Well, to say that my summer in the TPE house for the WSOP was a failure would be a vast understatement. I went out there focused and prepared to do something epic. I did none of this. I had high hopes because in my limited live play experience I have had some pretty decent results. Nothing mind blowing, but I have done ok, including a second in a WPT prelim as well as some WSOP Circuit results that include a few final tables including a main event. I had just come off a cash in the PCA main event as well as making a couple deep runs in last years WSOP and I only played 5 events that year. My mind was in the right place but I wasn't prepared for the trouble I ran into.
I have had Sundays online before where I have thrown complete bricks in 30 to 40 tournaments and it's real frustrating. It happens to everyone, but the big difference is when you have a run like that in live poker it takes a month to do it. Given the fact I only have limited live experience, because I have only played a handful of live events every year for the last 5 or 6 years, I just wasn't ready for that. A couple times I got very close and pretty much bubbled for massive chip leading pots.
My 2nd tourney into the trip I was in the top 5 in chips with about 100 people left and 81 people payed. I ended up 3 betting my button with 98cc over a very aggro wizard. The flop was nothing but a absolute dream for me when it came T76 rainbow. I managed somehow to get it all in with this aggro wizard when he rolled over 66 the turn was a ace and I thought I was going to cruise to the final table with hella heaps. That is until the river 7 put me in the cage and on the rail. I was able to shake that one off because it was real early in the trip and although it sucked I would have many more chances in my epic summer.
Unfortunately for me I was running as bad as I could imagine. I know that every poker player has bad beat stories and every poker player thinks they run awful. I understand all of this, but it really just did seem like I was winning nothing for a while. People would jam nonsense on me and get there when I had monsters. I would lose every flip with AK and lose every flip to AK when those situations came up. Just was on the wrong side of the coin all month long. I finally snap went home when 2 nights ago I again accumulated alot of chips. I was pretty much the chip leader of the tourney the whole day. I got off to a great start and just kept building without a lot of showdowns and really felt in the zone. I had 200k in chips when the average stack was 45k. I hit a rough patch where a shorty 3 bet shoved my open with A9 and I had KK and he got there. And about 10 hands before that I lost AK to AL all in pre. I managed to fight my way back to about 175k when my bust out hand happened. 45 people were getting payed and there were about 65 people left. There were alot of chips at my table and one kid that had just busted fellow TPE pro cougars4444 on a real bad play.
Here's the break down. He opened utg which was pretty standard for him. He made it 4500 at 1000 2000 and was flatted by mid position person. I made it 12000 flat with QJcc he called and a mid position person called as well. Flop came Qd 10c 9c…again pretty close to a dream flop for me. It was checked to me and I made it 16500. He snap made it 41000 and the mid position person folded. I just decided that we were so close to the bubble that I didn't really want to mess around at this point and it was a pretty big pot already. So I jammed all my chips was 120k more to him to call. He tanks forever and finally calls with Q9 off. I wasn't thrilled but had so many outs I thought I could get there one time for all the chips. But the run out was 6d 4d. I simply said "nh gg" and got up and walked away without a cash yet again.
I snap tilted and went home. I'm considering going back to play the Main Event but not sure if I have it in me at this point. Failure in the poker world happens but its not something I am very good at dealing with. Also given the fact I've had some major health issues with the heart attack and all, I am not sure I should go back. I guess I have a few days to decide. I do wish everyone still out there battling the best of success.
If you have not already done so, make sure you check out the TPE Live Podcast!
Take it easy guys and good luck!
Enjoy the time away. You got big things happening for you, take the breather and recenter yourself. This trip hurts now, but I think in time you will not catagorize it as a failure. In all of the tourneys you played you really managed to put together a lot of stacks and were making really solid decisions. The results didn’t line up, but we all know that it swings back, just gotta get back into it. Your game is still top notch and you certainly didn’t do anything to counter that belief this summer.
I know it sucks now Bigdog, but from what I have seen, you always got it in good and sucked out or got totally coolered. Feel good about how well you played and know that variance just reared its ugly head. You have nearly $5m in online winnings (I hate you) and I bet 10 or 12 or 20 mtts without a cash would hardly phase you.
Focus on getting healthier, clear your mind, and if you go back I bet you will make some nice runs. Work on your health some though, because we need you around!!!
Bigdog, dont forget that you actually are one of the best people in the world at this game. Thats something i’d be extremely proud of if i were you.
Another thing is that i never knew about your past health issues, which are obv serious (the cardiac one).
So even more importantly than playing good poker, you gotta look after number one bro..
If going back to vegas means more stress, alcohol, poor diet, sitting in one place for hours at a time and your head is not in the right place to play solid poker – then i personally dont think you should go back.
Thats my doctorly advice fwiw
I do wish you the best in whatever decision you make though bud:)
Hey BigDog,
Dont you dare not go back , this is what you do and you KNOW you are destined for some big live results.
I would give my right arm to be in your position.
Get back out there and bring back the bacon to TPE
You have no idea how much you’ve helped my game. You’re the man.
The bottom line is you had your chips in the middle on most occasions with positive turnover. +EV
Yes, it hurts in the ‘ACTUAL”, but I know how professional you are, by watching your videos and results.
Get rid of the ‘ACTUAL EYES” and put on “EXPECTATION EYES”
Some how, some way, the postive turnover you accumulated has to pay you in the long run.
The results and money will flow to you somehow. That I know 100%. It is maths, the maths you teach us.
Get back on the horse, and ride it to the post.
Cheers and GL
Maybe I’m an eternal optomist, but there has got to be the day when on most occasions you get it in with the best hand…you win…period end of discussion…maybe when you’re getting near the final table in the big one…you save that final shove…maybe but I have my doubt’s.
I’ve believed and lived by T.J. Cloutier’s get it in with the best…there’s really no other way.