bigdogpckt5s Live Sweat – Midstages Revisited (Part 1)
MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Concepts In This Video: 3-Betting • Aggression • Bluffing • Bubble Play • C-Betting • Early Stages • Flatting • Fold Equity • Full Tilt • High Stakes • Large Fields • Midstages • Multi-Tabling • Poker Stars • Post-flop • pre-flop • Rebuys • Stack Sizes: 20-40bb • Table Dynamics • Table Image
would you have 3 bet with the AQ in the SB position when you have the A9
BigDog, can you expand your thoughts on the bust out hand of the 6-max tourney where you bet/3-bet shove A7o and get called by QT??? Do you have a read? How can you deduce he has nothing?
I find myself in these spots all the time where I raise with AK and miss the flop. I bet/3-bet shove with AK, they fold rarely, and they show up with top pair and sets and pair+draws most of the time. I shove because I can’t let go of my pretty hand, and pray that they have air.
nice video Casey, sick river call with 10s
Hey bigdog, I would also like to understand your way of thinking with the 3bet shove with the A7o. How did you really put him on air?
Re: A7o hand – it’s a dry board. Why would villain try to make Casey fold if he has a K? It’s unlikely they both have Kx here and there won’t really be any threatening turn cards. What Kx hands is he flatting with OOP there? It all adds up to not make a whole lot of sense. He was just clicking buttons.
I think there are a lot of Kings in his range…esp if hes calling off with Q high
Loved it… the A7 hand was sick… i dont get how he called either with a gutterball… ridiculous…. sick read bigdog… dry board yeah.. but thought he was calling any K after his check raise….. typical KQs,KJs hand he flatted pre LOL… tough luck for us…