TPE Member Turbulence Big 109 Win Hand History Review (Part 6)
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16 Responses to “TPE Member Turbulence Big 109 Win Hand History Review (Part 6)”

  1. bazaroi

    The AKs hand where Shaun doubles up. So a really LAG guy opens to 32k from the CO, and Shaun decided to jam his 36bb stack. Isn’t better to 3bet quite big, to like 85k or something? Especially if, as you said, he’s 4betting a ton. Shaun’s jam – in my mind – is going to make him fold a few hands he would be keen to 4b. Obv I was quite surprised with the 33 showdown.

  2. loxxii

    14min with ATo. The short stack shoves 2bb and the maniac isos with AJo. This hand dominates a huge part of the shortie’s range (Ax+) and he has a chance to take 4.5bbs.

    You say he should just flat and give others a chance to take him out for a pay jump. I always thought we should play for the win which means getting all the chips.

    This is new to me. Are there ever times when he should iso here or is this always a mistake on his part?

  3. Turbulence

    Thanks for all the great feedback and comments. Glad that you have enjoyed the series and have gained from it, I know I have.

    Thanks to TPE management for allowing me the opportunity to share this with the community, and with a great coach in Chris Moon!

  4. MovesLikeDarvin

    i agree with playing for the win, but here getting the shorties 2bb doesnt really give him “all the chips.” had it been for like 14 or something, it would put his stack at too great a risk to flat and allow someone else to win, but since its for 2.2-3x or whatever it was, he doesnt stand to gain too much a chip up, but can gain a nice pay jump in terms of real money, and not fear giving a 6bb pot to someone else

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