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WOW WoW WoW – That was so amazing to see .
Thank you very much .
I sponged it like Spongebob !
too many busted draws to fold QQ there most likely he raises an earlier street with a set or str8
disagree. if we had chk turn then im more likely to call river. but with his bet size on river after our two barrel i dont expect a competent reg to bluff river against us or vb worse. i dont think this is your typical hand HU against a random where it would be an obv call.
at 14:35…im re-shipping that everytime…he’s shoving 8 bigs when blinds are going up and hitting him in the big blind the very next hand…i know he’s UTG, but i think A7 is still way ahead of his range…is this bad?
The only thing I wonder about the QQ hand was the villain’s riv bet sizing. Seems like with the blinds at 300/600 and with KidCardiff having 35,289 left in his stack, a 17,400 riv bet into a 24,230 pot is too big to be a value bet. Cardiff bet about 1/2 pot on the flop and about 40% of the pot on the turn. Why would the villain make a 3/4-pot riv bet when: 1) through his bet sizing, Cardiff gave no indication he was doing anything but extracting value from his hand and 2) gave no indication he would call a bet that large with something worse than what the villain is holding? Even if the villain hit trip 8s, Cardiff’s bets implied he either had an overpair or had set Jacks.
The villain is good enough that when he hit his trip 8s, he already accurately ranged Cardiff for an overpair and made the big riv bet to purposely appear like he was either bluffing or protecting a lesser pair.
QQ hand: you originally contemplated getting thin value on river from Jx type hands then second guessed yourself. Why not a put in a small blocker/value bet on river with intention of possibly folding depending on his raise size?
Ben Warrington
Thanks for the positive feedback guys..
Regarding the QQ hand- it did feel a little bit dirty having to click fold there on that board, I feel there is far more in his value range that beat my hand than in his bluff range, against two opponents. His bet size was big, which made it a little more tempting to call him down, but i still feel i was beat.
Re- bet/folding river i think is totally fine in this situation against randoms/weak regs. I thought Zach is somebody very capable of turning his hand into a bluff. Ie Jx where he has blockers and my perceived bet/call range is small. So actually on this river i would rather bet/call then bet/fold against this type of villain.
Thanks for the added thoughts on the hand. From his play Zack is definitely capable of some crafty moves. From what you wrote it seems that with all the thoughts you had about the hand, and after weighting the hands that you beat versus the hands that beat you, keeping your stack and having the freedom to take advantage of weaker players at the table was the correct move.
In the end, if you were wrong you would have been left with just under 30BB, which is an okay stack to continue pressing edges, but having an over 45BB stack allows you to be in a far more comfortable position.
Great vid, just curious why you didn’t put him on a set of sevens in your commentary. It felt like he hit the flop big and was waiting for you to hang yourself. I put him on a set 100% of the time here.
AWESOME VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally think he flatted you down with 10/9s, I could be wrong but that’s what I think..
With the QQ hand i think if zach had a set he would have raised on the flop or turn as the board is draw heavy. I think he had 9 10, he seems so comfortable calling both flop and turn and wasnt scared the board was wet, and the big bet on river makes it look bluffy ie missed draws but i think he had 9 10s for the straight
if he has a set or a straight why isn’t he raising the turn? He wants your whole stack and he cant get it with the pot that small. also, whatever his hand is will be vulnerable to something and he gives johnny great value to call behind and try and hit. after the flop he ended up winning 6k from you, and with a made hand he could have gotten much more with a turn raise and value river bet. also if he does have 109 and you have a set like someone suggested, then when he raises u might jam and he gets your stack.
I just joined TPE and started with this video series and I’m digging it! It’s a great live look at the decision making process as it happens and to hear what goes through your head. It’s also kind of nice to see a pro dealing with some frustrating hands that don’t go as planned. Side note: when I read the word “frustrating” I’m hearing you say it in my head with the same accent. haha On to part 3.
QQ Hand: Great merging bet (idk if this was his intention) by Zach but you had enough of a stack if you were wrong to be in good shape. I think the combinations of hands he has there is enough to call. He obviously can get some better hands to fold as QQ is the same as KK/AA there and he may be hero called by weaker jacks and middle pairs.. I think this was a great spot for him risking a small portion of his stack for a huge pot and if he is good enough to recognize that and hand read well this makes it a call. I think you should have bet folded or check called the river … check folding is not even on my radar in that hand… Also remember that you were very active on that table… though we saw that you actually picked up premiums most did not get shown down.
Good video. However, at times it is a little difficult to follow because there are so many tables in play.
New to TPE , enjoyed the QQ hand I would of played it just like that and folded there. then I probably tilt and spew . A little hard for me to follow all the action going on but learned a few things,. Thanks
Just wondering why you are not using a HUD and if you think you are missing out on anything by not using one?