In case you missed it, I recently had the idea of doing a 24 hour long grind session and giving a % of the profits to charity. Seemed like a good opportunity to challenge myself and hopefully make a little money (for myself and a good cause) in the process.
I threw it up on the forums and a few people expressed interest. Then suddenly a window of opportunity opened to do it. So I jumped on it and fired up at 5:20 PM EST on Tuesday.
Loxxii agreed to join me for the whole run, and a few other people offered to do a smaller amount of time. But we all hung out on Skype to keep each other company during the wee hours of the morning and make sure we stayed awake. I even found a way to “broadcast” our Skype session live via Teamviewer for TPE members to watch and listen in on.
Big thanks to Chris Moon, TiltedEV, Rivermen123, Marc Alioto and a bunch of others for joining in on the fun, and to everyone who followed along in TPE chat, on the live feed and via Twitter. I think a good time was had by all.
The session was a blast, although we all got off to a horrible start poker wise. I stone bubbled the $215 and the $109 which of course was more than a little frustrating. I was down close to $1000 when we hit the 12 hour mark. Luckily I managed to find my rungood and stay focused. I had a bunch of cashes, finished 2nd in the $15r and then in the second to last tournament of the 24 hour session, I shipped the $33 deepstack to get me back to just about even.
I was actually a bit shocked that I did not feel more tired during the session. Especially since i did not just wake up and start playing. When we kicked off, I had already been awake 7-8 hours. I did hit a bit of a wall at like 5 in the morning. But once the sun came up I started to get a second win and by the time we had finished I honestly thought I could have played another set of tournaments without too much trouble.
I was a little disappointed to have actually LOST a little money in this process. But then I remembered that I had made a few swaps with people, and after collecting on those swaps I found myself up a whole$200! OK, not life changing money but profit is profit and it was nice to be able to write at least a small check to the Triangle Beagle Rescue.
Let’s do it again some time!
And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter!!
This should be a monthly thing so that we can give back and hang out with each other.