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OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…..0 cashes yesterday for a net of around -$2,000…I'm not really sure because when this stuff happens its best not to count.

The more I think about the concept of being taxed a higher percentage of your income for making over a certain amount of money ($250,000/yr) the crazier I think our world is.  Are citizens that insane that they think they deserve money from another person's success?  Because someone is struggling on the lower end of the spectrum its the responsibility of an over achiever to pick up their slack?  I don't know, just my theory that taxing someone to succeed is only going to demotivate them to work hard.  For goodness sake we are placing a penalty on success, WTF is that about?

I'll end that rant before I go on for ages.  A new economy has just been set up in my home state of Massachusetts.  Medical marijuana has just been legalized and doctors will be giving away random anxiety diagnosis for patients to seek marijuana.  I currently do not smoke marijuana but I am fascinated with the plant itself.  People have taken its growth to the next level crossing genes to make the plants fruit have a variety of effects to the point where Gregor Mendel is doing a jig in heaven.  Not only that MA will be issuing licenses to dispense in May of 2013.  Any time there is a brand new product set up in a market the opportunity for financial gain is massive.  The opportunity to make a stupid investment and dust all your money is also there.

If only 35 licenses to dispense are given away in my home state I'm wondering what the chances of someone like myself obtaining one are.  I have 0 clue about the whole business but I know that it is incredibly lucrative if done the correct way.  If you can't obtain a license maybe it would be better to set up a hydroponic store that is in direct correlation with this new cultural boom?  Lots of opportunity, lots to think about.  I'm 26 years old and have been playing poker for 4 years.  I'm not saying I'm tired of it but I am saying if I don't branch out soon maybe I'll run out of options.


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10 Responses to “Above the Mean: Variance”

  1. ImYaHuckleberry

    Didn’t know you were from Ma. Me too, love the blog. Tough state to live in sometimes, don’t know how you manage to grind online. I have given it up for know. Just glad to know someone else from Ma is on here that I can vent to now.

  2. black666

    The reason for higher taxes on higher incomes is because those people can actually afford to pay a bigger share on the state’s expenses and still be fine. Or would you rather see the single mom with 2 kids pay more taxes when she can barely afford her rent?

  3. hurricanejeff

    So instead of keeping money in the hands of people who would benefit our economy we are going to give it to the woman who decided to get knocked up by a dead beat husband and make everyone else pay for her mistakes? I see both sides of the situation, but as a whole the rich paying for those exact cases has a negative effect on the country

  4. duggs

    tax brackets do make sense, but the world isnt as big as it used to be, companies routinely move to tax havens so there is now almost a ‘competitive market’ for tax rates, and of course the absurdly high earners are the most mobile.

    And benefit/support is done to maintain a minimum standard of living and hold down the crime rate, its much cheaper to pay someone a benefit for a % of their working lives than it is to incarcerate them for it. plus there is a moral/altruistic value aswell

  5. jortsu99

    Being poker player and all you kind of overlook pretty important part Jeff: luck. 10 guys each start own companies, work equally hard, are equally skilled, take same kind of risks, 1 becomes billionaire, 2 of them make a good living, 7 gets bankrupted. Life is a game of variance too, not just poker. Being result oriented is just as bad in real life as in poker. Maybe the 7 other guys still deserve something.

    Of course you have point that some people don´t want to get off their asses and work hard on something so maybe they don´t deserve all that they are getting, but inventing a perfect society system is something that some wise guys have really tried so give it shot Jeff! Also i recommend reading Nassim Taleb´s “Black Swan” and “Fooled by randomness” to get an idea about variance of life.

  6. Turandot

    The rich mans children,the poor mans children are they not of equal value?
    I saw a business owner bragging on TV.He proudly say -This company I been creating with my own two hands. (While a couple of mexican workers was working hard in the background.Probably on minimum wages.)American Dream FU!

  7. joey86bu

    .Who made the piss poor decisions of this single mom with 8 kids to 7 different dad? Having the safety net we do have only ensures that more people will screw up because they know they can go get “assistance”..

  8. joey86bu

    That business owner you are laughing at is providing jobs to people who provide a service. How crazy it is that now we point at it as something bad but no we say how dare he have an idea and the have the capital to hire people that benefit him and make the idea work. What are they teaching in schools these days?

  9. joey86bu

    Your right and it only creates dependency which the politicians like because they get guaranteed voters. This assistance that the people get they give up there pride and there control to the politician promising it. A horrible trade off imo.

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