Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland Premiere Video – Maximus Main Event Win Mid Stages HH Review (Part 7)
[Total: 9    Average: 8.1/5]

MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12

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9 Responses to “Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland Premiere Video – Maximus Main Event Win Mid Stages HH Review (Part 7)”

  1. WizardZur

    I think flatting with AJs and betting turn is a bad line to take. You can’t realistically represent any hand on that board. Now you don’t know if your opponent has the goods or is rebluffing.

  2. loxxii

    Good to see that I played mistake free poker in this series. Obviously my last hand had to be AK vs QQ. Gotta win the flips.

    But seriously I wish I knew how I went out in this thing but the HH is in an old database I no longer have.

  3. MJ23STYLEz

    i know i have a lot to improve on when it comes to my video making skills and i WILL get much better at that in the future..thanks for the feedback tho bud i appreciate the honesty

  4. 888ash888

    I hate the haters Corey. You are trying to help and the armchair experts want to criticize you? Firstly I have never heard you say you always play perfect poker 100% of the time, secondly I doubt that too many of us TPE beginners are anywhere near to your standard and probably are not able to grasp much of what you are doing with your more subtle moves. Ignore the haters and please give us , especially me, many more hours of your vids

  5. kid_fro21


    With the AK hand around the 9 minute mark. On that board would you consider not c-betting? To me it looks like the better play because the only hand you are getting it in with is aq?

    I imagine everything else he goes in with is beating you and checking here gives them the opportunity to bluff the weaker hands they would normally fold to a c-bet.

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