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TPE Member Turbulence Big 109 Win Hand History Review (Part 2)
[Total: 9    Average: 9.6/5]

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9 Responses to “TPE Member Turbulence Big 109 Win Hand History Review (Part 2)”

  1. Richard

    Imdanuts finished 2nd in the PCA main event in 2011, and also 2nd in the TCOOP main event in 2012 HU against betudontbet, who is also a TPE pro, 4th in the Sunday million in 2010, and has won the sunday 500.

    Don’t ask, I just study every reg on every site I play on super hard in my leasure. Didn’t have to look that up, lol. I often see some random mediocre reg on 888 and just think to myself, oh that’s this guy, he finished 9th in the sunday warmup in 2012! Bit nerdy, I know 😛

  2. at1977

    aurcan is i think the guy who took 2nd in wcoop 2012(lost vs djk123) 215$ buy in. He got owned vs djk123 so i think he just luckboxed to get to that point.

    Loving it so far keep it up boys!

  3. at1977

    Chris Oliver does some unortodox plays but mostly when he is raising PF. Still can’t forget pca when he finished 2nd, he raised the worst hands like 72o, 73o, 84o and he is def capable of some really loose stuff. Can’t blame you for calling his river bet eventhough that was first hand you played vs him and likely he did had you beat( calling your 3 bet oop was a sign he had a playable hand)

  4. MovesLikeDarvin

    yeah definitely, since our hand looks a lot like what it is (77+, Jx sometimes), the board doesnt even allow TT to bet in my opinion. so his value hands become {AJ, QQ+}, which are more than outweighed by his bluffs

  5. AleetleFEESH

    I like your discussion about not opening pocket 3’s UTG. With the stack sizes in the hand, what would you be opening with?

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