Brendooor’s Premiere Series – Midstakes Live (Part 2)
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5 Responses to “Brendooor’s Premiere Series – Midstakes Live (Part 2)”

  1. dondiechote

    Hey thx for this Series.

    When you call AQ in the 33$ 6max Turbo a “Tournament Hand” which range you play the same way allin?


  2. PaulSmiley

    There is an aj float with back door draws early on. Don’t you think it is a little loose considering there is less fold equity earlier on against donks if you miss on turn and they check to you? I think the q10 suited semi float on flop I definitely agree with and liked that even early. Also I feel like the way I play I try not to float early or do anything too out of line since I do not like giving up and know donks early can not fold second pair.. Are you able to agree with a tighter approach maybe with this type of hand only early?

  3. PaulSmiley

    At the 7.30 mark you min raise with a5 suited from cut off in the $33. 15bb. Obv I would raise here, rarely open shove(buy in dependent and image). Would you agree with a say 2.3 raise on the basis that they are non regs and wouldnt understand that you might have a marginal hand and that there could be fold equity like you said. I am just saying this since the min raise is more likely to bring in a flat from kj off range, from a c stat.. Ecuse the over analysis haha.

  4. PaulSmiley

    I liked the aces hand from the button against the q10 off super over shover- donk on the dry flop. I feel like i may have got some good info on maybe making a guy like this do some weird ass chip dump. Do you think if you et half pot on flop he would still do this? I am only saying this cause if he doesn’t do what he did( and say he hypothetically had a semi strong holding FOR HIM say 8s or a7 etc, your kind of lessening the chance of building the pot to make him pot committed on the river. Also, say he flats and checks the turn, are you definitely 2/3 pot betting etc

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