bigdogpckt5s Lock Super Turbo Heads-Up Live Sweat (Part 2)
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9 Responses to “bigdogpckt5s Lock Super Turbo Heads-Up Live Sweat (Part 2)”

  1. pieknasprawa

    Hi Bigdog
    I tried your HU tactics and I must say its really works! I played it near ~100 sp mabye not much but i have very nice ROI.
    It will be cool if u could make video HU turbo or hyper turbo on P* other structure then lock poker

  2. xtremeungar

    One vid of this I guess was enough…. showing push and fold shoves etc… standard…. I guess we get the point… Maybe from Vegas you could not do much more….. nice job anyways bigdog….

  3. KeK442

    I agree. Watched these last night. I’m 22-8 playing anywhere from the $2 to the $8. (6-0 in the $2 ones)

    Do have one question BD – with the 10-7 hand, why did ya float? Just cause it’s 2 overs? Please explain the float a bit.

    Thanks and GL
    KasperUrCh1p5 – Lock

  4. KeK442

    Sorry one more thing – I was actually looking forward to seeing the multi tabling with these. I understand there may not be much commentary but would still enjoy a quick 15 min vid on it.


  5. Jarko

    So far 11 to 11 in 5€ super turbos but I marked how many bad beats I got and 5 games I lost to a quite big suck out. So I’ll keep trying!

  6. salgohgee

    Thanks Big Dog~ Been using the overall tactic from your videos, and I’ve been dominating HU in the $1.50 -$15 range. And even a couple $30-$60.

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