if any? Do you vacuum your database regularly, or do you like to keep all the hands forever?
I'm still learning, but my setup is improving every day. I'll post mine as well, in time.
December 30, 2013
round, i like the stats you have on yours. does your HUD panel become too long? im trying to customize a small but concise HUD that will fit on small 9-max tables across many tables. im also planning on making a customized 6-max HUD that will have more detailed postflop stats (thanks to the extra room on these tables)
April 16, 2013
Mine is similar to Roundelay but i also have turn cbet, fold to turn cbet, WTSD and W$WSF and call preflop.
I think the last 3 are helpful to find out how much of a station players are preflop and postflop or if they just call preflop then give up.
My Hud is also colour coded by 3 colours. Red if one of these stats is too aggresive, blue if the stat is in a solid range or green if there far too tight. If I see a lot of red i can see quickly that they are playing aggresively before i decide to open or not.
I also have a piece of paper of all my hud stats beside my laptop so i can see which stat is which without looking at the screen. I find that helps a lot too
August 16, 2013
I use PT4 and have a pretty involved HUD. In order to avoid clutter, I have made a lot of customized pop-ups that I consult a lot. For instance, when I click the VPIP number, I get a popup that gives me the limp stats I want: limping frequency, limp/fold, limp/call, limp/raise. My PFR popup compares PFR and Raise First-In by position – I'm used to PFR so use that on the main screen but do consult the Raise First-In stat quite often. My C-Bet popup has call C-Bet IP, Call C-Bet OOP, x/r flop, donk flop, and a couple others. My steal also breaks down by position as I've found a fairly wide gulf between CO and BTN stealing frequencies and averaging them will end up overstating one and understating the other.
I'd be happy to share more specifically what's on the face and in the popups if you or anyone else is interested. I periodically tinker with it and remove stuff I never consult or add things I wish I had.
December 30, 2013
i like that you have them written down, and i see this with other online grinder friends. id like to use those kind of as training wheels, until i memorize the stats themselves. that extra 2-3 seconds it takes to read them could be very useful when i play 12 tables!
i noted to add Postflop Agg Factor (idk proper acronym yet) to my HUD after watching the part 3 tutorial. seems to be a pretty good indicator if you know how to use it in conjunction with other statistics. however, i think went to showdown and won at showdown are really sketchy with most MTT samples for a few reasons. first, if you play across a wide range of stakes with regs like i do, their went to/won at showdown numbers will likely be vastly different in a $22 vs a $109. with tournaments with more stationy fish, for example, youll likely go to showdown much more often (and win much more often) than you would in a standard 109. this presents a potential problem when i play with a reg across all stakes all week long, have 2500 hands on him, but cant know if his WTSD W$SD stats came from 109s or 22s or the like. that said, you also need a TON of hands to make this a viable, significant statistic. if our focus was on 6m cash or zoom with static stakes, i could see this being more helpful, but in MTTs you go to postflop showdown far less frequently in later stages of the tournament, and thus you need a staggering amount of hands to be relevant. THEN, many of those hands could be from early, deep stack portions of tournaments where reg's strategies are different than say, late game.
cliffs: im in complete agreement with Postflop Agg Factor, but still unconvinced about WTSD W$SD.
i saw you responded with this facet also, so let's talk color coding:
i “like” your guys color coding scheme, but i really like it better if we mix it with Ben Hayles (HEM2 tutorial on TPE) coding. He makes maniacal stats a purple-pink blend, and it REALLY sticks out to the eye. I also avoid using the red colors, just bc i use the red color tag on stars for really good players, and at those kinds of tables EVERYTHING would be red. magenta or w/e its rightfully called seems to work fine for me.
April 16, 2013
I like your points about WTSD. To be honest I play heaps of zoom cash poker and have started playing a lot more MTTs over last few weeks. I'm still trying to adjust my HUD as well. The postflop stats certainly take a much larger sample size than preflop stats such as call preflop or fold to steal.
December 30, 2013
MrPunty said:
I use PT4 and have a pretty involved HUD. In order to avoid clutter, I have made a lot of customized pop-ups that I consult a lot. For instance, when I click the VPIP number, I get a popup that gives me the limp stats I want: limping frequency, limp/fold, limp/call, limp/raise. My PFR popup compares PFR and Raise First-In by position – I'm used to PFR so use that on the main screen but do consult the Raise First-In stat quite often. My C-Bet popup has call C-Bet IP, Call C-Bet OOP, x/r flop, donk flop, and a couple others. My steal also breaks down by position as I've found a fairly wide gulf between CO and BTN stealing frequencies and averaging them will end up overstating one and understating the other.
I'd be happy to share more specifically what's on the face and in the popups if you or anyone else is interested. I periodically tinker with it and remove stuff I never consult or add things I wish I had.
Punty i'm really glad you posted on here for two reasons:
1. ive recently been taught that RFI is really what people are looking for when they consult PFR. Here's what i mean. if i was taught right, PFR is a cumulation of all preflop raises by the villain (by position, if you like). It neglects whether or not there were limpers, or even whether another person raised beforehand. the difference may be negligible over a vast sample, but in the short run, there could be a table with a ton of limp/call stations, so the villain elects not to open as much bc he needs to have it to win showdowns. additionally, the 3b stat can become redundant, because its included already in PFR. obviously, you need to know specifically how much someone is 3betting, but in the case of PFR, you're technically getting it twice. for MY purposes, im often looking at PFR/RFI to answer one question: how often is he opening when its folded to him in x position? I think this stat paints a clearer picture of the information you “really” want.
one caveat: im not satisfied with HEM2 breaking down RFI positions into groups: EP in 9 max = UTG + UTG1 (i think these are fairly different and should be segregated), MP, and then HJ CO BTN etc. UTG stealing is fairly common at high stakes, so i need my HUD that shows me info unique to UTG opens in this situation. i haven't found a clear alternative thus far. still, i think RFI is better than PFR (for my purposes at least).
another caveat: again, i think a mix of set-ups found here and the one Hayles designed is best to tackle this problem. He has something like:
name/# hands/ TOTVPIP / TOTPFR
(another line of stats)
(a third line of stats);
with his TOTVPIP and TOTPFR in larger font than the bottom two lines. this gives you a great mix of knowing of the type of opponent at first glance, yet getting more indepth answers to the questions posed above if needed. i plan to encorporate this into my HUD fully if I can design it in a way that will have 3 lines yet still fit 9-max multi tabling.
2. i was hoping someone would bring up pop-up configs, because that is in the very near future of features i want to change on my HUD. i like the 2nd edition of my HUD, but admit i need to tweak it quite a bit to make it the efficient stat machine i need it to be when im 12 tabling. im trying very hard to identify common reasons i am clicking on a pop-up box, and writing these down to make the pop-up design process much easier and ultimately more useful.
can you tell me more about the pop-up boxes you've customized? without consulting my notes, for example, i know that i often click popup boxes for VPIP by position (which im content to keep doing), and to note the number of occurences for a particular stat percentage (“wow, 100% fold to cbet? *clicks box* oh, just one.”)
October 6, 2010
my hud is pretty much based on Ben Hales' video, and i think that works well.
Red is tight, orange is normal, green is fishy, and pink is well outside norms.
my hud is
bb/hands/name/VPIP/PFR – this line is in a bigger font to make it stand out from the rest, as i use it most often
3bet/F3b/steal/Fold to steal / flop cbet / fold to flop cb / flop donk bet
all of that is on the second line. it looks longer than it actually is when it is on your screen. i find that this works well on 9max tables, as you can put it underneath a player. it usually partially covers the cards of the player below, but I have made the hud partially transparent, so it means that you can still see through.
I too need to build a 6max only HUD, for zoom mostly, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
April 16, 2013
My cash zoom hud is really detailed. I find colours to be extremely important and having a sheet with this written down is also a massive help. I have 5000 hands on some players at zoom so these stats are quite accurate. A lot of these stats wouldn't be as useful in MTTs.
I have written in brackets what each line is describing so i can quickly see which line is which then look for more detail
(name): name/ hands/ vpip/ pfr
(3bet/4bet): 3bet/ 4bet/ fold 3bet/ fold 4bet
(cbet): cbet flop/ cbet turn/ cbet river
(fold to cbet): fold cbet flop/ fold cbet turn/ fold cbet river
(flop play): fold to donk/ fold to x/r/ fold to flop raise/ fold to float
(steals): attempt to steal/ steal in sb/ fold to 3bet after steal
(react to steals): fold v steal/ BB v Sb fold to steal
(3bet to steals): 3bet v steal/ 3bet v button/ 3bet v CO
(other): call pre/ fold to cbet 3bet pot/ WTSD/ W$WSF
At first glance i can see what colour 3 of the botttom 4 lines are – this tells me how much thier stealing and letting others steal. All the postflop stats are together in 3 lines and if there is a lot of colour in either section, it lets me know if their generally making more mistakes preflop or postflop. This helps decide my opening range and plan for the hand against each player
October 6, 2010
that looks really awesome. would you mind sharing that hud at all? would give me a great starting point as i am trying to mix in some zoom.
i pm'd you anyway.
December 30, 2013
michae1di11on said:
Just pm'd you back. I'm happy to share this HUD but I use PT4. “Fold to 3bet after steal” is my new favourite stat. So many players at Zoom steal at 45% and fold to 3bet after steal at 75%+. If you find these people and 3bet them, you are printing money.
this is quite amazing
August 16, 2013
MovesLikeDarvin said:
still, i think RFI is better than PFR (for my purposes at least).
I do like the ability to check RFI for the same reason – it's more accurate for assigning ranges to people who bet when folded to – but I did try reconfiguring the face of my HUD to replace PFR with RFI and it really screwed me up. Over time I've gotten so used to thinking in terms of VPIP/PFR that I know what a 26/21 or a 30/4 means. I found that seeing a 26/30 was really throwing me off. PFR and VPIP have the same denominators, but RFI doesn't – the sample size is smaller since you don't get a stat if there's a raise before you. Since I care more about positional RFI anyway, having it as a popup rather than on the face of my HUD has worked better for me. My overall approach is for the HUD face to be the broad brush strokes, and the popups expose the devils in the details.
When I get a chance I'll give you the skinny on the popups I'm using. Both HEM and PT come with default popups that are huge data dumps and you can often find what you are looking for, but I like having more narrowly tailored ones for the specific stats I consult repeatedly; I can always still get the default just by clicking on the HUD field (though I do this rarely).
December 30, 2013
MrPunty said:
MovesLikeDarvin said:
still, i think RFI is better than PFR (for my purposes at least).
I do like the ability to check RFI for the same reason – it's more accurate for assigning ranges to people who bet when folded to – but I did try reconfiguring the face of my HUD to replace PFR with RFI and it really screwed me up. Over time I've gotten so used to thinking in terms of VPIP/PFR that I know what a 26/21 or a 30/4 means. I found that seeing a 26/30 was really throwing me off. PFR and VPIP have the same denominators, but RFI doesn't – the sample size is smaller since you don't get a stat if there's a raise before you. Since I care more about positional RFI anyway, having it as a popup rather than on the face of my HUD has worked better for me. My overall approach is for the HUD face to be the broad brush strokes, and the popups expose the devils in the details.
When I get a chance I'll give you the skinny on the popups I'm using. Both HEM and PT come with default popups that are huge data dumps and you can often find what you are looking for, but I like having more narrowly tailored ones for the specific stats I consult repeatedly; I can always still get the default just by clicking on the HUD field (though I do this rarely).
YES, please post whenever you get a chance, we'd love to hear it
December 30, 2013
so i've started designing my HUD in earnest, and here is what i have so far (many many thanks to those who contributed, i blatantly stole from a few of you!)
<opponent name>, (hands), TOTVPIP, TOTPFR, #BB
top line bigger font for TOTVPIP and TOTPFR and BB. gives you a good overview of basic info: who your opponent is, how relevant are these stats going to be, whats the first glance impression of his play, how much can i hope to accomplish vs his stack depth?
second line begins to tell more of a story: okay, i know his PFR, whats his RFI range look like? how does he perform vs 3b? planning on having a pop up for 3b that shows some squeeze stats…
still tinkering with what my postflop stats need to be, and i also think my preflop stats need some work. pop-up boxes next…
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